A relationship with a Narcissist has been compared to being on a roller coaster, with immense highs and immense lows. They have been described as the proverbial Jekyll and Hyde, one way one minute, another the next.
People usually get into relationships for love and the need to connect and bond with another. Narcissists get into relationships for entirely different reasons. They do not feel love and they lack the ability to connect and form normal attachment bonds with others.
Narcissists need people more than anyone. Because their entire sense of self-esteem and self-worth is dependent on the admiration of others, their emotions are a precarious balance of needing others and needing to be left alone.
Narcissists feel an enormous void inside of them. This void is ever present and the only thing that fills it, is the love and esteem of another. The fix is always temporary though. A Narcissist describes it this way, “It’s like my brain is constantly seeking something. It’s like I’m always chasing a carrot at the end of a stick. Nothing I do satisfies me, at least not for long. I feel like I only do things because I’m supposed to, because society does it. I don’t feel like I belong anywhere or with anyone.”
Narcissists are completely self-absorbed and are oblivious to the wants and needs of others. They enter into relationships in an attempt to fill this void and to make sure that they have someone who is always available for sex, an ego stroke or whatever need they may have. A relationship with a Narcissist always follows three phases, the over-evaluations phase, the devaluation phase and the discard phase.
The Over-evaluation Phase
A Narcissist is very careful when choosing a target. Typically, they will choose a victim based on their status. They must be attractive, popular, rich or extremely gifted in some area. The greater the status, the higher the value the Narcissist places on the Supply derived.
Once a target has been chosen, it’s almost like the Narcissist gets tunnel vision. They are hyper-vigilant in their pursuit and will project the perfect image that their victim wants them to be. They are excessively caring, loving and attentive at this stage. They shower their targets with attention, compliments and literally sweep them off their feet.
They place their target on a pedestal, idolize and worship them. Their target is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Here the Narcissist is ecstatic, full of hopes and dreams. They will talk and think about them constantly, they are euphoric. This is as close as a Narcissist will ever get to feeling love. This kind of idolization is what others would call infatuation.
The victim is likely so caught up in all the attention and is usually thinking at this point, that they have found their soul-mate. Their pursuer is exactly what they want in a partner (because the Narcissist is mirroring what they have learned appeals to their target) and they can’t believe how lucky they are and that this catch is still single.
What they don’t know, or could ever be prepared for, is what comes next.
The Devaluation Stage
The Over-Evaluation phase, if you’re dealing with a Somatic Narcissist, usually lasts anywhere from a few weeks to a couple of months, just long enough for the Narcissist to be confident that they have secured their target’s love and devotion. Unbeknownst to the target, what they were witnessing in the early phase was the Narcissist’s false self. In this second phase, the mask comes off and the Narcissist starts to reveal their true colours.
The shift could be gradual or almost seemingly overnight. Suddenly the attention they so lavishly gave you is gone and replace by indifference and silence. Days or weeks could go by and you won’t hear from them. They don’t return your phone calls, they don’t keep a single promise and you’re starting to suspect that they might be involved with someone else. The target is left baffled and confused and wondering what they did wrong to cause such an abrupt turnaround.
Narcissists become bored easily and what usually starts happening in their heads at this stage, is that the void begins to emerge again. The high they were feeding off of is waning and they begin to question your worthiness, that perhaps you weren’t so special after all, because if you were then the void wouldn’t still be there.
They become moody and agitated easily, blaming you for even the slightest transgression. They start to disappear more frequently and they give you the silent treatment in an attempt to create distance. As the Narcissist withdraws, the target starts to cling and your demands for his attention and your need to understand what’s happening, grate on his nerves. The harder you cling the more the Narcissist pulls away. They start to blame and criticize the target for everything, treating them like an emotional punching bag.
At this point the target is an emotional wreck. The Narcissist has left without any explanation and they can’t figure out how one minute they were put on a pedestal and now it’s like they doesn’t even exist. The Narcissist is a projector and they are projecting their emotional turmoil onto you. They feed off of other people’s misery (as long as it’s caused by them) just as much as they feeds off of your admiration, either way it makes no difference to them.
It is this person, this cruel, indifferent, unfeeling, sadist that is the behind the mask. Most targets desperately try to find the one they fell in love with. What they don’t realize is that that person never existed. They were a facade an act put on by the Narcissist to secure their Supply.
The Narcissist will take no responsibility for their actions, because they simply don’t care how they’ve treated you or how you are feeling.
Narcissists are not capable of forming normal healthy attachments to people. Those that aren’t familiar with the disorder are completely at a loss to understand how unnecessarily cruel their behavior can be. The target was never more than an object to the Narcissist, whose usefulness is on the decline.
The Narcissist isn’t one to throw away a potential piece of supply though. They will keep up this I love you, I love you not charade going for as long as it suits them or as long as you allow it. They will breeze in and out of your life as if nothing ever happened, completely oblivious and indifferent to your suffering.
This mind fuck is deliberate and they will keep feeding you crumbs of attention, just enough to keep you emotionally invested and available to cater to their every need.
At some point one of two things will happen: either they will find a new target and begin phase one with them, thus ignoring you completely, or you will have had enough of his psychotic abuse and you will take control and put an end to it, thus ushering In phase three.
The Discard Phase
It is almost baffling to watch the ease at which a Narcissist can pull away from his partners. Many targets are left asking themselves, “Did he ever love me? Did I mean anything to him?” The simple answer is no. No one means anything to him. Women are only a means to an end – to obtain the much needed Narcissistic Supply. Once your usefulness has run its course, you will be discarded abruptly and cruelly, without warning.
Trying to get over a relationship with a Narcissist is extremely difficult. Once it is over the target is usually an emotional wreck, whose self-esteem has been annihilated by the persistent demeaning behavior, insults and cruelty of the Narcissist. Depending on when they were able to break free, the target maybe a shadow of their former self, with a lot of work ahead of them to rebuild their shattered self-image.
As a victim tries to pick up the pieces, What must be remembered is that you were deliberately targeted, lied to and manipulated by a skilled con-artist, for their own gain. There was nothing you could have done differently and none of this was your fault. The Narcissist will repeat this pattern with every person, every time, bar none.
All former targets must be vigilantly on guard, because a Narcissist always reserves the right to revisit a former source of supply, no matter how much time has passed or how badly they’ve behaved.
Once you have broken free you must close the door on any and all contact, because if you don’t you’re headed back to a watered down version of Phase One – over and over and over again.
Your Comments!!!!!!!!
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I’m curious what you’d have to say about Steven Karpman’s “The Drama Triangle”, A rescuer could look a lot like a narcissist in the initial phase of a relationship it seems, no?
Also, would a narcissist warn the person at the start that they’re not interested in anything serious, or is that at odds with the typical narcissistic behavior?
I love your name by the way it holds special meaning for me as a dear loved one of mine shares it with you! I’m intrigued by your comment and yet I’m a little apprehensive to answer your questions or give you my opinion as to what I believe the answers are as there’s a propensity for discrepancy there and though most everyone who’s visited this sight and read the article and your comment is likely in the midsts of the turmoil w/a narcissist or fresh out of hell and trying to come to grips with what in the world just happened to them so I’m not surprised that no one has responded to your comment as of yet because of the very nature of what your asking. Now it’s seems to me what’s likely occurred for you provoking your comments here is likely a breakup or near breakup w/a partner that called you or accused you of being a narcissist. They may have listed a number of reasons they feel that categorize you with or essentially “prove this diagnosis”. Well let me just say first and for most unless they hold the current approval of licensure board with authority to issue them a license to make such a diagnosis and that license is in good standing w/o provisions and is non expired I would rest assured on that basis alone that w/o those credentials your partner is likely just saying things to hurt you and make you feel somehow inadequate & or diminish you’re self confidence bc you or someone else did that very same thing to them and they don’t have they required skill set to overcome those blows to their self esteem so just like we see children do they retaliate and try to knock you down to their level. Now it’s interesting to me that you selected the literature you chose to site in reference to your questions and further that you after reading this article you commented those questions fallowing it. Now I’m not “psychic” or anything however I am an accomplished knower of things due to a specific skill set I’ve developed over the course of my life that requires me to pay special attention to each word and what it means vs what it implies. This allows me to paint a very clear image of what’s actually taken place in any instance another provides a detailed account for. I’ve had phenomenal success helping others form their own understanding of every situation their faced with simply by taking what’s inferred and revealing what’s implied which provokes them to answer their own questions. I’m not going to reveal what’s implied by your questions as there’s a much needed preface in the back story before I would attempt to make any further assumptions regarding them. I will say this to close; I believe that what you’re really asking is simply based on your sited reference and subsequent questions your trying to uncover some truth about your self and you might even fear or question if you yourself are or could be a narcissist. If that’s the case I would encourage anyone who had similar questions to seek out the professional option of licensed practitioner qualified to make such a diagnosis. From my understanding of narcissists and having lived through 3 close relationships personally with narcissists and having know several more than that and watch the destruction they caused on other people; I will say that I have not personally seen or heard of a narcissist coming out in public formum to seek validation from strangers as to weather or not people share in their ideas as to how they believe they are not narcissists. When you call a narcissist a narcissist they don’t internalize that as an insult and they certainly don’t take anything anyone else says about them to heart bc they have no heart and everyone else is way dumber than them so they wouldn’t pay any attention to any criticism you gave them bc you couldn’t possibly be wiser than them about anything so even calling them out and providing a shopping list of details, examples and proof of your behavior matching that of a narcissist a true narcissist wouldn’t be concerned by your rambling on blah blah blah and they wouldn’t go to the trouble or effort to self evaluate because again that would require them to actually 1. Validate you and believe that you might actually know more than they do about anything which they are incapable of doing and further more to actually wonder if something that they’ve done potentially hurt another human being wouldn’t cross their mind either bc they only are aware of things every one has done to them and they don’t care about ANYONE else. So I’m not saying you are or are not and I’m certainly not saying I have any insite on your personal situation all of my thoughts aforementioned are merely educated guesses and assumptions made by your fairly vague comment. This is not intended to offend you or anyone else but rather just provide a thought as to your inquiry. Be well and vigilant always and please take good care❤️
Spot on. Was involved with a physically beautiful mom of 2 young kids (divorced) and was put on a wild ride almost immediately- tracking exactly like author described.
Went on for 2 years… I had never been around or knew of narcissistic behaviors; reading above was a complete revelation for me!!
Doubly hurtful when a giving personality is left to question there entire persona and values!
I still don’t know whether to feel sorry for this person or anger…. I trust time will bring correct closure.
Bang on, sis! ~ thankyou for this. Very clear and well-written. Take care and all the best for 2021! ~
I am amidst a nasty breakup right now and this article describes everything my ex has done and is doing right now. We were together almost a year which isn’t an incredibly large amount of time but long enough for me to fall madly in love with this person. I am currently in the disguard phase as she has completely ghosted me for 7days now. She has disappeared for longer before but she was still talking to me via text… This is the first time she has gone completely no contact on me and I have to say… It hurts incredibly. I keep asking myself how could someone I love so much abandon me without any hesitation like a garbage can on the street? Things were great for the first 4-5months… After that it was a gradual descending to the gates of Hell. I did things wrong and I openly admit that but anything she has dobe to hurt me isn’t even up for discussion and it was baffling me. . After reading several articles on NPD I don’t know how I didn’t notice all of this happening while it was happening? I guess I did notice but I didn’t know what it was or what to do.. I just know I live this woman with every ounce of my being and she had no problem leaving me and the memories we had made behind and not look back. I would like to say after reading this . . If she comes back (she will have to at some point to get what belongings she has left here) I wont entertain her bullshit. The truth is I am so enamored by her that I would probably take her back instantly despite literally all of my friends and family telling me to get rid of her because she brings nothing to the table and will just keep hurting me… This sucks 🙁
I have only just seen this comment, but I can only say that I hope you are in a better place now. I have had a 10 year relationship with a narcissist and I am finally over the unbearable pain I have felt many times when I have been hurt and discarded by him. I still miss him, but I no longer yearn for him as I know that the relationship is toxic and cannot be sustained. He has been lovely to me for a long while now, but then went no contact last week because he felt I was not giving him what he needed. Yet another discard! Everything is about him, and in true narcissist style, he will never change and I no longer care. I hope you can reach that place. Good luck.
im there. i have been again and again for the last 20 yrs. except its become so blatant im afraid he may become physically abusive as well. i had no clue. i moved away and i moved back a year ago to spend the last couple yrs of my life with those i care most for. he told me he wanted to live with me. ive been given my death sentence. he knows too. and ive been on the most severe roller coaster ride of my life this last year. im now living in a very dangerous neighborhood alone because he runs away to his moms whenever he wants for whatever reason, usually his oen bad behavior he wont apologise for or account for. ive never closed the door to him when he returns. and this lasy year i literally begged him to twice where i never did before and i think because he knows im afraid to be alone here he had gotten worse. his mom who i know used to like me and we were friends doesnt really talk to me like she used to.i know he must have lied to her about me somewhere along the way. ive not caused any harm to him or his life. his world is the same toda as it was 20 yrs ago when i met him except he isnt the nice sweet wonderful guy he was when i met him. ive been his friend. i made a concious decision to be friends. but i thought at the time he was my friend as well and im seeing all of it now the whole picture and im literally treading water trying to not drown in the enormity of it and the pain and well humiliation and fear. my god. are thesr people who are narcissists monsters then? not unlike a rapist or serial killer? theyre dangerous then correct? how is one to know they are like this before theyre whole life is gone and theyre left with nothing but misery to show for it? i dont want to be here anymore. im too ashamed to tell my family what a fool ive really been.
It’s amazing how much shame they can inflict on anyone, so tactfully and maliciously effortlessly purposely and methodically. All the energy time and effort they put in to literally destroy and break down our actual selves as humans. While feeling pride about it and thinking they’re some special being dishing out some deserved punishment totally justified. If that’s not evil I’m not sure what is. You’ve nothing to feel embarrassed or shameful for. I know exactly what you mean and that you can’t just all the sudden get back to the you before then- it’s of course always easier for those on the outside looking in to see things than when you’re in the deep of it on the daily and I’m pretty sure knowing we shouldn’t have put up with any of the BS asking wtf was I thinking and self blame is one of the universal things the bastards implement in their strategic destruction of us. Ridiculous as heck too bad we can’t snap out of it as easily as we fall into it
Charles I did not know what a Covert Narcissist was until two years ago. Met her at 17 and she patiently waited for 35 years when I was single and hurting. Its not your fault and it happens in a way you never see it coming and why would you? My eyes opened about a year ago and I have taken her back over and over. Maybe I am wrong, Maybe I can be the one who loves her and helps. (Sadly it has nothing to do with you as the person, but your supply be it happy or mad or sad all works for her. She will return, yes she will and you may take her back. Remember this: your not alone, your not stupid, and she will prove to be the victim no matter what. She has trained all her life for this, and you as a normal guy are using logic, love, empathy, and she is using a set of tools. I wrote and copied over 150 pages from my notes with her, notes on line, speeches and still I wonder if I am wrong. (How many times in my 53 years do I write 150 about my ex wife or ex girlfriend. Never) You can only win by walking away quietly and it being all your fault to the whole world. (When you just loved her.) Your eyes are open but the road is so hard because I keep slipping, your not alone.
You are not alone either. My story is remarkable similar to yours. I walked away a year ago, just found out she had a new supply already lined up and jumped 4 weeks after. The hard part is that all the memories are a lie as well. But , we are much better off gone. I now do no contact. But I also know in while she will try to re-establish . It is the nature of the beast.
Hang in there; they are shameless victim blamers. Just assume everything is true, all your worst fears about who they really are… and it’s probably even worse.. just don’t dig and try to heal they never will
I need advice desperately!! I’m afraid my boyfriend of almost 8 years is a narcissist. I, myself have a clinical diagnosis of borderline personality disorder. How do I discern what, if any, parts of our relationship are him being a narcissistic psycho and how much are me being my typical “nutjob” self? Does my diagnosis even matter since I know he’s a narc? What should I do, without causing more mental health issues for myself than i’m already dealing with? Is it even worth trying to get help for us? Physical violence is a constant fear for me, yet i’m less afraid of what i’ve been living the last 8 years, than I am about what would I do on my own? Plz no judgment, i’m not a friggin idiot. Just share your view with me. I only have a little inner light left.
Hey did you ever get any support? Your post is old now, just stumbled across it. You sound afraid of your partner and that he may be violent toward you. You are worthy of safety no matter what diagnoses you have. Please please call a local women’s shelter, visit loveisrespect.org, or read Why Does He Do That by Lundy Bancroft. I hope you are doing ok. Just because you have BPD doesn’t mean you don’t deserve love and a healthy partner.
Thank you so much for this post, and everyone who wrote comments. It makes me feel slightly less crazy after falling in love with someone I now suspect is a narc. I joined his band (/cult-like vanity solo project; he manipulates all the 10+ band members into believing it’s a band but all the “band” pictures are basically just pictures of him) 1.5 years ago after meeting and being thoroughly charmed by him. He had a girlfriend at the time but after a while started pursuing me, I fell for it, and he left her to be with me. However after being extremely intense at the beginning (messaging all the time, constantly saying how great I was & all the classic love-bombing moves), we didn’t work out because I could feel he wasn’t letting me in emotionally, I noticed his attention slipping after the love-bombing phase (unanswered texts, frequently bringing up his exes etc) when he knew I was emotionally hooked, and he would make little comments putting me down over various things. I didn’t know about narcissism at the time but I told him I felt like he’d put me on a pedestal and I could never live up to it in real life. However, when we met up to talk it was like he’d had a personality transplant and was really cold- he turned up very late, didn’t apologise and despite me ending it with him he just listed all the things that were wrong with me and said he’d only ever liked me as a friend. I left the band temporarily to get over it, but we stayed in contact and he asked me to play another gig with them. However, when he asked me to formally rejoin after the gig I said I didn’t want to be his bass bitch and that I’d have to think about it. The next time we spoke (after he’d spent the weekend giving all the band members nicknames except me knowing I’d see, etc) I stupidly said I’ve thought about it and I want to rejoin, but he turned round and said “actually we’ve decided we don’t want you” and listed all these things other things apparently wrong with me, treating me like an employee. I just said “ok if that’s what you want” and hung up because I knew there was no point arguing, but I found out later he’d told the band members I’d thrown a massive tantrum and told him to f*** off etc. I wish I had! I’ve since blocked him on everything and we won’t ever speak again, but I still vacillate between feeling like I ruined things with such a great guy, and thinking I’ve dodged a bullet. He has many other narcissistic traits I can’t fit in here, but we never really got to the evil abuse stage because things ended so abruptly. The annoying thing is he was really talented, and I miss being part of the band- I’m terrified they’ll be successful and I’ll have to watch him. I feel like my confidence has been completely destroyed by my horrible year with him- I really loved him and going from being treated by someone you love like the most amazing woman in the world to no better than a piece of trash is extremely hard to get over.
I’m impressed to see some people are able to free yourselves from the narcissistic relationship. After 50 years I’m still stuck on a weird roller coaster with my covert narcissist. I grew up with the realty of any kind of affection always having a price to pay. My love for my husband is long gone . I’ve lost having a relationship with of my children due to the his selfishness. I am weighted down by the reality of not having anyone including my othe 2 children ( who say: its just his way, he’ll get over it, he always does) that would support my leaving. Life is prison like at times but I’ve already lost so much & don’t want to loose everything. Run you youngsters run run run & don’t look back
I have never heard of this until I met my ex. We worked together is how we met and at first she was with someone so i did not persu her then they broke up so we started talking. At first we just talked n the phone and Facebook or at work. And i didn’t pay any attention to the fact that she was always the victim in every relationship she had been in. I just felt bad for her, so then we hung out a few times before even having sex because I wanted this to be different. I have had many girlfriends and many 1 night stands so I wanted to try and make this a real attempt at a relationship. After hanging out a few times we had sex and then we were around each other all day every day for about 2 months. In this time she revealed to me about all the times she had cheated on her x and I was like wow who is this girl? She was proud that she had never been caught and just bragged about it . She was so proud to tell me that her x let his best friend live with them for a few months and she was sleeping with him every day??!! So back to us after about 2 months every thing was going great then her x told her that I was some horrible drug dealer. She believed this did not even come to me to talk about it just came got her stuff n left . I was pretty bummed out I don’t love people and I fell for her hard I asked her please don’t hurt me I have a hard time trusting people as it is . She could have cared less gone didn’t talk for a little over a month then she messaged me and asked if I was dating this other girl I told her no . She apologized came back we had sex she said she was so sorry for believing her x a d she still loves me . This was about 3 weeks ago now she is doing the same thing she did as she was breaking up with me the 1st time
Doesn’t answer my text I’m the one that has to initiate a conversation and when she answers it is I word answers . She was telling me she loved me again and calling me baby and I say it now she acts like she didn’t see it .. So I’m assuming that she is on to something else or someone else again it just sucks because I really loved her and now she just backed my reasoning for not loving someone because they just hurt u in the end ..
I’ve just been through this, with my BOSS of all people.
He was going through a marriage split and turned to me – I thought he was so sincere and supported him.
At our Xmas party last year he told me out of the blue that I was the reason he wanted to leave her as he was falling for me – I was so shocked I passed it off and said he was just confused cos I’d been there for him. He then began texting me out of work all the time, making excuses to stay behind and talk after work and kissed me just before Xmas. He told me that he’d imagined our weekends together, that he wondered if my Mum would like him and that he wanted to meet my friends. He even told me that he’d got so jealous when I went on a Tinder date the previous Summer, he’d used one of my team to try and make me jealous!! (How did I not see that red flag??)
Shortly after this he said he was leaving his wife, which he did and he moved into an apartment nearer to me than his family – the first night there he asked to meet me for a drink as he was lonely on his own for the first time. Now, he’s very attractive and I was weak and, after a few drinks, he kissed me again and things…happened. He told me “This is it, this is long term you know”, that he loved having em with him in his flat and to come back the following night.
From there he quickly began devaluing me, at times he’d distance himself from me, others he’d be kissing me and telling me “You know how I feel about you”.
The week after we slept together we were at an awards event for work and a friend/colleague of mine got very drunk and was trying to kiss him (Like I said, he’s a good looking guy!) She was taken home and he was all over me that night. The next morning I told my friend what she’d done and, although she was embarrassed, told me that he’d kissed her at the end of the night at the Xmas party – THE SAME ONE WHEN HE CONFESSED HIS LOVE FOR ME!
I asked him and he brushed it off, drunken mistake, meant nothing etc and said he wanted to take thing slower with me date me and treat me.
Ever since he’s either ignored me or pulled me back in, but I found out that he’d been texting my friend all night, every night for the last few weeks! Every time I asked he denied there was anything to it, until yesterday when I told him I didn’t want to carry on and asked again, where he admitted that things were developing with this girl as she’s so easy to talk to, doesn’t put any pressure on him and let’s him escape from all his problems.
This article has made me realise that it’s not me, it’s him. I am a classic caregiver, I always think I can fix people and he saw me coming.
He’s a textbook narcissist and has squeezed all three stages into 2 months!!! Fortunately this meant that I hadn’t fallen head over heels in love with him an can watch him move on to his new target and thank God it’s not me.
PS After ignoring me all day in work yesterday, as he was upset that I’d walked away from him, he’s now clearly trying to reel me back in, being super nice and friendly, loads of emails. I know it’s only a matter of time until he’ll try and win me over, but…I don’t think so mate!!!
Be strong, move away if it kills you and leave them their own devices – you’re better than any of them!!!
You are sooooooooooo RIGHT! The man I fell hard for could have been a greek warrior in stature. Such a beautiful man, all muscle, 6″1 245 lbs. A smile any woman would fall for. 2 totally different personalities. Could be so sweet one minute & a verbally, physical, emotionally abusive demon the next. I kid u not. So evil & such a vile tongue. A very vilolent man who shouldn’t even be walking the streets. The woman I’m sure he has now will go through the exact same thing I went through for 2 years. I had such a hard time getting him out of my apt. He would always leave something behind. Would creep around whenever he pleased knowing he was no longer wanted. I have him blocked on my phone, have the locks changed on the door but that really means nothing because when he gets ready & decides he wants to drop by he will & pretend nothing ever happened. It was all me, all my fault he said or did this or that. I’ve heard it all. He thinks he owns everythings no matter who’s things they are. Everything belongs to him. My neighbor told me one day, that is one crazy man! I said, “yes he is”. A very dangerous man. Mark my words he will hurt some woman so bad one day physically.
I’ll never understand how they could treat other people so cruelly and ruin them in everyway they claimed to love and still pretend they were thr victim.
I have photos she used to send I was so proud of her for and she was cheating in these special trips for her growth.. in one there’s a guy under the blanket and her stupid smile gives it away its so sick.. we were inly dating a few months. She acted like we were soul mates.. Why do that? Why not just say I don’t want to be in a relationship I’m horrible.. grrr
I met my narcassist when I was fourteen in high school. He said he fell in love with me then.
We were only
Friends , but he said he had always wanted more. It started my senior year of high school , I made a silly face at him that upset him and he didn’t speak to me for a year. I left for college , he went to military , wrote me letters . I married my college sweetheart and he came to wedding. He contacted me here and there with a happy Birthday. He got married ( to a lesbian) .
In our 40’s he would contact me on fb on a Friday night . He would reel me in telling me his feelings . ( My marraige was toxic) he then would shoot me a message the next day telling me to leave him alone , he’s married . It would be followed by pictures of he and his wife on fb and how much he loved her. And other photos of lingerie clad 20 year olds .
This went on for a few years . I ended up getting a divorce…. then he would come to school on my side of town and want to go have hot chocolate.) He had permission from his then wife . ). She didn’t care , she actually told him he was going to end up hurting me!)
We talked like old friends , I was drawn to him being so drawn to me . He would hug me and I could tell he wanted to be with me. But again , fb would tell me different the following day.
One day we met for coffee ( we had never kissed or made contact in any way but hugging) … we decided to see a movie and I leaned back into his arm and felt like I was home . By this point he had told me his wife was gay, so I felt there may be a future for us finally.
The next day we met for coffee again. I walked up to meet him and put my hand on his chest . He pushed it away. I couldn’t believe it. We sat down and he started to tell me that he loved me, but loved what he had at home. I. Was. Devastated .
I knew then that I would never be his number one . I got up and left .
A year later I received a text with an “ I’m sorry” Inviting me to talk to him later via fb. We talked for 5’hours. He explained his marraige , his wife having a girlfriend, his decision to get a divorce. The next day I contacted him via fb and got ( you guessed it) the cold shoulder.
I was so incredibly angry I sent him an long angry message that told him he has been using me since day 1 for an ego boost. I never received a reply
I sent another message saying “ case on point”. A couple of weeks later. Finally he responded saying he was in a bad place… had a hard time with divorce… but no reference to my letter , no apology . That was in December . In February I received a text saying he wanted to meet me at cracker Harrell, that he finally got out of his dark place. I went . He strutted in and kissed me like he owned the place. I thought it was arrogant of him . We talked and decided to start seeing each other .’I had been dating others during this time and he said he wanted to be part of the mix ( not true)
We started dating only each other and he treated me like a queen . Buying me things , moving in with me , taking over …..signed a lease together then deciding to stay living where he was. At this point the showeringbof love had dwindled. While at his house he was attacking my character then said I was too sensitive.( trigger from previous marraige ) I got angry and said “ fuck you”!, instead of attacking his character . He told me to leave , he was done. He didn’t contact me other than to say his plans for dividing money . I ended up in the hospital with grief . Discarded just like that … again.
After a month or two he contacting me apologizing , wanting to meet me at my sons graduation. I reluctantly agreed. While there he wanted to know what was wrong with me , why I wasn’t all warm and fuzzy…!
After graduation he took my boys and I to dinner and apologized to them for how he treated me .
Eventually I moved in with him and things went down hill . He convinced me to marry him for insurance until we could have the ceremony . ( never happened ) as soon as I signed the paper he started acting different . Everything was my fault , I needed therapy , etc etc . Well, I gained 50 lbs , I went to therapy , he continued to stack my character and one day over text he through me out . Telling me to get my shit and get out . My son was with me , his dad had passed away and he was depressed and a mess. We moved in with my dad that day and I could barely hold my head up , but my so.n needed me. I got him into a program and then I broke down …. eventually got a mindless job and started therapy . I tried contacting my husband but got nothing ….. nothing for four and s half months … not a word.
One day I received a long email explaining himself , I didn’t reply . Next day another email …. more apologies this time. I didn’t reply …. next day a song he wrote … finally I replied .
He wanted to meet me and tell me about his new found epiphany in therapy. I told him I didn’t trust him but would meet him to hear what he had to say . He cried and cried and cried , apologized …. etc promised he’d changed , was going to continue therapy. I agreed to see him off and on, never committing and he knew that. He made damn sure to let me know he’d leave if I started seeing anyone or was unfaithful ( never had been ) Tried convincing me to come back to him but I told him I was still angry and hadn’t healed from his last stunt. During this time of One year, he slowly forgot all the apologies he made , slowly became upset that I still didn’t trust him. I had been gaining more trust , enough that he’d decided to move to my town with his daughter . Well , one day over text he told me he was the most loyal man in the world. I said I don’t think throwing someone out is loyal. He got angry and said if I said that again I would never hear from him again.’ I told him not to threaten me … he said it again…..Then i said don’t threaten me again….. he said “ bye, you blew it”.
I couldn’t believe it . Once again discarded.
He said that If I apologized and promised
To change my behavior , then I could come back to him. I told him I never left. He kept insisting that I left him and didn’t want the relationship. That everything was my fault … etc etc. well I just kept telling him I never left. He decided to get a house where he was instead of moving ( he said there was nothing for him where I lived ). He did this without telling me . I got the cold shoulder again, only this time an occasional un” you can still come back if you apologize “…. I told him I never left ….. I eventually got my final ultimatum In April saying if I didn’t come crack by the 1’st, the door would be closed for good. Well, I was at his house the day before and he refusedTo see me. ( I was there to see my son, not to come back, but still, what if I had wanted to come back? He wouldn’t have seen me anyway) so on April first I was told that he was done , that even if he wanted to he wouldn’t come back because he had to protect himself from me. During these times he kicked me out and got rid of me , he threw me under the bus to friends and family . Telling them I was too needy .
So now , I’ve been ignored off and on since October , but completely ghosted since April.
His ex told me he was a narcassit … he definitely does
Things to get admiration and is an expert in hovering and discarding . I guess I have trouble with thinking this is all premeditated . But really , I regret even speaking to him again after he threw me out the first time . I don’t know if I can trust anyone again. 30 years of this ,
What a waste of me
Thanks for sharing. A lot of this has happened to me. Knowing that it will not change helps me. Thanks.
Suzy your story made me as tired as my own. I am so sorry you went through what you did. I can relate to “What a waste of me”. I hope you are in a better place at this point in time! <3
34 years i gave to this man. He swept me off my feet put me up on the pedestal. I was his princess..ugh
Months into the relationship I got pregnant. During that time while my brother in law was in jail for a year my husband then was sleeping with my sister. I could not for the life of me wonder why for years he openly and publicly accused me off sleeping with another man while I was pregnant. He spent 30 years discrediting me and turning 5 kids against me. He removed and slept with any friend I had male or female. All the while accusing me of the same behavior. Months into it I realised he had a drinking problem Thats when most of the abuse started. First it was the cheating while I was pregnant to relieve him of his indiscretions. Then the threats of him taking our then 1 yr old daughter to his family to raise if I left him. Sadly I was a stay at home mother for YEARS. He would support me years later to find a job but as soon as |I started he would work his magic have me sleeping with everyone in town even on a smoke break and eventually I gave it up due to stress and the fact he had everyone in our small town believing I was a slut/Whore. He accused me of indiscretions with his brother to again alleviate him. My second child was premature and the stress of losing her and being hundreds of miles away from he(we lived way up north so they couldnt care for her there and shipped her south without me to a neonatal unit. 3 months later I got to get her but she was on a monitor for a year and serious medication. During that time I deveopled anxiety attacks that eveyone told me was just me going crazy,.Years of crippling anxiety social anxiety depression and 15 years of insomnia left me a puddle on the floor. It took years to pick myself up and get out. I did left for a year and his antics and assassinating my character to everyone we knew killed me. 5 kids and many years later only 1 really cares to talk to me as I treated their Dad so poorly for years?!!! He slept with 3 of my best friends, my sister and one my gay best friend.. Would discredit anyone I tried to be friends with and find something wrong with them all the while skirting behind my back with them. Accused me of making him impotent by accusing him of cheating. Told me after I left him for the third fourth fifth time i dont remember now how many times that he was seeing a counsellor because I broke him and said the counsellor told him half of what I say to him is crazy bullshit then 4 days later found out it was a lie no counsellor??! He has ruined my relationships with all my family members. Having outside support is not a thing I have no one and have had no one on my said for years because he cares so much about what other people think that he has painted me as a crazy selfish bitch. No one really know who he is but me and our kids but they all protect him. He used them as a shield and runs to them everytime there is even a small fight. He has lined my kids up in front of me to make me admit I was and am a cheater. They hate me and love him. Everyone hates me…THEY LOVE HIM!!?? And here I am alone still here no place to go in absolute fear of everything taking it all again worse each time. I cannot get my head straight enough to let go. WHY WHY WHY Will I ever have a lie am I ever to be loved in this world? I am 50 now and the regrets are destroying any hope of a positive optimistic future. I am broke have a criminal record I took for him at 24 to keep him out of jail…No clue that I would pay for years for him!!! No education left school in gr 9 to run from a mother who was a nasty bitch. No friends and no light at the end of this tunnel!! WILL HIS KARMA ever come back to him? I Pray everyday it does. I could write a book on what he has done how my life played out..Its insane to even think I put myself through that. I always thought |I was strong enough to not put up with it. But to raise my kids I DID just that. I hate him cant stand the site of him but WHY when I do leave him am I fearing for my life always in a panic to get back to the abuse and needing his reassurance on everything??. He figured I would be nothing a nobody…Why do I always feel trapped and yet am not? I pray for a future a safe and loving one or am I doomed to just be useed all my life? NOT!
I’m seriously struggling dealing with all of this. I don’t even know how to begin healing. It’s been months and he moved In with someone else to have an instant family straight away after I gave everything for him to have his son. Toys furniture books clothes food shelter cars and he just upped and left. How do you reconcile that?
Mine three weeks old.. 10 years .. Ugh. So much that i cant even begin.. Last fight he accussed me of thinking i wassuperior to him. Hes already on to his next.. Which i swear to god is crazier than him…..still trauma bond has issues…but trying hard..
Hang in there Erin. It takes time (and often sometimes therapy). I was in a 20-year marriage with a narcissist who had me fooled since we were in high school together 30 years ago! Four children later he is emotionally damaging our poor kids with the same Jekyll/Hyde and abandonment behavior. Just know that this person was broken and damaged before they ever met you and that none of it is your fault. There is no rhyme or reason as they are a rational and not normal and their behavior. There are normal men and women out there who do not behave this way and who know how to love and be loved.
Not sure.but with all the problems I’ve had .in mean while last 2 years tried 2 develope a relationship with a man similar..to,what u,speak of..viol tongue is little going easy description when he verbally makes me angry…he is extremely skilled.I can’t seem 2 say no 2 him .iv e tried 2 end it .but it want.an I know he lies..cheats.then vents back my personnel family stuff .iv e confided in him bout.when he said he’d be ther 4 me an listen an trust him…but when,he lies or cheats or cusses me.calls me vicious names 4 no reason says I’m a sorry (b) an then throughs my family’s problem .back in my face.an my depression has worsened instead .of think in I’d found my rite one man of dreams..in same time of turmoil goin on at same time in my life..but I do lve him,.but I don’t want 2 even go see,him.an,dread almost ever weekend…the drinking.narcsistic rages .an then lie or he don’t remember what he said or did..then uses the I love u .cantvlive without u game.his smartass mouth.sometimes I don’t give full temper back 2 him .but.I know .it’s best not.because of his anger when he rages..if I do Something could happen bad, so I walk away soon as I find his calm moment in the storm an leave.slowly but swiftly as possible..of course I do worry 4 him.but my nerves are at the boiling over point.the exhaustion level dealing with his extra severe false rage an lies.an his verbal mouth an alcohol.I just want 2 sleep for days and can’t because .Mondays always come.an then the week starts again.cycle dreading week end no time for me 2 breath an get away..they are lovable but toxic at same time..still trying 2 end it an then I can deal with the hurt later on my,own time that I don’t hve rite now..
A pretty good article, my only criticism would be that the article seems to imply that only men can be narcissists. I am a man who has experienced being in a [short term] relationship with a female narcissist; the article accurately describes the phases I experienced.
Jake I do not imply that at all. In over 400 blogs I may choose a different pronoun here and there. That’s my prerogative as the writer.
I didn’t take away that only men can be was implied in the use of pronouns in your article, It was written by a woman and the use of pronouns was a part of the experience reading is for, the writers own experiences that she shared to help others and I can imagine would have helped the “I’m know I’m not crazy” feeling that is experienced through the read. Did that make since? I’m in a narcissistic personality disorder relationship that is also addicted to meth, I don’t have a out and to even get away would result in me loosing everything, I’m a 50 yr old woman that was convinced I didn’t need to work when we married, Pryor to my amazingly stupid decision to let myself believe that to be true I had supported myself from the age of 17, made it to 50 before I was enlightened to my now inescapable situation, I was a tall beautiful strong proud woman and happy, alone or in a relationship, I have transformed into what I can only describe as feeling and looking like a “what drugs do to you” before and after photo of my former self. I was dazzled into literally writing off every penny I would ever have $95,000. as a “gift of equity” to buy the home I was living in witch he secured the loan via good credit and he pays the mortgage bills etc. I’m a victim of my choices and almost feel embarrassed at how stupid I am, now at 51 I get to look for a job after I haven’t worked in 5 years, I was a bartender and bar manager for 30 years, I was a extremely good high volume bartender and now it’s not like I have left myself with even a skill that I can get a job that would even able me to afford a one room apartment while I watch this man destroy the home I grew up in, I fought my own family to buy the house I had lived in and still lived in because they wanted to sell it thinking of only the $, the second they got paid I haven’t seen or heard from either again, all this within a 6 month time frame, my mother passes away, the bar I worked for 10 years was sold and closed, my sister basically trying to evict me, showing my home while I’m living in it! Seriously there’s a walking tour of 5 people walking through my house to buy that I’m literally waiting for escrow to close. My lucky “I just won the lotto” narcissistic personality disorder meth head walked into my life. The magical things that are now my “I guess I wait to die now” daily though followed by the “ I’m not crazy, and not letting myself take it anymore!” are logically thought out at what I will face, the endless torture and spiteful things that he will do to this home and I will loose everything I have and watch as he makes it obsession to do everything to hurt me. I will have to walk away from the home. Wow, I just vented! I’m so lost and a mess, and the joy of menopause is the sprinkles on the Sunday I built, it’s has to sound unrealistic because it has so many layers but at least I still have a little of my sense of humor and snarky jokes help, like if it’s a full moon I’m pretty sure no jury would convict me, and I have a car with a huge trunk, a good shovel and a friend who can keep a secret. Ha, jokes. Maybe I’ll at least be helpful in a physiologist being able to write there thesis on me. Thanks to anyone who made it through this ranting and vent read, SurlyD
Very valid point.
I met my “Narc” on F/B . It started out so nice with all the compliments on how beautiful and intelligent I am etc. Before we actually hooked up he told me that he had been seduced at an early age by his mother repeatedly! When his father caught her in an act with him he almost killed her. Naturally, I was touched by this as I had been sexually abused as a child and recently widowed and
a retired educator. With no money problems. Doing the affair he would ask me to “dress up” in specific sexual way out of the blue and send him photos…or ask me to make up stories where he’d have sex with me and my daughter! This I couldn’t do!!! Natural he’d get pissed.He’d also send me frequent pictures of him masturbating, and tell me that he has to punish me. I have trust issues obviously with men and he’d play on that one asking for details of my child abuse while he masturbated as we texted. I would cry afterwards and wonder why would he want me to rehash such a horrible time in my life. We don’t live close by one another (65 mil) difference, He’s his wife threw him out so he says and his ex of 8yrs. treated him like a 5th fiddle. And I fell for all this , loaning him money that he never repaid for his sons birthday or to fix his car etc., He was beyond charming mob connected, retired and sexy. After recently be hospitalized with Corvid-19 his wife refused to let him in the house.He ended up staying with a “woman” that I now realized is my replacement. He told her I was his wife when she went snooping in his phone and freaked out! After telling me one week to “relax” that he was never going to leave me he did just that!!! Stood me up and I completely “lost in” He has since disconnected his phone. Has never responded to my pleas or outburst! I am left in such pain and admittedly anger with myself for having let a man devalue me in this way. They leave without mutual closure which hurts the most. I hope no one else lives through this hell!!!
I am so sorry to read this. It’s all about them, and it always will be. Try not to react, hard as it may be – remember with a narc, any reaction is still food for their gigantic ego, and we must all remember how hungry they get. I wish you luck my dear. You have dodged an enormous bullet. Be thankful, heal and move on with your life.
I just ended a very short and intense roller coaster ride with my narc. I could have killed myself.
I pursued her for months before she finally agreed to meet me . My friend had matched with her on tinder, but said she wasn’t his type because she was morena. I took one look at her photo and told him he was an idiot and she was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. I can’t even look at a picture of here now, because of the stabbing pain in my heart. I found her on Instagram and told her. This was probably the perfect line to interest a narc.
She eventually agreed to go on a date with me after I had just gotten the most adorable french bulldog puppy. I mentioned that I was looking for a dog sitter while I was going to be working for three weeks on the rig, as this is my work life and schedule. She pretended not to hear me, but the day before I was going to leave without finding someone reliable to watch me dog, she showed up out of the blue saying she wanted to move out of her place and take care of my dog. I told her it was awkward, because I was interested in dating her and didn’t really plan on having her live there when I got home. I agreed to give it a chance for 9 weeks, as I would have been gone working for six of that time. I said if things weren’t working out Jan 1st she would have to move out.
I went to work for three weeks while she pursued me everyday sending me pictures of my puppy and her with her family and in my home. Pretending to be the perfect little law student house keeper, and daughter. She kept hinting that she wanted to be my girlfriend. By the time I got home I had already agreed that we were a couple. I was warned by my friends and neighbors when I got home that she might not be who she appeared to be, but I thought they might be jealous and I figured I could use the next three weeks to decide for myself.
Those three weeks at home with her were the happiest I’ve ever been in my life. She knew exactly what I wanted, because she had asked me before we where dating and she played the part well. I had given her the script! I was seeking stability and I wanted to create a home and a family, so that’s what we were for the those weeks. She said she was taking a break from work, and it was the holidays so no school. Now I doubt she has a job or studies anything other than manipulation. It was sex, shopping, love, and a beautiful loving home. 24/7 she was at my side telling me she loved me, told me I was perfect. Said she wanted my children and we were already planning our future.
It was time to get back to work, and that is when the devaluation phase when into full effect. The first day I was at work she contacted me claiming her cellphone had been stolen, and if I could send her $600 for a new one, as I had hinted at getting her a phone for Christmas. I was starting to have doubts, and tried to get her to accept a phone from my uncle, and that I would bring her a phone for Christmas, but she was unrelenting. She emailed constantly for the next 3 days. I was distracted at work, and finally agreed to send the money. She never even said thank you.
What followed was a horrible power struggle and manipulation. When she finally got the phone, I couldn’t contact her. She was out of touch claiming to be out of the city for the weekend without service, but I could see through WhatsApp my messages arriving her phone. I confronted her about her communication, and accused her of being deceptive. She deflected my accusations and turned the blame in my direction as being controlling and possessive. I apologized and tried to get her to see my side of things, but of course she wouldn’t accept any blame or compromise.
She steadily grew colder and distant. She would contact me for money for her grandma or a dead relative or some other dramatic event, and I would question her for information and try to rebuild the relationship. I knew she was cheating on me by now. I had no proof, but I could feel it, and I started to doubt anything she said, but I was also doubting myself and started to question my own sanity. Was it really me that was responsible for destroying this relationship?
One day she came back. She was sending me naked photos and telling me she loved me. She apologized for being cold, and said the death of a family member had been troubling her. Then she asked me for money to buy glasses for her grandmother. I agreed but I was skeptical. I was testing her and dragged out the transaction claiming problems with my bank and the holiday to see how her communication would be. I was due home in just over a week, and was going to make her wait. I was playing the manipulation game back, and she was infuriated.
When I got home she wouldn’t even meet me. She was insulting and accusatory. She blamed me for being controlling. I admitted faults and tried to make peace, but she refused. She refused to oblige to anything I requested or said. We were in a struggle for power. I was battling myself to see if I was insane, If I had sabotaged the best thing that ever happened to me, or if I was correct and she was cheating on me and gaslighting me. I was obsessed with finding the truth.
When I got home I went through her stuff. She had a random moto helmet, and her sex toys were missing. I looked through the camera footage in the building to try to catch her cheating, but it was too time consuming, and I believe she was seeing her man outside of the house, because she had been leaving my dog with the neighbors for days and days. I was ready to throw her out without a smoking gun, just for refusing to meet me at home after being away for three weeks, but she had planted the might be pregnant card several days before.
Finally two days after Christmas she sent me the pregnancy test result from a clinic. She said she was pregnant and wanted to know what I wanted to do. I was floored. I told her we had a lot to resolve in our relationship, but I wanted to be a husband and a father more than anything in the world. She came home, and I had bought her flowers and Christmas presents, She went to the salon for 4.5 hours. I was broken. I thought I would be obliged to her every whim and desire for the next 18 years, but I refused to give up on my child.
The next day I, because I live in Colombia, I asked the guys at the garage for my motorcycle if they could look up the plate number on the helmet to find the owner. It turned out to be an old mans that drinks at the liqueur store next to my house. It wasn’t a smoking gun, but it was a lie of some sort. She was hiding something. It wasn’t the old man, but it didn’t make sense. I was confused but angry because she had told me it was her brothers helmet. I confronted her trying to keep my calm, but I was boiling inside after weeks of manipulation lies and losing touch with reality. I broke down on the floor telling her I didn’t believe her about anything and I don’t know what is real, that I was going crazy, and I was ready to kill myself. Which was true.
She left again for four days, saying she needed to get away from me to save the baby. She was going to let me believe I was insane and had ruined the thing I wanted most in this life. I was in the darkest depression of my life for two days, when out of the blue her friend rescued me, showing me how she had forged the pregnancy test result. I went from being ecstatic to depressed again wondering how someone that loved could do this, or if I was ever worthy of being loved by anyone. I talked to a psychologist and she basically blamed me for allowing someone to treat me this way, and wanted to focus on what happened in my past that I would seek this sort of relationship.
This article has allowed me to understand what happened to me. That and having the truth revealed. I am able to put all the pieces together and see her and the situation for what it is. I was chosen as a victim. It’s not that I don’t deserve love or did anything wrong. I had something she wanted, Money and status, and when I started to withhold those from her, because I was starting to see the cracks, she got desperate and grew to contempt me.
Until the time she got the things out of my house was a battle for control and manipulation. I told her she wasn’t allowed into my home, and a friend was going to have to come get her stuff. She texted me through her friends phone after I blocked her pretending to be the friend and giving every excuse whey only she could come get her things and that her father was dead, and she had to come at 4am in the morning. I had to go to the police and threaten her that I would pursue extortion charges. She came the next day on her time and she left with the money, clothes, and phone she had manipulated out of me.
I couldn’t be happier. I was out in nine weeks. It turns out she is actually 19 years old, after pretending to be 23. She smeared my name, and told everyone I was abusing her and that the she aborted the baby. I am still working to rebuild my reputation. I’m sure many people believe her. She is a master manipulator. I fear the damage she will be capable of when she is 27 when she learns to be less sloppy, and more disciplined. She could have gotten everything from me within a year, I would have had bought us a house, and who knows what else.
Lessons Learned;
1) Don’t ignore your intuition. If you think something is wrong it’s because it is.
2) Stay calm, and don’t get emotional. Do your diligence and act stupid and loving until you have the truth.
3) If someone treats you bad or disrespects you speak up for yourself. We should never be in a relationship afraid to tell our partner that we don’t like something about what they did or said. It’s okay to ask your partner where she is, and what she is doing.
4) Set boundaries for yourself and expectations for how you want to be treated. If someone isn’t willing to compromise in a relationship get the fuck out.
5) Trust needs to be earned not given.
6) You literally cannot buy love. You can buy sex and attention but not love.
Best luck survivors!
This place keeps me sane and on track. Re-reading all Savannah’s posts gives me a steady dose of reality that I made the right decision to leave! My wings are getting stronger everyday. At 54 I have my doubts that a healthy loving relationship will find its way to me, but one always has hope…
I feel the same way ! I thought I found my prince charming, even got engaged! six months after the engagement ( 2 years in to the relationship) I learned he met someone, I even took care of her dog that he said a friend had, while he moved her into a home, paid her rent and bought her clothes and furniture and he had never done that for me ! I got a text message and refuses to talk to me and defriended me, no contact at all. After 6 weeks I am stil reeling, in therapy 2x a week and still would consider taking him back although I know hes an ass! My heart and head just cants separate. At 54 in a few months, I cant imagine in my little town that I have options and a healthy future. My cinderella story was just that with out the fairy tale ending and I am devastated.
I was dating a man like this for about two months. What started off as extreme and abrupt over-the-top attention and affection, gradually progressed into sudden, overnight withdrawal and then abuse. First he pulled away blaming me for every minor thing, then he came back apologizing, but still also blaming me. After that, the same pattern emerged again, only worse. Promises to text or call and never actually following through, cancelling a date last minute only to re-confirm again and then cancel again, the same night. Constantly asking for space only to ‘baby’ me casually as if nothing ever happened. Gaslighting. Accusing me of overreacting when I called out his constant pattern of making plans and then bailing on them without any explanation.
And when he ended things blaming me again for everything, I was still begging him to come back. Wow, never again. This article was a real eye opener.
This was enlightening. After an 18 year relationship and 16 year marriage, 35 days ago I learned my husband was having multiple affairs, one lasting ten years. No remorse shown although he will say he has destroyed our lives. I see why though…he feeds off this as well. He did most all of these things in the article as this cycle occurred over and over and over again. He would be loving, then distant, not speaking/responding for days, then give me a little bit of love, then distant, not speaking for days. Not engaged in family life, did most everything by himself, very self-absorbed. He could be loving and responsive but that is usually when he is the center of my or someones attention. As we move through the divorce process, I am realizing I need to distance myself as much as possible because he still tries to suck me in (and succeeded a couple times.) I’m thankful I’ve realized this horrible cycle and am taking steps to remove it from my life and get the help I need for my own restoration. I hope and pray that he recognizes this, and although many say there is no cure, that he too is restored.
Uff, Dominika. Very sad to hear that. It’s crazy (and creepy) but it sounds like if we met the same person, no kidding.
I do hope you’re alright now.
Hi, I’m on day one of recovery. He left without a word, blocked me on his phone and cut all contact. This was after 3 years, I feel as if I’ve been turned inside out both emotionally and physically.. If I tried to end the relationship he made it look as if I was crazy and he had to leave me. I want to warn the next one who he has just slept with, after a week from making me feel special. Reading all these comments and information has reinforced my fears for months but I blame my self for being so weak. I’ve never cried so much in my life because he has made me out to be the nutty one. He used to call all his exs crazy and blamed them but still bragged about lots of relationships but must have been mere conquests Love over took my rational thinking and I had no strength left except to realize I wasn’t to blame, his next victim had been caught hook, line and sinker from his charm. I am at that age where maybe being single is what I’m going to have to settle for as this has certainly opened my eyes to what pain one human being can cause.
I too begged for him to come back like an addict after their fix.
I need to concentrate on feeling sorry for him and elated for my escape. His parents just sit and watch them come and go and unfortunately I was on that list. Without these articles I wouldn’t have been able to call him a narc. The bafflement is how? How can one person cause so much pain
“I am at that age where maybe being single is what I’m going to have to settle for as this has certainly opened my eyes to what pain one human being can cause.”
I don’t know what age you are, Rosie, but I met a wonderful loving man in my sixties, and I’m not the only one who has. There are great adventures ahead, no narcissists involved!
Best of luck.
I don’t know what to say all I do know is that my husband and daughter threw me away like a piece of trash they put me down they blame everything on me they took away my self-esteem they’re lying my daughters saying and I sexually abused her my husband said he regrets marrying me after 25 years he served me papers three months after his brother left him money when he died and my daughter she used to be with me 24 seven and she was hanging with the wrong person and I told her no and she did a 360 on me I don’t Believe this was happening to me but it is plus I’m disabled and he told me to get better and get a fucking job and my daughters and I’ll kinds of shit and then they’re both narcissist they’re both the same they need the attention she used me for what she could and he could walk away like that then he never left me at all and it’s amazing because I never thought about any of this until now and I thought it was me but I’m reading all this now I know I’m not the only one out there that this is happened to so now I got to stand on my own 2 feet But I got to get a place to live I have a Rottweiler I’m older now I got to get on disability he’s got to start paying his alimony which he won’t my daughter is constantly lying about me making everything really worse there’s no need for any of it she needs to stop but she won’t she wants to hurt me as much as possible for no reason and she’s even taking me to court so I’m glad I read everything in it just hurts when somebody you really loved throws you away like you were nothing in the funny part is he told me I was nothing he told me I was a Karen he told me all kinds of things it I can’t get out of my head my daughter said some sick stuff and I can’t even imagine I sexually abused her I did all the stuff I am sick Sister read some of it I don’t do social media and her friends told me she put this on Facebook it’s unbelievable saying I’m doing all kinds of drugs some hide 24 seven she had to take care of me She’s lying and I needed to stop I need to get out of here I need them to hurry up with the divorce I need the money so I can get a place I don’t even know what to do anymore I know I don’t want to be around them I want it cut ties fast I love my daughter but I never want to see her again as far as him I don’t ever wanna see him again either and I’m surprise that they both are the same way I never knew but now I do so I’m glad I found this on the site and thanks for sharing your story so I could share mineI’ve been a nervous wreck in my doctors been checking on me I’ve been doing crazy things I just got to get away and I got to get a place to live thank you for sharing now I understand a little more it’s not me it’s them
I feel this, it’s been hard enough getting over all the cruel things she did directly. The hardest part has been accepting everything that I ever feared deep down, had some gut feeling ignored was probably true. All her stories about other people especially family members and their abuse was probably all her projecting. There was a history of sexual abuse she’s been in therapy for her whole life and still can’t really face. I saw the red flags and truly believed she was a brave woman trying so hard to be better. I didn’t want to save her I want to love her and support her so we could grow together and be the best us like she promised so many times and broke over and over.. the stories with her sister were all her own stories and they’re so disgusting it’s hard to think about. She craved attention eveything was covered in her face she spent days weeks making photo shoots of her self as gifts.. guess what she lured me in with.. I feel so used like I was her practice.. sharpening her skills to be a better liar for the next poor soul who’s life she ruins by pretending and running from herself projecting it all into people who get too close
Was in an abusive marriage with a woman like this. Hit the discard phase and she cheated on me after 6 (mostly) horrible, abusive years. Slightly encouraging to see this article and understand I’m not the only who is been through this.
Much like what is described above she had no empathy at all and not a clue what love meant. She discarded my love for the attention and flattery of pigs.
Still, glad to know I’m not the only one whose been through this. Also counting myself lucky as I never had children with her, never bought a house and through some kind twist of fate my confidence and self-worth is still in tact.
My father- I am.one of 3 girls – in my 50’s now- is a narcissist- it’s a tough deal- with lots of help we have each other and have finally closed the door. My Dad has emotionally abused two wives and discarded them- he is 83 and is now with a 55 year old woman. This article was a great reminder that as his daughters we are always targets
So I’m VERY SORRY to read all of your Sad Stories. I just want to Say that YOU ARE ALL BEAUTIFUL SURVIVORS. I never Understood what the HELL was Going on in 17 years of My Life yet I Hung on for the Sakes of THREE AMAZING CHILDREN. but when I got DISCARDED I managed to Keep the kids 6,9,and 13 and Hold a House together so we could SURVIVE TOGETHER. we have. They were MY SAVING GRACES. And my ENDLESS LOVE for them actually kept one last ember smoldering in my deepest Darkest Safest Soul Chamber. They were the REASON I LIVE NOW to Tell ALL OF YOU that LOVE IS WORTH IT. Just NOT WITH ASSHOLES!!! I Am now ABLE TO LAUGH LOVE DREAM AND GROW SPIRITUALLY AGAIN. 8 years later. But IF ONE DAY OF YOUR LIFE IS SPENT WITH A PERSON WHO TRULY LOVES YOU FOR YOU THEN YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSED WITH A SACRED DAY OF TRULY LIVING. I WISH THAT FOR ALL OF YOU DEAR AND DEARLY DESERVING BEAUTIFUL HUMAN BEINGS. David J Riley
I am hollowed out…..met my ex in 1997 and divorced in 2018…2 children. Stayed for same reasons but have to share custody because he is an expert on how to look like dad of the year. I refused to do something he felt entitled to recently and now I fear his wrath, PTSD???
This article explains a lot of what I am going through.
Addendum to my original post.
She just sent me several pictures with my mom that passed away four years ago saying that she’s deleting all the pictures that I’m in and wants me to keep those.
I did not went into full detail in my story because it’s pretty much the same story of everyone here but what attracted my attention was that in my case she cared for my kids and stayed for a long time in an almost normal way more than the average NPD person. Maybe my personality helped me to not get into it much more deeply and that kept her interested in me, because I was a challenge for a lot more time than all the people she had met previously. She always complained that I was very hard to get to, that I did not show my emotions very often, that she was always there for me if I wanted to open up or if I wanted to be vulnerable. I never did and maybe that’s what kept the interest up.
I need advise on how to respond to my soon to be ex-husband. Because of the typical pre-planning has layed all if the ground work as far as having obedient friends in all the high ranking official court positions, works in cash and has all of “his” money hidden away, has recordings of me crying histerically and apologizing for being such a horrible wife and person, notes indicating anything that could be twisted later, tells everyone i am crazy and a drug addict, etc. He gave me a monthly “allowance” for groceries. He sold his house when we married (kept “his” money) and insisted that he be put on my mortgage that i had been paying on for 20+ years and is now paid off 10 years later. He intends to take everything and leave me with 1/2 a house and nothing else, if that! He is now dragging this out for as long as he can to use every penny i have borrowed to fight him. Do i just give up and give in? Is there a way to play this with this sort of person so i can at least come away with a roof over my head?
Reply to Sandy: I’m so sorry you’re going through this! I, too, was the victim of a narcissistic sadist – put me through the hoops in court, lied, manipulated the finances etc etc! He’s in the judiciary and had the backing of his lawyer, even my own lawyer wouldn’t stand up against him, and the whole legal system was behind him. He still pulls stunts that leave me baffled as to his cruelty. How anyone that does what he does and sleeps at night eludes me! But then when one can sit on the bench and deal out punitive life altering methods to average people and sleep at night it must be a piece of cake to abuse an ex and take pleasure in that abuse.
I’m going through this similar thing but what I have fun for me at least is document everything and take pictures of everything!! Documenting is everything and goes great in the eyes of the courts!! All I’m getting is a TV, a stereo surround system , a couch, and maybe 1/2 the house that he never would put me on!! After 13 years of marriage!!
Another thing that is keeping my sanity is what is called divorce care at a local church.
Oh my word Sandy it makes my heart ache for you. Not a good position to be in but none of us are ever left to do anything but defend ourselves and pray. I hope his karma comes back to haunt him. I hope you find the help you need to fight this monster! <3
I nearly got caught! My NPD Hypervigilant Covert Subtype came back after 30 years. Told me his wife was horrible to him and Oh I am ashamed to admit I believed him. He dumped me 25 years ago out of the blue and it took me 6 years to get over his cruelty. This time it took me 2 days to erase him. In those 25 years I became a doctor and learned all about NPD types. So when I got with him again I watched him closely. I was on my guard and I cringed at all his love bombing tactics. I challenged him on an issue that hurt me and bang! He was gone but not before he lambasted my character and made out I was horrible to him. So I sent him the diagnosis of NPD and advised him to get help. Then blocked him from contacting me. I really pity all the people who get caught with this type of sicko. And there is usually no cure as they will never admit they are the problem. I didn’t fall for his tactics this time and didn’t swoon all over him. He didn’t get the narcissistic supply he was craving and off he went. Now I can see that his poor wife was probably just another person on his long list of victims.
OMG! Just what I’m dealing with right now! It took a lot of courage, tears and pain to get her out of my life but I finally did although I’m still dealing with it. Just a few minutes ago she sent a text message blaming me for some stuff and saying that I’m being an ass and that i want to see her suffering.
By the way she’s a very smart and hard working person but only to the extent where she can get a benefit.
I met her 6 years ago, everything seemed wonderful but because of my personality I’m not too fond of receiving compliments, it really didn’t affect me on that aspect. And what I think made things a bit different is that I never gave in completely because I always had my doubts. My belief is that I became her target because she thought I had money and as my last name is very unusual, confused me for someone with social status.
We dated for two weeks before she proposed and I said yes. We got married two months later. She showered me with gifts, compliments, fliers, etc etc etc. We got an apartment in a fancy neighborhood and at that time I was driving a very recent model European car and she was always showing it off. Everything we did or have had to show in some way that there were a lot of money involved, even though it wasn’t. She’s so obsessed with being seen as someone with high social status that she even changed her last name to a way it could be read as the one from an ambassador to a Central American country and she boasts of being friends with politicians, business persons, etc.
A year later we moved into a house and she got obsessed on converting it into a magazine- worthy model, which she did at the expense of getting into huge debt for which we fought almost everyday for a long time. In two years we built a very successful construction business on which at the beginning i handled the administrative part and she handled the operational part but a year later she got sick and I had to learn the trade and take over completely. It was then that I realized that most of the time she presented herself as the brains of the business and the only owner. We fought for that reason and she said that it was because nobody liked me. She even got the nerve to say that it was thanks to her and that job that I got food in my table to feed myself and my two kids from a previous relationship. It really hit a nerve and started to change my perception about her. Long story short: any kind of attention, gift, or anything else wasn’t enough to make her happy. Nothing would be good enough for her. Nothing was worthy enough. I would never work hard enough even when I worked 16-18 hours a day, I even got called lazy. And after working all that time I was expected to take care of her because she was sick, cook meals, take kids to school, etc. Where I got caught into this relationship was that she was very good to my kids and my family and worked really hard to improve our financial situation, to make everything better for everyone. She always made sure that the kids got some sort of vacation or time away during the summer. I almost could say that she truly loved us but the disease won her over. After four and a half years of marriage she started drifting away but I was already tired of the emotional roller coaster and didn’t pay much attention until she started to do things that I’m even ashamed of mentioning. I asked her to leave and take the business with her because I didn’t want to be part of anything that was related to her but alleging that she didn’t know the administration part asked me to keep working for a few weeks which became months. By that time she had already been with someone for 7 months, I found out later. She moved with this other person but kept sending me text messages and calling me out of the blue crying, saying that she still loved me and missed me so much and was so depressed that couldn’t even get out of the bed, which was not true because she was driving a car that at the beginning was mine and it had a driving perimeter set by the GPS because sometimes my son drove it and most of the time the car would sent me notifications of where the car was parked and it wasn’t her home. When I told her to stop lying and contacting me she got in a rage. After a few weeks she called crying and told me that wanted to come back, made all the promises she could and sadly, she convinced me and came back home. I did not believe what she said and did not expected her to change anything but still I tried for a few weeks. Later, I found out that she came back because she needed me to keep working with her and that after he moved back to my house she got back with this lady almost immediately but kept the facade that she was trying to fix things up with me for two more months.
Part of what made the decision of leaving her so difficult was that my older son was preparing for his first year of college and she made sure to be present at all times.
About six weeks ago I told her that I was not going to keep working with her and that since we really didn’t have a relationship she should learn this part of the business and take it over. She agreed but changed the strategy: this time she started sending me text messages early in the morning, calling me at all times, saying good night, basically being nice. It did not change my plans and finally last Friday I told her that whether she learned or not my part of the business it was my last day at work. About an hour later apocalypse unfolded. She not only faked the whole fixing things up issue but she had been lying to her current wife. To me she was telling me that she wanted to fix things up, to her wife she was telling her that we had a strictly professional relationship. Her wife asked me to meet both of them without her knowing to unmask her and so we did.
Did I love her? Yes, with all my heart. Will I ever be the same? Definitely, not. Did I forgive her? I think I did but who I cannot forgive yet is myself.
As of right now I believe she convinced her wife to stay but that’s not my problem anymore. I’m free and I feel like a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders.
Omg I feel so sorry for you, I am going through the same right now, and like you said the worst thing is that I can’t forgive myself that I was so blind and fall into it. I lost my job, my self esteem, friends my money and myself because of this psychopath
I completely can relate to everything all of you are saying. I spent 22 years to my Narc,the whole time something always making me feel like I have never been his priority,he was a member of church,very intelligent-engineer,climbed the ladder like a breeze,He got promoted and his job then took him out and town frequently,I had helped him care for both of his parents at their passing, was an amazing stepmom to his older two daughters,treated him like a freaking king. The two things I have always taken pride in who made a priority is my job as a mother And the other one was, the pride I had and took being a wife.It was as if one day he came home a stranger and mine and my kids life was changed for ever, i’m not meaning by ANY means in a positive way. I have now been divorced from him for six minutes and he did do you mean just the same as each of you that are now going through divorce I feel like you did not help him accomplish or six saying anything during that time and if it happened it was done all on their own and you don’t deserve anything and they will work to the very last minute to try to keep for loosing a dime to you,so don’t let your guard down! And I have read where if you view guys mentioned you have any friends or anybody else, I wish there was a way we could help each other before the worst really happens. A narc will purposely over time alienate you from every,Your friends ,your family, your parents,Anyone your narc have to be concerned with that you may believe when they try to warn you when they see you changing because of his control when you don’t even recognize or see it yourself. But what we have to understand is it’s not anything we did wrong it’s not anything that we deserved it, they even confuse you to the point or make you seem like you’re the bad person and then you start to question yourself and your sanity or if you are the mean one. But if you question yourself as who is the narcissist,You just have to ask him? Did you love that person with everything you were and had and are you the one suffering or have suffered over your heart completely broken and torn apart? If so that’s really the only answer you need because a narc isn’t capable of those feelings or of real love.That was the one thing that helps me feel a little bit better after him taking so much of my life and joy and my happiness away from me,was Even though he didn’t deserve it even though he didn’t understand it and nurture it, he will never know the beautiful feeling of ever being truly in love.He may have been on the receiving end of mine but it was beautiful and amazing the most spectacular and the most wonderful emotion I had ever experienced! Unfortunately people they suck the life out of you,Until they truly get bored with you or they can tell you so you can read them and then they run and find another source,99.9% of the time they will not leave a current supply until they have another supply waiting already has been in their life and somebody they have training already to be there.Sad but true. Bless you all
Greta, I too went through the same exact experince as you 32 years later. I also mentioned she needed help and received a Narcissistic Injury response, the “Silent Treatment” I feel so sad for her and cannot help her. It truley breaks my heart seeing her flounder through life. I can only hope some say there will be a cure.
Thank you very much for this article, which describes what I have been going through with incredible accuracy. long story short: I met my narcissist after his long term ex dumped him. At first, he was all over me, he kept the conversation going all the time and we had a lot of fun. After a couple of months, he left my apartment after a normal date and literally disappeared from the face of earth. I didn’t beg nor even tried to reach him and after a couple of months he showed up again, apologizing for what he did and saying that he was trying to figure things out. At the beginning things seemed normal, but after a while he was wishy washy, he even seemed irritated or uninterested at my attempts to contact him, and disappeared for long periods again. For me that wasn’t the way forward, so I blocked him. He found the way to contact me again and we went back dating in a way that was really nice and fitting for both. He was so suggestive that he made me believe that there was a way forward and that we would have soon become official. He did so only in words of course, because in practice he was never committed to me. During what eventually became our last date, we were having a great night and we ended up quite drunk. At that point he told me that he “couldn’t do everything all over again” with someone and I broke up with him. He asked me for career advice a month later and I agreed to see him. I also took the opportunity to let him know that for me the situation hadn’t changed and that I was determined to move on without him. After that meeting, we only had a brief text conversation initiated by me two days later and then nothing. When we bumped into one another he completely ignored me. I blocked him on all social media, I started therapy and now I am trying to find the strength to move on. I don’t know about him but I’d rather not knowing.
And, as you said, he liked me for my external projection, due to the fact that I am generally considered an attractive person and I have a good job in a reputable company.
At first I thought the issue with him was the grief after his previous break up, but now I know that the issue was him. Period.
Thanks for your wise words.
This is a well written overview. Believe me, I Learned the hard way, more than several times in my adult life. Amazing how predictable and exact a romantic relationship with the Narcissist Personality Disordered (NPD) person relationship phases are described herein. Keep in mind that genders are interchangeable because relationships with somatic NPD females are essentially the same.
It has been said that arguably, the most heart-wrenching element of having a narcissistic partner. is that they’ll give only to take away – including affection, love, tenderness, and devotion. Nothing is real. Further, nothing was real. She makes your memories meaningless.
Phase one can’t last because NPD’s require constant change, always pushing your boundaries in order to obtain more and more. They must always be plotting and scheming to keep the attention going. Often, they fall into the victim role to get what they want when your push back. They will use the love of their partner to feel sorry for them. They will cheat, lie and regret nothing. These partners blame and project their own insecurities onto their mates as this author states. Narcissists hate to be loved and love to hated. They are so very cruel during the discard. She will use tactics such as triangulation, letting you know another man is interested in her when in fact she ahs most likely already groomed your replacement during the same time you’ve been under the belief that your relationship is going so well. She gets the greatest NS high during the discard phase when she has more than guy chasing her affections. Finally, they’re simply not human. They are soulless bots with no ability to feel empathy or compassion. And they CAN NEVER be cured, no matter how much you love and care for them. End the relationship, go no contact, and never look back. You will get over them, but it takes time.
I just got a divorce and this describes my ex wife 100%. One
I am just three weeks after disgard, though I feel now looking back, it was over about three weeks after it started, that was when he strated withrawing. He unfriended me on Facebook, would not respond to texts or answer the phone, refused to take me out after that time, we broke up many times during the 20 months I was seeing him. He would vanish for days, sometimes weeks at a time without warning, he would tell me I imagined thing, misunderstood everything he said or did, misinterpreted things and was crazy and had nutty insecurity. I kept and keep trying to get him to admit what he did to me,, all I would like is a sorry. I know I wont get one, I guess I need to stop. He was in dating sites the whole time he was seeing me, would constantly refere to other women, some from the distant oast some more recently, some even currently. He managed to get me to allow him to come back a few weeks ago,, said we could ” start time again” do things differently, I hopfully believed that, he only stayed a couple of hours. Next day he was back to ignoring texs messages, or taking 5 or 6 hours to respond, and only very short, unfeeling responces, I sent him a message asking him exactly what it was he meant by ” start time again” he dumped me again, has not spoken since. I think he is seeing another, sadly a friend of mine.
I read this and it sounds just like the guy I started dating the end of August. What’s even weirder is that the girl he dated previously he said her name was Karen. He wouldn’t really say what happened with the relationship just that they were more like friends and then he got very quiet. It seemed like a red flag. For the 3 weeks we dated he wanted to see me every day and kept wanting me to commit to him. He was very needy for attention. Then one day he vanished. I was confused how he showed that he loved me in that shirt time to not talking to me at all. So messed up.
I agree 100%! I have been entangled with a narcissist more than once and every time I think about any of them I am filled with rage so strong my body is on fire. I finally learned about myself and why I attract such people and then educated myself with anything and everything I could on how these people operate. The education I got was so empowering! I can see a narcissist a mile away now, any form of them. No contact is the way to go for sure! There is no hope for them, none. You may as well as them to be a foot taller if you ask them to understand you or to change. They can sure try but they can never be a foot taller in reality, it is just how they are. It is so liberating to now meet someone who I can tell is starting off in phase one and is interested in me and tell them “Yeah, I am shutting this down now, I find you very manipulating and I don’t do this dramatic game you like to play so please don’t contact me again.” To a person not familiar with the disorder, this must look harsh because he was complimenting me wasn’t he? There are a certain type of “compliments” that highten my senses now that I know what to look for. I am no perfect Goddess who has no flaws and does nothing wrong. So if someone insists that I am, I am out the door faster than you can say “love bombing”
Very well written and you certainly have these types sussed. At least you are safe. Imagine all the women who get fooled at stage one. These NPD types should be tattooed with a government health warning as they go around hurting good people.
I could have written this article about the guy who just left my life. Textbook.
This is a well written overview. Believe me, I Learned the hard way, more than several times in my adult life. Amazing how predictable and exact a romantic relationship with the Narcissist Personality Disorderd (NPD) person relationship phases are described herein. Keep in mind that genders are interchagable because relationships with somatic NPD females are essentially the same.
It has been said that arguably, the most heart-wrenching element of having a narcissistic partner. is that they’ll give only to take away – including affection, love, tenderness, and devotion. Nothing is real. Further, nothing was real. She makes your memories meaningless.
Phase one can’t last becuase NPD’s require constant change, always pusing your boundries in order to obtain more and more. They must always be plotting and scheming to keep the attention going. Often, they fall into the victim role to get what they want when your push back.. They will use the love of their partner to feel sorry for them. They will cheat, lie and regret nothing. These partners blame and project their own insecurities onto their mates as this author states. Narcissists hate to be loved but love to hated. They are so very cruel during the the discard. She will use tactics such as triangulation, letting you know another man is interested in her when in fact she ahs most likely already groomed your replacement during the same time you’ve been under the belief that your relationship is going so well.. She gets the greatest NS high during the discard phase when she has more than guy chasing her affections. FInally, they’re simply not human. They are souless bots with no ability to feel empathy or compassion. And they CAN NEVER be cured, no matter how much you love and care for them. End the relationship, go no contact, and never look back. You will get over them but it takes time.
Omg. What I just read describes my son father down to a Tee! I never knew there was a name for his behavior & ways until I started researching stuff. THANK YOU THANK YOU!!
I can’t stress how on point this article is. Exactly what happened, it’s as though I read my own story. Wow.
Me too! I just stumbled across this disorder. A divorce group I stay in touch with is having a seminar on this. Unfortunately, I can’t go. But, it got me to look it up. OMG…..this is exactly what happened to me. He lavished me with attention before we were married. In hind sight, when we got engaged there were spots of narcissistic behavior and control.. I ignored it. I loved him. 20 months after being married, he had an affair just as I announced we were expecting our first child. The SILENT TREATMENTS for weeks, months and sometimes years were unbearable. Twice I thought I was having a nervous break down. I had to go on anti-depressants which made me gain 50+ pounds. Of course the weight gain made me feel it was my fault. After several months of what I called “silent tantrums” he would blast me with criticisms that came from nowhere. It left me feeling like a dog whimpering off with her tail beneath her saying to myself, “I will be a good girl now, I will be a good girl.” Accepting the blame he put on me. He could talk circles around me….never gave me a chance to speak. Always made me feel like I was a little girl being punished by the principal. If I did try to defend myself, he would shut down and retreat back into the silent tantrum. All I wanted to do was make it better so I would profusely apologize. I could go on and on….but this disorder totally articulates to the tee as to who I was married to for 25 years. I have now been separated for over 2 years. I loved him. I love him. We have 3 grown children together. Now, he seems to be nicer to me. Will hold me in his arms like he doesn’t want to let me go….you know like how it was when we dated. I thought maybe he sees what he missed out on and is remorseful….but reading this I am not so sure.
Here’s my story…
Five years ago I met this wonderful woman – she was 18 at the time and I was 23. We got together and started a relationship with each other. It was amazing – the best thing I’d every experienced and we fell heavily in love with each other. She was well and truly my everything and from the first few months in, we had started talking about our life together, marriage, kids etc.
She had a pretty horrible upbringing, no father in the picture and a step father who she hated, who hated her and would constantly argue, manipulate and be abusive to her mother. Her mother was very much the same, she would manipulate and fight back and also not be very nice to my girlfriend at the time. When she was about 4, her mother took her to a hotel where she was having an affair with another man. Fast forward a few years and it just kept getting worse. Eventually her mother left her step father and they moved out (that’s when I met her, about a year later).
Her relationship with her mother was always on and off, her mother would belittle her and basically held a sword over her at all times. It got to the point where she couldn’t cope with it anymore and I told her to move in with me and my family. She lived with us for about three years – during that time we had our ups and downs (I just thought that was the normal part of a relationship). We went away and I proposed to her and we started planning our wedding. We then decided to hold off on the wedding and buy a house. A year ago we bought a beautiful little cottage and after moving in we bought a puppy, a few months later and things started to go slightly awry – my father is an alcoholic and I work in our family business – it causes me a lot of stress at times but I do love my job. I am prone to anxiety and depression when he’s going through a binge drinking phase, but that’s something I was working on with various counsellors etc. Anyway, she started to become a lot more mean to me, she was extremely critical and controlling and would lay any relationship issue at my feet, citing that it was all my fault.
About three months ago we had a row (over absolutely nothing) and she got up, walked out and stayed at her friends for two nights. She then came back and basically said she was going. I was a wreck, I begged and pleaded with her to stay, she said that no amount of therapy would fix me and I was destined to be depressed for the rest of my life (ouch). She left the house and then about three hours later text me and said she wanted to come back. She came home and then a week later, it happened again. I had said something over dinner with friends that I hadn’t even noticed it was so minor, anyway it sparked a massive argument with her and the next day she packed her things, gave me back the engagement ring and said we were done. I didn’t chase her or try and keep her this time – I let her go.
A couple of days later, I changed my Facebook status to single (because I couldn’t stand the thought of her doing that), I then ended up deleting Facebook and Instagram to have a break away from it. The abuse started – she would text me horrible things, ring me and belittle me and dig away at what little self esteem I had left. It honestly took me to point where I wanted to kill myself and was seriously considering it. Everyone told me being away from her was the right thing, but the way she had been had throughout our relationship had made me doubt every decision I made and would always have to run stuff by her. For the five years we’d been together I’d been buying her white roses, for nothing special, just a nice little thing on the way home from work. Anyway, she told me about a month before she left that she doesn’t even like them…. It was like being stabbed in the heart. Throughout the contact we had after the breakup, despite her being so hideously horrible to me, I still maintained that I loved her and that we could sort this and fix things (I thought it was all my fault) – I told her I would do anything. Anyway, she always pushed away and said it’s too late, I’ve left it too late. I later found out that she had left the house hoping I would come and fight for her, she sat there every night expecting me to fight for her. I told her that I knew if I had turned up with some flowers for her, she’d have thrown them in my face. She knew exactly how I felt – I honestly would have died for her.
Fast forward two months into our breakup and I made the mistake of giving in to one of her late evening phone calls crying and telling me she missed me and wanted to see me. I went to her new apartment that she lives in with friends and we slept together. I felt anxious the entire night. The next day we met up and spent the day together, she came back to our home and spent the night (again, I felt incredibly anxious and spent most of the time crying to her about how depressed I was) – I can honestly say I have no clue why I kept crying in front of her. I think I was so scared of her leaving again. The next evening I stayed at hers and she told me that I needed to fix myself and then we could work on the relationship… I felt anxious and worried and so under pressure that I needed to fix myself to save us. The next morning I woke up in her bed with her and burst into tears. We argued and even though I’d told her the night before that I had never been this depressed in my life and that I had seriously considered killing myself, she just didn’t care. She kept texting away on her phone. ‘That’s it’, I thought and I left. That evening I blocked her phone numbers and haven’t heard from her since…… that is, until today. She knows I haven’t killed myself because I’ve been in contact with her boss about some work we used to do for them. But she emails me and says this whole thing about how she’s so worried about me and she knows I’ve blocked her number and there was no other way to contact her and that she’s going mad not knowing how I am etc etc. The minute I saw this message come through I bust into tears and my anxiety came rushing back like a punch in the face… I didn’t know what to do or what to say to her back, If I sent her a brief message saying I’m fine – it’d either insight further conversations about how pathetic I am for blocking her, or she would try to lure me again with false hope. I have decided that the best thing to do is nothing. I will not reply.
I have been working with a therapist over the past few months and let me tell you this, she has literally saved my life. I’ve found out I’m hugely co-dependent and was in a very narcissistic relationship. Don’t get me wrong, I know I was an arsehole at times in our relationship, but I never deserved this and certainly didn’t put her through this mental anguish and torture.
As hard as it is, as much as I still love her and think about her every second of every day, as much as I miss our wonderful sex life and our home together, I know that if I go back to her, I truly will be signing my own death warrant.
Thanks for listening and if anyone needs any advice or wants to ask me anything, please do – I’ve struggled so long to talk to people that have been in similar situations that I’d be glad to help if I can.
Wow! Except for the gender of our perspective mates, you have told half of my story. It’s taken me 10 yrs, to finally began to research his behavior, My, my, my! It’s him in a nutshell.
I have been on a anxiety riddled, non-compassionate existence, longing to be heard, held and understood by my boyfriend for years. The words he strings together for maximum humiliation has rendered me to thoughts of suicide at times. But I am better than that. I’ve begged him to get OUT of my life!!!! To NO avail. He’d been promising to marry me for 9yrs, something always prevented us from doing so. Last month, I came in to some extra cash. Thrilled!!! I said let’s get married…. You’d have thought WWIII was imminent, he began screaming and cursing at me. He said “BITCH, I ain’t Neva gonna marry your F*****G Ass!!! He got soon angry, I got so terrified, I got OUT the car and walked the 9 mi., In the pouring rain. He was here standing on the porch. Where he continued to berate & belittle me. I have begged him to leave, he refuses. So, now I employ the gray rock method of silence.
Thanks for your words, as, I’ve never responded to anything on the http://www…. I pray I gain the courage to end this facade of a relationship. Good luck in your search for a worthy relationship.,
Hi there! I read your story and i am happy that you made a way to go out from that abusive relationship. I can relate to that… i am living with narcissists myself.. i am married for almost 14years and been struggling for my own “death” my relationship with the father of my 3children and also his mother is like hell.. i have been physically abused by them and still living with them until now.. i am into searchibg for possible help how to get out from here with my kids.. i want to let go of them and would like to leave them means i will move out from them and make a new life with my children but i don’t know how to do it. My husband gives so little for our children but would give a lot more to his mother… financial manipulation a situation i can no longer take ;(
Think about your kids think about how would u feel if god forbid that happened to them.exactly pppplllllssss take action have an emergency kit with money n stuff n hide it then contact a help centre or a helpline that can help you get out of it or when u work n u get paid u can save a bit all the time into a jar he doesn’t kno about n finally leave I don’t want this to end up like my parents situation
Wow. Now that is an emotional roller coaster. Glad you made the decision to let go. It’s not easy but as time goes on you will get stronger & stronger. The article I just read describes my son’s father to a Tee. This will help me so much to understand that it’s a must that I don’t look back!
Oh God I couldnt bare to read your entry without cringing cause thats kinda how my ex husband was like. He could be so charming and perfect gentleman one minute then a complete abusive a$$. I have always had a lot of spunk but over the years he eventually drained me and I had nothing left but the sad, pitiful emotional me. I finally called it quits but because we have a 3 year old together I still have to unfortunately deal with him. I wish i didnt. I have though over the almost year apart made giant leaps into recovery and find myself “coming to life” again. I started playing bass guitar again, started gardening and going out doing things independently like i use to do before him. I cant believe that over 18 years he made me lose my self confidence and independence cause he made me fear that if i did anything without him I couldnt handle it. Well im happy to say Im handeling quite well except i loathe the days we have to meet or talk because just like the article he pretends like nothing has happens, calls me babe, texts sexually innapproprite things and having to see him is like going to war. After the meeting im exhausted from warding off mind fuckery….as i call it. Now I hear he might go to jail for something….is it wrong that i almost just wish he would?
Hey man, I was with my gf for 9 months only, and it felt as though you litery described our relationship perfectly
I lost all sense of identity and self esteem. And am too, trying build myself up again
Its been a month since we broke up, and it’s still as painful as it was when it happened
No communication and a break from social media is what I’m doing
What a world I did not know of… (sorry for my english). The first 4 months were a dream, I felt hypnotised but did not realize it at that time. Now When I look back that first oeriod was too good to be true, and it was. We were so in love and it was like just the two of us in this world. There were some red flags… he does not have ANY friends, did drink too much alcohol and I felt something was off but I good not get my head around it. If only I knew what I know now. Thank God for the internet. After this period (I siad goodbye to him that morning, he telling me he would miss me so much) he sent me a text saying that this is not going wel… huh? I got dumped because of something I said the night before. Ofcourse that was total bs but he was acyually goining in fase two (again…if I just would have known!). At that time I was totally shell shocked. I did not eat or sleep and cried for days. Then he took me back and forgave me (!) and I was so happy to be together again. I did some fine trauma bounding there but at that time I told myself he was just afraid of giving himself and it was going to be OK. The next months was sort of ok but he changed… and I wondered who he really was because he seemed to have more personalities. He seemed jalous of me having a lot of could friends and was saying bad things about them. After 7 months of his unstable behaviour I found out he is having a second child with someone. I confronted him with this and he immediately discarded me. He told me I should have supported him immediately instead of accusing him. He totally turned tables, he lied to me for a year about this child bit I was being not supportive. I am ashamed to say that I appologized for my bad reaction… that is how low my selfesteem already was. After two months we got back together again. The same pattern showed it self and I started looking om the internet about personality disorders and that is was is saving me now. He discarded me again after he believed I was cheating om him bit now when he tries to return I now what he really is. An empty shell. I have therapy to recover from this terrible mindfuckpersona. Thank you all for sharing because I really felt utterly alone in this situation which appaerently not so uncommon…. strenght to us all.
Wow I am so glad I “discovered” what happened to me because I literally thought I had lost my mind. For what it is worth, I was the ‘victim’ of a female narcissist. I think mine dragged out the overvaluation stage for one pertinent reason; I was NOT interested at first (for a variety of reasons, one being I was not ready to date due to issues in my life, the other was I was not attracted, the final being that there were red flags from the start to the level of her interest in me)..
I won’t bore everyone with all the details, however the pattern was she pursued, aggressively and I eventually fell for believing that her adoration was about me/us and not just some damaged girl/woman desparate for a relationship. So slowly I acquiesced to the constant pressure to have a relationship (most of which was her disregarding my repeated entreaties to stop pressuring me as I was trying to get my life back together before I could commit to a relationship). I think it was this drawn out (over a year) phase of my not returning interest/affection that really made this worse, as most of the threads I read the ‘victim’ falls for the ruse/person pretty fast. I was ‘hard to get’ for a long time.
again won’t bore with details but I was pressured into not only entering into a ‘committed relationship’ I somehow allowed myself to get pressured into having to make ‘official’ declarations (simply about being in one) and that was then transferred to a slew of ‘plans’ for our future. In other words my finally agreeing to simply have a relationship witth this person who relentlessly pursued that was somehow turned into some agreement for a future as if I’d in fact proposed. I had finally ut my guard down though and decided that perhaps I was the one with an issue and was way too guarded and this person’s pursuit (and ‘recognition’ of how ‘special’ I was ) was in fact the real thing.
The DAY after I made the declarations I was almost brow-beat into doing and agreed to all the future stuff, I was sat down and told what a ‘great guy’ I was but how sorry I don’t want a committed relationship with you. I told her off and said thank you for opening my heart I’m going to go give it to someone’ and I didn’t hear from her. I expected, as a normal person would have, that in 2-3 weeks she would reach out, apologize, and if not ask for me back at least explain that she freaked out when she got what she wanted and ran but still cared for me as much as she said. That is a normal response, no?
So, being in pain from having a relationship I’d finally agreed to and accepted in my heart ripped out of my life the very next day, I wrote a letter. Not realizing I was dealing with a narcissist. And I decided in that letter to leave out ALL the crap and blame and anger and simply acknowledge how I had (started to) feel abut her, and wished ‘the love and live you deserve’ (which could mean anything) and said I’d remember her always for opening my closed heart. I’m not sure how THAT letter goes over with a narcissist. I did recieve a reply that blew me away ‘thanks for the nice note. hope you are well’. Again not sure how htis fits in with narcissism, I found it super creepy since how can that be your reply to a lovely letter a man you’d spend 18 months (apparently) trying to make your future? Her mother, sister, grandmother all knew about me, she’d made it clear I should consider her in any future plans I made about moving, on and on. And in reply to my email I got a generic pat on the head?
Until I came across these forums on dating narcissists, it blew my mind that one day she could be talking about our future, meeting her entire family, disucssing our future and finances, deciding on new furniture for us, giving me drawers in her bedroom (all this after I made the ‘Declaration/Question’ she demanded I do officially vs the way most people do when they are in a relationship) to the next day not only rejecting a ‘committed relationship’ but simply disappearing from my life. That I could not wrap my head around until I found out what I had been dealing with.
Fortunately she was not the ‘love of my life’ nor did I “love’ her. But I did get sucked into believing I had a relationship with someone who valued and cared for me for the first time in years and did have a connection so having it ripped from my life and finding out it never meant anything was hard indeed. I’m glad I sent the letter even though it means nothing to her because I do believe that the takeaway for me ha to be that yes, I am moving into the future open to a relaitonship again (when I met her I was close to that completely) and will do so with an open heart and just leave the baggage behind with her where it belongs. She can return to what turns out to be a string of highly abusive relationships in her past (emotional, sexual, physicial) and repeat the cycle. I refuse to.
Just addendum from the original post that seems relevant to ‘the cycle’:
Prior to my ‘coming around’ and asking she ‘revealed’ she had been with someone else. I was told it was because we weren’t in a ‘committed relationship’ yet I’ve never had that talk before. This was right after a very intense sexual experience (bonding as far as I was concerned) at her house which itself was right after she gave me her keys and told me to come and go as I pleased, and right before she took me in her bedroom to show me how she’d cleared out two drawers in her bedroom bureau for me to start moving my things in. Having been in committed relationships before and not had ‘the conversation’ I felt it was pretty clear we were in one. While I got the ‘technicality’ of ‘you never said’ there is just also the human aspect that blew me away; I don’t know of anyone, especially a woman, whose reaction to a deep and hugely pleasurable love-making with a man they’ve been trying to push into a relationship for 18 months and how has opened their apartment and bedroom to that person and for all intents and purposes invited them in would be to invite another man into the same bedroom and apartment a few days later. It did not compute and actually under better conditions in my life (more human relationships), I’d have run and not looked back vs accepting the excuse that it was all to make me jealous and realize we should be in a relationship.
I start to see as I read more how I was just on the cusp of the overvaluation stage into the devaluation stage. Just prior to the above she told me on my way out ‘I promise you will be asking me to be your girlfriend by the end of the month’, clearly alot of the above was to engineer just that. On my next visit out of the blue when we were kissing she said ‘you are old and fat’ (neither but I digress) which was the first mean thing she’d ever said. Naturally, she took it back immediately but it was I’d say the beginning as she could see I was starting to come around to where she ‘wanted’. She had asked me to PLEASE start staying over and holding her in my arms.
I agreed to but came to my senses when i was about to lay down with her (after pleasing her for hours) and left, returning the key to her doorman. I wrote a long and very accurate letter about how horrified I was I’d almost let my guard down and entered into a relationship with a woman who clearly did not value honest or intimacy the way I did, that I felt the whole point was to push me away and if she had wanted that she could have found a better way and held on to a friend at least (as I had been a very good one).
When we finally talked about all ‘this’ and she repeatedly told me that due to her ‘past’ she needed to be asked specifically to be in a committed relationship, I did just that She cried and accepted and I told her we’d have a fresh start that weekend on our first real date, and I’d even ask her again. She made me meet her the next day to make me confirm I’d be asking again and then told me how happy she was and how ‘there are so many people that are going to want to meet you, I have not had a real relationship for 10 years’. A red flag in a sea of red flags.
The intervening 3 days (between my asking, her agreeing, then confirming the next day, and our supposed ‘Official Date’) were the weirdest exchanges I’ve ever had; essentially she kept saying “I am not your gf yet until you officially ask’. Super weird to me given a) for all intents and purposes for ‘normal’ people we were (it’s not like you give a bunch of different people keys to your apt and drawers in your bedroom to keep their stuff) b) I’d already asked and confirmed I had and c) she’d already made it clear that until she is in one all bets are off. I called her on this via email and finally said this is crap, this is not how adults act, if you don’t feel this in your heart or want it in your heart then the words mean nothing and don’t ask them from ME because they mean something to me. She assured me they did to her as well, she just needed to be asked officially (to be a girlfriend???) and “reassured” me by sending a text that ‘of course we are committed, I just can’t wait to hear you ask again tomorrow night”. So I basically crawled through glass for three days to ask her ‘officially’ what had been aske and answered and confirmed multiple times over the last 4 days. When I did finally ‘ask’ she got freaked out again and told me how scared she was and I said we are just agreeing to DATE and see what we have here. Clearly in her mind it way more see below.
We spent that night together, she finally got what she’d asked for months; falling asleep and waking up in my arms and spent that day together, after which instead of just taking it slow like SHE said she wanted due to her ‘fear’ she started in all day on our future; who I needed to meet, what night was offcial date night, she was going to replace her bed with a King so we could sleep together in comfort, how the place was not big enough for two and we’d need to figure out where we wanted to move when I was reayd to move in, an hour revieiwng her entire family photo album, pet names, you name it. I’m not sure WHAT part of the cycle this is. Rapid Cycle Overvaluation? 😐 In any event it was less than a day after this night and the crazy prior jumping over hoops week that she had the gall to tell me that I was ‘a super guy’ but thanks but no thanks you misudnerstood I don’t want a committed relationship with you.
I believe in reading more and more about this disease/disorder that after i wrote the first and scathing letter, she decided to reel me back in and not only be the one to break it off with me but to try to devastate me after making me put all my cards on the table for her. It worked for a few weeks as I had not opened up to anyone for a long time, but as I said in my letter to her what I am taking from it is that my heart is open. She can live inside that hideous twisted labrynth on her own and clearly she will for eternity.
I too have been in an addictive type relationship, on and off for 12 years. J^&y is diagnosed bipolar, but i see more narcissistic actions by her. I am in the throw away part right now. I am taking advice to stay away, go no contact.
This is difficult as i am a forever type person, who believes in possibilities, and forgiveness.
Thanks o a wonderful marriage counselor who forsaw the recent split coming down main st., as she puts it, I am finally going to think to put myself at least on the table. I could not see myself being anything like what i’ve experienced these last years with J#$y. Learning to not be a codependent is my new goal. It is not easy.
Showing love and caring for someone can go hand in hand. and can be abused.
The difficulty grows as age and medical problems begins to creeps into ones life. I have had a small stroke. I also have seizures, related to multiple back operations.
J#$y used these as a way to gain my trust as she began to use me to bail her out of one bad situation after another. We are in our 60’s. I did feel like i was being used, like a throw away item to be discarded,unwanted, unloved.
My best wishes of many thanks to all who write here.
This is a wonderful place to learn and to see first hand what others (and self) are going through.
Thank you all.
Thank you for writing this article. You hit all the pertinent points, I can see clearly now…
Seems like there are mostly women here talking about men, but women can be just as bad…
I met her online around 10 years ago. We instantly got along (as I’m sure most of you know – they know how to charm you). We texted all the time. We talked all the time. Eventually, for reasons that always eluded me, she just stops talking as much. Always busy. Always an excuse. I try to keep it up but eventually get frustrated at her – which she rarely responds to, or even wants to “fix”. So she goes cold. I’m left wondering why. I try to reach out to her but there’s always no response.
Inevitably she hits me up X months later on. Never says a word about the prior engagement, even if I bring up things that happened and want to talk about. She agrees with every word I say. She loves talking to me. And goes cold again.
I can’t count how many times I’ve done this with her over that 10-year span. This last time was very troubling and depressing for me. She hits me up via email – saying that “she was looking for any scrap of me” in her email box, which I know is a lie, as she gets them and reads them the same day, normally. I am stupid and start talking to her again, thinking she might have changed. So it begins again. We text all the time. We talk on the phone all the time. She says she loves me – well, at least when I tell her first, she agrees with it. I legit said to myself “this is too good to be true… am I dreaming?”… and yes, I was dreaming as it turns out.
As we have not met in person prior to this, I suggest we do, and she agrees. She initially wants to meet despite being with a guy for 8 years (in a waning relationship, who “lets her float away” – who would of guessed). I tell her that I won’t meet her unless she breaks up with him first. She agrees and does so – at least, she tells me she does. So, we meet, and seem to get along fine. She doesn’t bring up anything regarding our prior talks or even her ex (unless it’s something bad about him). She knows I’m coming to a place I’ve never been, but makes no plans for the time we meet, and leaves me to do it. I’m baffled but don’t say anything.
When I fly back home, she and I continue to talk for a while and even plan to meet again after a month or so, this time in my city. We continue talking/texting all the time. Hours long convos at night. I make plans for stuff to do together while she’s here and everything seems to be going normal.
Eventually – it has maybe only been a month and a half since we started talking again – she starts to “change”. She doesn’t respond as much. Always has an excuse. The more I try to talk to her, the more distant she becomes. I walk on egg shells. I’m starting to become needy to her, despite never changing anything on my end or the frequency at which we have always been talking to one another. I try to talk about how I feel to her but she disregards it and gives excuses as to why she can’t talk – and never brings it up again. Eventually…well, you all know, she says “she can’t do this anymore” without any real reason, no resolution, and just goes cold on me. I try in vain to get an answer, a response, anything, which only gets me silence. I break down and destroy myself in and out, thinking that I did something wrong, that I’m at fault here, that I’m the problem, despite my unwavering willingness to work out any issues. I apologize. I still get nothing from her. I closed my email account after this last time and blocked her number so she cannot hit me up again. I can’t take it anymore, despite caring about her so badly. All I wanted was to be with her and make her happy.. but I realize now, that she really never cared to make me happy, and this decade-long “thing” is a gigantic waste of time.
I don’t know if I’m the narcissist or she is. I should have known about the gigantic red flag from the start – the mere fact that she always comes back to me, despite being in a relationship already for numerous years. The fact that she always wants to be in control and that everything needs to be her way. I suppose I’m a fool for thinking this could work in the first place. I don’t know.
Thank you for this article.
This sounds like my exact situation… Is this woman from Texas?! Torture, but is I that need to stop drinking from the poisoned well.
I really feel for you and understand how you feel, I also agree that most narcissist forums/advice pages refer to the narcissist as “him” yet there are indeed female narcissists that destroy peoples lives.
Ok now for my story, I know there are some that will indeed judge me for what I am about to write but please try and understand I didn’t see this coming and if anyone had told me a few years ago I would end up in this situation I would have told them they were absolutely bonkers and there is no way I would ever end up like this, “little did I know”
I am an average guy from Lewes in east Sussex with a high school level of education topped up with plenty of experience at the university of lifeSo flip back 13 years and I’m in a new job (part of my new life after recently leaving an ex for cheating on me). I had been there maybe a few months when I notice a woman walking toward me, I had never seen this woman before, I know people laugh but it was like cupid had actually shot me through the heart, I walked by her and my heart was literally pounding and felt like it was going to burst through my chest, as she walked by (not even noticing me) I stopped and turned to look as she now walked away, I thought is she visiting? I notice her talking to a few colleagues and I there and then made the decision to find out who this woman was, sadly it wasn’t long before I was informed that although she did indeed work here she worked at another branch and was married 🙁
Not long after she came to work at the same branch as me, now normally I would have just left it at that and for my part I did, however I could not get this woman out of my mind and it was like she had thrown a hook in me and I was done for. Although I didn’t actively woo or try to court this woman (she was married and that was that) she was never far from my thoughts and I continued to admire her from afar, hook well and truly set but always a no go because of her marital situation but there was always this link with her that I could not break away from.
I did get to know her and work with her from time to time but I never ever let on about my feelings, fast forward a few years and we both find ourselves working within the same office, (actually opposite each other).
As time went on we became more friends rather than work colleagues and our conversations were more about our lives rather than work based, She began to confide in me about her marriage and revealed that she only got together with him in the first place because she bore his child and moved in with him “for the sake of the child” ! she further told me that she didn’t want anymore children with him and that he had kidded her by not withdrawing during sex and getting her pregnant with her second child on purpose to tie her down, she constantly complained that he was useless in the house and would never turn his hand to anything so any running repairs would have to be done by herself or get a tradesman in, even mowing the lawns she said she would have to nag him for days, most of the time though she did this task herself, she claimed she did not have much of a sex life with him and referred to him as an arsehole even on a couple of occasions saying tat she wouldn’t be bothered if she was told he was dead, she also confided to me that she had a couple of affairs over the years at this other branch. By this time I had eventually met a woman of my own and had spent almost all of my free time and my finances for the last 4 years on this woman the trouble being she lived 80 miles from me and didn’t drive so it was me hiking to hers every weekend and holiday to spend with her and her children but the tug from the woman I secretly admired was always there but I never acted on it and did indeed focus on this woman I had met, trouble being she a couple of friends with benefits before we met and was still meeting them during the week when I was not there, 1 in particular was her ex who she declared as “the one” when she was with him only to be treated badly by him and he kept dumping her and coming back when he felt like it eventually announcing that he did not want her on a permanent basis unless she got rid of the kids to their father (yes he was a lovely compassionate man!) she obviously refused so he offered the friends with benefits affair and she accepted, when I came on the scene she assured me that the arrangements with her lovers had ceased, I later found this not to be the case and it caused a few rows until she finally did give them up and we moved on, sadly I found that she was still seeing the 1 she called “the one” even though she knew it was never going to be more than just sex for him, so as tis woman in work is crying on my shoulder I am also crying on hers
So here I am now so close to this woman I had admired for so long and she is basically telling me she is unhappily married also saying at some point when the children are older she will leave him for a new life and close enough with me now to discuss her unhappiness and her longing and need for a loving man to share her life and give her the happiness she craves and it seemed I had peeked her interest as she had also started to heavily flirt with me, so I am now evaluating my own circumstances of the distance relationship to which my partner found it difficult to remain faithful and now the game had changed and here was the woman of my dreams giving me the signals that she wanted me or at least the flirting indicated she wanted me physically and have me wondering does she see me as the man who can make her long term dreams come true.
Although she has no formal education other than basic secondary school ed, she is quite a clever and can take to and complete her tasks both professionally and to a competent level. once this woman had indicated she was interested in me I told my distance relationship I could no longer continue with a 3way relationship and that was that.
It was only a matter of time before we became lovers however I was crushed when she announced that she didn’t want a proper relationship with me as she didn’t know when she was going to leave her husband and it wouldn’t be fair on me to wait around as a singleton while she was still married and carrying out the fake wife role until the time was right for her to leave, so I was free to go and have a relationship and when the day came that she left her husband she would see where I was and only if I was single would she suggest we embark on a proper relationship
(I didn’t realise it at the time but this was all part of the act to give her the “well I never stopped you seeing anyone” get out clause should things go pear shaped, as she obviously knew they would) she then said until that time came that she still wanted to see me but as a sort of friends with benefits role and did not want to give up our sex life,
(again another trick to keep me on her piece of string that I didn’t see at the time)
but I horrified her by telling her that I didn’t think I could continue being intimate with her as I was quite passionate and it would hurt me never knowing if this was the last time we would make love each time I saw her, this took her aback as she obviously wasn’t prepared for that response, she then gave a shrug (sort of “suit your self moment” and walked away, this I think was part of a test for me, but I was seriously prepared to walk away myself so I resisted the temptation to run after her and that night cut off any social media ties, whether the test was to see if I came running or not I stuck to my guns and never contacted her.
After 2 days of putting the
“i’m not bothered and moving on image out ”
she suddenly came around very touchy feely,, she announced that she just felt it wasn’t fair on me staying single while I waited that’s all, I said so would you be able to handle me being with someone else while we waited for the time to be right for you to leave your husband? she replied no I couldn’t handle it, so I said well it wouldn’t work then and I would have to remain single,
And so the stage was set that I would remain single and faithful to her until the time came for her to leave her husband, while she carried on as normal life as ever with her husband including sex (she always tried to play this down however I knew she had an incredibly high sex drive and was always boasting what she did and didn’t do with her husband.
As time went on though she was all over me, txts, phone calls and visits to my house for liasons, of an evening she would always txt me either with a loving or sexy message or both, although it was difficult we saw each other as much as possible and I really did fall head over heels for this woman and gave my life to her with my dedication and commitment, it hurt so much knowing she was climbing into bed each night with her husband or taking holidays, or spending birthdays etc with him which I never got to share, I have even spent the last 3 xmas’s literally on my own while she posts pictures of the great xmas she was having, but I would endure it all holding onto the thought that
“one day she will be mine”
In all this time I never complained or put her under pressure to leave him as he had quite a temper and could turn moods at the blink of an eye and no matter who iin over 3 years she has never admitted to being in the wrong and has therefore never apologised for anything
she is never at fault for anything and she has a way of blaming me and believe it or not making me feel guilty and doing all the apologising.
So about a year in along comes this guy from another branch (her typical fantasy man) very tall, muscular, tattoos and deep masculine voice, a decent voice can turn her on so much, my god it was like a light had been switched on, the txts became fewer the calls became fewer and she seemed little interested in me at work, she was all over him and literally threw herself at him even to the point of walking into work at the start of the day saying morning ****** and completely ignoring me! she would walk past me as if I wasn’t there whilst smiling and exchanging words with him,
Now she was always a natural flirt and would flirt with most of the men at work always exchanging sexual innuendo’s but as she called it harmless fun, she had indicated to me who was on her sleep with or run a mile from list, and in the main it was all just harmless fun (or was it?)
anyway she started disappearing with this guy and also I found her to be lying to me, whenever I asked if she had a good/busy day (knowing she had disappeared with this guy) she would simply state “oh yeah me and ******* had to go to such a branch or whatever even though they didn’t work for the same departments and neither of their workload had any links and there was no reason for them to be working together, the disappearances also coincided with her husband not being home (which was not far from the branch we both worked) and on 1 of their disappearances I actually witnessed them swanning off together in the car, I watched them not go in the direction of the other branch but in the opposite direction where there is only an estate where her house is.
because of her sudden mood swings when challenged on anything and immediate aggressive defence on any challenge to “absolutely anything” and I mean any challenge to anything and she would fly into a rage almost overboard defensive with a smatter of
“I think he protesteth too much” ring about it
so I learned to say nothing and save an argument and ultimately her displeasure where she would refuse to speak to me for days, anyhow this went on for months with this guy and it was getting me down, I’m not ashamed to say that when the communication dried up of an evening now that this guy was on the scene that I laid there in tears wondering what was wrong and why she was always too busy for me now and didn’t even txt me goodnight or good morning anymore, the visits became fewer and fewer, the loving messages stopped things had completely changed, then one day I caught them both staring intently/sexually into one anothers eyes for I swear at least 30 seconds they stood opposite each other with this crazy lustful stare everyone in the office was staring at them openmouthed and although no one ever knew for sure they always suspected that me and her were an item so naturally when this odd stare between them took place and people were gobsmacked I soon realised that the office was now staring at me and I probably gave the game away as my sad and at the same time horrified facial expression said it all, as I looked at each person they would suddenly drop their heads into their computers, the 2 of them then made a hasty retreat and did one of their now well known disappearing acts for an hour or so. This was the final straw I had to risk her displeasure and ask her straight out, I mean here was I spending every day and every night, every weekend, holiday etc on my own waiting for this woman, I had to know if I was wasting my time, I decided to tackle it at the earliest opportunity, the occasion didn’t arrive until later in the day, I just simply took her to one side and asked her right out
“look ********* I have noticed you getting close to ******** so tell me straight do I have anything to worry about and is there anything you need to tell me?”
Look ******** the trouble with you is because I have cheated on the few guys I have been with
(this she openly admitted of her own accord when we started to get close and she was telling me about her unhappy marriage)
you ****** think I am going to do the same to you like once a cheat always a cheat, well i’m telling you I will never cheat on you and never knowingly hurt you” she said all this while looking deep into my eyes without even blinking (no one can do that I thought so this is a sure sign of her telling the truth SO I THOUGHT!
I immediately forgot all about what happened earlier and my heart over ruled my head and I believed her, she said she she was only flirting with him to take the heat of us, and yes you guessed it I swallowed the lot.
Now if someone had been relating this to me I would have shook them and told them to wake up and smell the coffee, but honestly you just don’t realise when your in the situation, they are very clever and have a way of playing with your mind which at the point of questioning yourself, situations and trying to work out whats going on if anything, that you stop because your not 100% sure so you question whether its you just being paranoid, I swear this is not me, I’m a successful hardworking guy who knows his onions and I can’t even believe how my mind has been manipulated, its only now that I realise that before the affair started and she befriended me she was actually laying the seeds into my head, the seeds of doubt that she could switch on at any minute, the fake seeds of love that she could awaken and manipulate when in an emergency whenever the occasion called.
And so the relationship continued with evidence cropping up from time to time that she was still in contact with him even after he left to go back to his original branch, she eventually took another job but insisted we stay in the relationship but this is were things really got bad, she hardly ever came to see me and the phone calls, video calls both chat and sexy stopped, the horny texts and loving txts stopped, said she was too busy in new job then I find she has been having cybersex with an ex colleague, this caused a break-up for a few weeks in which time I ACTUALLY TOOK THE BLAME FOR and ended up the one begging to give us another chance, the contact with me stopped yet she found time to have cybersex with this guy? we did reconcile but our contact is minimal, the row over the cybersex happened last summer, I have only seen her twice since, each time for less than an hour! I’m not allowed to txt or contact her on fb as she says its too risky, I now get a good morning email each morning Monday to Friday and that’s it, because of this I have asked over the last 12 months on a few occasions do you still want this? do you still intend to leave ******** and start a new life with me, I even said you don’t tell me about the hard unhappy times with your husband anymore, so all I ask is that if you don’t want it, if you want to make an effort with your husband then please tell me so I can move on to find happiness myself, she just replies that yes she does want it, she wants a life with me and yes she still has the same opinion of her husband and still has the rows she just doesn’t tell me, this is despite still putting pics and videos of her and her family on fb showing happy occasions along with her husband and buying a holiday cottage together on the coast where they spend most weekends, on the very rare occasion she does call (twice since last summer) I have to ask her do you still love me ***** and she simply replies “of course I do” I put private posts up on fb that only she can see, hearts, kisses, hugs, etc and she used to like them, now she doesn’t bother even placing her thumb on the thumbs up to acknowledge me, there was also a time when I would write her romantic stories which she loved, stories I took from inspiration of wanting to be loved and shown to be truly loved by a man whose sole purpose was to put a smile on her face, be her best friend, her protector, her lover, her soulmate, there were also erotic stories I would write in chapters and send 1 at a time and she would love it and read them and immediately send me a txt to say what happens next with a row of horny devil smileys and if I wasn’t quick enough getting the next instalment sent she would impatiently txt saying she is waiting, Ive tried in the past 16 months to write those same romantic and erotic stories and she hasn’t even acknowledged the first chapter, so I ask hey did you get the first part of the story and I would simply get in my morning email, good morning ******* and yes I got it, so I ask did you like it? she would simply say yes I liked it, so I would end up asking again, “are you still happy with me? do you still want me, do you still love me, and she will reply “of course I do”
And so now I am here asking myself, is she a narc, is it me, she says she still wants me but her actions say otherwise, now some of you are probably saying well what do you expect getting involved with a married woman and judging me, believe me I never set out for this path, and yes if I was reading this of someone elses life I would probably be saying “my god man she is taking the pi** she obviously has interests elsewhere and is keeping you hanging on just in case everything else goes sour and she has you there as a last resort as she knows she only has to call me and I will come running” and who knows that could be correct, but those old seeds of doubt of my own senses echo out, “but what if she really does love you *****” is it part of the skilful art of the narcissist to be able to program you this way so they have you exactly where they want you? I’m so unhappy and I really don’t know what my next move should be, and by the way I’m not some young in experienced guy i’m 57 successful with my own department and great responsibilities, yet my love life is a mess and I feel pathetic
Wow! I already knew that my aunt has NPD but reading this made me realize that I was in a relationship for many years with someone who has NPD. The part about “coming in and out of your life as if nothing happened, no matter how long the separation has been” is him! My self-esteem was quite high when I met him. It was dragging the ground by the end of our relationship. I thought I was targeted because of low self-esteem. (By the end of our relationship I didn’t remember ever feeling good about myself.) Reading this article let me know that it was the opposite. Thank yo so much!
Thank you.. this is the most accurate description of the last 23 years of my life.. and it is helping me to stop that cycle of extreme abuse! THANK YOU!!!! I will not be a victim!!!!
I always thought I knew what narcissist was but thought it was self-love on a rather banal level. Until one day my daughter called my husband a narcissist while speaking to me. I looked it up and found many articles on NPD. I was floored as it is my husband to a tee. He is also a pot addict. I cannot say this article follows our situation exactly…the discard phase is different. I want to leave. He bombards me with texts, never accepting responsibility for any problems. I am called every name in the book, shamed and embarrassed constantly. The way I was raised, the way my children were raised, that I am a liar (I am not), that I am this that and the other…and I am not. He has walked a close walk with physical violence. He has poured water and pop on my head, spit in my face, thrown a yogurt container at my back, held a hot cup of coffee over my head, grabbed me around the neck with the crook of his arm, pushed me, and shoved me on the bed and laid on me so I couldn’t get away, all the while screaming demonically at me that he hates my guts. I have left for a day or three a couple of times now. I go back because it is easier than dealing with his constant texts and arguing. My friends would see some of his texts and warn me not to marry him. I thought they were not the normal and blew them off as a one-off here or there. He tells me I waste money (I rarely spend on myself) and once lit a dollar bill (to make a point) and threw it at me. I didn’t expect it and it landed on my head, hair burned off in spots, house stinking and remnants landing on brand new laptop burning keys off while I tried to get the fire out of my hair. Of course he claims he did not throw it at me and I was stupid for standing there (like I would expect such a thing to ever occur). As usual, my fault. He has me begging God every night to take me, please. I cannot stand this any longer. I’ve never had a super high opinion of myself but I am now shamed and humiliated more than I can bear. I have two adult daughters (both happily married) and 6 grandchildren. I don’t want to live to be put down and I don’t want to live to see anything happen to any of my children/grandchildren/sons-in-law. I too have described him as a Jekyll and Hyde. I have said he turns on a dime (his moods). He talks to his mother like she’s a dog too. She told me when I moved in with him that she would keep a room for me if I needed a break. I should have seen that as a red-flag; instead I saw it as an odd statement. I am 58 and know now that I am old, ugly, disgusting, unloveable, a liar…you name it. Even my own family hates me (he has told me). Everything in the world is my fault. I make twice as much money as he does. His mom buys his groceries and his mom gives him money every month. She seems caring about me but then he tells her his bitches and she becomes appalled at me. And his bitches are distorted. I cannot stand it anymore. I’m hurt and devastated and hate myself. I called a domestic violence hotline and they told me that for him it is about control. They said in these cases it can rapidly escalate into violence. I almost wish he would kill me…at least then he’d be put away and couldn’t hurt me or anybody else anymore. Am I strong enough to leave? I am trying…but I remember how he used to be for the first two years I knew him and we were just friends. The two since marriage…a nightmare. I am damned if I do, damned if I don’t. I cannot please him. I iron his clothes for work for him and he complains about the color of shirt I chose. Yet he won’t get up to pick out his own clothes. I can never do enough or be enough. I am sick at heart. My kids want me to leave. My mom wants me to leave. I want to leave. I just want to die in peace.
After reading quite a bit about NPD, I’ve learned about “projection”. The names that he calls you (“projects” onto you) are the very things that he himself is. If he calls you a liar, it is HE who is the liar. There is also a thing called “gaslighting”. Telling you that you remember things wrong, that certain things never happened, you’re crazy, you’re lying, you’ve lost your mind… Eventually you start to doubt yourself, wonder if you ARE crazy.. and this is exactly what he wants. There is so much more…. Continue researching NPD and think about going ‘No Contact’. This is the only way to make the break from him… Change your number, move to an undisclosed location, and do not allow him into your life. Bc what is your life worth if you’d rather he just kill you? Get away.. someone will truly love you but you’ll never find that person if you’re stuck living with an evil, self-absorbed vampire.
The final answer came to me when an apology came thus:
I want to apologize for what YOU THINK I did wrong.
That was after a quick phase 1 and into phase 2. Luckily…i was aware of narcistic traits…but not NPD and did some research which saved my day!
I re-read these articles to keep it fresh. I’m not a person to be humiliated or disrespected so that was a huge red flag for me.
Omg. ” I’m sorry for the things you think I did wrong”. This is what my son dad tells me. I’m glad I read this article because it describes him down to a tee! This man is never wrong about nothing. He uses people & has no conscious about doing someone dirty. He definitely dont mind revisiting past relationships. I know I cannot go back to him. He uses our son as an excuse to get to me. The same exact behavior that he does to his other children’s mother. But she thinks he is so in love with her but little does she know he loves ANYBODY HE CAN TAKE ADVANTAGE OF! I am so thankful to know what he really is now. I use to call him selfish & self-absorbed nut now I know the true name A Narcissistic bastard!
you are a great person. the proof is how your children are doing now – you must have instilled a sense of rightness in them, so you have it in yourself, too.
do not think of yourself as old, ugly or unlovable. and you know you’re not a liar either.
this article (which brought me here) has some good tips on how to cope with the situation.
I personally suggest meditation, meeting the few honest friends you might still have and doing the 5 tibetan rites whenever you have 20 minutes by yourself, once a day.
you will make it, you deserve to feel good about yourself – that’s why you’re alive.
Is it possible for you to get away?
Be courageous and leave. Its never too late. By staying you’re also showing your children the wrong example and making them suffer. Start by planning a safe place to move to then move away suddenly. Get a protection order and all legal help you can. Get a proper divorce straight away. Always seen my mum be a victim like this and never been able to accept it. This is the kind of situation which can seriously end in a murder. Take help from ppl willing to support you and LEAVE.
I am in the same situation, mine has become physical and there is no way to fight back I just pray he doesn’t hurt me real bad or kill me. I also have wanted to just die and get it over, make it stop. How can anyone human being be so crule and less? He just absolutely does not care. The police have been involved a few times and he doesn’t care about them either. He is not afraid and has told me in front of friends ( I would have them come over thinking he wouldn’t touch me with them here) he has told me ” If I want to put my hands on you it doesn’t matter who is around I am going to. I just hope that the police don’t get tierd of being called and give up on me. I am scared that if I let them make him leave and not come back he will come in the night and set fire to my home (which he has threatened) or do something to my car, or come in and hurt me bad or worse. Everyday is like walking on eggshells……..terrified of what is going to happen next. It is not as easy as just making him leave as I mentioned. It seems like there is no hope.
I feel what was written is a story about me and my partner. I was with him for 39 years and separated from him 3 years ago. It did take me a long time to feel confident and happy again. I am new getting on with my life and enjoying it. Thank you for writing this piece as it explains a lot to me.
It was a year yesterday since our reunion in the UK after 30 years living separate lives. I have managed to stay NC since mid March but it’s been a struggle as my previous comments can testify too. This anniversary had me once again thinking about him constantly, but I am resolved to stay strong and not make contact. It helps that I have suspected he is actually doing the same to another woman, who just happens to be another old school friend, I have noticed a similar pattern on Facebook to the one he used with me. I am definitely doing better thanks to counseling and also anti depressants. But I’m still never going to be the same person I was before he came back into my life, and I feel like he has changed me forever to never again be the happy trusting person I was before we reconnected. There has been a seismic shift in my happiness with my life and a part of me is always going to love him, despite what he did to me. My advice to others is look after yourselves, Take the time to heal but you should probably expect he will never fully recover from such a blow by someone you have loved so hard.
Found your site a couple of months ago and have been absorbing tons of information that has helped me a lot. My narc encounter was 31 years ago. Started with meeting at our workplace and relationship to marriage of 4 years. When she ended it the what did I do wrong was so overwhelming
that was the hardest part still to this day but after reading I understand better. You must remember back then no internet search !!!! I went to the library and found a book on called coping with shyness and in the back was a description of narcissism behavior and then things she said and did fell more into line giving me some solace. I never had the blaming and shaming part but the false image and entitlement ,grandiose postering were all evident. It also brought out a instance she asked me while we were passing windows showing our reflection she asked if I liked seeing my reflection in the windows ? I did not think much of it at the time but after knowing more what a red flag. At the end the discard was quick and heartless my downfall was not wanting to be out at clubs and needing to be at the gym 4 days a week, silly me I wanted to start a marriage not just have a wedding. To further
verify my situation the person she moved onto was quickly douped as well convinced to move across country to be with her only to be devalued and discarded as well. The reason I know is that he called me looking for advise. His sister and I were friends and she told him the best way to get through a minefield was to follow someone who made it through. I guess it must have looked like I made it through. I really thought I had until 2 months ago when I had to call her to tell her a former boss had died, this person was also a grade and high school personal fried of her father and I wanted him to know the day of the visitation .
It was no contact for 27 years and just the sound of the voice brought back the immense pain and
emotion that I thought was put behind long ago. I should also add the fact that I had remarried and have 2 great children with a wonderful caring woman but it seems like having this much pain form hearing a voice from that long ago only shows that they take somethings from you that is hard or impossible to replace. I guess my situation was better than others her view is to not look back when it comes to relationships so the no contact part fairly easy. In searching for her phone listing the internet shows quite a train wreck of a life many jobs second husband bankruptcies another divorce
second husband earns 2 DUI charges in 14 months and is deceased one year later. Since that she has another husband being subjected to devaluation and most likely discard. I have read on other sites also about the great damage that narcs inflict on their partners and i totally sympathize with the women who are subjected to the male counterpart but the woman who uses her tools to this end are quite manipulative and leave long lasting damage. Had I known going in to the relationship what she was I would have ended it quickly but that is the problem to this day I don’t think enough people are aware of what this disorder can to to a person. Frankly I blame her mother for the way she is , I think she was the 3rd child that was unwanted and a inconvenience to her plan. She also is a unemotional person. Hopefully more people will become educated about the signs of this and these people are left to the lonely existence they deserve but technology feeds them with the never-ending selfie and other apps and sites promoting self absorbing activity. Knowledge is power over these people and more need the knowledge about what to look for and understanding the damage that they will do and how to avoid it. Thank you for helping people…
I am a gay man who is currently (and unfortunately) living with the narcissist I broke up with only 3 weeks ago. His growing coldness and contempt — all while insisting he was committed and wanted to spend the rest of his life with me — became too much to handle.
I finally realized that it was a waste of time trying to recapture his initial feelings for me. After he had “secured the supply”, he began to do all of the things mentioned in this article. All sexual contact ceased — reflecting on our sex life, I realized that he had never once initiated sexual contact with me, or told me I was attractive (or paid me any other compliment, for that matter).
In the three weeks since I broke it off, he has been having internet/cam sex loudly in the adjacent room, and hooking up several times. He has technically followed my “no sex partners in the house while I am here” rule — I say “technically” because he had sex with a hook up on our screened porch — not in the house, in his mind. He left me alone on New Year’s Eve for a 24-hour hookup, after I had broken down in front of him, sobbing in mystified confusion over what the (*^% had just happened. He listened blankly, and off he went.
He is currently badmouthing me to his entourage of former/current victims. I don’t know what he’s telling them, but I heard one of the entourage say as he left, “if you need anything, or feel like you’re in danger, call me.” Classic — flip the script. If anyone is in danger, it is me.
I am working on an escape plan, and have mentally prepared myself to abandon the possessions he’s likely to fight over, etc.
Learning about NPD and its victims has been a tremendous comfort and restoration to sanity. I am shopping for a therapist to get over the obliteration of my self-confidence, and to discover why I am attracted to such destructive charmers.
Thank you so much for this article. It truly was a lifesaver.
hi my name is Rod.
i truley have compassion for what you have gone through, for i have been through it too. I fell in love with mine and it was heaven until things went down hill. we were so close i thought we were planning on gettig married. So fast i went to jail and it took them one month to totally fall in love with someone else. It floored me. How does that happen? I know right? His mother told me he was a narcisstic socialpath, its too bad at that time I had no idea what she was talking about. I do now.
I cannot believe how much this sounds like my ex. Its as if I read my whole relationship written here. When i bought up issues he would turn it on me and say it was my fault and get angry at me for no reason. He stopped being attentive. He didn’t disappear would still message me during the day but it was me who was making the most of the effort. And then when I confronted him the last discussion he kept me in control by telling me he didn’t have the answer whether we should break up or stay together. So in the end after feeling like i wasnt enough I ended it when he again turns it on me I asked him to fight for me he told me i had made the decision and that I should stand by it if I could break it off I should be willing to be able to do it. I still have to collect my things from him and have immense feelings for the guy I thought he was in the intital phase. It hurts so much
I too have had a relationship with a Narcissist. We met and the conversation was endless, how much good he has done in the past present and in the future, how he was wronged by so many women and he was heart broken. The daily communication was out of this world the lovely texts and the wonderful promises of having a loving long life together. I fell hard and fast for this narcissist…I loved him with every ounce of my being and thought I’m so lucky to have found the love of my life, my soul mate my forever. In the end, he lied to me about a few things, still took him back, he was abusive when he exploded at the end of our relationship, still took him back, he ran my name through the mud and I still took him back. He wanted things done his way, not really at the beginning but towards the end it was all his way. And it was always me who had the issues, I was insecure, I was crazy, I needed mental help. I tried to break loose but couldn’t…my mind and heart always went back to him and what he said…and all I kept thinking was why do I want such a person in my life that treats me so badly, he hasn’t been there for me when I needed him and not love me the way any human being deserves to be loved. He had a lot of women in the picture, where he said they were just friends or just talking on sites and not to worry. But I was just another notch on his board. This narcissist is an adult male almost in his 50’s, has children of his own, high up in the executive ladder, comes from a loving family and thought there is no way he would play these games with me, he loves me, he would never do anything to hurt me. But he did hurt me and alot. I took the time to rebuild myself and got to a state where I thought I could handle communication with him…of course, he was on my mind…but he reeled me in again and did what hes done from day one. I’ve stopped all communication with this person if hes even a human being to begin with…and have started the healing process. Of course you think its you, you think you’ve done something to deserve this treatment, that you have the issues. Its just not fair and I don’t understand how someone could look at themselves in the mirror everyday and live a happy fulfilling life.
I had no idea that I was dealing with someone like this till my therapist told me. I was talking to a guy for 2 years. I wasn’t needy or clingy, but would ask where the relationship was going maybe three times in the course of 2 years. I never got a straightforward answer, just that he wasn’t ready for a commitment. He rarely took me places or bought be things, and never heard him tell me I was pretty or nice etc. I spent thousands of dollars on him and went out of my way, but rec’d nothing in return. After asking him recently if he was interested in talking to or seeing other girls, he said no, but recently discovered he was seeking out other women behind my back. I confronted him with this information and he could have cared less. He no longer contacts me and doesn’t care to explain his reasoning behind his behavior. I hate him for what he’s put me through, and I hope he lives a miserable lonely life.
I was blind. My friends saw it but I was in love. He did everything to me that this article states. I am disappointed in myself that I allowed a man to do this to me. Red flag number one, he told me he was a master manipulator when we first started dating. I should have ran. But I stayed for a year and a half. I lost who I was, I lost my voice. I was scared to ever say anything to upset him. If I did I got the silent treatment. He asked me if I would let go of my best friend of 20 years for him. He wanted me to move away from my family, kids and soon grand babies due tomorrow. When I told him no, I didn’t love him enough. He was never wrong. If I confronted him by the end of the conversation I was confused and apologizing for suggesting he was wrong. I gave everything in fear he was going to leave me. Slowly over the last few months he stopped responding to text, barley called. I saw him 3 days in 6 weeks. Then out of the blue he comes over Saturday will all my stuff and says it’s over and left. I have not had one friend sorry that he is gone. They are all truly sorry that I am hurting but all saw the signs. I blocked him every way possible. And I truly feel better after reading so much the last few days. It wasn’t me. I feel for his next victim because there will be a next. Maybe Red flag #2 were how many marriages and ex’s he had. And him telling me no one every had broken up with him, he has left everyone.
I will be in a better place and I hope you are as well!
I felt like I was just reading about my ex!
I actually sent this article to my ex. It explains a lot.
Lyric – I wouldn’t contact them in any shape or form. Narcissists are most likely not going to change so sending them an article is just giving them the attention they crave. Moving on, no contact, and working on yourself is the best revenge.
This article is spot on. I was in a toxic relationship with a girl, and finally had enough that I walked out of her life once and for all. Best decision I made!
I first met my narcissist in University. He swept me off my feet – fancy dinners, driving trips etc. After a short time he invited me to move in with him. He always kept me from feeling a commitment from him though. No I love you’s, no discussion of the future. The fancy dinners ended and he became less and less engaged. Then I got pregnant. He said ‘What are you going to do about it? I knew then that this person cared nothing for me. I got an abortion. He graduated but kept returning for sex. I kept thinking he would come back to me and love me, but when I graduated a few months later and moved back home I never heard from him til months later when I had started a new relationship. (The first guy who treated me nicely – ended up marrying – another disaster. I was so desperate for validation.)
Roughly 40 years later we reconnected on Facebook. I thought he had changed (they never do) he was flattering and attentive. He was a single parent who obviously adored his daughter (I worry for her now, as she seems to have a desire for perfectionism, a trait of narcissistic parenting I understand.) He remembered me as I was 40 years ago. When we met he was stone cold. Wouldn’t sit beside me. Talked about himself for hours. Talked about people he knew who are ‘important’ although when I was with him years ago he didn’t seem to have very many ‘friends’ at all. I was crushed. I thought we could start again, except he would be different – stupid me. After I left, totally humiliated, I asked him what he had expected. He said “Nothing, you came after me. I didn’t know what to expect.” It was all my fault. After that we have kept talking through email and texts, but he is definitely disengaging. Sometimes he would pull at my heart and talk about how lonely he was/is, and I would get sucked in again. He also says he wants to go on some trips, but he doesn’t want to go ‘alone’. Never asks how I am, or anything about me. Last night I had an epiphany, I told him I was sad as I am involved in a cancer chat group and some of the people’s stories are gut wrenching. He responded, “Awful stuff…. ? ‘They shoot horses don’t they.'” This is when it hit me, he’s an unfeeling monster. Not only did he not try to sympathize, his response was so insensitive. This is when I started researching narcissism. Fortunately, I am not 20, I am 63, and I have learned some things over time. I am stronger, more self-confident, experienced, so I can rebound from this rather quickly, but it has left a mark. I wonder if narcissists can ever be happy if this is a constant cycle with them.
I think they must target certain people, the kind, trusting, empathetic, and loving ones they can dupe easily. My mantra now is – I am a good, kind, attractive, loving, successful, woman. He is a f…..ed up mess who will never be happy.
Knowing what I know now, revenge could be sweet.
I was married to this type of an ass for 27 years and he did exactly what you said in the article. We are not even divorced yet and he started his affair supposedly last December but that’s all bullshit lies. For someone who said he loved me and cared deeply about me to move on so quickly still mind boggles me and what he did to me put me through so much agonizing pain and confusion. Karma is a B and I pray that he and her will pay big in this world and hope he gets divorced second time. I’m not a mean hearted person but I’m so hurt that words can’t even explain
Well said Deb! It must have taken its toll on you through out the years. I’m amazed to read that this is still his ‘mantra’ in life.
Hi i was very much disturbed these days.A friend of mine told me after detail study that i have a psychological disorder and i must visit a doctor.The doctor was a friend of mine too.He told me about my disorder *which must not be told by the way*.It was that i am a narcissist.When i analysed myself , myself it was true.The article that is written is kind of a loop that i have been repetitively doing with my girlfriends.I always thought that i was right and i was correct but now i understand.I feel like i am completely in control with this disorder.How can i be cured? I don’t want to hurt more people.
Wow! It fits my most recent story almost perfectly and finally i have an explanation for me being clingy and trying to reach her and talk to her! I am feeling very lucky that she was 20 and therefore not very experienced and i am 32 and had been visiting a psychologist in the past so i could understand that things were not normal and i was able to protect myself a little better and set boundaries. Because of those boundaries the entire circle only lasted for around 9 months. The relationship itself lasted for 4 months but i was feeling sick with myself for not being able to forget a girl who is 12 years younger than me for so long!!! At least i am proud that when she revealed the discard part of the circle to me last week, after i had tried to reach her one more time, i told her exactly what i think about her as well. However, although it undoubtedly make me feel better, i was still thinking of it all the time, i was worried if i had done anything wrong, or if i should try and reach her again in a couple of months, until i read your article! I am sure that i will gradually start getting better from now on! Thank you!
I have one question though, could it be that it was only because of her young age and not of her actually being a narcissist? She was nearly a teenager and she did have traumatic experiences in the past, that i know for sure.. I am also thinking, should i send her this link, partly to explain myself a little better and partly as a final attempt to help her?
No. The traumatic experiences are not the point. Sweet people also have had traumatic experiences. The point is her behavior and the way she may even refer to her TEs to come across as victim.
No link, no contact. Move on.
I wouldn’t. I would leave them alone. As the article states, they will never change, keep doing the same cycle over and over again, leaving a trail of destruction, and not care. They are incapable of feeling remorse. Somehow, it was all your fault. Cut ties and move on with your life.
I´ve had the same experience. She was 10 years younger than me. She also told me about horrible past experiencies of abuse from former ugly or even psicopathic partners. I´m pretty sure, almost none of whatever she might have told you, is remotely close to be true. It was just part of the scam. You might be at the stage of trying to fix this. To help her, as you truly care. I´m sorry. There´s nothing to fix. Remember: The person you now miss, has never existed. No matter how unthinkable it may appear. Go NC ASAP. Unbeknownst to you, she might be at the smear campaign against you. You try to reason or help, she uses it to prove that you are stalking or abusing her. GO NC and save yourself.
That’s really the key, isn’t it? That person never existed. Like sociopaths, they understand our unrealistic expectations and use them against us. In a healthy relationship with a non narcissist partner, you have to face your unrealistic expectations. With a narcissist, they present themselves as the embodiment of those expectations. That is how they drag you in. I spent 4 years struggling with a narcissist and once I realized that the person I loved did not exist and was just a reflection of my own unrealistic expectation, I was able to go no contact. Things got pretty scary after that. He tried to set my house on fire, vandalized my car to the point it was not driveable, tried to run me over, tried to run me off the road, murdered my cat and left him on my doorstep, terrorized my mother, and told an endless litany of lies about me. I think the lies were the worst part. He actually broke out the window to his car, and then called the police to report that I had done it, so I had to deal with cops. Why did he do that? Because I refused to have any contact with him. And when I would get upset and respond, he would tell everyone I was the crazy one. People who were friends were suddenly no longer speaking with me and one person tried to assault me because of what he told her. I eventually moved to another town, and after living here for 5 years, he showed up on my doorstep out of nowhere. I looked out the window and there he was, knocking on the door, calling out “its me, Terry, open the door” as if nothing had ever happened. I did not even bother to tell him to leave. I just went back to bed. He died last year. I am sorry for the children he never cared about or supported, but I sent no flowers and cried no tears. I gave him no energy or consideration whatsoever and I think the planet is a better place without him. THe deal is this – you can’t help these people. They don’t want your help; they are smug and self righteous and are pretty sure they are in the right. They don’t want to change because it gets their needs met. For them, its fun to do what they do. No contact is the only way to go and it does get better.
Oh how awful. Sounds so similar to what my ex did. When you leave them, cutting off their supply, they go crazy. Mine attempted to break in on several occasions. Called everyone I knew to try and ruin my reputation. And stole from me. I got lucky because he landed himself in jail for something else. Of course a year later the emails have begun. Trying to Hoover me back in. At least I have had this year to learn what I am dealing with. I blocked his emails and will not respond. I have a protective order and hopefully that keeps him away. It’s really scary and sad when you have kids in the mix and are trying to protect them too. And hard to rebuild and find your true self again after they make you believe you are crazy and the source of all the problems. I can say that Thanksgiving was wonderful and drama free for the first time in a long time.
I like most people have had similar experiences. When I first met my ex FWB, he was amazing – sending me loads of texts and messages, declaring we got on some great and I had so many qualities he had never found in another e.g. “we trust each other because we are so open and honest which is rare in relationships”.
We started to become FWB and the sex was great, conversations were fantastic and I couldn’t believe how lucky I was. Then he started to ghost on my messages or become flaky when he would not respond if we were about to meet on a date. It made me question what I was doing but then he would pull me back with his hotness and make me feel amazing e.g. “I’ve never met a friend like you, you are in my top 10 friends including my childhood friends” “you are an amazing woman” etc. During the cold spells I would call him out on his stuff and say it was unacceptable. Twice I told him I was done and walked away, all for him to pull me back in again. I felt I was special when he pulled me back in, that he wanted me. He would declare his love for me and how he couldn’t live without me.
6 weeks ago, I became done again. I couldn’t do it. I could see so many disrespectful traits and I knew for my own self worth I deserved better so I walked. Implemented the no contact rule – no friendship, fringe benefits, calls, texts, facebook. It was hard as I cut it all off but still looked on his facebook to see what he was upto, still read all the old texts ravelling my head around what he said.
I have stupidly gone back 3 times since then. He makes out he misses the friendship but is so disrespectful to me. The nail that hit the head was last Friday when he got angry that some people have gone upto him and asked if we were dating. He said that I must have told people. I now feel ashamed of myself. He then told me he joined Match.com. I thought ‘what? I’ve been a FWB but you now want to date?” Maybe he wants loads of different girls feeding his ego, telling him how wonderful he is, him lovebombing them and them feeling its amazing. It hurts so much as I don’t want to see him in public with all these girls.
Any advise would be good on how to deal with Match.com and his lack of wanting people to know about me.
The only way is no contact. That means erasing him from FB and erasing all those text massages ect. It’s really hard, I know I have been there and I do still have a couple of emails I kept in case I need them for court and I catch myself looking for them and have to stop myself. Educating yourself, practicing self love, finding a new hobby or interest, and the passage of time will do wonders for you. Also read up on empths. Good luck.
So happy I found this article- it describes my experience with my now ex boyfriend perfectly. We are now in the discard phase, where I have been tossed to the side without comment or explanation. I’ve been through the clingy phase, begging for contact and an explanation. To be fair, there were a number of red flags that I chose to ignore because of my desperate need for love. I have been left reeling, I really did think he was the one. He’s done me a favour though, shown me I have still a lot of work to do to get to a place of healthy self esteem. And he is not getting back in, no more crumbs for me! Thanks for this wonderful insight, it has helped me beyond measure.
Hi. I have just been ditched coldly by a man I now know to be a Narcissist. He put on a pretence for a long time. We had been together almost a year and I constantly made excuses for his behaviour like he must be stressed, he has been busy etc. He was meant to tell his mother that we had split…I texted her to say that I was sorry that I would not be seeing her again because of our split. She did not have a clue! It turns out, after a long conversation with her, that he has done this at least 3 times in the past with long term relationships, completely changing the character of one woman in particular, and most likely with the short term ones as they did not supply him with the needed fix. He has also been verbally aggressive to his mother and now virtually bans her from the house.
I thought he was my perfect partner but as I was pleading with him to reconsider and felt the coldness coming off him as he said my total love and 100% effort were not enough, I realised that the man I love does not even exist..
Although I do still love him which is crazy x
I keep reading this over and over to remind myself I cannot change this person who broke my heart. I cannot make this situation any different than.what if is. I must move on no matter how much I want to feel him and love him. He does not love me and it will never be what I hoped and thought it was going to be.. I love you M.. I say goodbye…… You broke my heart .. I wake up each morning and count each day that I do not contact you a blessing the silence was unbearable…
I recognized the pattern 6 months into my emotional affair with a coworker, but I thought I had the coping tools to normalize the highs and lows and maintain a relationship with this beautiful woman. The red flag should have been her describing her husband as an alcoholic who’d lost all of his self-esteem. I read everything I could find on Narcissism. When I recognized her true versus false selves, I took pity at first, and saw that fragile, vulnerable true self like a helpless, scared puppy. It just needed nurturing and reassurance and affection and it could nursed back to health. But the sudden emotional 180 degree turns were too painful and I realized – like every credible piece of Narc-related literature states – that she was unfixable. And by empathetically caring and trying to help, I was only becoming more vested as a victim. I now view that true self more like a wounded alligator than a helpless puppy. Yes, it needs help, but try to render it and you will be eaten.
My relationship with a narc ended in me attempting to take my own life. That is how upside and hopeless things became. He literally made me lose my mind with the manipulation. This article has done wonders for my recovery, and I’ve shared it with many others. The no contact has helped immensely, but even after 9 months, I’m still not the same person I was before him. Holding on to hope that with time, and not getting involved in another relationship until I’m fully healed will get me to a peaceful place emotionally. You’re right, they absolutely cannot be “fixed”. Get away and get away fast!
This is extremely accurate. Everyone should read this who is single.
I started educating myself on his behavior very early on. Luckily I started building reference and could see the relationship go exactly the route as described. When I eventually after a few months decided enough it was very easy to just walk away. I have not looked back since. He is so pity full and still tries his luck ever so often. The NO contact rule is a definite winner!
WOW. I so needed to read this. I just went through exactly this! Until I read this I thought maybe I was a rebound and many different ways to blame myself. The time frame was a bit different, longer closer to a year – but I could tell there were times when he found a new shiny toy to play with for a few weeks then they’d be gone and he’d be back full press. Until phase 2 really started to hit and then I just hit phase 3 recently. I feel better knowing it isn’t me, because I was the same person throughout but felt I must have done something wrong or somehow was not good enough anymore for some reason. And the last bit, about cutting off contact. In the age of social media, our last email exchange he asked I not message him – he was in a place where he needed time and to control his interactions blah blah – so I said just unfriend me in facebook, if you don’t want to be friends so be it. But he won’t do it…. and I am thinking based on this he never will, just in case he can come back some months from now and try a watered down version of phase one and see if he can get me to fall all over again. I feel sad for him, b/c I did fall in love and care. I hope somehow some day he can get some therapy and find a way to fill that void.
This article is an exact replication of my two year relationship. I finally got fed up and broke it off. I really did love him, but what a waste of my time. I wish I had listened to my family and friends when he pulled the first disappearing act.
He doesn’t need a therapy we are in need of it after all.
My mouth is just hanging open the whole time! It is a mission of control, and conquer and looking at this from a spiritual perspective, I see the elements of witchcraft, mind control, This is who the devil operates to steal, kill and destroy. Just want to encourage all, if you went through or going through this. Know that you are not a victim and there is a way out. Great Read.
I am in this right now I sadly want to go back but he just can’t get it right!! Even with us only having telephone contact he still keeps messing up!!!
Your post is so on point, I was married to a narcisstic form years, we were together ten years. I left him a total of ten times, I was ashamed of that but I’m not anymore. My marriage was real to me, but it wasn’t to him. Each time I went back was because I wanted my marriage to work. I couldn’t understand the constant turmoil, him talking to me very mean and disrespectful all the while putting me down. His constant need for admiration drove him to cheat, lie and constantly deny any form of truth. He is a very evil man, full of lies and manipulation, I’ve never experi need amuthing like it. Because of how toxic the marriage was I developed cancer and started having all kinds of health issues. It was crazy, I finally left for the 10th time and never looked back. God has healed me and I now have a future qnd hope. I pray for anybody that gets hooked up with him because he going to turn their world upside down. #imfreenow
Greetings All,
As I have taken the time to read all the above comments, my heart is shattered into millions of pieces.
The person that we are referring to in this article is actually me!!
Yes, today I am taking ownership.
During the breakup, I became a monster…I took a wonderful, and amazing woman through all the phases talked about here in.
She is a therapist,
When we entered into the relationship, I expressed to her that i suffered from some mental health issues.. The issues stem from PTSD that are a direct result from military service..
Little did I know prior to reading this articles, I am a monster..
I pray that she is not dealing with the three phases listed..
I would not have imagined, that my mental health issues could potentially hurt a woman that I loved.. And opposite of the commentary… We are capable of loving.. Un-conditionally..
I want for everyone that read my commentary….
Please understand that the people who fall victim to this… You are dealing with a very sick person…
The person may not even know they suffer from a complex mental health issue..
I pray that someone will be help by my words….
God please help me.!!!
God please help anyone in need..
I am in a narcissistic relationship. I thought I had a hanfle on it after learning what he is. He’s used me up to the point that I lost my car, my jobs, my savings, my house, my daughter and my independence. I’m a basket case. Sir, your confession of what you e gone, is it sincere? They say there’s no cure, no help for your disorder. Have you somehow corrected it? I’m still holding out hope for my relationship. I’d w on the steers if I left him at this point. He’s gone to the extreme of hitting g me.
Hi celeste my soon to be narc has batterd me to a pulp he has recently spat in my face gave me a Black eye I’ve left his house with all my belongs but I have to get my baby pic off his computer I never seen him for 4 days nowing what would happen I went down try to get the pics he kick of call me no fit to bear I completely ignored him & left I’m laughing now cause he was still arguing with himself as I was leaving trying to get me to react thk the universe I’d read up about this he gas lighted me all the time to the point I thought I was insane until I relished he was abusing me in every way possible so now it been 3 days since I last when down I’m going no contact for a while till I get my pics I want to destroy his soul there such fakes he doesn’t even know I know what he’s doing my family would kill him if they knew what he’s done to me my daughter ,son already suspect he abusers me I’ve had to cover up the servere busing on my face and yes it’s all my fault I made him beat me cause I caught him out with his vindictive lies about me especially when we were partying one minute it was like the love bombiing stage next minute rage anger beating thrown out of his bedroom deragrded so many times but now I’ve learnt to reading everything possible about the disorder & im taking him down to the gutter were he belongs he has know family or friends only human contact he has is me he’s a pathetic monster a master. Of manipulation . Can’t wait for his divine superiority to crash and fall lol, he’s already depressed living like a recluse boo freaking hoo I pitty these evil disingenuous mother fuckers were the beautiful ones……………
Hope you get help …my partner is ex military and suffering with ptsd and its hell… ive just realized he is a narcissist, for years i new something wasnt right but now i understand ..
Thank you for giving some hope that there IS actually love…but just from a very sick person. That is comforting
SDP, so sorry to hear about your condition, but I can assure you that you are NOT a narsaccist. You may be dealing with other mental issues that are directly connected to past events? The reason why? A narcissist would NEVER say those words unless he was using his manipulation tactics. A narsaccist never relate, never feel, never emphasize, never admits to pain or regrets, because they just don’t feel anything for the target. They are great at pretending, faking an mimicking feelings but trust me…they are an empty vessel inside, and they are only in love with themselves. It’s all about them and how you make them feel. That’s it. Their love is only for sex, promiscuous behavior, desires, lust, and porn. They only chase excitement, and whatever can satisfied their sick twisted fantasies. That’s all they feel, nothing more. So enfatuation and euphoria is their version of love. They also, feel nothing even when they know they hurt their spouse or target. They will talk to them in the most derogatory way and treat them as if you are the reason of their unhappiness and emptiness. But trust me, the only time a narcissist pretend they regret something or feel sorry, is because they want something; usually is sex related or they need you to be on board with their plans or something like that. That’s why they are called narsaccist. You don’t sound or talk like a narsaccist and is obvious that you have feelings and a conscience. You do care, that’s the difference.
OMG this is exactly word for word what happened to me
I had never met anyone like this before.
Wish I had read this article before I married him.
Thanks for the insight because it confirms that I wasn’t crazy and that there’s clinical information that helps to better understand and validate what I went through.
Chilling reading – so many of the traits and behaviours are immediately recognisable and there is that falling sensation in the pit of my stomach that accompanies the realisation that, although this is not specific to any one relationship, it really feels like it is describing the one I am in.
So many questions: Is it my fault? Am I stupid for not seeing this and getting out? Am I stupid for not getting out? Am I the narcissist and not my SO? How do I protect our child(ren)? Am I really as bad a parent as is being made out?
The common thread in the questions is just how much the narcissist in your life has worked on you – undermined your confidence, made you feel like you are the bad one, chipped away at your sense of self and made you feel like you cannot do without them, even going so far as to say that your home would fall apart without them there – but frequently using the threat of their leaving as a tool to keep you in line.
They push you, too far over too long; it leads you to the edge of a breakdown or worse and they see how bad you feel and still keep up the pressure, telling you that you are weak for getting counselling and for being on anti-depressants…
But the anti-depressants help a little and then so does the counselling. Bit by bit you manage to rebuild yourself even whilst maybe still living with the narcissist and after a while of really taking the time to work on yourself, you get to a point where you realise the great truth…
You are not the problem. They are.
I have been in a healthy relationship with a person who is not a narcissist for almost a year now. The January before we started seeing each other was the last time I saw or spoke to R, the narcissist I had been on and off with for almost 3 years. We started out like a fairytale and very quickly I was left exhausted and emotionally drained- always trying to return back to those first few moments of bliss. So- I kept leaving and returning and when I tried to leave it alone, he would beg me and talk me in to believing we were meant to be and that we belonged together. That January, I called him out on something after committing to him again- of course I immediately felt remorse and wished I hadn’t said anything and that was it- he cut me off completely. I felt as though my world had shattered and I didn’t know how I was going to be able to go on without him in my life. At the same time, I had pieces of what serenity feels like in knowing I wasn’t going to have to deal with the chaos anymore…I know I am better off and I am grateful today, however – when he started seeing someone who was totally decent, a mother of two, recently divorced, it struck a nerve. Then they were quickly engaged and married in April. I was split again- grateful it wasn’t me, but left wondering was it my fault? How could this person make it work if I couldn’t? After everything, was he right about me? Did I deserve to be cut off or was it just a blessing in disguise? Even though I’m with a wonderful man, I still have these thoughts of “what if” since now I see it working out for another woman.
I sought psychics and counseling and just by trying to retrain my own thoughts I’ve received a little bit of relief but I can’t stand that I get aggravated at the fact that his family knows and still treat him like a God- my friends know and they say he hasn’t changed even if the outside is different. Any suggestions or advice would be great. All in all I’m fortunate and grateful, but I just wish his power over me would go away for good.
I am going through this heartache right now…three weeks after he abruptly left me, he is claiming his love for his new love (that he only met three weeks ago), after telling me he loves me the day he left, and after 4 1/2 years…I’m totally devastated and crushed. And he won’t even talk to me – left without a word…driving me crazy. 🙁
My son was hooked by a narcissist in Fall of 2016. They met through a popular dating website. Three weeks in and he was ready to end things as he was already catching her in huge lies – but she tells him she is pregnant! The past 8 months have been a horror story for him. She’s due next month and we’re just praying the DNA comes back negative.
Either way, my son will need to continue counseling to preserve what is left of his own sanity. If the baby is his, he has to deal w/ this woman forever. If the baby is not, he will suffer depression over the loss, but he WILL be filing a restraining order on the woman.
I am stunned, amazed, thankful and I feel as though I have the rest of my power back. When God tells us in His word that “knowledge is power”, He meant it …. It just sometimes takes a while for the penny to drop with us mere mortals. I have been in a narcissist relationship for 13 years now, except I never knew that ‘my type’ of relationship had a name. I described my relationship as ‘parent/child’, or ‘dependent/co-dependant’ or I described my husband to him as a ‘Jekyll and Hyde’ or I tell him that he is high maintenance. Only recently have I started educating myself in respect of Narcissism. all my descriptions of my relationship are accurate, but I failed to mention or describe the feeling of desperation of helplessness, no self worth, guilt and shame. The only difference in my marriage is that not only the emotional roller-coaster, but the intense physical abuse that I suffered on and off (more on than off), for the better part of 10 years. To the extent that close friends and family were fearing for my life. By the Grace of God, the physical abuse has stopped, but the Jekyll and Hyde, continuous tantrums and sulking have only got worse over time, especially since he lost a limb, almost a year ago now. I have been seeking the Lord’s help in this area and have been praying for my husband for a while now, but I also know that God helps those that help themselves. As recently as yesterday morning was a turning point in my marriage, even though I did not realise it at the time. By the Grace of God, I have put my foot down and will no longer accept this behaviour in any size, shape or form. There is a constant spiritual battle in my home between light and dark. I am by no means perfect, that is why I need the love of God and the Grace of His son Jesus to get me through. Without Jesus in my life, I can do all things, but without Him, there is nothing. God works in mysterious ways and leads us in everything we do, hence your page. You have explained everything so simply and thoroughly …. thank you. I might add, that it would seem that my involvement with a character such as this, goes even further. It would seem that it even goes as far as growing up with a Narcissistic mother … this is an incredible awakening for me (more than I can describe).
Clear and accurate description of my relationship. It is still difficult to grasp that I was played in such a way. What is unbelievable is how I became a shadow of my former self and even went back for more. It is now a memory I distance myself from a little more each day, but am still haunted in dreams and nightmares that I hope will eventually subside…
At Christmas l poked down into my son’s eyes and something sent a shiver up my spine. Because of the repetitive patterns of behavior on May 26th I prayed for guidance, on May 28th l woke up at 5:30 with the answer to my problems. I immediately looked up the Diagnostic Criteria for NOD and finally after 25 years accepted the truth my son is just like his father! This cycle has been going on for four and a half decades there is only one way out, you have to close the door and walk away permanently. I have been reluctant to do this to my own children but it is this or allow them to bounce in and out of my life for the rest of my life. I have said for years the only way to be rid of this toxic family is to be dead and in an unmarked grave but with wisdom and courage and leaning on my Savior l will be able to take back my life by finally closing that door. It does not stop unless you do. May God go with you all who are fighting this battle. I do not believe it is a fight between good and evil but a instead between compassionate souls and truly lost and mentally ill people. THIS the most horrible form of mental illness there is.
I think I might also be facing this soon. My daughter is at college and only contacts me to use me for something. I also see that she manipulates others for her own use and does not really seem to form real bonds with others. Most contact with her ends in disappointment as she has a cavalier attitude towards me (and her NPD father). she plans to go to med school. I think once she is done, we will not hear from her again as we are no longer of use to her.
That described word for word, the last 2.5 years of my life. I’ve really dodged a bullet. I feel entirely different having read this. Thank you.
I too grew up with a narcissistic mother and married a narcissist. I pray every day that God would set me and my children free from the havoc and destruction he has sown in our lives. I am grieving the loss of the best years of my life but mostly what my kids didn’t get in a father, the stress they have endured because of the fighting and the loss of their dream of a family and answered prayers. Satan targets those God loves and belong to Him. I pray and long for the day when we will be set free from the oppression of this man. I don’t know what that will look like. His continual good boy antics and lovey dovey routine to rope me and kids back in, the deceit takes strength to overcome.
I could have written your post! I keep saying I will leave once our daughter heads to college in 4 years. It is so heartbreaking to know they will never change. I also feel so sad that I have given him the best years of my life. The biggest joke is my NPD Mom loves him! So wish I could leave him now.
I’m so glad I found this. This description fits the woman I’ve been seeing perfectly.
Thank you so much for this article. I have very recently come out of a relationship with a woman I suspect is a narcissist. I felt like I just read a description of my relationship. I am stunned. It is comforting to know however I just can’t stop loving her and it hurts like hell to be discarded so coldly when it seemed we had such a passionate love. It also frightens me to hear from all these comments that many people have taken so long to get over the hurt. It has only been a week for me and I just can’t bear this pain to go on. I have never loved anyone so much and have never felt so much pain as I do right now. I can’t bear the thought of it going on for months on end. What gets me more than anything is her complete lack of empathy throughout the relationship and now. I did nothing but think about her needs and wishes and yet I got accused of the most awful things as though I didn’t care for her! Everything I did was for her but it was never good enough. She has discarded me like a piece of nothing to her. Knowing she has some disorder doesn’t really help the pain. I just want her in my arms again and loving me again.
Mich, I feel your pain, brother. I could have written the exact same thing you did, when I had my awakening last week. I truly hope it has gotten easier for you.
To the last commenter. I hope you read this. I feel the need to reach out to you. I feel like we can help each other through NC and being in love with our abusers. If you see this post again and we can somehow find a way to connect.
I will talk to you if he does not respond,I have the same feeling he does,and I am aware of it,it’s just very hard
I myself am in a mirror image of what this article says. 4 years of constant giving from my own career to build his business, my entire self worth. We share a 3 yr old together and I am in fear of my son growing up in this environment. Watching how his other 2 sons are from previous marriage, I do now want ours having these memories and fear. Unfortunately mine as well has a drinking problem that makes all worse. not always, but more than none, and he will admit to it but not seek help needed with that and an extreme PTSD. I am at this point uncertain of how to find myself for the sake of my children health and mine. I love him deeply and urn just to be held by him, but I’m unsure if what I am feeling is desperation for attention or really love at this point.
We are in the same boat this is soooo crazy how similar these people are. It’s unreal how much we try to prove ourselves to them as if we owe them something?? Insane…
It’s been 6 wks 2 days NC and another fortnight since my last post, and here I am again at 02:47am reading this yet again to try to ease my heartbreak. But it’s not working, nothing is, I miss him and ache to speak to him from the moment I wake until the moment I go to sleep.
I’m beginning to wonder if this pain will ever stop or just ease, 6 wks NC and if anything my heartache for him grows daily, I don’t think I’m ever getting over him and will always love him. The struggle to just keep going is becoming so painful
Dear Enlightenedbutsosad. I have just read your posts and I cannot believe how similar our stories are. I am here because I have suffered/AM still suffering due to my relationship with a classic narcissist, who I knew as a 17 year old and who came back into my life 8 years ago after a gap of several years. I keep trying to go no contact but the pain is unbearable and I end up in contact again. I am desperate to find a way. I would love to be able to talk with you if it were possible. It is hard to talk to friends etc, as they lose patience with my continuous inability to drop this person from my life.
Hi soooo know how your feeling right now an it’s unbearable …..
I agree as friends an family can’t understand or have the patience with me an are bored stupid with my inability to cut contact an to stop going on about it ..
I’m going thru the exact same thing now..he broke up with me via text after 2 years of being together. This article explained my relationship with him. I keep saying I won’t call or text him but end up doing so. It’s now been almost a month since I last contacted him. It was a struggle tho cause I cried and I cried thinking how could he do this? Did he ever really love me? It’s gonna hurt like hell for a minute but you will get through it. Just keep praying and keep yourself busy..also surround yourself with people you know that loves you..family friends etc.
I too have the same issue @Enlightenedbutsosad and @Everhopeful wow they are good at what they do…
Seek counseling immediately! You are worth it. Take care of yourself.
I totally can feel your pain…it’s been only three weeks for me, and it feels like it’s getting worse, not better – because he just won’t talk to or acknowledge me after 4 1/2 years together, and just leaving overnight…like it meant nothing…everything I have done and given mean nothing. 🙁
It’s been a month since my first reply and I’m still NC. But it’s getting harder the longer it goes, I miss everything about him. I’m barely hanging in there but every time I almost fold and text him, I come back here and read the post and my first reply. Then I resolve not to let myself be used like that again and I go on for a few days. I have a horrible feeling I’m never getting over him and this will never get easier. At times I hate him for putting me here, but I love him and will never stop loving him I suspect. This is just so bloody hard 🙁
Dear Enlargetenedbutsosad, you will get over this ! This is my promise to you ! Nothing lasts forever in life- nothing. Ride the storm and have counselling. You don’t want to enter another relationship that is abusive.. You need to work on yourself. This is coming from a place of experience. X
It’s hard cause they have you loving and hating them at the same time. I haven’t fully recovered yet but it’s been a month since my last contact with him and it’s gets better with time. Time will heal you. Don’t contact him at all. That’s what he wants. They feed off our negative emotions because it makes them feel better about themselves
And one more thing- be sure to not only read all about narcissism, but WATCH WHAT HE OR SHE DOES during AND after breakups cuz whether actions or lack of actions speak much louder than words than you can ever imagined- big time! That way you ll know whether they lie or not. I ve caught her more than enough to make me stronger cuz the truth will always prevail.
All I can say after reading all of the above, I have nothing to say cuz all what you said after experiencing a relationship with a narcissist is exactly what I had gone through during a 2 year relationship w/ a Narc. Of course even she had dumped me a year and half ago and went back to her Supply, Im still both hurting and healing at same time – a horrible roller coaster shit! Even during our relationship, she had been seeing him and still does after our break up, makes me not wonder, but know that she is using him. Its widely known that a Narcissist doesnt love anyone else, but him/ herself, so don’t waste your energy, time and money on any Narc. Just go! Move on!
This article has helped me so much. I’ve just ended things with my N, but he is still trying to pull me in. It’s so hard letting go, even though I know what he is doing I still go back and let him hurt me all over again. It’s really a struggle and as I write this I’m crying because I know better, but it’s so hard to let go. It’s really feels like an addiction!! Hoping and praying so hard I can beat this! And get over him.
i know exactly how you feel! gosh it is so plainful ! i love him so much and care about his feelings , but whenever i show disagreement and question him or his family , he would ‘ bite’ me hard , completed disregard my feelings. he cant place himself in my place,his brother sneaked into my bedroom when i am away , open my cholocate jar and ate half of that without asking . I dont care about chocolate , but i dont think it is disrepectful behavior… guess wht , if i complain bout this, he will absolutely defend him and use vicious words to describe me .. sound like i am the one who are disrepectful.. he doesn’t allow u defend yourself at all ! i m finally made a decision to take a break,i cant take it anymore! but on the other hand, my mind is full of memories of him.. i hate myself for being so attached to him. ! so easily to believe wht he said . . i feel helpless.
I am 3 years in and supposedly an intelligent and independent woman…. but keep being drawn back into this toxic cycle of abuse. What is it?! Is it that I think I can change him? Is it that he is a “challenge” when previous partners have been “not enough for me”….. whatever it is I cannot seem to pull away effectively. Not sure what you guys think, I have tried to make the break 6 or 7 times in the last year and each time I get reeled back in. I have tried counselling, have an amazing network of friends who try their best to help, but ultimately I am weak… addicted maybe? What is it that keeps
Pulling me back? So many of your stories strike true, and have resonance….. but yet still I cannot break free…. but thank you for all your candid thoughts and strategies…. let’s hope in time I can find someone who truly values me for who I am, this nice person who wants to love and. E loved in a respectful
Relationship. I am so fed up of everything being on his terms with the facade of “nice-ness”….
This article completely resonates with me.. Thank you for opening my eyes I thought I was going mad!!
I am in the process of divorcing a man who fits this profile completely.. 3x he come back and fire into my life.. The first when I was 17 and we knew each other as children.. Everytime he was put near on a pedastol, adored me, said I am the soul mate.. Bought me unscheduled littke gifts makes you feel great.. In And out of bed.. .But r I reflect very persistent and intense.
And 3x he had also gone silent, unavailable, dismissive, disappeared moody and unpleasant… I was even accused of stalking him as I wanted to know where he was as I thought I was in a full time relationship…. Last time he came back, we married, had a child together plus my2 from my previous marriage… And after 16years I discovered he was having an affair.. Which he thought was OK…..!!!! Luckily I corresponded with this ‘victim’ and she was already recognsing a concern.. But again confused with being also adored etc…
No care, remorse.. Very Very cruel!
I would describe myself at this point as Discarded like a broken bored with gadget he does not want anymore!
And the lies… So many lies.. And not just about the affair…and lies to hide lies!!!
How do you manage a narcissistic person through a divorce.. As he already is trying to woo me in order to get what he wants.
And listen it possibly genetic.. Or leant behaviour.. I am concerned about our son.
OMG! this article has filled in the blanks for everything i was trying to figure out. My narcissist was a pastor, so you can imagine the sneakiness and deceit he uses on his target. going from woman to woman “in the church!”
This article had really resonated with me. I am presently divorceing what I now realising fits this pattern.. 3x he has come into my life..blown me away, many stories as to why he had disappeared before, total adoration.. Then unexplained silence disappearance ,Abd even being accused of madness and stalking him.. When I thought we were on a full time relationship and he was living with me!! The first time was when I was 17..(and we knew each other ad children) . The last time we married, we have a child together plus my 2children from a previous marriage that I feel he come arced me away from with his words, persistent and used our past ti pusuade me. I am now divorcing as I found out he was having an affair. The impact of his attitude, lack of empathy and remorse has been unforgivable. And so very cruel. I now realise that I have been through this cycle many times over there past 16 years!emotionally exhausting.
. He is also a very good pathological liar.. And there have been many lies and deciet not just related to an affair.
How do I now cope with him during this process he is even wooing me in order to manipulate the financial outcome and how can I help my son. Is this genetic??
I have been close friends with a narcissist for the last 4 years. It was only until very recently I realized what he really was. This article really opened my eyes. I just couldn’t understand how he could be so attentive and wonderful and after my attention only to gain it and then just be absent. A few months later he would surface again and the cycle repeated. I kept wondering what I had done to make him stop talking to me at various times and now I know that it was him and not me. These guys can be real charmers and unfortunately when you already have a low self esteem it can wreak havoc when they decide to ditch you and move on to the next supply. Thank you for writing this article. It has given me a whole new perspective on how these guys operate and what to watch out for in the future.
It’s been 48 hours since I went No Contact with my Cerebral Narc and blocked him every where. This post has probably saved me from insanity, years of misery and possibly divorce, no exaggeration! I was clueless until a friend saw some of his replies and enlightened me to him being an extremely self centered Narc. Since then I have spent hours reading and he is an absolute textbook Cerebral Narcissist, with the intelligence, use of high level language, sexual manipulation, withdrawal of contact and trying to make me feel like I’m the crazy one.
It’s been 6 months of my life that have followed the course described in this post to the letter, scarily accurate, I’m just reeling that this is ‘a thing’ and has an actual name and diagnosis.
I have known him all my life, with a 35yr gap in the middle. Childhood sweethearts who never got closure, both married, living on different continents, me already going through a life changing year so very vulnerable with low esteem issues, neither of us 100% happy in marriages, and then he tracked me down on FB. It was unbelievable how fast ‘we’ apparently fell for each other again, I should have wondered then. I was literally overwhelmed by him and didn’t know what hit me, I thought the first person to ever break my heart was back for good, and yes he was my soul mate. It was like I was possessed and he said all the of the things I have now read they all usually say, it’s like he had the playbook it’s so accurate.
He convinced me to cross continents to meet him and that’s just what we did at the beginning of the year. Up to that point he’d been highly sexual online, our 2 days together lived up to that expectation totally combined with a deep abiding love I thought, and I left convinced we were in this for good after discussing it together, although it was extremely complicated to do so.
But within 48hrs of parting it all changed and I can see now he went straight into Devaluation – possibly the last morning we woke up together, as looking back he just seemed slightly detached before he even actually left my side. He blamed a major family crisis, which kept multiplying and has consistently stuck to that as the reason since then. We were supposed to spend anther 10 days together, he got out of that by blaming the crisis, but he did meet me once before we both returned to our homes abroad, but he very deliberately deterred any sexual contact. But most of the stuff I have read about in the devaluation phase he has done since we returned to our homes. Less and less contact, from texts all day everyday before, down to intermittent every few days and now weekly, and very loathe to actually talk, prefers text and tried to move me to email. Before we met in person we spoke by phone about every other day, since we were together we have only ‘spoken’ a handful of times in 3 months. Made me feel like there could be someone else, as he’s been consistently on social media but not with me in fact leaves when I appear, when before he was always with me. Claims I said things I knew I hadn’t, has lied to me about stupid stuff, called me crazy numerous times, tried to confuse me, called me paranoid repeatedly, told me he needs space, he’s depressed, he has no libido anymore (classic Cerebral Narc), blamed me or our ‘situation’ for the bad karma in his life, said he’s emotionally incapable (which I know is actually a half truth haha!). But if I push back, criticize, or try to give him the space to help him, or get upset with him, then he tells me he loves me and always will, we have a “closer connection than couples married 20 yrs”, he “never wants me out of his life”, we will always be friends (yep he’s textbook with the ‘friends’ card play), he needs me but can’t leave his family, he has literally hit all the markers I have read about the last 48 hours.
I have also learned with all my reading that I am a Co-dependent or he has made me into one at this time, also discovered my mother is a Cerebral Narc and I have battled that my whole life. I strongly suspect his dad was too and we both have had many issues through life because of them, it’s one of the things that tied us closer together.
I am left heart broken, my home life is fractured badly, I’m severely depressed and my self esteem which was already shaky, may never recover again. I am a broken woman and a shell of the person I was 6 months ago….but I still love him desperately and I know I always will. It hurts so bad to know he did not feel this same love for me, if any, which I am trying to accept could be true but it’s just so hard to believe it was all about his need for Supply only.
But I now realize I can NEVER let him back in again, I sent him Narc info in my last text to him and a link to this post, but I don’t want to hear what he thinks, because I know he will turn it on me or deny it.
He is a smart guy but I honestly think this could be something he did not realize is a condition. He knows he has a problem, because he actually described what I now realize is his actual ‘Void’ to me as something he feels and suffers with. For all appearances he has the perfect life, wealthy, self employed, family closeby, freedom…. but he is clearly deeply unhappy and he can’t figure out why and it frustrates him. I think this is why, he’s not satisfied with anything, he’s searching in futile for something I know now he will never find. He even has a Narc Harem established, but in his case it consists of female family members who adore, worship and rely on him totally, fulfilling his Narc Supply most of the time. But then he needs someone like me to top it off, and I’m sure I’m not the first or last.
Although I think this post and site has given me the strength I need to continue with No Contact indefinitely, I will always be vulnerable to him the rest of my life. Because I love him, and I am so sad this condition has no known cure, as that means I HAVE to accept ‘we’ can never happen again, and I was so hoping to have my time with him one day.
I am swinging from feeling ‘free’ and not crazy finally, to feeling desperately sad for him because I love him. It breaks my heart that he will struggle with this for the rest of his life and we will never be, but more than anything that there is no cure for him to find.
But then I come back here and read this post again and thank God for my friend’s knowledge and Savannah for writing this. I have already read it countless times to keep reminding myself how there’s no denying it when it’s this accurate. I know I will be here every time I have a moment of weakness to reach out to him in the next few weeks and months. It may be years before I ever recover my self esteem, if I do and I’ll never get over him fully…. but I am now on the path at least, and for that I am eternally grateful.
Please read the signs, listen to your gut like I should have done, watch for red flags, don’t let this be you too as it’s just too painful to endure. Especially when you think he was the love of your life, and has been in your heart all your life.
I am only 19 years old. The narc i was dating was 30 and he took complete advance of my innocence and of the fact that i was so nieve. I come from a rocky background and two abusive parents, he always blamed my reactions of his abuse on them. He lived in a different country and he controlled my entire life over Skype told me what to eat how to dress and who i could see. HE isolated me from everyone and then visited me here for a month in the US. I felt so dead but i was lucky enough to have my mother and older brother recognize how tired and scared i was and make him leave. I am currently following through with no contact. I can’t tell you how important articles like this are for me, its hard for me to even describe to my friends what happened let alone understand this for myself. I feel so violated and that i can never have love again because of this person, I’m just hoping that i can heal and that i can be both pure and strong for myself. Thank you for writing this article
Man, this happened to me not to long ago. She was my first super serious relationship and it was great for the first month or so. Then she became super distant we went from talking everyday all day to maybe 3 times a week. She’d say she was busy but nothing had changed. we just became more and more apart until we broke up. Then just like the article she tried writing me and saying she still needed me and wanted to talk to me that I was her best friend. The hardest thing I’ve ever done was telling her I couldn’t be that anymore. seeing this article just discribed our relationship to almost every detail besides the putting their partner down part.
This is one of the best and most spot-on descriptions I have read regarding the phases of a relationship should you have the misfortune to fall prey to one of these creatures. Thank you for taking the time to describe so accurately.
Wow. Just wow! This is the best, most exact description! 4 years with him (Xxxx X) and I just filed for divorce. I experienced everything in this article! I’d even use the verbiage “crumbs” with him cuz I saw what he was doing but had no knowledge of Narcissm at the time. His daughter is 12 and a nobody to him. He has full custody of her cuz he fought his ex wife to the death. All that fighting to make this child an invisible nobody. It’s so sad to see.
His lack of empathy is unbelievable. She started cutting herself (cries for help) and all he could do was yell at her for ruining her sheets cuz of the blood stains. Not kidding.
He’s a very very sick man. And he is gonna hurt so many other woman because he is so charming and funny and smooth. This is pure evil.
Stop ignoring your intuition! The heart doesn’t lie. Get out.
I really hope you were there for his daughter and told her you see how crazy her dad is so she knows shes not alone.
Very informative. It describes the last man I dated. Got to the third date only. The last N kept me on his string for over 2 years. It was during the last of my reproductive years so I lost the chance to have a child to this chump. I will give my account to add to everyone elses here in the hope that maybe one woman has her eyes open and not have the same thing happen. It is truely unimaginable that someone can be so unfeeling and selfish when you are so close to them.
I was kept away from work colleagues, friends and family. Somehow made to feel responsible for it, like I was a horrible unlikeable person. Yet he told me how amazing I was, how he loves me and that nobody ‘got him’ like I did. During a confrontation he would discard me, disappearing for days. Even years the last time. Each time coming back with a cowardly email to butter me up (the pedastal) and tell me he left the last lover because I was the love of his life. Only to discard me coldly again. He even told me he would move to Sydney for me in a bid to get me back. Days later, thinking he won me back,he looked down his nose to inform me I was mistaken, as if the conversation never happened. This is mind bending stuff.
To any woman wondering ‘if’, please read the article and not think it can’t be happening, that you are different. Even if you don’t believe that he doesn’t loves you get out anyway. Just observe how your life comes back together without him. Look back at the confident happy woman you probably were before and how miserable and weak you are today since you fell for him.
The recent man I met only lasted 3 dates. This was because I have the self esteem built back up (took years) to know that things were odd and to trust my feelings. Red flags:
First date: built me up fast. I am an artist and he went on about my work like he is the biggest fan. I actually started to wonder if he liked my art more than me. No interest in who I am as questions were all geared towards my art practice.
Second date: Few questions about who I am still. Told me he keeps his children separate in the early stages of dating so i am not to expect meeting them any time soon. Made me feel others in his life were either separate or non existent as well. Conversation featured me boosting his ego about his job to get him off talking me up so much about mine. Payed for myself. A date or friendship? He told me its a date. Pressured to have sex afterwards. Felt like a game and when he got to first base he suddenly went cold and emotionless. Ended date.
Third date: Still hopeful but warey, I suggested a place away from either of our homes to avoid temptation. This guy is an urban planner, father of 2, well dressed (impeccably) but victim of a borderline ex who he discovered has taken him for over 2million, threatening to take his house and the kids. Telling me he’ll keep this drama separate boxed away too.
He apologised for his sexual persistence the time before so I felt hopeful again. Clarified that he is ready for a relationship and not just looking for comfort and fun given his current dramas. Got me to dinner. All the sexual talk started again.Told me its just a game. ???what??? Earlier I had told him I don’t have sex with men unless we are exclusive so went along with the fun, trusting he won’t ask again unless we talk about exclusivity. He asked me to go home with him again.
I tested him by asking if he was free on the weekend coming instead of going home with him that night. Became evasive, unavailable. Smoked out the BS fast. Other dates no doubt.
I went home feeling disapppinted, discarded and upset after what seemed to be such a lovely evening. Only thing not fake about it was the food and my feeling afterwards.
So now I am fake back, texting what a dream date it was so as to avoid drama. No intention of being anything but unavailable when or if he ever asks me out again. I have learned from my past. Pay attention to your feelings even more than the details you may be overlooking in the hope that he is as innocent and awesome as he is trying to make out.
Aint so. Ever.
I have a brother (EX brother now) Xxxx, who has this. He didn’t show signs of this disorder until he was supposedly happily married to his high school sweetheart and had built a lovely home. He was 26 and walked out on his wife one morning. He stayed away from all of us, his whole entire family, for 6 weeks and when he arrived at the base of the driveway with another woman (a slut called Xxxxxxx), mum said to dad “Here comes trouble”, and that was the understatement of the century. Xxxx showed all the things you mentioned in this article. He started really hating his mum. We blamed it all on the slut. We thought she was the nut case. And there is no doubt she definitely is one, but Xxxx had always come across as a charming, personable, intelligent person .. up until then of course. Years later, he had two kids with the slut and after then 2nd, he came and demanded an “apology” from mum, not stating what he was going on about, or he would leave mum and dad for good (which he did). My parents got their son back 2 years later after they made contact with him “worrying about his state of mental health” and their grandchildren, but later the slut got rid of Xxxx and the kids stayed with their mum. She rang mum up and gave her an ultimatum “choose between your son and grandchildren” and mum ignored the slut and continued seeing both, until she was found out and then the girls Xxxxxx and Xxxx were withdrawn from our lives and 2 years later, due to the stress, mum contracted shingles in the head and eye and that led to a fatal asthmatic attack, so you could say the slut killed mum. Xxxx stayed in our lives until dad died, and then ripped me off the family home using financial blackmail, housebreaking, will fraud, lands title fraud. That was when we went our separate ways and I haven’t spoken to him since 2010 and never want to again. I am glad I read this and realise I have done the right thing in not trying to reconnect with scum like him.
I’m a 44 year old male who began working with a female nine years ago (January 2008). Over a period of time we become or so I thought very close friends. There was never any romance involved, I’m happily married and she is a lesbian but we were very regularly in contact, very often went socialising together and went to lunch at work nearly every day. We stuck by each other during thick and thin and shared many our deepest secrets and problems. In fact during 2016 we exchanged more than 2000 whatsapp messages.
In September 2016 she got another job in the same organisation but different department, although she said ‘don’t worry, of course I’ll keep in contact’, ‘its not goodbye’ and ‘we’ll still go out for drinks/food etc’.
From day one in her new role though, she immediately appeared cold, dismissive and seemingly put a barrier in place.
All of a sudden, communication was only one way, she would reply but they were brief and evasive. I would ask how her new job was going and got the reply ‘yeah good thanks’.
At lunch, all of a sudden she sat on the next table with other people/new colleagues and I was barely acknowledged. In fact from here I ended up finding somewhere else to have lunch, well out of the way as it felt totally awkward and uncomfortable.
All of this (just as recent as October/November 2016) really hurt me but I managed to keep a lid on it. I did message her that I was missing her badly but received the reply ‘something that can’t be helped at the moment’. I knew she was training for 9 weeks for her new role and thought she might be busy and made this excuse for her.
In December I asked whether we could go for food/drinks perhaps in the new year when Christmas is out of the way. While not directly answering this, she suggested we go out for the annual Christmas works drink out on the town. I was actually not thinking of going out this time, but this changed things and agreed to meet up. On the Friday before Christmas (16th) I went out and didn’t see her. I sent her a message asking her what was happening, she replied ‘what do you mean?’. Just after this, she did turn up in the bar, saw me and said ‘I didn’t understand your last message, but I’m going off somewhere else with x and y (other colleagues) and promptly left leaving me standing there.
This straw absolutely broke the camels back with me. I had had a few drinks but wasn’t drunk. I was hurt and upset and sent her a couple of angry message giving her a piece of my mind and how’s she’s been aloof for the past few months, although I didn’t swear or resort to name calling. I was though like a bottle of coke having been shook for a few months, and the top came off! Within moments I discovered she blocked me from whatsapp. I quickly realised we may never communicate ever again, and about 2 months later (12th February) we still haven’t made up. Ironically, from victims using the ‘no-contact’ mode, this was turned on me instead.
I let the dust settle until the first week in January, and sent her a normal text (where I wasn’t blocked at this time) suggesting if we can make up. I got a blunt reply advising that she didn’t appreciate receiving a message like that and thought I had a ‘damn cheek’, then blocked me from this also. She had turned herself into the victim as I had the audacity of being less than pleased about being treated cruelly and like dirt.
I bit a research suggests since that she certainly appears to have narcissistic tendencies, plus talking to other people seems to bear this out suggesting that she’s a user and ‘this is what she’s like’. She’s exciting, she’ll make you feel special and alive but will easily drop you when you not needed anymore.
The autumn/Christmas just gone were some of the darkest and saddest I’ve ever felt at work, I’m now trying to move on and get on with my life while at the same time avoiding her and staying out of her way.
I thought I had some amazing memories although I can’t now help but feel they have been tainted somewhat.
I hear now from others who weren’t as close saying how great she was and what a loss she is; this really sticks in the craw as I’ve seen the ugly other side. I just need to heal, be professional and move on. For a while a few months ago I used to wake up most nights in the small hours and struggled to get back off and it occupied my mind constantly, at least now while not at all perfect, it isn’t anywhere near as bad as that but it still occupies my mind a lot and it cuts deep.
I knew in the Autumn that it felt totally like grief, but I had nobody to turn to who could completely understand and felt isolated, after all, nobody had died.
I re-iterate, there was nothing romantic involved, that could never work for a few reasons but she possessed a force that was magnetic. There was never a dull moment, exciting and fun to spend time with and always kept me on my toes – and I was sucked in!!
I’ve been out of my narc relationship for over a year now. He still contacts me and tries to engage me. Thankfully, I made it a priority to start dating other men. The affirmations and normalcy other men treated me with just confirmed that my narc was brain washing me. I finally saw the light and ran for my life. I now see his texts as completely pathetic and pity him. My advice, start dating other people ASAP.
May I ask how you met people to start dating? I met my ex narc online so I’m scared to do that now. We were together for 10 years so dating someone new is super scary but I feel like I need to.
Got back with my narc for the 5th time. I cannot even describe in words what he has done to me.
Im so weak.
I really think i’ll never forget, get over him of even get rid of him.
Thank you. It’s been a year and half and I’m still reeling from a “relationship” with a narcissist. I haven’t been able to unstand until now why my self esteem was destroyed, my opinion on men was changed to negative. This wasn’t a normal emotionally heathy man.
It wasn’t a normal ending or dynamic healthy dating experience. He was controlling, put me down in the slightest ways, charming, and all about himself. He emotionally manipulated me, played with my heart and emotions. I’m still picking up the pieces and trying to recover my self worth. A normal man and normal break up wouldn’t do this to someone.
I’m glad I’m able to pin point what he was in order to recover myself and my opinion of men. The worst thing is, is that I’m terrified I’ll encounter another man like this.
Thank you for this I always blamed myself for it all.I’ve since learned I was in an aggressive passive relationship I was addicted to alcohol at the time now sober….but i can see how I got sucked in. She is now due to get married to her partner but the cycle will repeat itself because she will do the same thing
I used to be happy and confident. He took all of it away from me. that now I am empty turning to alcohol and drugs to feel a void. And Its not ok. Im deeply sad.
Excellent article.
I’ve encountered this sort of man a few times. Luckily interspersed with real relationships.
I think it’s true to say that those of us with a slightly fragile ego or who feel a bit lonely (I think even if we have good friendships and enjoy work etc, most of us feel a bit lonely if we don’t have someone special to share our life with) will be susceptible to the hyper flattery of the narcissist in honeymoon/early stage. The good news is you recognise it quicker when or if it happens again.
When the narcissist abandons you with that nasty thing of total indifference (which is the exact opposite of love) or hatred and anger (not out of hurt that you’ve hurt them in any way, but because you’ve not been what they think you should be in their weird hyped up fantasy!) after they’ve done that I feel like a house that’s been robbed of all its resources and nice things – the narcissist demands it all, then switches the lights off and walks out leaving the door open! You feel totally plundered.
What annoys me most is that it leaves you nothing even poetic. I’m an artist and know that a bad breakup or experience can actually be turned into good art, there’s a sort of painful beauty in melancholy and loss, a sort of yearning, I mean it makes for some of the best music we love, but not when the break up is with someone who didn’t actually even exist! They end up seeming a sort of joke figure, or an unglamorous loser, once you know what’s underneath – how empty their house actually is.
It’s just a sort of shitty feeling, you don’t get to a future stage where you remember the person with love and tenderness, and take the good memories with you, grateful for what they gave, because the narcissist gives bugger all, and what they do give isn’t real! Also you weren’t real to them either, so you can’t take good memories of their care for you, the good times etc. (though you can extrapolate the extracurricular bits – like nice restaurants or countryside walks/beautiful landscapes! Rarely people you met through them though, because the narcissist doesn’t really have close friends, and they’ll surely be jealous of yours)
It’s true there’s a vulnerable person under their ego and fantasies, but you have to be careful that doesn’t draw you back in, they’ll likely be tender again and appear nice when you’re sympathetic, but then they just feel ‘full up’ and become indifferent again. They don’t remember your care and help, like a normal person would, or think of care and love towards you when you’re hurt or ill, not a bit! You find yourself back at square one – ‘but I thought we loved each other again!’. Nah, it’s not like that at all. It’s just a cycle of them taking, you giving, then they reject again, then they draw you in again, then reject etc, as described in the article, until you’re all used up or they meet someone else. It can really mess your head up, because there’s something in us that when something is taken, we want it all the more, when it’s love that disappears we feel we’ll be validated and loveable if we get it back (as though we’re not loveable already!). But a narcissist doesn’t ‘do’ validation of you. Not real validation, not real love.
They could be compared to someone who doesn’t know how to budget money even though they have loads – they just spend, spend, spend till there’s nothing, then they feel in a crisis till someone comes along and bails them out. They don’t earn the money for the things they buy, if you see what I mean.
Anyway, the good news is you recognise it faster and let go quicker when you recognise who or what you’re dealing with.
As mentioned, it’s most recognisable in the hyper flattery in early stages, that can be very appealing if you’re bored and single, quite exciting, but definitely not worth it. They will indeed make you feel you’re ‘the one’. Even if you tell them to slow down, take it easy – ‘intimacy takes time etc, they’ll turn around and say they ‘know you’re the one’ or similar.
It can be very convincing, especially since they may scrutinise every aspect of your life to learn what matters to you. It’s a sort of hyper attention. It feels like you’re under a microscope actually, it’s not entirely comfortable, but if you’re a giving person you don’t want to be mean and say ‘cool it for god’s sake!’. If you do that they may even get tearful, then you feel cruel. Until the later stage when they feel you’re hooked. The worst thing you can do then to them is react with equal indifference. Then watch how they ‘project’ that on to you, say it’s your fault, you spoiled it etc. It’s always your fault, never ever theirs.
Oh yes, and if you have a talent, or a certain thing that others notice about you, watch how obsessed they are with that, and how it’s the last thing they obsess over ‘but you’re talented and I want you in my life’ is a refrain I heard at the end of my last encounter with a narcissist, like that had anything to do with anything! Weird.
Phew, ranty rant.
Wow! This has been the most informative post so far. I’ve been dealing with my narc daughter for years now. She’s verbally abusive, head screws me and leaves me bleeding on the floor. All this time, I’ve sincerely believed that I deserved what she would dish-out because there were some hard times for us when she was growing up. She now is the mother of my grandchildren. I am so torn as to what to do here. I know to live the rest of my life in any peace, I need to walk away from her and never look back. BUT, in order to do that, I would be turning my back on my most precious grandchildren. THAT is something that I just don’t know if I can do. Of course, my daughter knows this, better than anyone and uses it against me in a very opportunistic and mean way. I have never been torn more in my life. I love my daughter, always have and certainly always will. I honestly do not know how much more of her abuse I can withstand. Any suggestions/comments are greatly appreciated.
This is a very good summary, however, there is one thing about narcissists that often gets said that I do not agree with: the so-called “discard”.
In my experience with narcissists, they do not “discard” people. Discarding means to throw away something you have no use for and never want to see it again. Narcissists, in my experience, dont do this. Instead, narcissists will put people on the shelf and go quiet to see how you react. But they’re never really done with you, so long as you’ve been a good source of supply to the narcissist.
If narcissists “discard” people, then why do we have the No Contact Rule to expunge them from our lives? The fact is that narcissists are unimaginably needy and will always make attempts to try to slither their way back into your life.
Carol I speak on that with this phrase, “All former targets must be vigilantly on guard, because a Narcissist always reserves the right to revisit a former source of supply, no matter how much time has passed or how badly they’ve behaved.” The discard is in their interest level, because once they have discarded you, regardless of how many times they come back, you will never again be new supply.
15 years of nightmarish and abusive hell and nothing more than broken promises and being used… The guy was a repulsive addict and a narc who basically used me for money. Any and every single time I hung around him it cost me money… I had to pay to be in his company and with codependency issues I was perfect bait. He abused me mentally and emotionally and physically and sexually and his excuse for abuse was telling me he loved me when in reality he never did. He habitually cheated on me and lied to my face about drug addiction. I like all victums was discarded and left to confusion and disbelief that someone could hurt and abuse me to the extent where suicide almost became an answer. I have learned from this that monsters exist and people can hurt and manipulate others to undescribable extremes. I never want to see that narc and thank God every day that nightmare is over and I found someone who truly cares for me and loves me. I regret the 15 years of hell I went through and the only good that came from it was my son. Once a narc always a narc and the lies and manipulation never end and always leads to discard. I hope others understand love never comes from a narc and nothing will stop the abuse but escaping the relationship and having no further contact with him or her.
Word for word this is my life right now! It breaks me that he’s not the person I love. I’ve been made to think he is the one and he’s not. That hurts. I’ve invested so much time into this relationship.
Wow this struck a cord with me.
I have been with my “soulmate” for 5 years. He was the sweetest man from the get go. He had a really hard childhood and was quite depressed when I met him. He told my I saved him. Told me that we must have met in another life and followed each other through our lives. He said I was beautiful and everybody tells him how lucky he is. He said he would die for me and he never even considered marrying a woman before until he met me. Oh he made me feel like I was a queen.
Then he moved away for work for a while and we had to have a long distance relationship.
We would have 3 days of FaceTime and texts and love talk that made me feel my heart could literally burst.
Then I would text and get no reply.
I would text a few hours later but still nothing. Was strange because he was posting on social media and liking other womens photos. Hours turned into days and he still hasn’t replied. I would start to worry and message him these long messages about how much I loved him and I just needed to know he was ok.. then after 3-5 days he would text to tell me off for going crazy on him because I hadn’t heard from him. He said he needed time alone and sometimes he just feels depressed. I told him I see him post on the internet and he would get really angry and accuse me of stalking him and he can’t live like that.
Followed by the threat to block my number and end the relationship because he can’t be controlled by me.
Hours of crying later and I would get a text telling me that he loves me but I need to stop being so insecure. He won’t put up with it.
I would say sorry and promise I won’t do it again.
Back to love and devotion and amazing FaceTime movie dates together. We were back Happy and I was happy again.
Then a week later he would go missing again and there he would be on social media posting semi naked porn stars and talking to other women about sex. I got angry and called him to say it was disrespectful and I was told it’s just social media and means nothing and I’m insecure. He would block me and disappear again. This became our cycle.
Eventually I couldn’t cope anymore and ended it. I told him I was worth more.
Then days went by until I would get a text telling me he can’t live without me. How he loves me so much and he will change. Anything I want I can have. No other woman can come close to me and what we have is out of this world and the universe bought us together and we need to stay together. I would cry. Sometimes he would cry. Before I know it I’m back planning our wedding with him.
Sometimes he would ignore me for only a day and sometimes he would tell me I’m better off without him because he is worthless and doesn’t deserve to be loved. I wanted to protect him. Show him he’s worthy of love. Did I mention he drank daily? He would get drunk and we where either laughing our heads off or I was trying to explain how I didn’t mean to say something that he took the wrong way. Sometimes he would get so angry that he would threaten to burn the letters I sent him if I didn’t apologise and he’s threatened to post a private photo I sent him once. He can get so angry that I’m begging him to stop being so cruel and cold. How can my soulmate treat me like that.
He would compare me to all his bad ex’s or controlling parents. Things I did reminded him of them and it made him nervous to commit to me.
I had to tread carefully and not disagree or criticise him because it would be like a red rag to a bull. He would tell me to fuck off and tell me something about me that’s negative. He’s called me manipulative too. I’ve only ever tried to be there for him.
He sent me some lovely gifts recently and the most beautiful love letter and poem. He loves me so much. He’s had a hard life and I need to understand that he doesn’t know how to have a real relationship. I can help him. I can be that one woman to change him. He believes so too. He said I just have to be patient with him.
If I don’t make plans or bug him about what he’s doing in the day because all he does is work and sleep, if I listen to him when he’s telling me something and I don’t hassle him, then we will be married and have a beautiful family together when he comes home.
I know all of this is wrong. I recently ended our relationship due to me spending half of it crying.
Doesn’t stop me hurting and yearning for him though. I keep checking my phone works and jumping when I get a text. Then my heart drops when it wasn’t a text from him. I’ll ignore it if he does get in touch. I just want to know it wasnt all for nothing. To feel that I meant something to him and he misses me too. To know he hasn’t just run off with someone else. Maybe I’ll tell him off and explain how I feel. Maybe this time he will understand….. until the next time.
hey guys wanted to just express my thoughts at my rollercoaster 24 hours. after accepting my pain the transformation has been veryfast in me. things for me like that are. I’m not good making a decision but once I have a commit to it 100%. so I read a lot of different articles. turns out I’m a PEOPLE PLEASEr and people PLEASER and NaRCS go hand in hand. people pleasers or co-dependants need constant reassurance and self affirmation (to be always assured) and ofcourse NARCS do that duering their lovebomb stage to the max. its not so much were such nice people, more we cant say no and so its not out of nicness we do somethings but because we don’t want to feel guilty. the easy quiet life right. just do what your told. no conflict. avoid criticism or any problems. anyway that really helped me. the first step to changing this pattern so you never met someone like that again is accepting your failers and your responsibility and saying that your lack of self respect and self esteem issues are the problem. its terrible they prey on it, but we people need to be responsible and reasonable and that comes through accepting and taking time for ourselves and saying no to things that are unrealistic. read and inform yourself about these things and the truth can set things free. peace and love all. you are worthy!
Wow Martin, I read the signs of a narcissist and it came to me, exactly what you say, if I wasn’t so needy he couldn’t get tocme. If I didn’t have the insecurities I would have handled this monster with strength. II now putting myself in check. I am on a mission to get to know ME again, However I do realize this monster did bring more insecurities to me. And even said so. That was my eye opener. He said , ” I can see your insecurities oozing out of every pore in your body”, and the look on his face , in his eyes , was so scary, I am so sure he enjoyed it!! Well I AM awake and aware, and he is OUT!!!
My story is not dissimilar to any other person who has been involved with a narcissist. I too have gone though debilitating emotions, an overwhelming feeling of loss, a haunting sense of grief, a hurt that cuts through the very core of my being. And I’ve read many articles about narcissistic relationships. Articles which noted that what I felt was not really love, articles that called it “entanglement”, articles that classified me as a victim, articles that called narcissists manipulative monsters.
While I am certainly not an expert, I have come to my own conclusion. I am not a victim and he is not a monster. I know that I did feel love, real love, a love that I will always treasure. While it took some time, I have found that the most difficult part of my relationship was not the crushing pain I experienced. The most difficult part is, understanding that the likelihood of him ever being able to overcome his disease is slim. My pain will pass but his will more than likely haunt him throughout his life. How very sad.
Yes Kat, I feel the same way. The poor soul just can’t feel good being that way, it has to be a fight within himself everyday, and it must be awful. I feel for him and pray . he could be such a cool guy. DAMN IT!!
Such a waste
sorry for the wall of text!
i was snared by 8-10 months. worst years of my life and I can say from sincerity I have had a tuff childhood… but nothing compared to the shit storm and complete destruction she did on my self image.
I met her in Australia, wow I thought she is perfect.. I met her in a hostel while I was travelling around Perth. she was a lot older than me but originally she lied to everyone about her real age. she said she was 29 and it turns out she was like 33 or something.
i think in my stupidity then to make her like me i also said i was a different age, i am not sure what came over me it was so unlike me to lie about something like that, but i was just mezmorised by her and didnt want to lose her to my friend.. so i might have said i was 26.. i dont really remember. from all honesty i wish so bad i could take back that, as my mind says if i didnt say i was that age maybe she wouldnt have been interested and ‘targeted someone else’ ofcourse i didnt know it was ‘targeting’ at the time and would have felt gutted if she blew me off so i did that. i am an idiot, but 23 young and stupid right.
anyway she was perfect in every way, i felt so proud she would cook for me infront of my hostel friends, gave amazing sex, always was caring, warm kind, sweet, cute in a sexy way and just a princess. i felt like the luckiest man on the face of the planet. i felt so complete and felt like i found my soul mate, someone i could marry perhaps one day.
she moved out and found a house a week or so later, but unbeknown to be the house was all girls and after i visited once the owner said i wasnt aloud over again which crushed me. helen was her name and so she agreed to move in with me which was fast, but i was given rubbish advice by someone. he said fortune favours the brave. man i wish i could shove those words up that guys ass now! fucking tool.
anyway so i ‘did the brave part’ but no fortune came of it, only a complete and utter fucking train wreck. she was so lovely for about another month living together, understanding me, appreciating me in everyway, i am a guy that likes to clean, workout and look good, cook sometimes and bake too and other things. (but she was a better cook and baker so often she did it, i wanted to bake but after a while when phase 2 started i didnt want to do anything which would incite her vicious tongue of hate and criticism).
anyway so things were still good at the 2 month mark, the sex was still mind blowing, she was so a considerate lover saying how i was the best she ever had blah blah, and trust me for a man this is all her wants to know (please ladies dont use that knowledge against us, as after her i feel such pity and remorse and worry for the state of other people who could suffer what i have), saying such amazing things and putting me on that ‘pedistol’ she would say wow what a feeling.
then suddenly one day, boom! it changed like a flash. everything i did wasnt good enough for her.. nothing. zilch, zero. nada. it was like my perfect like was set alight, my perfect soul mate became my worst nightmare. she rediculed me in every possible way, in any possible fashion. but i was so inlove i just took it, i couldnt walk away. i did defend myself but after a while there was no use, because she would just deny all my defences i put for myself. she would brush it all off.
i felt so demoralized, abused.. (she would sometimes get so histarical that she would hit me, not hard because im a man and strong and can take it, but it was more the act which shocked me). she called me a liar, lazy, ignorant, dumb because she always knew best, always was better than me, always was right. i could actually feel the BREAK DOWN of my personality from STAGES. it happened in 4 stages and by the last point i was her sucker. i felt it. i lost all self esteem, completely destroyed into oblivion. its like i didnt exist anymore, i seized to be.
i wanted so much to please her so much, i guess because when i was doing what she wanted i would get some emotional or other attention. FORTUNATELY i was travelling and made the rule we split everything 50/50. so i was able to protect my wallet from this completely insane bitch.
but when we were living together after moving out the first house, maybe because the owners didnt like her, but at the time i didnt know that.. perhaps they were wise to her act but i was so hopelessly ensared.
she blamed them and said they were well not nice things.. and so i agreed to move. she wanted to live in a really expensive shared house though, with a gym and pool and sauna and i felt these things werent very necerssary ofcourse, dumb guy is wrong.. so after little pesuasion probably like some affection.. and sex i said ok.. and we moved in. thats when bad things got to the worst point.
i was stuck. completely. she would victimise herself to my housemates to make them think i was this bad guy, i was the abuser or some shit. when i reality i was being treated with the cold shoulder and like utter shit. she was so strategic. she would argue with me like cry in balls of tears and slap my stomach when noone was in the house.. i knew her games by then and was starting to get to the end of my teather. because when she would shout at me i started to shout back. but i was still so hopelessly in love with her.
finally i had enough when on fireworks night all the house mates were out she got stroppy over literally the tinniest thing. i saw her true colours. she was histerical. i mean usually she blamed everything on me which i was used and believed her it was my fault.. through her mind fuckery, withdrawing attention and whatnot.
anyway at fireworks night she literally removed the mask properly for the first time. i think she had like a knife or something hgonestly i am so traumatized my mind is like a blur about the memories.. but after i push through the room she was just balling tears. i tried to comfort her and ofcourse get the knife of her. which i swear i felt like she would stab me. she blamed it on some bullshit like missing her mum or home i dunno.. anyway she then just went loose on me and started to fucking abuse me in such an insane and critical way, screaming in my face just like a few cms away and just wow. it was gruesome.
a switch flipped inside me and i was just like.. what the actual.. fuck.
after i took her to the fireworks. because she was i dunno histerical to see them also… my mind was clear i had to get as far away as possible from this bitch.
i spoke to the landlord who lived with us and he basically took me for a beer and explained that he said that he thinks she was a little strange and that they noticed some wierd things she did and i felt so relieved but so embarrased how abused i had been in my loneliness and she stopped me seeing my friends etc..
anyway we discussed and i left the house that next week. she had to leave also which she was pissed about because she couldnt afford the rent by herself and i moved into a different place and continued my travels in perth. she found a shared house and again and i continued to see her but now we werent living together her snare over me was broken, she couldnt control me so much anymore. still alot. but not like.. a dog. you know.
anyway after i left australia i went to meet her parents in hong kong, she was a asian girl.. and yea. they were pretty ok to me. i stayed there for 5 days her parents house and then found my own place to stay and decided to stay in asia and find a teaching job. anyway she tried as she could all her tactics on me, first the abuse. pretending she would break up and leave me. saying her friends think i am a bad boyfriend (which to a good guy trust me we care alot what your friends think of us), when critical comments and manipulation didnt work, she tried sex. that didnt work, she tried being nice and taking me to a nice restaurant which i paid for on my birthday. after that didnt work, even though it kind of did i had just mentally and physically had enough. i just decided to return the u.k and she went back australia.
once i was around the support of my friends and family. i skyped her and ended it. just like that. it was so relieving. i tried to break up with her maybe.. 4 times.. and each time i took her back.. this time she didnt even try, she just cried. she knew i was about 3000 miles away and never going back there or to see her. in reality she probably already had selected and working on her next target.
i feel like such a fool. such a dumb fool. i now have GAD general anxiety disorder due to her criticisms, nightmares… 2 YEARS LATER. cant sleep well sometimes because i am afraid that ‘she’ being anyway will hit me unexpectably, it creates worries with my now loving and supportive partner as i am scared she will suddenly flip or withhold affection or sex from me. i am a shadow of my self. and i was truly such a happy, positive and outgoing spirit. to the core. now 2 years on i am still a complete wreck. i just seem to hear her critical voice in me all the time.. every second of the day. when i drink tea i think, oh i am doing wrong.. when i wear comfortable clothes in doors on a comfty day. i think, oh i smell (because she would be so mean about these things. when i take a run. i think everyone is watching me.. when i live my life i feel her criticism.. everywhere. i am such a broken man. my loving and supportive partner i put such burdens on her sometimes i feel, like being sooo insecure, so helpless, so inmasculinated from the experience, so just broken. saying this now has helped me to realise what has happened to me after reading stories here and realising i had had the same situation. i knew at one point she was a narcistic, but i didnt know what that entailed. i just thought that meant she wanted to look good and pretty. i didnt realise wow. my goodness. i feel so sorry even now to all the other guys… poor poor men!!! oh and she gave me some sti clymedia and herpes which is uncurable. she told me to get checked out when we broke up.. thanks 10 months late! made some bullshit excuse it was her ex or some shit.. i checked and yea.. thanks alot.. this ofcourse will be with me for the rest of my life, something no doubt will eventually my future wife will contract from me. because no doubt using a condom till the day i die is not realistic. still. wow. i am shellshock about everything. thanks for this forum!
I think this has been my whole relationship for the last 33 years, 26 married.
I could have written this and many of the comments myself.
I know my wife has always thought herself a bit special and we’ve (friends and family) have always made a joke of it. For the most part its been manageable, but since the Menopause has really started ramping in over the last couple of years shes has become worse and worse. Discovering this NPD site has really opened my eyes and now in hindsight so much of the past makes so much sense to me now. I have said for a few years she is becoming her birth mother who was exactly the same. A right nasty bit of work that “discarded” all her life starting with putting my wife up for adoption. The adoptive parents absolutely doted on her, so here we have nature and nurture.
Question is do I try and salvage the last 33 years or just give up? Problem is I do love her, and this is clearly a clinical condition for which there is no cure.
My mom is a N. My ex husband is a N. Had a separate life including porn, affairs. Too trusting for 16 years as he pretended really well to be s good family man and told me he loved me everyday. Finally saw in phone records he had been having affair with his best friends wife. Have all the evidence but he still denies he did anything wrong. He says I’m crazy yet he is now living with her. Divorced him, went to counseling, no serious relationship for 3 years. Knew about narcissism thought I could spot it a mile away
Man I knew for years getting a divorce, started texting me after he filed. His wife had cheated so we had a lot in common. Started to date, attraction was unbelievable, complete love bomb by him in hindsight, I stupidly fell for it. Introduced him to my kids. His kids and my kids got along great, we got along with each other’s kids. His kids and him talked about us getting married. Spent all our free time together, I paid for 2 vacations and he was going to pay for spring break with all the kids and do some handyman work at my house. He said he never felt this way about anyone before, texts and phone calls constantly, future faking. I realize this now but then I believed him when he said God brought us together.
One night I was at his house and he was in a crappy mood, he snapped at my son, never did that before. I told him in front of everyone not to snap at my son. I must have embarrassed him. Went to bedroom to have a private discussion about it. He said I yelled at him. I didn’t yell at all, everyone who heard me said I didn’t yell. He went totally cold and I packed my stuff and kids and we went home.
Couple days later he texts me he loves me and we can get through it and we are meant to be together. I thought he was just under stress before because it wasn’t like him to act that way. We agreed to talk over the weekend. The weekend came and he texted and said he wanted to wait until after his divorce to be so serious, I was fine with that I did not ever feel comfortable that he was still legally married. I texted and said for us to talk. No response. Next day he texted and said maybe we should wait until the kids are grown. I texted we need to talk face to face. No response. Next day texted it isn’t going to work. Lovebomb, skip devaluation phase and straight to discard. No reason given for discard. No closure. I was a mess and he wouldn’t talk to me or respond to my texts.
Asked him for a face to face conversation. He wouldn’t give it to me. Still 4 months later have not spoken. Went NC for 2 months, his final divorce hearing was coming up and his to be ex texts me with all these questions. She tells me he is a N and she is going to get him.. I wasn’t getting involved so heard from him because he wanted to make sure I wasn’t going to do anything to hurt him. Texted with him and he told me why we broke up and said it was because we parented differently. His sister told me she thought he was a N. I told him exactly what I thought of him by text and have been NC since. Again he was incredibly cold.
Haven’t heard from him. I struggled a lot, then I saw him driving, went on trip with my kids we were all supposed to go on together. Never thought of him being a N even with my mom and ex until his ex said something. What is so hard is it went from lovebomb to discard, no devaluation stage. So no real bad memories except the pain of him turning ice cold and break up by text by a 45 year old man. The whole relationship was only 5 months but I don’t think I ever felt so loved before. Now I know it was a lie and my kids got hurt too. I have no idea if there was someone else or is someone else now. My guess is yes.
I am still grieving. I told him I didn’t want to get hurt and he promised he wouldn’t. We were best friends, talked about everything, seemed like a normal relationship. I don’t think I can go through the pain and loss again so I am not dating, working and focusing on my kids. Of course my ex husband made it clear that he enjoyed the fact that I got hurt and the relationship
Didn’t work. I can’t believe it was all fake and that he could turn cold overnight. I am just bad at picking men. Brought back all the feelings of not being lovable from my mom and my ex. Just not meant to have love in this life.
I have read all this stories here and i m shocked!sorry for my english,which is not that good!i just broke up with my N boyfriend after 2 years!i was all in shock,depressed,anxiety!when i first met him…wow just amazing,he was the perfect guy(handsome,intelligent ,he came from a good family,just wow)so in the 1 st phase i was so deeply happy!he texts me all the time,speaking all day long(we lived in different countries)he seemed so in love,he made me feel like i m the most beautiful women,so romantic…after few months like 3 let s say i saw the red flags but i thought its only my imagination,he was extremely jelous,possesive(he didn t like none of my friends)he thought everybody wants to separate us because they are jelous of our relationship!i thought i will go crazy with this,trying him to explain they re my friends since lots of time!anyway he presented me to his family(very good persons)to his friends,he was seen like a very good guy!but the 2 nd phase started he criticise me all the time (we were living together at that time)he was so controling (fb,whatsap)everhthing!he wanted to spend all my time with me but in the same time he abused me verbally(told me you re nobody,you have no life,your life is ruin and nobody will love me like he does)i left him and 2 months i didn t saw him at all,he called me again crying that he loves me that he will never find somebody like me etc!i came back to him and my nightmare wasn t finished ,i left him again and moved from his city to another ,i never called him or text him but he did even just to know if i m ok after he spoked so bad to me!i was still in love and depressive,he told me one day he doesn t want to see me ,then after few hours i wanna see you!i was so confused,he discarded me and find another n supply!i was reading this and i couldn t believe that those persons exists!but i feel better now and knowing i m not crazy and wasn t my fault!feel sorry for that girl now,she will be like a suffering robot!thank god i m safe now!thank you for the article
The man of my dreams, has turned into my nightmare!!
Oh my word I can’t believe what I am reading, this is my life for the past six months. I met Art online on a dating site, he had written a story I commented he pursuit me. We got chatting. For longer and longer periods of time.
He was South African having come back from a 10 year stint overseas. then in the middle of it all he disappeared for 10 days..
Once he was back we picked up were we left off, he explained his story. He was a misunderstood, unloved young man who grew up to be a misunderstood, unloved and rejected 50 yo man. He had no job as he had just returned from overseas and was trying to build up a life back home but was finding it difficult being an Artist (a graphic designer with a diploma more like it than an Artist, but I believed him). He asked me to spend a weekend with him and i threw all caution into the wind and followed my heart. Needless to say I was put on a pedestal and was the woman of his dreams blah, blah, blah.. yet back then I fell for it line, hook and sinker.
I came back home floating on cloud seven. He visited me a few times and we decided he should move to Jozi and live with me. Big Mistake, make that HUGE!!
He moved in on 14 AUgust 2016, I was supporting both of us on my salary and he was doing nothing but trying to find work as a Creative Director or in some other high and mighty position, everytime I mentioned to him to start at the bottom due to his lack of references he bit my head of or went into sulking saying i didn’t see his value. After his Birthday end of October things came to a head I was under tremendous financial pressure and I snapped at him at our first and only argument. He sites that was the day his love for me died and no matter how hard he tried (for a total of 5 days to recover that feeling it wouldn’t come back). Beginning of November I was asked to the BP garage in our neighbourhood and was handed over my house keys with the words he is leaving to go overseas to sort out his life.
I was shell shocked!!! I felt gutted I had lost the one thing I loved the most other than my child. We kept communicating, he moved in with this sister nearby, but that didn’t work out either as she knew his tricks. Blind and still in love I offered him to move back in, which he accepted only to start throwing tantrums of ÿou don’t pay attention to me as an artist” I need someone to pay attention to me when I talk. He feels a huge entitlement and I ask for what? Where were you my dear when this country was trying to find its feet? Overseas with one of your girlfriends living of her income as you couldn’t get work there either.
Eventually he moved to xxxxxxx to house-sit an old friends house, telling me it was only for a few weeks. After the initial up and down to and fro his mother dropped the bombshell on me that he has NPD and I should look it up and save myself and my heart. Thanks lady, that little bit of advise comes only 7 months too late. Now I realise he is starting to get involved with another lady from xxxxxxxxxx and I feel sorry for her. He does sound like the Model man and to my detriment I cleaned him up. The guy that never wore deodorant and smelled to high heavens wear now designer footwear and clothing paid for my stupid me. Well i still smart over what he has done and is still doing to me but I started getting suspicious of why a man needs 3 different Facebook Accounts under 3 different names. Now it makes sense why all the women in his life “hate”him that is all but one.
Now I have to decide for myself and my own sanity and get out of this mess. I have had my own issues in my life and I had told him about it yet he never really cared and one incident is very strong in my mind. We were discussing old age and I said what if I get Alzheimer’s it runs in my family, he looked at me and said well I won’t be the one looking after you, I feel sorry for your daughter and sister, cause i will be gone by then. Never did he speak the truth until that moment.
Thank you for allowing me to share my story. I wish from the bottom of my heart I could help this lady he is trying to entangle in his web. I know how much he has cost me mentally, financially, emotionally and I wish his Mom had cared enough to tell me before it was too late.
Take care everyone and be safe.
I had to experience the same.
I’m from Europe and the guy is from Australia. I met him online after I returned back from Australia in 2013. We started to chat then we saw each other on webcam. We liked each other from the first sight. He didn’t write me for some days then we chatted again. He disappeared for more than 2 months and this happened again and again: he disappeared then reappeared. Until he started to begging me to go to his city (I used to study in that city for few weeks but then I had financial difficulties and I realized, I did’t want to study that subject as I hated it at the uni in my home country). He kept asking me to go there then I told him, okay, if he really wanted it, I could do it. He told me he also want a relationship and we could hang out and visit other cities when I was there etc., so I bought my ticket. I have never been so attracted to anyone before, so I was really hoping that it would work out. But it didn’t… After I arrived, we had sex too soon (I also told him that). On the next day he asked me what I wanted and I told him that I want to settle down, have a family, then he admitted that he cannot make a commitment and he is not ready for a relationship, and he started to tell me that I’m too skinny, look like a baby etc.. He told me just want to heave friendship with benefits with me.
I stayed at his place for a week. I didn’t really know what to do, but I decided to continue the sexual part with him, as I was still very attracted to him sexually (although sex wasn’t good with him as he behaved incredibly selfish), and because he initiated the intercourse all the time (and I cound’t say no).
When we said goodbye we agreed that we will stay friends forever and he told me he would write me on the next day. He asked me for money and I gave him a small amount.
Of course he didn’t contact me for 4 months, then he started to tell me if I gain weight he would marry me etc.
He started to do the same thing as before: disappeared then reappeared.
I decided to do another course I was really interested in Australia again in 2016, in the city he was born and where has relatives. He told me he would visit me and this is what happened last month, when I had to realize that he is a narcissist. He talked to me like I was an idiot and made me feel that I’m worthless. I didn’t like that. I got some money from a friend of my for car hiring and for a plane ticked because I was planning to move to another city. He made me spend all the money on a trip we made to a harbor where we spent 2 nights.
Before he came I considered to rent a flat together with him and he really liked the idea (as I was planning to move to the city where he lives). But on that point I realized, he would just abuse me as he said ha didn’t have money for the rental bond (and I told him, I would have had it).
So the night before we went for the trip I decided not to move together with him but I didn’t know when to tell it to him.
On the way to the harbor as I was holding his phone to see the map, a message came from a girl that “talk the other day, kisses”. I got a bit angry and I told him immediately that I didn’t want to rent a flat together with him. He was surprised and asked me just because of that message? I told him, no, I decided the day before.
He told me he got to know that girl while he was travelling in South America and she is planning to do an English course in Melbourne. I asked him if that girl knows where he was, what he was doing and with whom he was? He said she didn’t need to know it as he also didn’t know what the girl was doing and with whom.. I asked him if he is in love with the girl and his answer was “I do care”. When I asked the way he always asks questions “Yes or no?”, his answer was still “I do care”.
I told him from that on we can be only friends without any benefits. When he tried to have sex with me I told him, no, and I didn’t let him to do anything.
During the trip he was very funny and made me laugh all the time.
He asked me on the last evening if I would lend him some money and I told him, no.
On the way back he was still very funny and entertaining.
When we arrived and before we said goodbye he asked me for money again. I told him, no, sorry. The just turned off and walked away, so did I.
I thought after these things he would block me everywhere but he didn’t. I think he made me laugh because he wants to keep the door open. I think I won’t be strong enough to send him away if he would come back, but I definitely don’t want to get involved to anything with him. I have read a lot of articles about his personality disorder and I know it’s impossible for him to change, except if he goes to a therapy for many many years. And because he should face his fears, it won’t ever happen.
I want to remind people that WOMEN can just as easily fit this pattern of NARCISSISM-
After 8 years of taking emotional, & mental abuse in our marriage I am struggling to push thru to divorce. Every day I feel emasculated, and worthless, left obsessing over my narcissistic ‘soutlmate’ who left me with such a void that some days my self esteem is so shattered (as the author described) I barely want to go on.
I have my own place now, but I was also caught up in the whirlwind of a relationship that moved way to fast (sex 3rd night of meeting-would have been sooner but she was keeping a sex rondivue with yet another guy she kept on the line). Moved in with her in a few months, left everything I had, only to marry in less than a year. Romantic & Fiery yes…Devastating and abusive, absolutely.
Its an understated fact, Women are just as capable of destroying men,& children’s lives with this disorder. Be careful. Be informed. Thank you for article.
Just had the most beautiful time with someone. He had just gotten out of a relationship so I have told him we need to take this slow and not proceed until he is in a better place. Over the past month and a half he has been convincing me he is ready. I then told him my feelings for him… BIG MISTAKE… once he knew how much I care and embrace a relationship with him. All of a sudden I could not do anything right. The Fault Finding started and I was told how I don’t know how to communicate or say the right things. I don’t make him feel needed enough. Not sure what happened. It got to the point where he does not want anything to do with me. He told me I pressure him and he pretty much almost kicked me out of his house and out of his life. Leaving me for dead IT FEELS LIKE… I am hoping he contacts me to relieve this pain i feel but I know this is not the best thing but I am crushed. Just hoping he comes back but I know its best he does not. Feleing Devastated… 🙁
I’ve been trying to get over my situation with a suspected narcissist/sociopath but his current behavior with his now-gf is making me second-guess myself. He has done a complete 180 regarding his personality and in relation to his past relationships. When he was in my life he was a horrible person but it seems like he’s turned into a completely different person for her. It’s mind boggling and the rational part of me who knows the kind of person he was knows it’s not true love but the sad, emotional part of me thinks it might just be and it’s so unfair. If you knew him like I know him, you’d understand but outside looking in, it just sounds like he’s a normal person who has found true love and I just need to get over it.
This is very true. I was with XXXXXX XXXXXXXXX who lives in XX, XX and this asshole abandoned my baby and I. It gets worse than this, he verbally and emotionally abused me throughout my pregnancy and worse after my pregnancy, but he LIED to his family about me and our baby. When she was 2mos I went to his house where he said “he was living at his parent’s property with roommates” NO his roommates were his damn family!!! AND THEY ALLOW HIM TO LIE LIKE THIS AND HIS BITCH MOM COVERS FOR ALL HIS LIES, DOES HIS LAUNDRY AND LIES FOR ALL THIS 42 YR OLD FAGGOT DOES!!! He watches faggot porn, child porn, every kind of porn u think of in his mom’s bathroom. I know this because after I had our baby that’s when I started getting suspicious of the lies. My iPhone crashed so I lost all my baby’s pics and he gave me his phone to send the pics to my phone. The idiot doesn’t know the pics u take are in chronological order so he was still with his “ex” who cheated on him and is supposedly engaged and they were going out, on top of this asshole having pics of other women and kids in his phone. Later I found a list of women and myself included on there. He is nothing but a pathological liar. He spoke horribly about me and made lies to his family but never said how I was up cooking his lunch at 3am, lending him money, bringing him food at his job, etc… He loved to be the “victim”. I met him on a dating site and he told me to lie and tell everyone I met him at the gym and one of my friends saw him on the dating site while we were together and he denied it. He even told me he got banned from one of them from talking shit. I was somewhat shocked because he does talk a lot of shit and then this asshole acts like a complete Saint around his mom. He knew I have lupus and he would say in my face I was a crippled, disabled and carry our baby and say I hope u die a horrible death. One day I called his mom and watched him sit there quiet and innocent and then he tells her in Spanish I’m crazy. This man is sick and needs to be institutionalized! In his phone he wrote a letter to himself about killing the old Sergio and now the new Sergio is here. Our baby recently got baptized and he promised to help me clean. On my way home I fell asleep driving because I hadn’t slept for a day and a half from shopping and cooking. Sergio was screaming like an ass after my accident and after I got my car home this asshole dumped our baby on me and left us and didn’t help clean at all. I told him I was going to keep my promised and tell his ex. He still hadn’t told his kid. I was up cleaning after my car accident and taking care of our baby until 4am so I messaged his ex. I found out Sergio had been lying about me to begin with. They never knew I existed. He said he didn’t want a gf because then he’d have to spend time and money on her, according to his ex. I sent her pics of our baby and Sergio with the baby. This asshole would fucking come here and pretend we were a family and his bitch mom lied and covered all his lies!!!! He NEVER GAVE A RAT’S ASS about our baby!!!! Every damn day since she was born I would have to call him and ask for his help and then wake his parents to wake him up and then when he was here he wouldn’t do jack shit. He would wake up our baby at 1am because this loser would make us wait on him and then he would hold our baby for 3mins and get pissed off she wouldn’t go back to sleep. Then on her days she needed a bath he would bathe her at 1230 or 130am. We used to bathe her together but the epidural damage my back so I can’t bend over to long and this pig would grab her and say get out you’re useless. When he left us he made me beg him for 3-1/2days to bathe her and this bitch asked his mom and aunt permission if he could bathe his baby. What a fucking loser and he knows how happy she is in the water but he fucking decided to fucking manipulate us AGAIN and talk shit to me how I was an incompetent mom because I couldn’t give her a bath. Let me say where incompetent came from. His ex’s bf messaged me on fb and wrote in Spanish but since I don’t understand Spanish I had him read it he said, “I’m sorry you’re with someone incompetent.” So this loser projects the exacts words to me when he’s the incompetent one who couldn’t even bathe his baby. The only one fucking task he ever had in our relationship with her because he was so damn lazy. This man is a pathological liar from day one. I wish I knew from the beginning because I never would’ve gotten involved with such a loser. He has so many problems it’s unbelievable. His sister told me the day I went to their house “All men lie. He is a poor man.” At first I didn’t understand that and I was offended and stuck up for him but man I ever so know what she means now!!!!! He is broke as fuck and has creditors calling him left and right and he does payday loans left and right because he pays child support to his kid, his ex’s kid that isn’t even his, he doesn’t pay any for our baby, but he pays his ex’s bills and groceries like their fucking married but he says it for his “Maddie”. Please don’t be deceived by these lies like I was. He’s a manipulative, deceptive, pathological liar, watches porn allllll the time and his ex even told me she caught him. He’s 42 and lives with his parents and omg he always cries “I’m gonna tell my mom!!!” He cries like a bitch after he talked all his shit and then I threatened him that I was going to tell his ex about the baby or expose one of his bs lies. Wtf? I would say bitch tell your mom. Let me call her for u!!! His ex was laughing and said he did that to her to and said, “God he doesn’t change.” Amazing a grown man in a 42 yr old body that likes to bully women. The worst part is he got me pregnant again and everyone knows and he’s playing his manipulative abusive games again. I pray when karma hits him I can witness all this. He is everyone’s worst nightmare. Everything that comes out his mouth is a lie, he lied about his daughter, ex and ex’s son, his financial problems, not paying bills on time, living with parents, lying to parents, bipolar, picks his nose every time you turn around and then he’s still picking his nose, farts nonstop, verbally abusive, emotionally abusive, manipulative, lazy omg very lazy and can be compared next to his lies, doesn’t like to brush his teeth, likes to pretend he’s rich (don’t be fooled with his car. He bought that car in 2005 or 2007 and he’s still driving around with the new sticker to act like it new, but he gets it from his mom who loves to brag like their righ but their house looks like a garage door and fence. She made a big stink one time about being on the bus when I couldn’t even hear the bus to begin with because I was on my headset. It was like she was so embarrassed when I didn’t even care. I guess this is what happens when you lie too much and pretend to live a lavish life you don’t have. She made her son a nut and she would say “I didn’t know my son was like that.” When I would tell her the evil things he would say or do to me and the baby. Well, guess what your son is bipolar and a pathological liar like you. Like mother, like son..) This man would make me wait for him to get off of work when I was having intense labor pains and the day they induced me he made me beg him to stay and pay his parking. Not once did this bastard hold my hand or help me. As soon as we were transferred to our room he left to go see his daughter. This pathological liar was living two lives. I remember his mom even making a comment one day that I never forgot “it must be hard having two families”, so she knew the whole time. These people are twisted liars. Stay as far away from them. Like his ex said, “they’re all crazy!”
The hardest part about reading this is knowing everything it’s saying Is true but figuring out how to accept it and get out. Is it that so broken down at this point that I don’t see reality and still can’t fathom the thought of him moving on when I know that before I was very strong willed? It’s at point where I can’t agree or disagree with things he says. If agree patronizing if disagree I’m wrong and my fault not that I ever get to explain my reasoning and when I do there’s literally 0 reaction and I can’t grasp that. How can someone have no remorse for their actions and watch you being hurt and not care and I know I make worse due to his narc because I push back and he lashes out more yet I can’t make myself get out knowing it’s what needs to happen. My world is consumed by him and I don’t know how to go back.
Please tell me how you are doing now? Has anything changed in your life? I hope you are doing well and onto a better life but being in the exact same relationship as you I wont be surprised with your response but I am hopeful for you.
This was my life spelled out exactly for the past year and a half.
So horribly sad. They will never have a successful relationship because they are incapable of feeling, loving and sharing their life with another. Relationships are 50/50. But in their world its all about them…how you can help them feed their ego, their insecurity, the hole in their soul. But the reality is, you cant. Youll never be enough. They live in a fictional world.
They may project goodness and positivity, but its an act. Everything is an act.
They are ill. Its a mental illness and they will never take accountability for it. They cant. Their brains do not function normally.
OMG!!!!!! I have just read the past 4 years of my life on my computer screen!! This whole post could be my life, I started crying just reading this, just remembering everything that he has and still is putting me through. I am over it now and he knows it so he has been going back to phase 1. I left him before and he came back but I didn’t fall for his crap until a month after I moved out I found out I was pregnant and I was right back in his wicked arms. hoping our child would change him, it did for a while and he went right back to his old ways again. Now I am on my way back out the door. This post has really helped me get a look into his mind and try to figure out why he treats me the way he does. Now that I know I can move forward with my life and be a better mother and woman. Thank you!
Three days ago, I removed myself from a relationship that this blog post could have been written about, word for word. It’s unnerving yet comforting to read this. The road to healing and finding a way to untangle my heart from this man’s clutches seems daunting to me. I am bookmarking this post so that I can read the hundreds of comments later tonight after I am finished work. Thank you for so clearly spelling out what I have gone through for the last year.
Same here Lisa. word for word it’s been a year later and I’m still recovering my self esteem. I’m glad to understand what I was dealing with now and that it wasn’t normal, and he never cared about me at any point.
This post has made a huge difference on getting closure on my ‘relationship’ with my wife. I don’t believe she was a full blown narcissist until 18-24 months ago when she had some kind of breakdown (MLC?) and what you described has played out exactly.
I have really struggled to come to terms with why she could be so cold, not just to me, but our young kids were so sweet in trying to convince us to work on staying together but she would not budge. Her ability to look me dead in the eye and lie is truly amazing. I now know there is a ‘look’ that she has where her eyes lock onto mine and she will put on the ‘mask’ as you describe. The other thing that drives me insane is the innocent facade she’s put on since the break-up like she is completely at fault. She had a full blown emotional affair that last 3 months and turned sexual which she now still describes as ‘just a few texts’. The level of self-delusion is incredible.
She treated me cruelly during the ‘discard’ stage, walks out of our marriage like nothing happened, but still is desperate to be ‘friends’. For a deep thinking, caring, loving man this is really hard to take but I know now that my wife couldn’t really help her behavior as this is her true nature.
Thanks very much for sharing this.
Wow. Ive been searching about other mental disorders but only discovered NPD yesterday through a Facebook article about the toxic relationship between an empath and a narc. Further readings led me to this site, and I cannot believe how much I can relate to the said patterns and with the stories in the comments section!
We’re actually still together – but I have already started some no contact things.
Should I at least properly break up with him?
OMG am so glad i found this article,ok my story is i met this guy online 10 years ago we are both from the same country but i live in the U.S, in the beginning this guy was charming and nice but i didnt feel love connection with him but he tricked me to think i was in love with him and am so stupid i believed it when i said yes i do love you and want to be with him for the rest of my life and that when he started to change that he cant be with me for religious reasons and his heart was broken by another girl and he dont want to make me miserable so he cut me off his life all this happened in 6 month, i exapted his wishes and moved on 3 month after cutting me off he calls out of the blue claming he want to check on me and he misses me talked n decided to stay close friends (even though i still have feelings for him) we stayed intoch for about 3 month n out of the blue he cut me off again block me on fb not answering my calls i was very hurt but i picked up my self and moved on. After i got my life on track i met a great guy we dated and we decided to get engaged was so happy totally forgot about my dear friend and my phone rung and it was him after 9 month of no contact he calls to check on me I told him I was fine and I was getting married he got very upset screaming and fighting and told me he loves me and hung up on me the next day he called me and said he was sorry the way he acted and we decided to be close friends knowing that we tell each other everything we kept on talking for awhile and then we stoped, I got married change my phone number life was great in 2012 my son was a year old and he got ahold of my phone and he was calling people and he called him by mistake I took my phone hung up for the Fest hoping it did not go through since it’s an overseas phone call but it went through and now you have my phone number he kept on calling me he did not answer and eventually I had to answer and we talked we picked up like nothing happened we started to talk you thought about his problems and me listening trying to solve it for him me how much he missed me and he love me and you want to have phone sex which I said no and he said why him my husband what he’s talking about why do I do everything with him and don’t give my friends anything I was married I’m happy and we should be just friends he was okay with it we talked for 6 months almost every day non-stop and my old feeling started to come back I thought it was it was I wish it was him then out of nowhere he cuts me off blocked me off of everything WhatsApp Viber all the social media that we were on I was very hurt but again I moved on again you’ve gone for 9 months from Christmas he text me and say Merry Christmas and he misses me we text again we talk again, in sep 2013 he asked me for naked pictures which I refused and he just cut me off saying I don’t trust him and we should not talk ever again okay fine with me I was very hurt broken and I’ve never understood why would he do something like that I thought I was his close friend wild move on but I did I got pregnant towards the end of 2013 Second Son in July 2014 after I had my son he text me out of nowhere to check on me so then I had another baby life is good and he’s great and we just text every once in awhile to say hello that was fine with it towards the end of 2015 he calls me we talk he told me about a girl that he loved and he wants to marry and her dad would not let him I told him just move on I’m sure you’ll find someone else and I gave me the advice and I tried to help him he said am the best friend he ever had I’ve kept on going. In 2016 I text him and tell him that I was coming home to visit my family of course he’s from the same country we decided once I get there we’re going to meet up and hang out together which was cool got there met up it was surreal after 10 years I finally got to see each other old feelings started to come back started hugging kissing I started to fall back stuff together sadly I cheated. Of course he’s changed towards me he made me back to see him and we met when we met up we always talk about other girls even when I’m in his lap cuddling always talk about other girls and show me pictures of other girls and I will still be he wants to get married and I never cared I’m selfish they want to keep him to myself he really hurt my feelings but I kept on seeing him until I left the night before I left I went to see him course we did stuff again and when we were done told him not to leave me hanging when I go back home to the US he said he won’t and of course he was talking about himself a lot about his girls and telling me that he gave me more than he ever give anybody and he gave me everything I come back to my life and he called me the next day to check on me we talk telling each other how we missed each other and everything will be fine we hung up and we can talk tomorrow tomorrow came the day after came a week went by nothing I text him I get a short answer busy I have a lot of work if he talk to me tell me about his ex-girlfriend trying to get back to him don’t want her back and then tell me that she’s trying to hook him up with a girl to marry I don’t like call me so I can get all the info from you I cannot understand texting he said okay and he never did call him asking how is everything is everything everything fine with him and of course the short answer busy work course now I know he’s pattern that he’s trying to cut me off time I’m not getting blocked actually he did block me on Facebook but not on WhatsApp and Viber no I text and I do not get an answer once I stop texting I am very hurt depressed to the point that starting to have physical pain my heart is going to quit on me mention that you write post on on his Viber thing that he loved this girl and he wants to marry her and he was changing for her and he’s getting all religious and he wants to start his life all over again. After reading the article I starting to remember his personality from the beginning he put me on a pedestal he’s in love got me to love him back and then he cut me off get popping in and out of my life he talked a lot about himself how romantic he is how sexually experienced he is kept bragging about that and how how a lot of girls wanted to be with him and they love him wand how successful businessman he is he always talk about money and numbers and how much she spends money and how much you buy equipment for his company which I thought it was he was successful he would not even talk about numbers.He always kept me around claming he does not want to hurt me and I’m his friend.
My head’s about to explode from thinking a lot can somebody help me and tell me narcissistic or not or I’m just crazy.
OMG i wish i would have seen this before i met and married the bastard. I went through all the stages listed in this article. He made me feel so good like we were soulmates. Long story short we Married 8 months into my marriage he left me now he’s in relationship with someone else who thinks she found the man of her dreams. This man hurt me so bad and i’m still trying to get over it
I met a woman online playing a video game late last December. We played almost everyday together and I never thought anything of it other than a great friendship. In March, I went out of town with family for a week and came back to her confessing she had feelings for me that she never felt before…even for her husband she’d been married for over 10 years. I reluctantly declined a few times making up excuses of why we’re not good for each other…but she kept pursuing and eventually I developed feelings for her and we met in April. She said everything I wanted to hear…soulmate…I can have the marriage I deserve…we’ll live a happy life together. So, she got her husband to sign divorce papers and I moved in with her in June. It all felt too fast but I was afraid of losing her if I didn’t take the chance to be with her. I gave up everything to be with her and a month of happiness went by…I finally got a job and on my first day of work…I came home to her breaking up with me to try and win her ex-husband back. I should’ve moved away as soon as she broke my heart…but she kept insisting that I make a life here without her…that we can be friends because our connection was amazing and indescribable. My first mistake was staying thinking she’ll eventually fall in love with me again with her ex-husband moving away. My second was deciding to live with her friends who communicated with her daily thru FB. I became obsessed with knowing if she still loved me…so I ended up snooping thru her friends FB. I caught them all saying terrible things about me such as we need to set up a Gofundme account to get him out of your house. This coming from a woman who told me I was her soulmate. I ended up getting kicked out of their house a month later when they found out about the snooping and moved back home. I wanted to still be friends with my ex because I took a month to heal but it turns out she found a new bf and blocked me from FB. She also got her dad and step mom to block me as well which hurts because we spent so many Sundays together which made me not miss my family when I lived with her. So I posted on FB about forgiving her and sad to lose friendships because of taking chance on love. Her lackeys all came out one day and started telling me how horrible I was to go thru personal documents, taking pics and videos of my ex while she was sleeping (which we shared thru dropbox when we couldn’t see each other)My ex had been going around spreading lies about me so she could play the victim. Her friends that I stayed with were a miserable couple going thru marriage counseling because my ex told the husband that if he wasn’t happy…just divorce her already. The guy drove home one day with another woman in his car with his 2 yr old in the backseat. He didn’t wear pants the whole ride because he had ants in them. This is the same guy who told my ex I showed intimate videos of us together. I can’t even piss in a public urinal because I’m too shy…let alone show someone a sex clip of myself. That couple probably told my ex that if I could go thru their fb…I probably went thru her laptop with private personal documents…which is what she’s been telling people now. What purpose would that serve me when we were so happy together and I wanted to marry her? None. Just adding to the victim card. I had to block so many people that day because she would have them relay her rant about how I’m not a nice guy. Eventually, she got so mad she unblocked me which gave me a chance to block her. She posted a pic on my friend’s fb page that she upgraded with her new bf to get a rise out of me but I no longer care about her. I had sent her a b-day present last weekend before all this crazy stuff happened. It just hurts to finally realize that I had been in a relationship with a narcissist. I had spent so many months hating her ex-husband when the guy was probably the same as me…I just got lucky and lost 2 month of my life crying over her when he lost 11 years. To her new bf who she bragged to me is a real man…I feel sorry for you the way her ex-husband felt sorry for me.
After reading this, I nearly vomited. I’ve spent the last few months with a guy that fits everything that I read above. It was like looking through the window of my life. There is actually some solace in knowing that there are others in the same situation as me. Sad that I didn’t see it earlier. I need to get away.
I just went through this and I am devastated. I felt like my future, as was promised to me, collapsed in front of me. This was someone from high school and church. We have mutual friends who were happy he finally found someone nice and normal. Now he’s trashing my name in my hometown. I have moved away but I went to visit and saw people who told him not to screw it up. But the whole ordeal was exactly what is written in this article. I shared the article on facebook, as I hope he and others read it. He has other women following my facebook because they are brainwashed. Many people, male and female, have commented or messaged me thanking me for posting the link to this article. How do I break the love I have for him still. It hurts so much and now he’s scamming a charity… I reported that.
That man makes me sick. He thinks he owns you. I can’t watch this. You are destroying your life.
Also, Peacefulvibes- go No Contact immediately!! Delete, block, delete!!!!
Being in contact with them feels like shit, it perpetuates the shame and toxicity that they make you feel and you won’t be able to begin the real healing until you shut the door, and lock it. This guy is a crazy maker and an asshole, and he’s getting off in being in touch with you so he can admire the handicraft of his work, which is your pain and suffering. He doesn’t deserve to be able to even speak to you, ever again!!! Read all the blogs on No Contact on this site, they’ve helped me so much.
Peacefulvibes- YES, he was a narcissist!!! I’m sorry you went through that but please try to find consolation in the fact that you dodged a bullet and didn’t marry the guy before his mask dropped. I had a similar experience where I fell in love with someone long distance first, and then he came to visit and his mask dropped. It is beyond unsettling to fall in love with someone only to realize that they weren’t even real, and that all those hours of sharing and connecting meant nothing to them. But please, know that you can trust and love again. The healing from this is going to take a while but if you embrace your pain and the process, and learn everything you can about yourself and what happened, you’ll move on to much bigger and better things. Read this blog and lean on friends and family. You will get over this. Your whole life is ahead of you!
Please help
Does my post below sound like the man was a narcissistic person?
My mind is going crazy, I need some consolation please ?
I am a girl in her mid 20s , who had never even hugged a guy. I always had a strong belief that before I get physical to any extent I had to know he was the one and then I would surrender.
I met this narc man online , he lived in the states, I live in uk . He would talk to me on video calls for about 10-15 hours a day- the connection was so powerful, and I could not believe it . I am someone who is always very cautious , doesn’t usually get swept by a guys words, but this felt so so different that I could not budge despite the few unclear warnings he gave – at times he would say this can’t work out, at other times he would say he is serious about it , fly to me and let’s see.
I stupidly flew across to the USA , had made it very clear that no sex. He picked me up from the airport and as soon as I came to his house, the first thing he asked me was “do you want to have sex?” – I felt disgusted , uncomfortable and walked out of his house. He then came after me and encouraged me to come back , I had to – I had no where else to go. I spent that night crying and praying- could not sleep. Then he changed , said sorry and gave me a little cuddle . The next few days things were fine, I gained his trust, he did not ask for sex, but there were times when all was great and then he would suddenly sit next to me and say this is not going to work , you’re in UK etc etc. Then he changed again after I got so upset one night that I had a panic attack – I was trembling – he said stop doing drama . So I locked myself in a different room, because he said he wanted to sleep and I did not want to disturb him. Then he came back to get me . Hugged me .told me he won’t ever leave. Kissed me (first ever kiss in my life) – then did a whole marriage proposal, to which I said yes . Told me he will call his family and tell them in the morning.
Then the next few days continued like this- marriage plans, he made plans to come visit my family. He would not let go of me , he even introduced me to a colleague at his work place (and this man is a professional ). He did everything to make me feel it was real, until I flew back to England , and he called the next day, saying “it was all false”
That left me in shock. I came back a few weeks ago and have not been able to go to work. He has remained in contact since I have been back but keeps reminding me it’s over ,’and told me to contact him in a few months time.
I only came across this article when a relative of mine asked me to search about narcissistic relationships online . I still have not come to terms with it, my mind is not waking up to the fact that maybe he was a narcissist .
I feel disgustingly weak , never kissed a man in my life, yet I came back with a fake marriage proposal. I gave him everything , trusted him completely. It has left me empty and scared to ever trust again .
This is an amazing article and wealth of information. I feel better knowing it wasn’t me, but its sad to know he will continue his behavior with other women. My only mistake with this man is having a child from him. It’s really difficult to co-parent with a narcissistic individual.
I have been in a relationship with a Narcissist Alcoholic. One year on the first go with a year in between. And now we have been seeing each other again since April. I need some help understanding this.
Im wanting to walk away , but I want to do it without feeding his illness.
He is a “textbook” case. Double bad though because of the alcoholism.
Took over $8,000.00 in the year together with no payback. He NEVER in that time gave me anything. NOTHING. He says sex has to count though! .
He knows the subjects I don’t feel I should have to listen to like his old girlfriends and love interests he is currently chasing after on the internet and local bars.
When we are together the first thing he starts talking about casually are the subjects he knows I hate. I try and mirror back to him what he is doing, by doing it to him. He is unmoved by it. After he has provoked me and pushed all my buttons, Im not allowed to confront him about it. He insults me and makes remarks like…..this is why I can go for months and not talk to you and it doesn’t bother me at all. Or, this is not helping my “dick” get hard by you picking a fight about this. He has all kinds of remarks he makes to me.
He just thinks he is the best at golf, skiing and tennis. Brags about it all the time and tries to impress whoever about it.
I since he is making up a false life for me to impress me. He acts like he goes out and is very much in demand socially. He makes up lies I think about things that has happened and about things with other women to see me jealous.
The stories just don’t seem like reality to me.
I think in reality he is a hopeless drunk that spends all day watching TV and drinking vodka. His sister suggested this at one time and he HATED it.
I catch him in lies all the time, but he sits there and very calmly states he has always been very straight forward and honest with me. He is very convincing. I sometimes feel crazy around him.
If I confront his behavior he calls me crazy or that I invented this and try to pick fights with him.
All I do is tell him he is full of it. He insults me constantly calling me crazy or I need to be on meds etc…
I saw him last night and he called me when I was about 5 min from home to see if I was there yet. He then told me to call him when I got home and settled in. I did, and he left the conversation to eat.
Now, I haven’t heard from him all day. He disappears and does the silent treatment.
I have never felt he loved me at all. I gave all I had to him and then when I was drained and told him he wasn’t getting anything else he had less to do with me.
Now, I want to tell him that I no longer need his services for sex or whatever it was I got from him. Should I tell him this and tell him he is Narcissistic or just never respond to him again. I want it to punch him in the gut when I do it. I don’t want to let him get off of a reaction from me.
I know what he will say like he has said before…..If I live to be 100 I will never understand me. ( notice he didn’t say you? he said he would never understand himself) when I brought that to his attention he told me if I couldnt be nice not to contact him again.
He also has this thing about wanting to stay “friends” when he splits with a girlfriend. Its really important to him to keep that connection.
He is 68 years old and was pretty hot when he was young. He always dates women 20 years younger than him. Not lately though. Hes too old. Im 64. How best do you think I should end this?
Peyton, I hope you are able to find this because I am your age & have just gotten out of a relationship with a Narc the same age as yours. I feel for you that you are still in this relationship. I do understand it, however. It is so hard to break away because we are so wanting that part they gave us in the beginning when we were being love bombed. It’s so difficult to believe that none of it was true. They keep us confused and questioning ourselves because they dig deep to find things we have confided about ourselves to use against us in order to blame the target for everything that is wrong in the relationship. They are as good at this as they are at sucking us in.
What I want to tell you is that there is ONLY ONE WAY to stop the narcissist’s cycle of abuse and that is NO CONTACT. And that means none what-so-ever. Believe that you are worth more than this because you are.
It is, also, hard to break away because of how they leave us craving their affection like craving a drug. The less we get, the more we want. But once you admit that none of what you think was love, ever was. It’s an act that we can’t fatham doing, but they are not normal. He will destroy you if you stay. You and I are too “old” to waste any time on these evvel-doers. Get out and go NO CONTACT. No matter what he does, no matter how many times he texts about how much he misses you, you ignore every single one. And never break it. You will gain more of your power & self worth back with each day. I wish you peace. P.S. This was never love. We were in love with the illusion they created.
Wow. I’ve just released my narcissist—again. Over 2.5 years now, she leaves only to come back anywhere from 2 – 6 months later, each time progressing the intensity of the relationship. It seems like it’s better each time and then she leaves, always blaming “chemistry.”
I’ve never met her mom, but everything she has describes makes her sound like she has NPD (I’d assume growing up in that environment rubbed off on her). Even this last time leaving, I said “goodbye” and she cried saying, “it sounds like we saying goodbye forever.”
I’m always left wondering what I did to turn he away again. For everyone who’s dealing with this, I’m sorry. Know that it’s not you.
Wow this reminded me of my last relationship. I met her three years ago, and she was at the start of a new relationship with someone 4 years younger than her. She eventually cheated on him with me when the going got tough there, and kept it up until he found out. At the start i didn’t want to carry this sort of thing on, and let her go. Eight months down the track and she’s back. Now we were in a relationship, straight off the bat her insecurities came out. Mind you i was rebounding off another relationship so my clarity and mental state wasn’t the best when i started with this one. She took full advantage of it. wanted marriage, buying a new house together and that soulmate BS. I fell for the soulmate thing but played it cautious. Even in the beginning there were fights because i was noticing some serious character flaws with this person. Keeping her ex’s family as her ONLY friend, not being able to make peace with my female friends who are only friends, being violent and carrying a knife around for “protection”. She really was a spoilt brat. I did look after her and treat her good. splashed out at expensive restaurants for her birthday etc, and out of nowhere she accuses me of cheating when i did not. Eventually these accusations morphed into passive aggressive behaviour . She managed to convince me that there is no end to this Sh**T and i was sick of it, and left her for five days and got with a random girl. I am 100% responsible for my bad action. She on the other hand broke up with me for her ex (Im sure they were sleeping together) and charaded her ex around me like she’s collected some sort of trophy. I am pretty strong willed. I gave her one chance to get her S**T together and when she said she wanted to be alone, i said OK. Went radio silent. she’s blocked me on Facebook since then and i am hoping she wont make an attempt to contact me in any way. Im still scarred and this is going to take time to heal but i am in a much better place than i was.
I just left my narcissist husband of 20 years, and yes, it is devastating to see how quickly he has moved on. It is devastating to see the proof that I have meant absolutely nothing to him. I moved out last week and he didn’t even wait for me to get out of the house before pursuing someone new. But that is why I finally left… The sexting with multiple other women and acting like he wasn’t doing anything wrong. I am an emotional wreck. So glad to know there are others who know how this feels.
I am so happy to find this article.
My ex was my best friend of 20+ years when we started dating about 4 yrs ago. He had always treated me like a queen and respected me for being a strong independent compassionate woman. It confused the hell out of me when all of a sudden his behavior changed and he became nasty and disrespectful. He betrayed my trust on several occasions with inappropriate conversations with ex-lovers, girlfriends and even new strange women. He saw no issues at all with his actions because he claimed them to be non-physical and accused me of trying to control him.
He constantly required that I be available to him on demand for whatever needs he had and if I was not able or not willing to comply then he retaliated by pulling away from me and limiting his love and affection.
I found myself constantly trying to change myself or my behaviors to suit his fancy not realizing that I was losing myself every step of the way.
I developed anxiety and depression. My work performance started suffering and I pulled away from my friends and my family because of the shame I felt and guilt I felt. I knew in my heart nothing about the relationship was right but I loved him so much. I thought that he was just troubled and needed to be shown love and understanding in order to feel more safe and secure.
I knew there was a void there that I did not expect to fill myself but I believed that my love could encourage him to fill that void with self love.
He tried to fill that void with me, countless other women, drugs and alcohol. He became a full fledged meth addict over the past 3 yrs.
Everything changed for me a year ago when we had an altercation that ended in him punching me in the face 3 times and then choking me almost to unconsciousness. I knew then that I could not enable the behavior any longer and that I had to stand up for myself.
Phase 3 came very quickly once I did just that. He discarded me like old socks and began trying to slander me to others. But after a few weeks of no contact from me, he would reach out as if nothing ever happened using “his concern for my well being” as the motivator for reaching out. He “just wanted to make sure I was ok, since he hadn’t heard from me in a while.”
I fell for it a few times. Each time though when I would bring up his bad behavior, seek acknowledgement/accountability for his actions and get a commitment for change, he would shut me down with deflection and blame me for why he did what he did. Then he would discard me once again.
I finally got the clarity I needed 2.5 weeks that I was fighting a losing battle and cut my ties with him, blocking his number and removing any trace of him, his friend and even his family from my life and social media.
I had a few rough days in between but today I feel great. I realize that I only feel anxious, unsettled and sad when he is a part of my life. Without him not only do I feel healthy mentally about myself, I feel better about people in general and the world around me.
I will forever be sad for him that he has Narcissistic Personality Disorder and that he is not able to own it and get the help he needs because I believe everyone deserves to be happy and deserving of love but, he is no longer my burden and I will love him from afar where he cannot hurt me any longer.
Thank you so much for writing this article. It’s helped me and plenty of others cope with the emotional trauma. I now realize that I was badly mind fucked by a narc and I didn’t do anything wrong.
I had a whirlwind romance a few months ago with this guy. I thought I had died and gone to heaven- he was EVERYTHING I ever wanted in a partner. He was super sweet, romantic, caring and treated me like a queen. He insisted on being a gentleman and paying for everything. He said and did all the right things. I swear I wanted to marry him right there and then, I was 100% convinced I will never meet anyone as good as him.
Within the first week of meeting me, he was telling me that he loved me and even casually brought up about weddings and how a beach wedding would be lovely.
On hindsight that was a huge red flag.
We had an amazing relationship for a month. Everything was perfect and the sex was unbelievable.
The last time we met he was telling me he wanted to take me for a holiday, and we could plan for a longer trip towards the end of the year. I was in heaven thinking this guy was making plans in the future with me in his mind.
Then suddenly one day poof!… he disappears. For an entire week.
He claimed that he was going overseas for a couple of days, for a work trip. But he ended up disappearing for a whole week, without a single text or call. Which was alarming because previously we texted regularly daily.
I panicked thinking that something bad happened to him, I even filed a missing persons report. I cried everyday for a whole week, worried sick.
His story is full of loopholes and inconsistencies. He was clearly lying. Before the trip he told me he was going alone. After he came back, his story changed and he was there with his male friends/ business partners. Just didn’t make sense.
After this incident, he stopped all contact with me. He ignored my texts and call (I only called him once). Zilch. It’s like he disappeared into thin air.
Sometimes I even wonder if I had hallucinated the entire thing.
After the “breakup”, I spent weeks beating myself up, angry at myself, why did I have to over react, why did I have to get angry at him, etc. I felt that I lost the best thing which ever happened to me. I thought I ruined the best relationship I ever had in my life, and I was never ever going to meet anyone as good ever again. I was so mad at myself.
But lately somehow I started reading up on narcissistic behavior and suddenly everything clicks into place.
We went through all three phases. In the first two weeks, I was so enamoured and even told my gf that I think he might propose anytime! That was how “in love” he seemed. He was absolutely smitten. The way he looked at me, was like a fat kid looking at cake. I’ve never felt so precious and special before in my life. I fell for it, despite being a cynical person. He knew what he was doing.
He even suggested taking me to Tiffanys & Co during lunch once, and I coyly asked what for, his reply was “Buy a ring?” Mind you, this was just barely two weeks of knowing me.
After reading this and other articles, I’ve realized that NONE of those things were real. It was all a facade. Just to suck me in as quickly as possible, so I would happily and readily cater to all his needs. He was too special and too good to have to wait for anything. He wanted LOVE and he wanted it NOW.
He was very needy and wanted to text all the time. Especially when he was working his night shifts and was lonely. And he expected quick replies. If I took a little longer than usual, he would send a “Don’t leave me alone baby!” Hence making me feel bad and obliged to reply to all his texts ASAP.
But being as needy as he was, somehow during that one week “work trip”, he was suddenly not needy at all, while all alone overseas? MAJOR loophole. (I don’t know if he was with someone else, I have no proof.)
That whole time I was worried sick and panicking, he was playing his sick mind game.
He also would show up late all the time. We would agree to meet at 1pm for lunch, and he would only come to pick me at 2.45pm. He would have some flimsy excuse for being late. He didn’t seem to care if I was hungry. The world revolved around him so who cares?
I read through some of the other comments here and it seems like there are plenty of narcs out there. Not sure if I will ever trust anyone again, but I’ve definitely learnt my lesson.
As the saying goes- if it seems too good to be true, it probably is.
This describes my boyfriend to a T. In the beginning, everything was perfect. He said & did all the right things. Then about 6 months into our relationship, the disrespecting, the name calling started. Always accusing me of sleeping around. Calling me a whore, a tramp. Our entire relationship I loved him & only him, I couldn’t even picture myself with another man. After about 10 months, he started hitting me. He would do it in front of people. He has broken my fingers, bit me numerous times & left scars. I’ve had black eyes, swollen face. He was so very good at playing the blame game. Everything was always my fault. He would tell me he loved me, wanted to grow old with me. Then he kicked me out. Out of the blue… Then tried to say I shouldn’t have left. Come to find out, a couple months before we broke up, he had been seeing someone else. I try & stay positive, & tell myself he’s her problem now. Some days are easy, other days, my heart aches for him.
@BRENDA i hope you will read this: you’ve described my relationship to 100%. The first half of a year was wonderful. But then I went through the hell on earth. i was so often gaslighted, so that I thought that I would go crazy, that I’ve lost my mind. He called me names, he verbally harassed me in the most bad way possible, he humiliated me in front of others. And he was always a extreme Person: reckless driving with 2 car accidents, reckless behaviour in front of Police officers, drug abuse, alcohol addict, extreme moods… When the relationship reached the highest Point of abuse, he almost broke my nose and was not even Aware of it. And THEN he also wanted to blame his Action on me with the words “that’s why you always provoke me!” His mood-shifts got more extreme, every single time. He screamed, shouted, was verbally abusive, yelled like I’ve never seen that before. His face expressions were like one from a maniac when he got upset. I was really terrified, at the end I really feared him!
I read this article and about threw up my chowder. I have lived this life for the last 4 years. The last 6 months of it has been a living hell. I’m a very cerebral person and I feel like I need to make sense of everything. I guess that’s how I landed on this article. Was surfing the web researching these types of personality disorders. We seemed to be perfect for each other. We were in love and I used to think how lucky I was to have found someone so perfect for me. We did everything together and never fought at all. Life seemed to be moving in the right direction for me or at least that’s what I thought. she moved in with me. Right from the get go there were problems that arose. All of them were things I thought we could work our way through. She would complain about the neighborhood, my kids, my friends, my family. She would tell me that she felt 3rd on my list. She would leave for a few days and say she just needed to be alone. I supported this because I knew she was having a tough time. The kids were my responsibility, not hers, so go ahead and have a good time. I would even give her a little spending money so she could enjoy herself. Then one day without warning she said she wanted to leave the relationship. I had heard enough at this time so I said Ok go ahead and move out. I left for a few days and when I got back she was gone. I found out about 2 months later she had been seeing someone else the entire 8 months she was living with me. I went nuts. I even found out that the new guy helped her move out of my house. Lucky I didn’t do something stupid. At any rate, ever since then she keeps reeling me in and then running back to the other guy. She is a self admitted attention junkie and she is getting it from all directions. She only has male friends. ZERO girlfriends. All of them would love to get in her pants but she keeps them at arms length. Just enough crumbs to keep them interested. I used to tell her all the time that those guys want in her shorts and she would just downplay it. She always posts pics on FB that show her by herself doing something fun and independent. She is a total knock out. Drop dead gorgeous. And the sex is off the charts. She knows exactly what to say and when to say it. She is a pro. She is a Jason Borne level assassin. She will throw send you a provocative pic every now and then to get the juices flowing and believe me I have run to her many times. She preys on the one weakness all men have…sex. One time she was caught red handed at my house and the guy sent her a pic of her car in my driveway. He was texting and emailing all weekend. She just looked at her phone and put it down. Emotionless, Evil. I know where all of it comes from and I have compassion for her but holy shit, it has destroyed me. Just now picking up the pieces and realizing that it’s hopeless. She started therapy but we’ll see where it goes. I would guess she’ll say it’s all bullshit and quit. wow.
yip…I am totally familiar with the majority of everyone’s comments here and can now at last finally recognise what has slowly and constantly been happening to me over the past ten years….before i would have described it as ‘dangling on a clothes line’ or ‘hanging on a wire’ where you never knew where you stood from one minute to the next..tiptoeing on egg shells to not set off his rage-like totally unpredictable temper, a total selfish, self-obsessed narcissist who was married before with two children and still cried over his ex anytime he had drink in him… and nothing I ever did would compare or was good enough for him…at least that is how he made me feel…and was very abusive to me on many occasions for no particular reason whatsoever…eg. the night we went to his brother’s house for his birthday and the minute we went in the door he shouted his face off at me in his native language in front of the whole family, and I didn’t know what he was even saying!Or why!Turns out it was a ‘clever’ way to get rid of me so he and his brother could go out on the town on their own….so many occasions ruined by his self-indulgent sabotaging behaviour destroying any kind of ‘relationship’ we had….another time he disappeared on me at nighttime in the country he was from where i did not know anyone or the language-he left me and our 4 year old daughter in a pub by simply walking out after he received a phone call from someone…..he didn’t return until roughly 90 minutes later, didn’t tell me he was going anywhere before he went and he returned at the point where the pub was closing-I was horrified, scared, afraid-didnt know the country, direction back home my daughter was asleep on my knee i was so angry and helpless and when he came back and didn’t care a damn was so rude and horrible and cruel he tried to shout me down and scare me to get me to shut up when i asked where he was I didn’t know where he had been it was a horrendous awful experience and one I will never for the life of me, forget. Once he told me he had ‘two other women already’ just as I was due to go away on a short 4-day trip with work-this knocked me off my feet completely and made me sick, but I still had to go on with my work abroad. I was a different person. He has taken my confidence away from me-again, for example, two months ago I found him with all these ridiculous online flirtatious contacts and overheard him at night on his laptop till all hours of the morning talking with these contacts and saw these pathetic posts of these women trying their best to send him overtly sexual images of themselves dressed inappropriately. He thought nothing wrong of this. So many incidents more, I could write a book-all I know is this-he treated me bad and still does-we had our daughter 6 years ago and to this day he has never once helped to pay for her childcare, nor does he even act like he is responsible for her as a father-he doesn’t want any responsibility and leaves everything up to me. I told him where to go two months ago after I overheard him on the phone and caught him texting and sexting to someone else while he was in bed with me!!He was acting so dodgy it was my worst nightmare…to describe him I’d say it was like trying to manage a teenage boy in his late 40s who you never knew or who you couldn’t put your finger on and who would never be satisfied with anything-like a chameleon-I could never work him out-I am still always confused, befuddled , anxious, paranoid, think that’s there’s a conspiracy going on with his family against me-his teenage sons always took priority over me and our daughter who we had together-his sons almost behaved like a competition to see who could be ‘Top Dog’ to get their father’s attention the most-this he loved of course, all the attention. And his ex never left us alone-one time on our holiday in his native country she rang us constantly to see where we were on our ‘road trip’, to the point where he began to just snap at me constantly, while speaking in a soft low voice to her on the phone. She fed his narcissism delightfully and she knew it, while i didn’t at all-instead I became more and more distant and despondent and introverted and didn’t want to give him any attention in the end. Currently I haven’t seen him for two months, however have noticed him befriending as many younger women as possible in his online profile, probably in order to make me jealous as possible. He was always a womaniser and always will be and I’m sorry to say it but I have to in order to fully understand this situation. I can’t change that. No one will fulfil what he needs because he has an empty soul. He tried to destroy me and my confidence and he did a very good job at it, but I stood up to him in the end. He is a man who is now becoming a grandfather as his son is having a child, yet he can’t even help to be responsible for his own daughter-it is too much responsibility for him. I feel now like i never knew this person-he has ignored my texts asking when did he want to see our daughter as he hasn’t seen her for two months. He gives us no maintenance whatsoever, and never has done, yet still feeds money back to his son and ‘ex-wife’ in his native country. I have nearly gone off the rails from the experience of living and coping with this man and can only thank everyone on this sight for their comments to help give me the the strength to step forward and continue to provide a stable and safe background for my daughter to grow up in. And to understand that maybe I’m not going mad like i think every morning I wake up. Thank you for your help and best regards to anyone else going through a similar situation with a god forsaken selfish self-obsessed narcissist….fight back to get your respect and sense of self-worth back. Because you’re worth it.
Knowing that bastard had treated me so so badly…yet deep down still wishing we could be friend??!!! Am i insane??……
…I failed to mention I have lost several lbs and cant eat or sleep some days. I am desperately dissapointed in him yes, but feel worse about myself for not following my instincts and protecting myself better from hurt and abuse.
This is one of the most succinct and accurate descriptions I have come across in terms of the roller coaster ride with NPD. Thanks for this. Recently I was sucked into a romantic flirtation with a rich, good looking Narc who spotted me and pursued me. My stomach my nerves my head and my heart warned me to stay away and yet because I had absolutely no other flirtations or love interests going on, I continued for about 5 months. I never fully succumbed or fully engaged with this guy, but did find it fun and exciting. 4 – 5months in, I became so sick and tired of the ‘ here then gone’ and inconsistent unreliable behavior ( phase 2) that I ended it the only way I knew how which was to tell him I was sleeping with someone else which I knew would drive him crazy bc I never slept with HIM. After that, I was hoping he would be able to carry on a civil friendship of some sort, but thats just dreaming and I dont know why I thought that would be a possibility. He was quick to discard and vanish. The problem I am concerned about is, now I am obssessed. I follow his social media and drive by his place. Its a problem. I am meditating and working on letting the whole experience pass, but for some unexplained illogical reason I still think about the excitement of the whole thing. It makes no sense that I would continue to be curious what he does, with whom or why or when. He isnt going to have any substantial relationships of any value and he isnt anything like the facade he thinks he is and portrays. he thinks he is a rockstar. He thinks hes amazing especially in the attractiveness arena. But altho he thinks this, the truth is he has no real freinds and he cycles thru a slew of late night young girls – mostly cocktail waitresses and bartenders at the clubs he frequents pretty much nightly.( he’s 45) I have seen him, with my own eyes, wandering outside of clubs at 2am with his cell phone in hand..by himself…almost like searching for prey. So so disturbing. I am concerned now with how long its taking me to get over the whole experience considering it wanst a very long relationship. It was actually quite casual. Why why why do I obsess over this guy when I am educated on what was going on? I am an intelligent successful girl! It helps to read blogs like this, very comforting!
presently married to a N…been the WRST 6 years of my life!! Ive been with physically abusive men that were KINDER than this man is emotionallY!! This man is a by the book Narcissist!!! He made me feel so wonderful in the beginning but as soon as he realized I was under his spell..the REAL person behind the mask came out. It doesnt get any easier and his cruelty is un imaginable. Ive never known anyone that can be so mean and actually enjoy it. Theres nothing he wont do to humiliate or degrade me, yet tells me all the time that I love to fight and if Id just learn to listen everything would be ok. It never is whether i do or dont do everything he directs..its always a living hell. This is the worst possible person to be with and I wish I could get out. I know i will have to end up losing everything tho to leave as he has ever single thing in his name and has me financially dependent as I have no income now (oh let me support you honey i have it all covered…I should have said no) Im so sad all the time and long for a normal healthy relationship..Im tired of forced sex when im sick tired or just un interested..Im tired of everything that goes with this type of man..I want out but he has said in no uncertain terms that he will make my life a living hell if i try to go…my lawyer has said that divorces with a N are the most dirty miserable ones in the world..I dont know if i even have the strength to fight. I may just tuck tail and run ….if you are early on in a relationship with these people..RUN NOW!!! Dont end up like me.
I certainly lived this circle with my ex boyriend, but i am really curious about this: He was quite merciful about others. He loves children and elder people. Is it possible for a person who has NPD?
I am a male and was married to a narcissistic female. The phases you describe are incredibly accurate and capture the essence of my experience. The crazy part is I still feel bad for that person.
the narcissist has been cheating on me while went missing. Now that he dumped me and started going out with this lady… its frustrating to know she will be the next victim and yet cant do anything about it. Wish there was a law to lock such sicko and stop them from baiting innocent victims freely !
After posting my comment I realized that I really should start a blog about being a narcissist. I did some checking around and a blog does not exist that has been written by a self-proclaimed narcissist. So I started one. If you’d like to get more insight into the kind of people we are I would love to have you as a reader.
MaleNarcissist: Based on the ease at which you self-identify as a Narcissist I would guess you probably are more likely Borderline. And Google the name Sam Vaknin. He’s the author of Malignant Self Love. He is a Narcissist, has a book, a blog and oodles of Youtube videos. He is also not a doctor, but his need to appear superior allows him, in his mind anyway, to carry the title. There is even a documentary on him.
And stop sending messages with links to your site. I don’t endorse anything I don’t thoroughly believe in, nor is this a place for you to obtain free advertising.
I am a male narcissist. I know most of us with this disease would not dare admit we have a problem or mental illness but my ex-wife had bought many books on the subject of being in love with a narcissist. I decided to research the subject and I realize now that I am a textbook narcissist. I have always completed the 3 cycles of a narcissistic relationship or, if I couldn’t because the girl left me first, it would drive me insane. And if the girl was a great supply and got a new boyfriend, well I worked overtime to either destroy her new relationship or win her back. If I was successful in either of these then it was only a matter of time before the pattern repeated and I was discarding her again.
An empty void and always chasing a carrot I cannot catch are great ways to describe what goes on inside me. It also has a lot to do with power and control. When I choose my victims I tend to find ones who have that little bit of a self-confidence issue so I know to play into that. Knowing she is not confident about something makes the over evaluation step so easy, I just have to praise whatever she isn’t confident about over and over again. Her looks, her personality, if she has kids and doesn’t think anyone would want to date her. Whatever it is, it stands out to me because of years of practice.
It is true, I am a heavily experienced con-man in the art of relationships. I will make you feel like the happiest girl in the world until I feel I have control of you, I will then start to devalue you which usually leads to you wanting me even more and leaves you trying harder, and finally when the void is back or the carrot pops up again or more likely when I feel that I have you so far under my control that you will always be there when supply runs out for me I will leave you.
I am by no means bragging here, I know I have hurt many people because of my problem. Two ex wives and countless girlfriends. I have 2 daughters and I am ashamed that they have me for a dad. I am close to seeking professional help, but as you all know that is the hardest thing for a narcissist to do: admit that they themselves are the problem.
What I can offer to this board is insight into what makes us tick or to answer any questions you may have about how we feel or certain things to watch out for so you don’t get into a relationship with someone like me. Call this step 1 in admitting that I have a problem, I’d like to try to help others by sharing my knowledge of the disease.
4 years – Long distance relationship
Knew him on fb during his lowest point in life. Swept off my feet with his caring sweet notes and the fact that we shared so many common interest…i am willing to overlook his financial distability and health issues. He encountered qute abit of problem in his investment and i helped him to resolve many business issues and even paid for all trips..during this period , he would flare up and got mad with my innocent remarks and used that as an excuse to cool off. He would blocked me on fb and whatapps not able to see when he was online…my only communicating mode would be sms (which i hv to bear high international call rates) or email which i cant tell if he has received or read. He would go missing as long as he wanted and would only respond after my countless lovey notes and texts to him.
Encouraged him to earn a decent living and start life afresh after his biz busted. Motivated and standby him when he was depressed…but when i was down and need a listening ear he would throw me a remark claiming he had enough of his own issues and i shouldnt be adding on more stress to his life. To add matter worst, he was a mum’ pet and she commanded on my every move when i was staying over. Making unkind comments and making bad remarks comparing me with his ex wife.i swallowed all my pride and dignity begging him not to go missing as we stayed in different countries. Initially He would promised but after only a short period of time and he would went back to his usual self again.
Since his mum had never like me, at times he would used this as an excuse to call of the realationship besides its tough for him to handle LDS…we would stopp texting for a month or 2…and he would suddenly reappeared claiming i m the love of his life.
This roller coaster relationship had been going for almost 4years.
Finally got pissed off and wrote quite a few heated emails to him which of cos he did not reply a single text. So decided to book a flight thinking perhaps a heart to heart talk would be better. Spent almost 200dlr on sms and emailed him my itin..he did not reply. Couldnt see him at the airport so decided to take taxi to his house.And you know what..police was on standby as he had request for a violence restraint order to bar me giving pretext he was afraid of me harming him because of my “threatening” online msgs to him. He threw all my stuff out in thin garbage bags and i was escorted by police car in search of a hotel on a rainy cold nite.
I m still serving the order and was told no more contact with him in any form..gosh if only i read this article earlier i would have approach this relationship differently..feel miserable right now
The guy described exists!! Word for word same exact pattern, charms so much that you feel on top of the world for 2 months. Then bam / no caring/ demeans yells / calls you names and tells you everything is your fault! Get far far away ! I kept thinking the love would come back it just gets worse !!
I was married to one for 5 years belive me these poeple are real !before we married we dated for four years and i saw that her behavior was not right but i went ahead and married her coz i loved ,they can treat you like hell and have no remorse for it .
Hello Savannah,
Thank you for writing this blog although it was too late for me to read it but still the content is very GREAT and I can always refer the next relationship to your blog. I can’t say how thankful I am now after reading the blog. I had an extremely insane relationship with the masshole and I thought I was the one who messed it up when he abruptly left me. However, after I read your blog, the masshole I was with is extremely narcissistic.
In the beginning, he was all lovey dovey and I thought I was the luckiest person in the world to have met him. He made sure I was loved and well taken care of. He texted me in the morning and at night to make sure that I believed he thought of me all the times. And, I didn’t have sex with him from the beginning I met him because I usually don’t have sex until I am sure the guy is the one I want to have the relationship with. I never told him that we need to be exclusive to have sex. However, he was the one who brought up the EXCLUSIVE word in the relationship although I told him I didn’t want to pressure him since we just met for a few months and I was totally fine if he wanted to see other people and if he wanted to. So after a few weeks, he said it again that he wanted to be exclusive with me and I should have given him a chance because not all men were bad. I fell into his trap, the Over-Evaluation phase.
After a few months of dating, he told me that it would be best for us to live together and he used his dog to get to my head. So, I told him I needed to think about it again. However, he stayed with me from time to time and somehow showed his little tantrums in the house like being pissed for no reason but using an EXCUSE due to someone at the gym who pissed him off. So, I thought he was just pissed at that guy and not at me but shared the moment with me. One Saturday, I took him to watch a live show and he was happy until he realized he lost his phone. He yelled at me in the public and threw tantrums and blamed me for his lost phone. I told him he was the one who wasn’t careful of putting his phone since I warned him already. But still, he cursed and cursed and yelled. And, I told him let us get a phone and had him on the same plan. BIG MISTAKE! I was so stupid to tell him that after what he did to me in the public. And, still I let him move with his dog a few weeks after this incident. I didn’t know what I was thinking! A few weeks gone by and he showed his true color more and more each week. We literally either fought or argued every other week. To a point, I felt so unloved and unwanted by him. He was so quick to blame me when things went wrong but never said thank you for anything I had done for him. During holidays, he made me feel bad for leaving him to see my family. I didn’t even see my family during holidays and stayed him with and cooked for him since he told me he was abandoned by his family so he was all alone in every holiday. That was the reason why I stayed with him and politely rejected all the holiday invitations. Little did I know, everything he said was a big LIE. His family still texted him and even his dad picked up the phone when he called. I was so stupid! A few months gone by, we stopped having sex after 2 months he moved in. I asked him if the sex wasn’t great or he was bothered by something. His response was that it wasn’t me or him but he was taking roids so he couldn’t really perform normally. And, that was the moment he started sleeping on the couch since his dog took so much space in the bed we shared. Another EXCUSE! He texted his ex and he thought I didn’t know about it so I confronted him nicely if he did text his ex and he said NO. The fact was that we shared the phone plan together so I saw his ex’s number but he still denied it! And, I went off and told him that he lied to me since I had the proof and he was shocked that I checked the phone statement. I told him again he was in the relationship for the CONVENIENCE because he only was nice to me when he needed (1) money for his WEED when he didn’t get paid yet; (2) food since I cooked his food; (3) a place to stay since he was too broke to pay the rent due to his roid supplements. I told him I basically was his slave for his emotion and his financial issue. To a point, there were several incidents where he got so physical with me. And, when that happened, he accused me of making myself injured and blamed him so he would get arrested by the cops. I regretted for not calling the cop at that time since I didn’t want his dog get taken to the shelter because of that. Not only did he have physical fights with me, but also he used to curse me in the public and threw things at me. I was so stupid for not realizing that he USED me all along. I thought he just went to his abandonment moments every time he had this kind of tantrums.
At the last physical fight I had with him, it was due to his crazy idea of moving across the country without having a job first and I had to agree with him and when I told him it was not a good idea, he told me that I didn’t support his dream moving across the country. The next day after that physical fight, I went to work and told one of my coworkers of what happened. And, when I got home at night, he was gone and took all his stuff and the dog with him without telling me anything or even leaving me a note. A few days after, he called twice and texted me and I never responded and he didn’t apologize or anything but his concerns were that if I got his mails. I was left without any warning or notes from him. He discarded me after I was there for him financially, emotionally, and mentally. I now believe he planned all along to discard me after he got his settlement from the court and didn’t want to pay me back for what he owed me and moved across the country to start his brand new life as if nothing happened.
Katina!!! This is almost exactly what I’m going through now!! I mean we started talking and he was SUPER charming! I had never been treated so well (emotionally) by another person period. He would disappear for 3-5 days at a time but he said he worked alot a so do i so i understood. We met once when we first started talking in Sept and i didn’t see him again until December. All of a sudden we saw each other all the time. In January he asked could he move in with me because of a health issue. He would be back in his own place by Feb. I never actually said ok but he just started thanking me and moved in. End of Jan he starts pulling away(emotionally) and tells me he doesnt wanna get attached since he’ll have to move out soon. So of course i fell for that and he stayed. Ended up losing his job right after this so i supported him for 2 months (i guess my supply was money) Welp after that no sex for 2 months. He’s stressed out. He’s tired. He sleeps on the couch more. Stays up talking on the phone when thinks im sleep. Some how i let him convince me to join my phone. Smh. After i think the cycle went outta sequence. I suprised him a bought him something he’d been wanting. All of a sudden i got SUPER BOYFRIEND EXTRAORDINAIRE!! I could fill a book with amazingness that transpired over the course of the next 2 months. He started working again. All of a sudden it all stopped abruptly. I plugged up his phone one night and saw he was back on dating sites. I asked him about it. He told me it was nothing he was just bored and likes to talk to people. Well now he’s just mean. Cold. Snaps at me over nothing. Doesn’t touch me at all. Bearly calls me or speaks to me really. Acting completely outta character. Of course i can see that he started talking to new girls because we share a phone bill. Talks to her whenever he gets a free moment. I was distraught. Until i read this article. I went on a vacation where my phone didn’t work and finally got a chance to eat, rest and clear my head and i finally realize despite what he says SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH HIM NOT ME! Yes i have most likey been played. I’m at the airport now trying to figure out what to do when i get home. It seems i must get out of this ASAP. My hair is falling out. I’d lost weight and i hadnt slept in almost 2 months and im so behind on my job. My mind is so clear now and i feel like i have a little insight about what he goes through. I love him. I feel bad for him. I hope the other girl gives him what he needs (although i feel bad for her too) but this chaos has to end.
All I have to say is thank you. It has been 6 months and I have still not gotten over this relationship until reading this. This happened exactly to me and wow I am so over it.
I can truly say this article was a big factor in my healing from the pain, and it also clarified the behavior of the Narc I was with. I knew right from the start something was off with him. I couldn’t really understand what he was trying to communicate when he spoke, even though English is his only language. Something was amiss. He was in church and conned people into giving him donation to support his ministry and would go from church to church talking about health and the love of God and in the process sell books to make even more money for himself. Because he traveled, he made me feel guilty for wanting to spend more time with him. He said I should be more understanding. He would constantly be on his phone texting, but would say it’s business. Oh how he lied and manipulated me. I believed him. I trusted all that he said to be true because of his church ministry. After 5 years I discovered he had someone else. I met someone on a plane who knew the other girl he was seeing. When I confronted him, he denied it and said she only worked for him. Then said she was only a “situationship” for his mom. Finally he said he was just talking to the girl. As I sat there crying he seemed happy. He was eating, and adding pain to my mental state of mind any which way he could. Then crocodile tears came but it was so cold and void I didn’t buy it for one second. Then he said he wasn’t “ditching” me and that he would still be there for me to which I replied a resounding NO! I emailed him saying I would expose him from the 3ABN network his cooking show comes on, so he reached out to see how I was doing or to see if I would carry out my threat. I never experienced the devaluation phase. It was wonderful right from the start. I was feeling lucky to have met such a handsome single guy who is passionate about God (really more about money and admiration from the people). To the discard phase in such a brutal, cruel manner. The pain I experienced came because I couldn’t believe he could have been so cruel. The Jekyll and Hyde took place in one day’s time. I can honestly say I was just a sex and food supply for him. He took but gave nothing back. Since he traveled and we only saw each other every other week for one or two days that is why I stayed for so long allowing him to manipulate all the while. All I can say is that he is not worth my time, my tears, nor my pain. The person I thought he was is dead, buried, and mourned over. I’m thankful for incredible friends, family and the right energy to be passed this. Good riddance! The girl whose friend told me he had someone pushed and pushed for marriage and now they are married. She went into this knowing exactly who he is. My heart goes out to her, but I guess some lessons one has to learn for themselves.
I wrote a post on March 30, 2016 and just following up. I’m sure I’ll have more follow up as time passes because when you share children with your Narc you can never fully rid yourself of people with this mental illness. I do see better now that I have removed myself from the marriage just how twisted this person truly is and how this person is basically a sociopath!! Has no empathy, is self serving, thinks that he can just say something and that makes it reality, takes no responsibility for past and current abuse and actions against myself and our children and is a liar and a cheat.
He didn’t think that I would subpoena his bank records recently during our divorce when he was ‘unemployed’ for eight months while my support was reduced to barely nothing while he stashed some $70k in consulting monies and a sign on bonus he received when he finally secured employment only so that he could refi to buy out my interest in properties that we jointly owned. He told his attorney that his ‘mom’ wrote him checks and that he can explain it all… Right..random checks for very large amounts that were not even numbers, like $6342, etc… I can’t wait to see what name his ‘mom’ uses on these checks..
My children have been reporting that he is with different women on the weekends that he has them. Saturday it’s Puppet #1 and Sunday it’s Puppet #2 for him. Does he think this is a really a good example for your young daughters 10.5 and just 13?!?! That women are interchangeable and they are basically there to meet a man’s need whatever that may be? My older daughter told him that she wished that he could find one woman and be serious with just her, there are actually three in the mix currently that we know of, and he replied, “I’m serious about all of them’ (wtf!!!! And how absolutely delusional!!). My older daughter was in a play this Thursday evening and in he walks with Puppet #1. Ok… Then come Friday’s afternoon performance and here he comes with Puppet #2. The children see this and I don’t appreciate the lunacy. The women seem nice enough and have children too, and one of the women involves her 12 year old son in the relationship. The women live far away, and I’m pretty sure that they don’t know about the other women that he’s in relationships with. Thankfully, we are court ordered to attend co-parenting counseling and I can hopefully have some control through this counseling regarding what my children are exposed to. I tell my two daughters that we only engage in relationships where we are committed and feel valued. Given the opportunity, I might let these woman know that he is not being exclusive, but I have to make sure that there is no retailiation from this abusive soon-to-be ex.
So glad that I was able to escape, but it’s been two years and I am still emmeshed in dealing w this wack job during this never ending divorce process. It’s cost me a lot in many ways, but I’d do it all over in a heartbeat!! I can assure you that it never gets better. I left shortly after wedding anniversary 17, but looking back we had issues on literally wedding anniversary 1, 5, 10, etc.. Be smart and get out sooner than later and cut your losses. There are good people out there and a good life to live 🙂
Is there cure for someone like me, I mean, for a narcissist like me? I agree with Max May 21st: we’re really monsters. And live a completely miserable inner life, it doesn’t matter how much happy it seems to be.
Many years ago I had a long term relationship with a man who i would describe as a psychopath, more recently I had a longterm relationship with a man who was more bog standard narcissist…which on comparison with the psycho i must have thought was somehow a better deal but no it was much much worse and I feel much more damaged because the manipulation was so complete to the point where yes I thought I had met my soulmate and that I couldnt exist without him..so the recovery from this relationship is proving much harder (at least the pyscho sent me a letter after our split..all be it a grandiose, delusional manuscript of scary dimensions..the narcissist on the other hand behaves as if I do not exist after our relationship of many years. I am left very confused because the narcissist is also an alcoholic and hides behind this alcoholism..so it is hard to tell if his behaviour was down to narcissism or alcoholism or if it is all the same thing. I am tending to see that alcoholism can have a lot to do with narcissism or that alcoholism masks a lot of personality disorders. Either way it is so confounding. It is so dangerous to be involved (or fall in-love) with such a person because they have no genuine care for any other human being..despite proclaiming to be generous and selfless. For me the discarding went on over and over again..as this is how it felt due to his alcoholic binges..where I literally did not exist anymore ..then days later he would be all-over-me again as if nothing happened and telling me I was nuts for being upset over nothing etc. Like a comment above says: he will replace me or any other narcissistic feed with any person who gives him any attention..this gives him the air of the most sociable, friendly, personable person on earth but it it a facade of deceit and false charm purely to serve himself.
Max on 21 May 2016 commented that he knew what he was, that he was a monster, and that he wished he wasn’t. This kind of realisation in a narcissist is very unusual. I wonder if Max has ever sincerely tried to do anything about it? We have so much information about what narcissists are about and their effect on people close to them. But there’s no real information from the perspective of a narcissist, or their sincere attempts to deal with their pathological disorder. Understandably so. They can’t even begin to recognise their disorder let alone admit that they know there is a deep problem, and will put the blame on everyone else. I was married to a narcissist pretty high on the spectrum and I found this comment quite intriguing.
The thing I found curious in my experience when I was discarded. I never experience devaluation. There were a few comments he made I didn’t like. He just abruptly ended it after idealising me. Told me he loved me, I was special, totally sucked me saying stuff like” I’ve waited along time for this” infront of his friends. I couldn’t believe my luck, was totally convinced by him. Then out of the blue a text ending it.
When I told him I’d had feeling his reply shocked me. He simply wrote ” do you mean A feeling” how cold can you be. I said no I meant feelings. He never replied. That was the last I ever heard. What a waste of time. I never chased him even though I felt crushed. I was just wondering if they do this do get a reaction or drama because of boredom or if he just got what he’d intended (sex). He actually said the last time I was with him, he didn’t just want me for that. I beat myself up thinking he’d maybe thought that’s all I’d wanted. They truly mess with you head!
I’ve read a few of the comments, and it appears that some mistake a gradual relationship decline as narcissistic behavior. Trust me, once you’ve experienced the real deal, you’ll never mistake any other behavior as narcissistic again!
I think the biggest difference between a normal relationship fizzling down out of the early infatuation and narcissistic type behavior, is in the latter, a narcissist can turn on you over night. You never see it coming. You can know one for years and years, feel comfortable, trust them, and feel like you know them, then suddenly they change. It’s like they’re demon possessed or something! In retrospect there are red flags early on, but the red flags seem more like minor personality flaws. They’re all about image and looking better or holier than other people. They are control freaks. They have to drive their car, you can’t pick them up. They choose where to go and what they’re going for. If you go to the movies with them, it will always be to see a movie they want to see. Your feelings never matter unless they decide to show empathy about something on their own terms. I know from experience, that the first 2 phases described in this article are 100 percent correct. I’ve seen gals turn cold in a relationship in my younger years, but those relationships were short lived and the girls were immature. Narcissism isn’t the same kind of thing at all. They can turn cold on you over night, even after being close to you for 10 years! You immediately become insecure thinking that they’re seeing somebody else. They almost seem to get off on watching you suffer, and they seem to enjoy setting you up to make a fool out of you, totally taking advantage of your feelings and targeting your insecurities. Once you go no contact with one, you might see them send your family cards etc, even if they were never that close to them. They might text you around holidays and leave gifts etc. They want to keep torturing you. In my own experience, I haven’t broken the no contact, so I don’t know if the crazy behavior can get better, but I’ve heard it doesn’t. If you complain about their behavior, they can actually make you question yourself. A manipulator knows that most people want to be fair, and they play on that. At the end of a conversation, you might find yourself apologizing instead of them. It’s the oddest thing ever!
Hi. I read the article and some comments and I am convinced that my boyfriend of 3.5 years is all of the above. It scares me and I know I am in the devaluation or possibly discard phase. I don’t think its quite the discard phase yet because I’m sure he needs me (mostly financially) I do think he will start cheating soon. On a weekly basis he becomes angry and fights with me over nothing or something I point out he did. The arguments either end with him saying one of the following I’m leaving, I can’t do this anymore you’re to insecure, I’m tired of being in a relationship. He then gives me the cold shoulder and ignores while finding ways to punish me emotionally. Then he is just all of the sudden nothing has happened a day or so later. Uses sex to show me we are fine. Sometimes he even accuses me of cheating.
HELP!!! I don’t know if I’m going to be discarded soon? I do know that I should have run a long time ago. He has been abusive in every way possible. He hits me and then loves me. I recognize that I need to leave and all I keep doing is waiting for the moment he does an extreme to justify leaving. He makes me feel like I am being selfish and I have no reason to say I’m leaving. The worst is I compete with his son and his ex’s. Do i just walk away? or do I wait for the “ideal fuck up”?
Can anyone help me out? I think I’m in a relationship eith a narcissist. . Weve been together 6 years now. In the beginning it was so perfect, I was so shocked and surprised that I got this man amd how could I be so lucky? He was always showering me eith loves and kisses,, flowers and teddy bears and I thought he was the most romantic guy ever.. then after a year or two things changed and I wasn’t showered with love in the same way. He would avoid me on purpose, keeping his class schedule on the time he knew we were supposed to meet I became sad and began doubting myself that I am incomplete and need to do something to make myself desirable to him again. We would go through on off periods of extreme love to cold shoulder. Then came the routine of ending relationship and then back together again and this went on for soo long! He would always get me back I fell for him every time.I dont have proof but I feel like he lies to me, he says that hes not a liar but I dont trust him. When ever anything goes wrong im always to blame. Its always my fault. Or its the fault of others. He calls himself the king and he’ll call me things like silly and a baby. Whenever I say no to sex he gets moody he asks me to send nude pictures and if I dont he sulks but if I ask him he wont send and calls me silly. Whenever I tell him something that I dont like he’ll say whats happened to me but whenever he says something he doesn’t like about me he says he’s saying it coz he cares aabout me n loves me. Recently I found he had snapchat. I dont care if he had itbut when I asked him he said he doesnt. I dont uunderstand why he has to lie. Its just an app. He insisted that snapchat made the account automatically when he got his new phone but I told him snapchat csnt do thst and then he said im interrogating him and that I dont trust him. I said I was only asking whats wrong and he left me immediately saying he got hurt and our relationship csnt survive if there is no trust.
I was with my Narc for 3 months. Saw the red flags and stayed cautious but was sucked into the narc world. Here is a list of things I encountered with him. Mind you he is 62 and I am 53. We are no longer together, I am seeing someone else.
1. He wa over the top charming, funny, charismatic, and fun.
2. Lives on Facebook, counts the likes he gets on every post, posts selfies galore, has over 3,000 friends and 900 followers.
3. Has erectile problems so pretends to be this Fifty Shades type “dom” wanting to use sex toys, visit sex arcades, into extreme porn. Wanted me to call him Sir or Master.
4. Says he has been married 7 times, never was in love with any of them. Claims one ex tried to poison him & he almost died, one celebrated with friends saying “Elvis has left the building!” after she kicked him out and threw all his belongings in a dumpster. Ex before me was suicidal when he left her and met me, he had to be gentle with her. First fight we had he called her up and she came over and he said they “played”. I found out by seeing his phone log and their calls back and forth to each other. He was still seeing her after we started dating.
5. Constantly pushing to move in together or get engaged, saying my name with his last name, calling me his wife. Wanting to give my son a job.
6. Called me hundred times a day, texted constantly, sent me headshots of himself, asked me to have phone sex, would text lewd things to me at work to get a reaction out of me.
7. Announced me on Facebook as being the one, posted pics of me without my approval, told everyone everything if we got into an argument. Facebook is his spotlight, he lives for likes!
8. Three months of dating and he told me he bought me an emgagement ring. I didnt believe him, he texted me pics and said I ruined everything because I didnt want him coming over before Noon (he wanted to show up at the crack of dawn). Next day he returned the engagement ring, texted me calling me every foul name you can imagine, said F.U. and then got on a dating website and posted a profile. In his profile he said he couldnt take being screamed and cussed at. I never did that, he did.
9. Always talked down to me like a child, very condescending.
10. ALWAYS said the F word, never shuts up lets me get in a word edgewise, if I talked he was so impatient and would cut me off, turn the convo back on him.
11. No steady job history.
12. Few belongings since he claims last ex threw them all in a dumpster.
13. Couldnt get it up, claimed surfing injury, so he liked spanking, flogging, butt plugs, anal, using bondage, all things I said no to but he kept pushing on me.
13. Loved watching porn -sick stuff like public humiliation, caning, fisting -extreme shit.
14. Always wanted to take cell phone pictures of me naked or video sex acts.
15. 3 Months of me calling him out on his lies, cheating, sick ways and we broke up right after he bought & returned the engagement ring. He then called me names and said I emasculated him, we broke up.
Its been a week now and we have had no contact for 4 days. Im done with him. It hurts but I always knew something was off with him. Im sure he is desperately looking for new supply and Im sure his ex is back with him, poor girl all suicidal and all. Ugh. Good riddance.
Narcs are sadists. Im glad I got out after 3 mos. Its been tough detoxing from him but I know I cant have anything to do with this psycho. Ive blocked his calls and texts, deleted all his photos, doing no contact.
Its like an exorcism trying to get rid of a narc. Im feeling mentally drained and depleted, but I know I had to cast that demon out of my life and come back from the dark side into the light.
Ive literally felt nauseous at times like I need to throw up because he f’d with me emotionally and I am ashamed I wasted 3 mos. of my life on him!
Run like hell from your narc ASAP no matter how painful it may be. These people will devour your soul and kill you.
“My narcissist” is a dangerous human. I am no longer with him, thankfully I was strong enough to say a final no, but the woman he was married to for 30 years, prior to our hook up was driven so crazy she became an alchoholic/drug abbuser and died homeless, penniless in a laundromat in Arizona. When she showed signs of her illness he did absolutely nothing, because narcissists have zero compassion and do not want complications in a relationship. And this narcissist absolutely believed he was above the law. Can do no wrong. He was convicted of a crime and took revenge on the man that had him arrested and committed a crime I cannot mention that if the police knew what he did he would be behind bars for 20 years, but narcissists are so convincing and believably charming no one could fathom what they do secretly. He is now involved with another vulnerable woman who worships the ground he stalks on, and he continues to stalk me with drunken messages and driving by my home. I am seriously considering moving far enough away to where none knows him or is mesmerized by his plastic charm. They really mess with your head, and I have followed the advice to cut all contact, but sometimes it is difficult to be in the company of his new bewitched friends who rave what a wonderful man he is and I will have to walk away, biting my tongue to enlighten them, but I know it’s useless. This evil psychotic, feeling less charmer is so good at his role everyone would think I’m crazy. I’m healing and moving in a good direction, but it’s difficult.
I always considered myself smarter than being taken in by a narcissist, but that’s precisely what happened to me. I met the man in question in 2014…at church no less. He seemed to be one of the sweetest most spiritual men I’d ever met…and it is my dream and goal to marry a good Christian man. He even had a profession that I’ve long admired. We’re from the same hometown and all that. At first he was just chock full of compliments, and said sweet things. Told me I was beautiful and special and all that. Then after several months of correspondence (we live in separate states), he comes to visit…and in the middle of our trip, he drops the bomb that he can only consider serious dating and marriage with someone of his own ethnic group. Yet he wants to remain “friends.” Something told me I should’ve walked away back then but I thought no I can handle it and perhaps if I’m sweet and do all the right things he’d come around. Oh boy was I wrong! about 5 months after that, we got into a disagreement and he says to me the same thing about wanting only one type of woman and how “he thought he made that clear”…he then went on to outline all the reasons why he’d never consider dating or marriage with me: all of them having to do with my age/ability to still have kids, my divorcee status (apparently that makes a woman damaged goods for such a “holy” man as he is) and my race. Never mind I went so far as to take a genealogy DNA test and I found out that I am of partial ancesty in the desired ethnic group…he can only see me as Black! Basically, I allowed myself to be deceived by a man with a veneer of spirituality but who in reality is a cold, unfeeling, narcissist racist! If I had $100 for every time I cried over him…and for what? He’ll never change. He still claims he wants to remain friends, but for what? I can’t think of a single reason why there’d even be a basis for friendship. So yeah, I went through the stages overvaluing/devaluing/ etc. and I’m done! Today I signed up for a dating website and I am putting the man whom I thought was so perfect behind me once and for all…and never again will I be deceived. It’s funny…the first time I saw him the song “You’re just too good to be true, can’t take my eyes off of you” was in my head…and now I realize if someone is ‘too good to be true’, he probably is lol. At least I can laugh about it now, but it took some time. Ladies, I don’t care if the man could be St. Francis of Assisi or Billy Graham…if he is a narcissist, RUN not walk away from him!
I figured out my ex boyfriend has Narcissistic Personality Disorder about two months after our breakup. I was very lucky to have been told by a friend that “his narcissism knows no bounds.” And upon doing some research on narcissists (since I didn’t know much), it was like I was hit over the head by lightening. Everything about these “Three Phases…” happened to me EXACTLY. It was like I was reading about my own relationship. Prior to learning about this disorder, I was blaming myself after the split. Nothing made sense at all! I could not figure out what the heck had happened. Until now. Reading all of your posts about your experiences help me so much, which is why I want to add my personal account of being in a relationship with someone with NPD: He was really good looking (to me), and we met on Match dot com. We fell head over heels for each other and were exclusive right from the start. We both exclaimed our love, and instantly we were a couple. We loved the same things, ate the same foods, exercised the same way, loved long , long slow walks and bike rides, we both had vegetable gardens, owned our own houses, were in creative businesses which we owned…I mean, it was like we were meant to be! We looked great together, peas in a pod. Sex was great. Everything was great. Until it wasn’t. There were signs in retrospect…but it wasn’t until after being together for 5 months while on our third vacation together over the holidays on a two-week road trip that I figured stuff out. That’s when I accidentally discovered he was texting his ex-girlfriend WHILE we were on vacation and upon reading older posts I found he had texted her “horny” while we were on month two of our exclusive relationship! He texted her “horny” the day after he bought me lingerie and he spent the night, and then he just walked out of my house at 11am and texted her “horny.” I was in SHOCK! They made plans to hook up! We got into a big argument the night I discovered the “horny” text and some other things he texted her…and I told him I wanted to leave the trip. I told him that he was a liar and a cheater. He just yelled “F**ck YOu! — after he realized I wasn’t backing down. He lashed back at me in anger. I unfortunately stayed in the relationship another 4 months like an idiot. I should have left. But because of the first phase, the “love bombing” stage, was so awesome I just KNEW we had a real connection (fake), so I stayed. In the next 4 months he got so bad and horrible. His jealousy was out of control. His rages began. He started hating all of my awesome and numerous friends (btw, he had NO friends. I mean I met NONE OF HIS FRIENDS in 9 months. Big red flag I guess). He flew into rages over perceived slights that didn’t exist. I actually googled his name with the word “restraining order” after it to see if there was anything online about him and violence! If you think someone is capable of hitting you, then get the heck out! He would not call for 2-3 days just to drive me crazy, then blame me! He told me all of his ex-girlfriends were crazy (one had ADD, another had borderline, they all loved him after the break-up, yada yada). I asked him if he was told by each girlfriend of her disorder. No. He figured it out all by himself! I only stayed 4 months longer than I should have, thankfully. He was so charming (all fake) and so loving (all fake) and such a good partner (all fake) that I stayed. He would say things to put me down or just be a jerk, but then he’d be really nice afterwards. But what got me to leave what his last, one-too-many, rages. They were getting worse. After the last rage, I knew this was not the relationship I want for myself. No one who loves me is going to rage at me like that for nothing. A man who loves me does not start tearing down all that is good about me (my friends, my cooking, my awesome cute little house, my decorations, my car, my dog, my butt (which is a cute butt!), my moodiness, my love of other people, my creativity). I was so depressed near the end that I felt like I could not go on a minute longer with this horrible, horrible man. I knew the relationship was not going to get better. I left, and have had no contact with him since (it’s been 3 months).
I was under the impression that he had PTSD. I had not known that he was a narcissist. Yes, you described it exactly!
ATMC – following this pattern of behavior does not make one a Narcissist per se. To be diagnosed as a Narcissist they must meet the criteria in the DSM.
Savannah – what is the DSM?
This article also describes my relationship perfectly- it’s nice to feel validated. It was always “I love you” alternating with put down’s and criticisms that just made me more and more anxious. gas lighting saying I had been abusive to her or that my paranoia was to blame for arguments. It turned into more and more times of intense togetherness folowed by silent treatment then ended when she openly told me she had started seeing someone else. After 2 months of no contact she just got back in touch and despite alarm bells ringing I ended up being textbook “hoovered” (as I’ve seen it called somewhere else. She told me she still loved me and talked about how she’d been dating someone else but it hadn’t felt right, we slept together (which was amazing, it was always amazing, one of the things that made her so addictive) then 24 hours later said she’d made a mistake followed by lots of stuff about how she couldn’t trust me and i was to blame for it not working. then gone like a whirlwind! I think she is like this because of childhood trauma so the emotional detachment and need for NS comes from anxiety etc. associated with that, rather than an arrogance. I want to stop her doing this to other well meaning people (and because it can’t be a happy existence) – is there any way they can be made to see what they are like or rehabilitated?
MrM the DSM is the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual. It is the book Psychologists/Psychiatrists use to diagnose mental illnesses. Your second question no – are you going to sit around and spend your whole life waiting and hoping someone will change? What if they don’t and you’ve just spent all this time and emotional investment in someone who was never worthy of you to begin with. Walk away. My rule of thumb when it comes to needing someone to change is – I either except them as they are and if I can’t do that I leave. Period.
Wow – thanks for quick reply. My concern wasn’t that I could change her for my benefit, or for me to drive the change, i accepting that the “real her” wasn’t what i saw anyway.It’s more to protect other unwitting, well meaning people from falling into the same awful trap..
OK, so hopefully this will make some of you who think you are totally stupid feel a little better. I AM a therapist, 60 years old and “should know better.” But I got hooked too. Then he wanted to live “closer” but not together – so I brokered a deal for him to rent the house next to mine. We dated for about 6 months and lived next door to each other for a year. Once he moved next door, I started to see cracks in the relationship, and in him. He started talking about being “just friends.” And at our age, I thought that was a little strange since our sex life was sparce due to is impotance. Then I had to leave unexpectedly for three weeks. When I got home, he told me (on my birthday, I might add) that he had met someone else AND she is a client at the mental health clinic where I work!!!! And now she lives with him, next door and they are “madly in love and have a connection he says he didn’t have with me.” I am two months in to “No Contact” but it is damn hard with them next door. I finally told my boss I didn’t think I could handle her being in our clinic anymore and her care was transfered to another clinic. She he went from an educated intellegent (I guess not) woman with a career, attractive with a good family and friends – to a woman who is VERY messed up (Borderline Personality Disorder) on disability, can’t drive, and is pactically illiterate. I am so humiliated and this is a a small town. I have to drive by his house to get to mine – dead end street. I am sick and anxious most of the time. Though I know things intellectually, I still can’t get my mind around how this could happen. I just want to go over there and rip the curtains that I made down off the windows and spraypaint the bathroom I painted! I am so ANGRY and hurt. And mad at myself. I know I have to focus on my healing and I am getting help with that – but WTF!!!! He needs to move, but I know the fact that his and his girlfriend’s presence might hurt me has never crossed his mind. Thanks for letting me rant!!!
I’ve been living with a narcissistic man for 6 months. I was swept off my feet – I was unemployed, lonely and just a mess. He came in and fixed things. Paid my rent. Bought me clothes. Bought my daughter stuff. And in turn, I took care of his daughter and he told me I didn’t have to work. Big Red Flag! I know. He has a hard work ethic and it motivated me to get a job. I get a job. And bam! everything changed. Now, I’m more independent. He still would DEMAND and EXPECT me to do for him. Babysit his kid while he went out. Fix his dinner. Clean his clothes. Put his clothes away. Picked up after him and his kid for months. He always blamed my child for everything. Allowed his kid to lie and manipulate. His kid was perfect. My kid became his target of bullying. If she said something he didn’t like, he’d go off on me the next day as if she had committed murder. Jekyl and Hyde personality. He pissed off all the neighbors and people who I have lived around for 7 years over dumb shit. He expected me to watch his child and go off to another town to work for weeks on end and be out of town. God only knows if that was the truth. Never EVER respected boundaries. Boundaries with me or boundaries with my child. Talked CONSTANTLY about himself. His goals, what he wants, what he needs. Everytime I tried to talk about myself, boom. He would interrupt. He would tell me that I didn’t have “drive”. That he was “employable”. He could get a job anywhere. He had 3 jobs in 6 months. He job hopped all the time. Oh and did I mention he is an alcoholic? He experienced early child hood trauma from his dad. Now he’s in his 40’s and is a complete mess. He’s still legally married to his wife. No, we didn’t have an affair. They had been seperated for 10 years But refused to get a divorce. Refused. Always turned it around about my ex who I am no longer married to. He would give her money. But it wasn’t ok for my ex to come to my house and pick up our kid. Controlling. Mood swings. He makes twice the amount of $ than I do but he would tell me he was broke. Would ask me for $. He later said he had money but wanted to see me give him $ that he felt I owed him. WHAT A PSYCHO. He humiliated me. He embarrassed me. We would fight. He would leave. Then it started that I would leave. My house. Where all my things are. The only things he has here is a t.v. and some clothes. He told me that I was the only woman he was ever going to be with until his daughter turned 18. But I checked his phone because I just knew that he was up to no good and saw a text between him and another woman. What a liar. He was a smooth talker. He could sell a ketchup popsicle to a woman in white gloves. He was persuasive and he was charming. The push/pull dynamic of our relationship mentally put a strain on me especially when he would attack me about me my kid and just slander her to me. It was incredibly terrible. Why did he hate her so much? 6 months. That’s all it took. For me to realize, slowly that he was a narcissist and he was using me and I really never really knew who he was. I know for sure that whoever he moves on to next will experience the same thing or even worse. I’m just glad it was only 6 months. And I’m OUT. Thank you for this great informative article.
Thankss so much for this article. EXACTLY what i am going through now, just havent got to the stage of letting go just yet. Feelings are still raw, and been in this for 7 years now. doesnt seem real. cant understand it, is it an excuse maybe for us trying to find a reason for the failed relationship? maybe it is us at the end of the day , just not good enough
Your article has made me realise that I’ve been with a narcissist, on and off, for 3 years.
When I met him it was literally the same day that I had broken off a relationship with a man with serious mental health issues, who had been threatening to commit suicide if I left. I was at an extremely low point, and very vulnerable. My narc jumped in and took over my life, and I remember at the time thinking I had no strength and consciously allowing him to be in control. He changed my locks for me, wanted to be with me all the time, constantly visiting and calling to check up on me. I thought it was because he cared and had simply fallen in love with me. I ignored the warning signs because I wanted to believe that he was a good man. He was controlling in bed, and at times abusive… coercing me into doing things I did not enjoy, but that he did. He was very dominant. And part of me liked taking on the submissive role because I believed that he wanted to protect me and care for me – that he was a ‘real’ man. And I wanted desperately for someone to look after me and be strong for me.
Once he had me under his control the criticism started. I was too flirtatious, couldn’t be trusted. He didn’t like my friends who were too feminist for his liking. He told me I was a good person deep down, but that I was misguided. He told me he was the one who could change me into a better person. His default position was that there was something wrong with me, that I was defective, but that with his help I could become good. He played on my insecurity, he consistently crashed through any of the boundaries I set up either in terms of his behaviour towards me, or his sexual preferences. He had a cocaine habit and there were times when he almost forced me to take it with him, even when I had said I didn’t want to have any and I didn’t want him to bring any over to my house – but the only way I could see him by that point was if I spent time getting high with him.
The relationship had quickly turned from being 100% full-on together all the time to just spending nights with him when my son was at his granddads or staying at a friends. Those evenings were spent having sex and taking cocaine. He treated me like a prostitute who was only there for fun. He wanted nothing else to do with the rest of my life… but at the same time criticised me for going out with my friends or spending time in the company of any other men. He made me cut ties with my male friends. He was suspicious of any male work colleagues. He stopped his daughter from spending time with me, saying that I was violent. I had lashed out at him, which I regret, but when I did it was because I was defending myself from either hurtful mental abuse (which was relentless and would go on for weeks and weeks, not just hours or days) or sexual acts I was not comfortable with. One night he pinned me to the floor and elbowed me in the windpipe. I couldn’t swallow properly for days afterwards. Another time he fought me for my car keys and I ended up with a deep cut on my finger… but the mental abuse was so much worse than the physical abuse. Because I had lashed out and hit him twice I had lost any moral high-ground.
We split up and got back together more times than I can remember. Each time the promise of being a family was what drew me back. My son doesn’t see his father and I want to be in a family more than anything. Why I wanted to be in one with a monster like him I struggle to understand. I have been in therapy for months now trying to figure that out. My own father is narcissistic and was a drug addict for most of my life – I know that’s the main reason. You repeat old familiar patterns even though you know they are damaging. My relationship with my narc was an attempt to ‘fix’ my own relationship with my father.
He was unfaithful to me with his ex (the mother of his daughter) but hid this by focussing on accusing me of being unfaithful. He left no room for me to air my concerns about the relationship and his behaviour because we were always focussing on me, and what I was doing wrong. I was constantly defending myself and my character, while he got away with behaving however he wanted behind the smoke screen he created. If I did something he didn’t want me to do – like meet up with friends on New Years Eve, he would punish me. That particular time he made a point of going to see another of his exes when I was out with my friends and then telling me about it when he came to pick me up. I was only allowed an hour to be out with my friends – during which he went to see his ex. I had invited him to come out with me, and had tried to give him my spare ticket to the event I went to.
All this sounds horrible and sordid doesn’t it?
The ridiculous thing is that I am an intelligent and attractive woman. I am a University lecturer with a successful freelance career. I own my own house. I am totally self-sufficient and outwardly pretty successful. He was a failed musician who had been successful 20 years ago, but had since lost everything – to the point where he had declared himself bankrupt a few years before he met me. He lives in shabby rented accommodation and never has any money. Most of the money he makes goes up his nose. He is ill a lot of the time with IBS, and from coke withdrawal. He is on blood-pressure medication and takes vallium regularly to deal with his anxiety and cocaine withdrawal. He was cruel – so cruel. He would constantly push me to tears with protracted periods of criticism that could last for hours, weeks or even months… and when I finally broke down and cried begging him to stop and begging him to love me he would go dead behind the eyes. There was nothing there but a total lack of empathy for me and the pain and suffering he had caused. He would just switch off once he’d won and broken me. I think that’s the closest I have ever come to witnessing evil in a person.
He blamed me for absolutely everything that ever went wrong in our relationship and refused to accept any responsibility at all for our problems. I split up with him nearly two months ago for trying to turn my 7 year old son against me. The only way he bonded with my son was to get him to gang up on me with him. The rest of the time he ignored my son and just wanted him out of the way. Or criticised my parenting saying that I had no time for my son and that my son needed more discipline because he was disrespectful of me.
I feel so stupid and naïve and guilty for the pain I have caused my son, my family and my friends. God I feel guilty. I have hardly any self-esteem left, and I feel like I am simply existing at the moment. I have no drive to push myself in my career any more, I feel like it has been drained away from me by him, like a vampire drains blood from a victim.
I worked so hard to support him in getting his career back. I put everything I had into being a ‘good’ partner to him. My own life and my own dreams suffered because I put all I had into him. My son suffered regularly watching me distressed, angry and crying because of yet another unexpected withdrawal of love and affection from my narc after yet another brief period of blissful reconciliation.
No more.
Rebuilding my life is hard, but I will do it. And I will NEVER fall for another man like him again.
Like you said… I was in love with a false image. A fake person, projected by him. I was in love with someone that simply did not exist. And never will.
This describes my 34 year relationship with my husband. I wonder….. can’t someone make a website for a Narcissist to find other narcissists to mate with??? We have every other website. Why not NARCISSISTS MATING DOT COM or something like that??? My spouse was so resentful he was married and couldn’t have sex with others all the time, I finally said good bye. Now he’s on match.com wanting to find a mate to MARRY!!! (he needs a slave to take care of all his property he HAS TO HAVE.) The entire time we were married he was always talking (even during sex) about wishing he had others in bed with us or him. Our SON is the one that said, “Mom, he’s a narcissist!!! Leave him!” I left him 3 years ago and I’m still incapable of trusting anyone else. I can’t even go out and enjoy. I’ve been in my new house for three years alone, feeling lost. What a life. Thank you for your article.
Thank you! While I’ve read so many blogs/articles about NPD this one just rang true. This WAS my story over the last 2 years. I’m away from my N and healing but this gave so much validity to my experience and I’m ever so thankful. I pray for peace now and the ability to move forward.
Unlike the majority of these comments, you’ve described… Me. I know what I am, and I wish I wasn’t. Thank you for reiterating what I already knew. I’m a monster.
Good post and comments, yet, once again, while I can point to things my NPD lesbian ex did or said that certainly look pretty NPD, these consistently common descriptions of what the narcissist does do not describe her well at all. Maybe that accounts for why so many women I know have fallen victim to lesbian narcissists: They follow the pattern, but their methods are much more subtle in so many cases. In my situation, I also have to admit that, regardless of what she is, I was addicted and will always be in recovery from that addiction, and must always maintain total no contact to protect myself. In the meantime, I have to deal with the aftermath – and it sometimes feels unforgiving and never ending. It is not as simple as these common three-phase descriptions allow, and the unique experiences and situations of the narc and her victim play into the relationship to a very great extent. I don’t think we’ll ever learn to overcome the denial that victims persistently maintain until we come to realize that we have to trust the feeling that something is very wrong – and look to our own experience to determine whether or not it is really ours to right.
I swear you have just written my story almost word for word. I left a 39 year relationship with the person you described two years ago. I do not have contact with him now (his choice). I found it hard that he will not come to family functions if I am going to be there. I feel for my grown up children who have sort relentlessly for their fathers affection only to get more negative than positive attention. I myself questioned for long enough what I had done wrong to deserve the treatment. Strange thing is because we have been together since I was 13 it hard to stop caring and loving him. I have largely moved on but my family still think I will get back with him in the future. I don’t think so as I have grown knowing and strong enough now. I have built a life of caring friends and financial and emotional security around me that will hold me strong. It has definitely been advantageous to read about narcissistic behaviour as I thought it was his bi-polar even though that did not quite fit the circumstances.
I was in a relationshiup with a Man Like this, and just now really trying to break away from him, this behavior is cruel, unfair and sickning, becasue they actually think nothing is wrong with them. Everything in the article is my ex. emotional abuse, selfish, dont care about anyone’s feelings, blame you for everything, like seriously it’s your fault it raining, if they had a bad day it’s your fault and you were no where around them, they twist their words, i mean sometimes it don’t even make sense, you start to feel as though you are crazy, they will literally wear you down. I just wish and hope people like this would get help, its really sad. These people will not and cannot change on their own, and deep down inside they are hurting, but it displays in a negative behavior. I used to call my ex out and he hated that it would make him mad and he would say im treating him but when i’m just telling the truth he goes into this victim role. I could go on and on but i’ll stop there.
I’ve been in a 3 year relationship with an N and have just left. It followed the pattern.During the overevaluation phase I was in heaven, thought I was with the love of my life and could not believe he was single or that someone so handsome and amazing would choose me. The devaluation phase was traumatic and totally confusing and I walked on egg shells.The only time he was nice was in bed and that was good. He left me at a post op surgeons appointment to collect someone from the airport that I found out was someone he was pursuing. I broke up with him. He was really really angry. The next day I googled and found out he was an N. He rang me after 12 day s, started out nice but quickly became abusive, denying cheating and turning back on to me. Dodged a bullet but he’s wasted 3 years of my life and at 61 my chances of repartnering are slim. Proud of myself for doing it thoug
I am at the discard phase now and I can’t believe how accurate this is to what my now ex has put me through the last 10 months.
This article just shed more light on to what I have just experienced. I was with a narcissist for 5 years, engaged for the last two. As a matter of fact our wedding was 4 months from today. I had a gut feeling in me something was wrong and checked his old phone which was for some reason hidden between t-shirts in his drawer. Even though the phone is not active, as long as it is connected to Wi-Fi everything automatically will refresh on it. I roll through his emails to come to find out he had 13 different email addresses. I couldn’t believe it. And one of his email addresses, he was responding to Craigslist ads to meet up with transsexuals anywhere and everywhere, before work after work, in his car, night I was working late, anytime any day it did not matter. Another thing I found was that he was still connected to his ex-wife, someone who he told me he absolutely hated with a passion. Apparently he was living these multiple lives that I had no idea about. To his wife, he was a single man ready to rekindle his relationship with her. To all these websites he would reply to Craigslist, Backpage, AdultFriendFinder, and whatever else he could find, he was a married man looking to have extra fun. There were many signs that I should have left, I had strong intuitions about everything, and I ignored them. I would always hoped it would get better to how it was in the beggining.
When we first got together after 2 weeks he told me that he loved me, I was the one he was waiting for, wanting to marry and he was so happy that I was his. After 4 weeks he moved in with me. Literally he swept me off of my feet. My friends fell in love with him, my family fell in love with him, I fell in love with him. As the weeks and years went on something in him switched where he would just be short-tempered all the time, yell and me put me down, and pretty much blame everything on me. At times he would get physical and throw things at me whether that be a lampshade, vase, or coffee table, anything he could get his hands on. I don’t know why I stayed, again I probably thought it would get better.
After I found his phone, I had no more reason to stay. The man I thought I loved, was living these multiple Iives, with no even regard to the fact that we were getting married in 4 months. I left the phone on the coffee table with my engagement ring. I told him to never contact me again left for 10 days and then finally came home to the house that we shared. We still had to figure out our properties and shared items . When I confronted him about all the information I found on his phone, he had no words but to blame everything on me. He told me he had to search for love and affection somewhere else because I became too busy to give that to him. ( of course reading this article narcissist rise on love and attention, and when they are not getting it they will seek it somewhere else. ) Nights and weekends for the past couple months I was planning our wedding right in front of him, and he would be on his phone. He is such an idiot. Of course at the point in time I was not able to give him the attention he wanted because I was busy planning our wedding, and for that he blamed me. He said he had to seek transsexuals out on Craigslist to get the attention he wanted because he was high on sleeping pills. And again he had to get that attention from the transsexuals on Craigslist because I was not able to give him all the attention he wanted. Throughout his explanations, there was always a something he blamed on me. He blamed me for his lying cheating, and being unfaithful.
There is no remorse from this man what so ever, the past 5 years have been a complete total waste of my life. He literally walked away with no remorse, blaming me for everything that has happened, and to this very minute says all of this could have been avoided if I’ve just gave him the attention that he so badly seeked. Any normal human being would feel compassion or some sort of guilt. Not even three days after our split, he was already on every dating website you can think of Plenty of Fish, match.com, Tinder, AdultFriendFinder, you name it he’s on it.
What’s sad is that I do feel bad for his next victim, as they too will have no idea what they are about to get into. What’s also sad is that I probably will always love him, or love the image that I thought was him for the past 5 years. But now I’m coming to realize who he was for the past five years was a lie, I was his source of supply. I gave him the attention he seeked, stroked his ego very well, I never left his side.
I started seeing (not sure if it was fwb or could have been more) a woman who was an old skool mate who I always had a crush on in my skool days. This went on for about a year and half.
We started going away for weekends, I would buy her gifts and vice versa, but after a few months she said she loved me, to which I was taken back and didnt know what to say.to me this was far too soon.
Anyhow we went to London for a weekend and when we got lost, I just said we’re just ask someone, to which she just snapped at me.
She was supposed to visit me on holiday but never showed up and never even got a text message or call to say that she wasnt coming, even though she had told a colleague of mine she wasnt coming to see me, told me she had her phone off all week and couple months after told my parents that she only had one day of that week and thats why she didnt show. 3 different lies there!
I finally knocked it on the head and deleted her from facebook to which she didnt like but I said if you arent prepared to talk to me about things then whats the point.
I should of run when the red flags were there at the start, she said she treated guys like c**p and after months passed said that all she wanted is sex and no emotional rubbish.
We fell out over a year ago and a couple of weeks ago she sent me a message saying happy birthday. I really dont know why she bothered, is it to keep you on a string??
She blamed me for being a player and all sorts, but I thought after she was trying to say that because shes a player herself!
I even was going to take her on an AI Canary Island cruise, luckily I only lost the deposit.She actually walked through where I worked a few months ago with another guy . Oh well cant see that lasting either tbh.
My story. But ofc just short story.
She was so in love and yes she was all in our relationship talking about marriage and babies only few days after we meet it was unbeliveble how much she was in love with me. Her soulmate. I was in heven. Then one day all out of sudden she was gone so quicke she had no interest but did not dumped me i should just wait or something. I did always try and try to convinse her but everything i said was bad and she was so angry. But at the same time she was talking to other boys. And if i mention that i was calling her slut and whore. Then she dumped my finally and few days later she sent me letter that she had no feeling for my and i should look in a mirror to find out why and she never want to see my again. She said she have no feeling for me and if i were the only man left on earth she would not tuch me not even with gloves. So mean so so mean. She were in a relationship now and have never been happyer somehow found her soulmate. Just few days after she finally break up with me.
I have talked to doctors beacuse it was hard for me but he said to me i should be most worried about when she come back.
Will she ?
It is soo much relife finding this side after i have been big questionmark since last november.
2 days ago i was hoping she contact me every day. Today i hope she will never contact but i’m afraid she will after few months when she give up on her soulmate.
Thank you for this article. My head has been spinning since January over the behavior of my now ex-girlfriend…. yes, female narc. The description is almost word for word. I met her at work about a year ago. She is very pretty and very friendly, but we only crossed paths briefly here and there, and neither of us made any advances. One day, she was there in front of me, and we began to chat, and I asked if she was single. She was, so I asked for her number. We texted for a few days, and then met for a date. That was mid November. She was very good to me. Communication was very good. I felt she was genuine, and cared for me and appreciated me. The holidays were incredible. I felt like I had really met someone I could stay with. She thought about me and told me where she was all the time; asked how I was and if I needed something. Then it literally just stopped from Friday morning to Saturday night, and I didn’t even see her. She got cold and distant, and a week later told me she needed time to herself, but we weren’t breaking up and I didn’t do anything wrong. I gave her the space she asked for, and patiently waited, believing she was overwhelmed with too much in her life like she said. A month later, after flip flopping around but not really spending any time with me, she got cold and distant again and broke up with me after I said good morning. I would see her at work, and it was like I didn’t exist. I didn’t get it. Nothing happened, and she said nothing happened, yet she treated me horribly. Then, a month later; just last week, a co-worker tells me she is flirting with my boss when I’m not around. I think back to how we got together, and if she is flirting openly with him, she’s already got him. So now I have this mess on top of it. Everyone we work with knew we were a couple…and now she is with my boss…who of course knew it too. What kind of people am I dealing with???? Obviously a narc and her targets. No care about any of this reality and what it looks like. Even knowing all this about her, and how I am in no way at fault, I feel sick to my stomach
Oh wow. Sounds like you went through the exact same thing as me and ironically within the same time frame.
I thought this girl was perfect, into all the same things as me – appreciated me and accepted me for who I was – openly admitting that I have bipolar. After 3 weeks she told me she loved me, i was amazing she ‘had hit the jackpot’.
Then gradually I started seeing another side to her. Incessant paranoia about who I was speaking to, accusations of infidelity and verbal abuse – this then moved on to more physical abuse which was always my fault – then complete rejection.
We have split up now I am a little lost and confused but after 4 months I know I have dodged a bullet.
After reading the article I know for sure that this has been my life for almost 10 years now. I was married again with a well-groomed police officer after my husband passed away. He always makes a super impression on people and can be very polite and knowledgeable. Great was my shock (over and over again) very soon after our marriage when the real person came forward. I have become used to it by now, but the hurt never goes away. Emotional abuse is a daily thing in our marriage. His love for me has an “on and off” switch and is only skin deep. I still love him dearly and bend over backwards for him, but I am not blind for his faults. He is actually a very cold, hard-hearted person and he hates people! I am mostly the only person that sees the ugly side. I am fortunately still working, attractive and look well after myself, although I am retirement age now, and I also realise that I am not financially in a position to leave him. I will be well looked after in my old age as he is well off financially, so therefore I stay! He does not have a problem to look after me either at this stage and he loves to remind me that I must “count my blessings” although I pay my own bills and buy my own clothes, etc. I can write a book!
It amazes me how similar my story is to this article and to other peoples’ comments!! I could have written this article! It was her idea to have a date with me. We went out and I thought I finally (I was 58, she was 48) met the woman of my dreams. Our dates were filled with her telling me of her life events, her family, and her ex boyfriends. She never seemed overly interested in my story, but I just felt that was ok since I’m pretty private anyway. So after a couple of months I found myself offering help when she would tell me of all her tasks she had to do. For the next two years I helped her with a willing heart do everything under the sun that you can imagine. I was glad to do it. She still lived at home with her mother (also a narcissist). I could see they needed a man’s help. Now I can see they have always used men in the same way they used me. Numerous times I let her know I love and cared for her. I would give her flowers and nice gifts on holidays like gentlemen do. I gave her a rider mower of mine and bought her a new self-propelled walk mower. I got her 36 split rail posts ($400) and mulch for around the house ($300) and built her birdhouses. I provided things from my garden: fruit, veggies, flowers. That’s just to mention a few things. I loved her with all my heart and wanted to make things easier for her. Every weekend I’d weed eat – a dirty job on hot days that took a good 5 hours. For 2 years I slaved for her: trimming hedges all day, painting, setting fence posts, and more. And when I’d ask her out there was no time for me. When she was a child she lost a sister. I believe that she found security for her insecure heart and low self esteem as she began her singing and pageantry career about then, manipulating crowds into cheering at her. Her parents were always so busy as well.
She would blow up for no apparent reason. I could never figure out why or how she could do that. I mean, there was no reason. Just expressing my opinion or an idea would cause her to go into ugly rages. I once took her 3 types of flowering plants and she totally blew up. It was awful. I could not understand it. I was puzzled. Two years I slaved for her and told her I loved her and she would never show appreciation or go out with me. Too busy. And the fact that I own a business with few hours for myself and drove 100 miles round trip to see her and help her made no difference to her either. When I was at her place helping her all day I had to take my own food. They did give me water.
I never made an excuse either. I was always there to help. My kidneys went out during this time. I almost died. I underwent 13 surgeries in a year. Still, when I got out I’d head to her place to make things better for her. She not once came to see me in the hospital nor take me to a surgery. They did send me a card once. And for my birthday and Christmas I would get cards with a $10 certificate which I used for food when I’d go work for them. But that would last just once. Then I’d take my own food and work from morning to past sundown.
I would go help them because I loved them. I would go even after dialysis. If you have ever had dialysis you would know how hard that is.
She would never give me much time for holidays if at all. The last Christmas I got her a lot of gifts, as usual. I told her two weeks before Christmas that all I wanted was to be able to spend time with her. She informed me on Christmas Eve that she just wanted to hang around her home in her pajamas and I was not welcome. She said she’d be my way on January 4. I told her I don’t do Christmas at my job nor in January. She brought her card up anyway and I stood my ground and rejected it which set her off into a very, very ugly rage.
Still, in March I still sought to provide her with a relationship. I finally got a text saying that as a friend I had helped her and she wanted to know what it was about our relationship that made me think it was a dating relationship!
In the end she discarded me with no regrets and gave me the “just be friends” crap.
I took my truck and trailer to her place and loaded up most, not all, the things I had provided for her to make life better. I then proceeded to ask her to cancel 3 policies I had with her. She got upset and drove to my work and took a dog she had given me because she hated him. I had given him shots, paid for his grooming all along, and more. I decided I was not going to give him back. We got into a wrestling match over him and she hauled off and hit me. Someone called police and her “good looks” and charm and lies won the hearts of 3 policeMEN and I had to give the dog up. But my sister and daughter got hold of her and threatened civil lawsuit if she did not bring him back. She brought him back but with the understanding I had to be reasonable, rational, and civil. lol. Anyway, it’s now all over.
It was brought to my attention by two ladies who know her that she was a narcissist. I was blinded by love and respect to see it. But once it was brought to my attention and I went online to see what narcissism was all about I understood it and all my questions as to her behavior were answered.
I really dogged a bullet!
It saddens me about all that happened. It saddens me that she will never get better. I thought I had finally found the woman of my dreams. Instead I found a monster.
This can go for friends too-I met this woman a few months ago and she made me the center of her attention. I was an abused kid, and I think I pick people in my life who aren’t good for me, and I think narcissists know this-they recognize weakness. She wined and dined me, invited me for friend-type things, and acted like I would need no one else in my life. Although not romantic, it can do just as much damage. She constantly called, gave me little gifts, complimented me, etc. Then, it started-slight put-downs, subtle comments about my hair, little suggestions about my weight. Then, it got worse-demands on my time, angry when I did something for myself, jealous of anything that had nothing to do with her-and I would give her the silent treatment-but be careful-they are good-she knew what buttons to push to get back in-and finally I figured out a secret-a way to get rid of a narcissist-talk about yourself, go on and on and on and don’t ask anything about them-not only this, but list all of the exciting things you have going on, stuff they hate-and go on and on about it! They hate it when it isn’t about them, and if it is a friend situation, they will take off fast-they can’t feed on high self-esteem! It works, and it works quick-and, what you get out of this is that you actually DO get self-esteem-because you survived this hell, and LEARN from it-get away and REALLY DO STUFF for yourself and build yourself up-no one can tear you down if you do this!
oh my god this artcile could have been written for me
im the target and after 9 years i got away only to be scared and ring him and now he s back
ive no strengh left please help me im so scared of him
I am strengthened and saddened to read this amazing article; strengthened: to have a true self-realization that what I dealt with is not just craziness in my mind, and saddened: because it appears this is not uncommon. I wish I would have read this six years ago going through what I went through. However, six years ago, I may not have been able to have the objective view I am able to have now. Thankful to the Lord for faith. To whomever may see this, Xxxx this article, read, and re-read.
Wow..this has been a real eye opener.I have spent the last 18 months trying to work out what happened and what I had done! The 3 stages you’ve outlined are exactly what happened. My ex disappeared overnight,citing depression and needing space. One day I was blocked from all social media. He popped up a few times…drunk, full of remorse and telling me he loved me and missed me. I, like an idiot, felt sorry for him, yet he was gone again as soon as he arrived. Turns out he had been cultivating a relationship with a co-worker for over a year.They have been living together since.Oh well,I’m hoping that he has NPD and it’s not just my projection onto this article! Time to rebuild. Thank you!
I wrote yesterday how I literally drove away from the Narc while he was at work. I did that because I feared for my safety and young children were involved. I had been physically abused multiple times, without him ever taking any responsibility for his battery. What I found with this individual is that he was a complete hot head and could not manage his frustration. Like some many have reported here, all the blame is placed on us. This guy was a real Dr Jekell/Mr Hyde, but everyone outside of our family thought this guy was amazing. He was at the top of his field, and we went to his church every Sunday. I fought in court to bring my daughters to the church I wanted to take them to during my custody time, and they love this new church. Nothing was good enough or right for this guy. I had a great career that I gave up when I was pregnant with the second child, so that I could be at home with the girls. He did not like this because it meant less money for him to buy boats and motorcycles. I did not want my kids in childcare so this superficial idiot could buy more and more man toys. The stress from the constant criticism and complete disregard for my feelings and any boundary I tried to set with him greatly affected my health. Even with suffering from debilitating chronic fatigue, I managed the kids all weekdays/week nights (he just sat there all night watching tv after he complained about the dinner I made) I also was able to generate over $80k/year from managing all of the vacation rental homes we had purchased. Nothing was good enough for him, and all I heard about was ‘when are you going to get a job’? He mocked me when I told him how much I was making and called me a ‘school bus’ when he referred to my contribution as a mother. Now he’s a ‘school bus’ because I ditched him and he has to take the kids to school half the time. I also turned all of the properties, I’ll shortly be awarded three of the nice properties hopefully, into long-term rental that are easier to manage. Why would I work so hard, it’s hard for him to go visit these homes in Tahoe and Kauai when they are rented full time, with absolutely no appreciation. He used to actually call me the ‘good wifey’ when I did something that pleased him, like I was a dog. I’m a well educated woman who does not need to be treated like I am worthless. Even with being chronically fatigued, I packed the kids for a Tahoe trip and helped unload a rental house up there, so we could have a garage sale the next morning. Around 11pm he wanted to have sex and I said maybe tomorrow, knowing that we had to get up early for the garage sale. He got really mad and told me, ‘I can get it elsewhere. It’s easier’. I was completely devastated. He was basically either tell me that he had been cheating or was threatening that he would if I would not do it (abusive). The trust was gone, and that comment set the relationship back even further. I decided to check his phone a few months later after I had been traveling with the children to see what narc was up to. Hmmm..he wished a woman ‘happy bday’. Who was this woman and why was she responding, ‘sorry I was so busy this weekend’?!?! I confronted him in the middle of the night screaming and asking questions and he said nothing and would answer no questions. It was pure hell for me, so I finally hacked his computer months later for answers. She was a literally a beauty queen turned chemical engineer that he met during business travels. My image of my husband shattered, and I lost The part of who I was as a wife. That made it easier to leave tho when I finally emotionally disconnected from this moron to move forward with my life. He first contacted this woman the day after he met her saying ‘poolside? This frog is ready to chill’ wtf?!?! She later sent him a photo of a pillow she had bought based on a ‘convo’ they had. The pillow read, ‘if you kiss enough frogs, you’ll find your prince’. Wtf?!? Was this guy posing like he was single? Frogs that turn into a prince are not married! I asked him directly, boy was he in the hot seat now and feeling the heat’ how he was a FROG?! He replied that a frog was a fun guy. I’m sorry but why is this married guy trying to track down an attractive woman and selling himself as a fun guy during business travels?!?! Right… I came across emails that showed that he tracked her down in Chicago months later, and even reached out to her shortly after he landed to start getting together. He saw no other friends in town like he usually does, and met up with her multiple times. Then he was apparently talking to her multiple times from our home after he came home and continued to reach out to her for months until we finally ended up in marriage counseling because if this issue and all of the other abuse, etc… The funny thing is that I am very attractive, but nothing was good enough for this guy. He sabotaged the relationship every step of the way, and I am able to see his twisted ways more clearly now that I got out. For the first three months, it was like I had been brainwashed and was overcoming that twisted mindset. I was lucky to gave good friends and family who were good sounding boards and who could shed some light on the situation/provide a reality check. I was tired of being called nasty names and the physical abuse over the years, and I was tired of pulling my older daughter aside and telling her ‘don’t ever let a man treat you like that’. I had to finally show her that a woman does not tolerate such behavior, and she will have a better life because of what I did.
I am still dealing with this psycho during this divorce process, but I am ‘free’. Right before I left, we got a $3.2k bill in the mail that he incurred at a concert. I did not go to this concert with him because he was screaming directly in my ear while I was driving, even with kids in the car, and it was becoming a safety issue to be in a car with him. He drank so much, even before the sun went down/a friend sent me pictures of this guy passed out, that the venue called for medical attention and an ambulance took him to ER for care. Who is this guy?!? When I tried to get the court to order that he not drink while he had custody of the kids, he came up with a story of how he was ‘dehydrated’, not drunk. I found the empty flask in the sink the next morning. Hmmmm..he’s heard endless from me regarding how can he care for the children if he can’t even keep himself ‘hydrated’? lol… The last laugh is mine because he thought that I would never leave and that his abuse would just continue. It’s his own fault and only has himself to blame. I will not let this experience tramatize me like I know it can. I will rise up to the challenge as the dust settles and my biggest payback is living a good life and doing right by my kids!!
Mine is a long story that I will most likely share later. I was married for 17 years to this N and have two beautiful daughters. I left and basically drove away while this abuser was at work. Prior to leaving, I hired the best attorney in town, rented a nice home by my children’s school, and filled it with furniture. After I picked my children up from school to take them to their new home, my then 11 year old dropped to her knees when I told her what I had done and cried, ‘I am free’ with tears in her eyes. It’s been a process, he denies all abuse, and I left over 19 months ago with still no property settlement. However, my father was a N and I witnessed how he treated my mother. He was abusive toward me too, but she was never able to get out. This is my legacy. My children will know right from wrong, and I deserve better. If you have not gotten out, you deserve better too. They never change. They just twist and confuse you. Get off the rollercoster sooner then later and move on.
Yesterday I wrote about how my girlfriend of 5 years really does love me, despite being a sociopath.
And today her new lover writes me to inquire if she really has broken up with me. It seems she has been living with him for the last 6 weeks, using my credit card, stealing nearly 10,000 dollars from me during this short time.
Yesterday I naively said that there are degrees of sociopathy.
Now, with a broken heart, debating suicide, I realize that Savannah’s warnings were right on! I was blinded by love, and completely wrong.
Of couse, I immediately confronted her with this new development. Yesterday she had been writing me that she misses me terribly, and she will never leave me.
But after confronting her with her thievery and betrayal, all she had to say was: it is true. You can forget about the money. I don’t have it anymore. Goodbye.
So now I have encountered the discard phase, with all its horror.
I responded to her new lover’s inquery, telling him of our life together, warning him to dump her now.
So I expect her (as you all are saying) after he dumps her, to slither up to me again claiming that it was all a misunderstanding–that someone had stolen her cell phone and invented all this to destroy us.
But of course, it wasn’t her.
This is certainly the best website on the subject–Thanks!
I think there is a tendency in psychology to apply a label (narcissist, sociopath) and then see everything in black and white.
But people are complicated, and it seems to me that there are degrees of nacissism and sociopathy.
I have been in love with my girlfriend for five years now, and she has all the symptoms described in the lead article–but less extreme. All I can offer her is my love and a life without money, and she is with me for that, despite being very attractive. If she wanted a rich victim, she would just have to snap her fingers and he would be there.
Yes, she makes me miserable much of the time–but she also brings me much happiness, I am convinced that although she is very manipulative, she really loves me, and she suffers as much as I do from her ups and downs.
My previous sociopath was much more extreme: passion, undying love, daily long distance calls to whatever foreign country I was in, plans for a life together–then she disappeared completely from one day to the next without a word, and that was the end of it.
I survived, but for a month or two I had the physical sensation of carrying a heavy stone in my chest–constant pain all the time, constant longing for what had been.
Nevertheless, the good phase one was heavenly, and I do not regret the whole experience, just the last part.
Actually, love is an addiction, and we are addicts, experiencing all the highs and lows of drug addiction and withdrawal.
Many people experience a sociopath and swear off of all relationships…which means they miss all the ecstatic highs too, out of fear for the lows. I would rather endure the lows if I can have the highs!
I enter a relationship aware of the risks.
OBNW: We talk a lot about addiction on this website – I can promise you if you’re involved with a Narcissist or a Psychopath it’s not love you’re addicted to.
I was married to a NARC for just over 11 years. The initial ‘honeymoon’ phase lasted well over a year. I dated him for a year and a half before I married him. About 6 months into the marriage, it began to ‘crumble’. He became disrespectful, cruel, rude, demanding. Each time I headed for the door, he ‘softened’, and I stayed. The last two years were unbearable. He tore away at my self esteem and alleged that he was good, I was bad. I came to within an inch of my insanity, then I decided, I had enough. I filed for divorce – and the battle began. Just before having him served, he woke me up – assaulting. I called law enforcement. When law enforcement arrived, this seasoned NARC I used to know as my husband, had already set the stage. I was served with an order of protection and was escorted off my property (I had the OOA dismissed a week later – it was baseless). This was actually the best thing this NARC ever did for me. I left and didn’t come back until I came to collect the court-ordered property award. Everything I was awarded was damaged and/or destroyed.
I have a beautiful new home in the countryside, have reconnected with the family and friends he alienated me from, I’m flourishing in my career, and LOVE being a single woman, in control of my own life.
One thing I do know about NARCs, while they may express and desire ‘love’, they love themselves too much to actually connect emotionally with another human or animal.
There IS life after the devastation left in the aftermath of a NARC. It’s your life, don’t linger with a NARC – it’s not worth it, and it’ll never get better.
My ex unfortunately fits into to this description When I first met him he was everything I wanted in a guy and I thought I had found my soulmate.Two months in things changed it became more about his needs and what he wanted. He always expected me to provide for him but it felt like it wasn’t good enough. If I gave any criticism he would go into a rage but he would heavily criticize me and I was expected to deal with it. At times he would threaten to break up with me if I didn’t do what he said or if I said something against him. One time we got in an argument and I said it wasn’t all about him and he told me it was over. There would be times when I would be in the same room as him but he was so withdrawn he seem more into doing stuff that involved him rather anything to do with me. Even my own birthday it ended up being about him. We ended up going to a college that he wanted to enroll in and spent most of the day there and he even had the chance to go there the previous day. we did go for a meal however I wanted to go to this certain restaurant but he refused and said it had be somewhere that he wanted to go to so he ended picking the place. He also would belittle everything I did and would have a go at me for the small things (things that most people wouldn’t get annoyed with). eventually we broke up at first he wanted to be friends with me I remember him calling me and saying if i wanted to be friends with me if i didn’t he would cut me off. He also ask to go and do stuff together like the cinema I felt he wasn’t giving the space like he had put that mask back on to keep everything sweet. I kept telling him I was hurt and i was finding it difficult but he didn’t want to hear it he just thought i was being negative and twisting things.It was like i wasn’t allowed to be upset with him. eventually we got in an argument when he was planning to breakup with me he let me pay for things and brought him stuff knowing he was going to end things so I felt used. He went into another rage and he pulled all my triggers and I broke down at him. He decided that he didn’t want anything to do with me and now blames me for everything. I have had trouble getting my stuff back from him he would keep delaying it and I asked what was the problem and he went into another rage blaming every aspect of the relationship on me saying i made him depressed and i was negative. I couldn’t help thinking that he had completely forgotten how he was to me all the negative comments and put downs everything. It was like it completely vanished from his memory that he was the victim and I was this terrible person that made him miserable. He completely twisted everything against me and distorted the truth. I made the stupid mistake of talking to friends of his which gave him more ammunition to blame me for the breakup. He really has got to me to the point that I have depression but he feels no remorse or cares in what place he has put me in he even told me that he was happier without me which was hurtful when I thought of the times I supported him and showed him love and affection, made him feel special it was all thrown in my face because I’m now seen as the one in the wrong. I admit there where stuff i could have handled better but when you love someone you just don’t treat people that way.
I compare the experience to a child who has been involved in trauma. They don’t understand or can put into words what has happened. That was me. My narcissist abused me physically and trying to explain to the officer the length of his behavior actually made me sound like the crazy paranoid lunatic. I cried while reading this article and others like it. I can now understand the trauma I experienced and stop asking why,why was I so stupid, why did I stay so long. What was wrong with me.They feelings and actions I experienced are put into words and I can now go forward and heal. I hope to find more articles to teach how to do that. I am sickened to know that they can ruin a person by taking their trust and love and destroying you with it with no concious what so ever. Mine will spend time in jail for the physical abuse but he just blames me and takes no responsibility. Their ought to be a punishment for mental.and phycological abuse because I’d rather be hit in the face.
Thank you for sharing your experiences! I’m still trying to leave mine. He gets back from working out of town tomorrow I haven’t really had much contact with him while he’s been out of town, he says he’s too tired from working all day, sometimes won’t even send a simple text. We’ve been together for a few years now. Five to be precise. He is still married to ex. They still have their house together, although he lives at ours. His grown sons live with his ex. And they still live in each others pockets so to speak… Yes I’m stupid! He doesn’t want to let me go, because I work harder than the ex round the house etc, and I do accounts and admin for two companies he has and basically wait on him hand and foot! Now I want what is fair for me to leave and start fresh he has turned everyone against me, saying I’m taking him for everything (which I am not!) Turned his sons against me and bad mouths me to everyone playing the victim. Little do they know he has cheated on me, lied, been violently abusive and sometimes I don’t exist. He’s a flirt with the women and if he feels I’ve embarrassed him or told truth about something bad he has done, look out for me! Never apologizes for his behavior, says its me I am crazy and drive him crazy. Anyway good luck to me tomorrow because I am over this shit and I already have everything in place to block all contact once I have gone and that includes anyone or thing associated with this man!!
Thank you for writing this. It helped me finally break up with my narcissistic controlling boyfriend who was cheating on me. I did it last night, and he went ballistic screaming at me (and me at him. I let everything out and let him have it with both barrels. I was married for 23 yrs to a narcissist that cheated on me with a 25 yr old stripper in Mexico and was trying to marry her while still married to me “but you have to show a divorce decree to get married in this part of Mexico” he said. This was the 4th one he cheated on me with, I found out. The divorce was nasty and he tried to do everything to leave me homeless. My boyfriend befriended me a few months after I was separated and we were friends for 2 yrs before I caved and started dating him. We lived together for 5 yrs. This same guy who swore he would never do what my ex did and cheat on me and hurt me apparently has been cheating on me with this one he insists he is not having sex with, although his texts say I love you xoxo and hers say I love you and say he’s seen her naked. Even when I broke up with him, he still insists that he never had sex with her, though he’s been sneaking around seeing her for at least 6 months. Go figure, she’s 28 yrs old, and he’s 55. They worm their way in when you are vulnerable and act like your best friend.
Spot on!
I was married to a Narcissist for 12 years and we would still be married if I didn’t discover his other life. So the discard phase didn’t come into play for me. Accepting the truth about who he really is was hard for me but reality hit me in the head like a ton of bricks as I learnt about the 12 yrs of cheating, lost pregnancies with other women, drugs, lies, thieving and risk taking. All focused on his need to feed himself but never satisfied. I have healed from this turmoil through therapy, support of family and severing ties. I am still finding difficulty co-parenting with him but having the courts control what I cannot. It has been three years since we were separated and my family still is treating me like I cannot make decisions for myself. I live a pure life with my son and my mother. I am in a relationship with someone who is clearly nothing like my Exe but my family does not trust my judgment. It is frustrating but making me stronger as I am finding that my judgment is sound. Finally because I am the one making the judgment. Problem is I let them pick the Exe years ago. I doubted my judgment then. This taught me to never be so dependent on others again and tune into my intuition. My happiness and clarity has been found and no one will claim my direction again.
I won’t tell my stories of my relations with two narcissistic women. But what I shall say to others who have been in relation is if you are hurting take your time to heal and realize the person you fell for was only a fake. He or she was wearing their mask in the beginning.
After your healing time don’t contact them or if you do just be polite and have minimal contact or they will do it all again.
They can’t change as it is a personality. Don’t even try to change them.
In your next relation be more aware. Watch the person more closely how they talk of them selves etc….
I spot them now very easily.
This sounds familiar. We have had a relationship on and off for almost 3 years. I say we are off again right now, as I have not really heard from him since November, other than the odd text and one visit. (We live in separate cities, thankfully.) He decided to tell me that he was a narcissist, 2 and a half years in. I did mostly figure that out on my own, but reading this is like a road map of our relationship. We cycle however. He puts me on the pedestal, he gets cold, he comes back. It’s painful and draining and I know that I need to punt him to the curb but it’s easier said than done.
Wow. This describes my relationship with my ex. On our second date he was telling me that he could tell that I was perfect for him. He was ready to propose to me after a month. He used to tell me that he felt like he was the luckiest man in the world. Then he went silent for weeks at a time suddenly. I could tell that he was avoiding me. We broke up in late April (right before finals) and he already had a new girlfriend by July. He still was sending me messages though. Every single time I added a male on FB. He’d want to talk to me. He’d send me photos that I look of him in Paris. He’d also send me lyrics about a man asking a woman if she still loved him, how he wanted her back, and how he’d try forever to win her back. I told him that I had a new boyfriend, and he stopped sending me messages for awhile. Then one day he sent me a message again. I ignored him ONCE and he finally stopped contacting me. He unfollowed me on FB and told me that I wasn’t his friend because his friends don’t ignore his messages. He ignored me for a week to a week and a half at a time. It was the most painful breakup that I have ever gone through. I finally understand that it was him. Thanks for writing this. I am so happy that I didn’t waste more time on him.
The article was wonderful but it is really dishardening to read all of these reponses and know that just like myself, so many people are either being abused or was abused by these psycho maniacs. I went through this psychotic cap with my son’s dad. I spent 8 years with him. It took me 3 years to put down my guards and when I finally did he came at me with a vengeance. He isolated me from my family, screwed with my self esteem, cheated on me and treated me poorly until I literally could not take it anymore. I found the kindest man ever that did everything that he could to heal me but I lost him because I was damaged goods. It took 5 years and for my 1st love to come back in my life for me to heal completely. Life finally seemed to be moving in the right direction until I found out that my first love came back to me damaged. He is a darn narcissistic a-hole as well. I have to work on being a a-hole because being kind hard makes it hard to keep these creeps away. When he came into my life 3 years ago, I was on the ball. I had just bought my beautiful home, a new car and my credit was wonderful. I did everything that I could to help him. I moved him in, helped him raise his credit scores, and loved him unconditionally. My dad died and he disappeared on me and cheated. His excuse was he had to find someone to give him some attention because I couldnt. I should’ve put his @$$ then. Smh. Later he decide he’s going to buy a house and tell me that I should rent mines out and move with him so he can be closer to his children. His children’s mother, his children, my ex and his wife all live in the city that he asked that I uproot my children and move too. He wish! Hey we’ve been going through the silent treatment phase…which I by the way have become wonderful at, for 6 days and he had the nerve to tap me while I was sleep and ask me to seduce him at 4 in the morning and got angry because I didn’t want to. Reading the article, the comments and even hearing myself as I type this make me want to go slap the piss out of him. He clearly doesn’t love me. I’m good with that. I have a new Mr Right on the horizon and I will not lose this one over a POS
I have read similar articles over the past few years, but this one described my situation so accurately, it got my attention.
My experience has been devastating and I cannot believe I have been caught in the narcissistic web for so long.
I was married for 29 years with 3 kids. Our relationship was not good, he was a workaholic and emotionally abused me in ways that lowered my self esteem and I had many affairs.
Then I met my current partner 5 years ago. He was different from the other guys I had met, full of confidence, very charming and I was drawn into to him.
We met up secretly for 3.5 years and then I finally left my husband and moved in with him.
During the time I was getting to know him over these 3.5 years there were plenty of tell tale signs that this was not a healthy relationship. He constantly talked about himself, or listened to me talking about him! Had frequent outbursts of anger, including on jobs which would result in him getting fired. Everything he did whether it was a leisure activity or work, he worked like a crazy person on it and always had to be ‘the best’ in everything. He hated the thought of anyone being better than him in any of his endeavours. (including me!)
He was convinced that everyone was after his real estate and conspiring against him, including setting up vehicle accidents and talking under their breath. This also involved me in a big way, he frequently said (usually when under stress about something) that I was talking under my breath something derogatory towards him and he really disliked my accent and the way I pronounced words!
His anger outbursts would involve him shouting so loud my ears would hurt and he would repeat the same things over criticizing what i had or had not done.
More recently, this turned to physical abuse….he grabbed my wrist and squeezed it so tightly, I protested for him to stop but he wouldnt. It didnt seem a big deal, but the next time it was my arm, and I could (or can) see a pattern starting.
His sense of grandiose also spilled into how educated he was and how non-educated I and others he worked with are.
He would often poke my ribs and squeeze me in a forceful way when making a comment to me. On the other hand if I just rubbed his back he would bark at me to stop as it was affecting his spine!??!
I am now in the process of getting out of this relationship. We are engaged (although I am not divorced yet) and we, or should I say he, is making plans for us both to put money together to pay off his mortgage (‘our house’) and I have some real estate sold and to be sold which will mean we both consolidate…I know that this is NOT a good idea!!!
On the positive side our sex life has been great and he buys me things and we enjoy each others company. But I know that this is not healthy and if its like this now, it will not get better!
I am going for counselling which is helping. I really cannot believe I am so caught up in this cycle of abuse and realize how hard it is for many people to recognize their situation.
I hope I can help at least one person recognize this from my experience.
One article I read years ago when this first started happening said”
“if you are in a narcissistic relationship….run away like your hair is on fire!!”
That always sticks in my mind….
These comments have helped me immensely to get through the breakup that happened last week. I dated this ‘man’ for almost three years. In the beginning he showered me with gifts, literally climbed my balcony on the second floor of my apartment to place gifts in my kitchen for me to find once I got home. The sex was amazing and occurred at least three times a day. We were in what seemed like true love. I thought I had finally found my soulmate. As time passed, we would have bickerments here and there that turned into intense loud arguments. I would have an issue with something he had done or said, or I would feel hurt by something and he always attacked me for feeling anything. I wasn’t allowed to be upset, to express myself to him, I needed to “change” who I was in his eyes. He’d threaten to leave me if I didn’t apologize for my emotions every argument. The arguments would begin with me feeling confident in my opinion then he’s manipulate my reality, my perception of things, call me irrational, and make me completely change my mind and apologize for over reacting. I wasn’t allowed self-determination with him. It was crippling and soul-snatching. He’d call me weak, stupid, a cu**, any name you can think of whenever I’d announce my disapproval with anything that made me upset. I was left, after two years, feeling self conscious, self reliant on his opinion of me, always afraid to express myself because it was “wrong, and irrational”. He also became physically abusive over time. He drop kicked me from behind on night outside our apartment into the mud (it had just snowed and then rained) and called me disgusting names while I cried hysterically. He choked me and pushed me around numerous times. My self esteem and worth was so low from his manipulation and gaslighting that I couldn’t leave him even after the abuse started. He changed me as a person, and it feels as if he committed a crime against me. I was blinded by the love that I thought we had. By the potential the relationship falsely held. About two months ago, we decided to move to Texas together, get married, and start a family. It was all his idea of course. About one month before we are supposed to move away, we get into a horrible fight. I tried to express how I felt about him having an attitude towards me for having a beer at the bar with my female coworker and how it wasn’t fair. He responded with, You’re annoying, you’re crazy, I was so much happier before I met you, you’re the dumbest person I’ve ever met, all in front of my roommates while I fell to the floor in tears. Pure, cruel, humiliation. I left the apartment in distress as he threw all of my items out of the closet onto the floor. I returned a week later (two weeks ago) to the same dis-shoveled room and he asked if I wanted to go to therapy. I was at first apprehensive but agreed. He said he’d go so that I could see how irrational I am. This was the breaking point for me. I realized he was incapable of seeing his faults through his overly inflated ego and lack of empathy. One week later, he told me he was throwing me away and didn’t want me anymore. I was and still am a wreck. I longed for him to understand my point of view so I kept asking him to explain himself. He told me “I never valued your opinion, values, or feelings because I didnt see you as an intelligent person”… I cut him off after that last message. Deleted his number, and did my research on narcissists. I’ve taken so much from the articles and person testimonies and it has given me a sense of relief. I have lost over ten pounds in one week and today I finally feel as if I can take my life back that had gone missing long ago. Narcissism is a terrible, haunting disease and it ruins lives. These kind of people will never listen to anyone or value an opinion over there own. They cannot be helped and I had to let him go to Texas without me as he wished. I plan to visit a therapist in the weeks to come to help me regain my self worth. I was an independent, courageous woman before I met this man. It’s sad how people can treat their loved ones. Thank you all for your testimonies. I no longer feel alone and enslaved.
It’s good to know that I’m not alone and I’m not going crazy. For the past 4 years of my life I have had my heart broken many times by someone who I was convinced was “the one” all for no apparent reason or any reason that made sense. To him it made sense but not to anyone I told why trying to get my head around why it was happening and what I did that was so wrong each time?
Each time he came back apologising. I without hesitation, let him back into my life which was always great to begin with for a month or 2 then all of a sudden for some reason (that never made sense) is the excuse for why he’s leaving.
I’ve been breaking my own heart by letting him back into my life and the hardest part is that we have kids together so there will never be a no contact stage until they all leave home.
Watching them on the up and down Rollercoaster with their Dad is really heartbreaking
He wasn’t always like this. 4 out of 14 years he has been though, after the sudden, unexpected death of his brother, he spiraled into depression for about a year then came out blaming me for anything he could and spreading rumors about me that weren’t true
The saddest part is that some of these rumors he believes that they actually happened and even has a made up recollection of the event that he created in his mind. Convinced that they actually occured.
Wow – this is truly one of the most insightful articles I have ever read…and perfectly describes my current situation! Thank you! Now – how do I turn the tables on the narcissist?
My heart goes out to all the people that have posted. No one deserves this kind of treatment. I ended a short 4 month episode with a….very bad guy. Treated me like I was the queen he had been looking for, he loved me, wanted to marry me, met my family (through his prompting), and then overnight turned into a lying, gaslighting, future faking big bag of trickery. Went from the penthouse to the cellar in his life in 3 months. One week he’s marrying me, next week he can’t be bothered to see me during the holidays. In what twisted universe does that make sense?
Truth is it was all a lie and a mask from the start. It hurts to think I lost this possible great relationship, but the truth is I didn’t lose anything because there was never anything there to lose.
I will not let him rob me of my trust in myself, the love in my heart, my true intention of finding real honesty and caring in a relationship. He doesn’t get that. He is not worth that. Once the mask came off his true colors of misery, frustration, anger, and insecurity came out. I can’t help him or sacrifice myself to be his supply of warmth. Go find a ratty blanket and be the miserable cold SOB that you are somewhere else.
I’m not a religious person, but I found this saying, and it feels like a good mantra to wrap around yourself to warm your heart and protect the most important person in your life, who is you…. and you can apply it to whatever deity or whatever you believe about the universe to protect and trust yourself….”Lord remove anybody out of my life that means me no good, serves me no good purpose, and is not real and loyal. Bless me with the discernment to realize and give me the strength to let go and don’t look back.”
Thanks for providing an environment to let me vent.
Much love to all hearts that are hurting. We all deserve better than this and we will find it!
I am sure I am not the only one that has said to run when you see the signs above. If you are in a relationship like this and you are like me, you are probably telling yourself that he/she can change because you refuse to believe it was all a lie. But PLEASE BELIEVE….it is. I have been married to a narcissist for 15 years. My husband is now in another state living with another woman and her kids. I have failed to believe it was a lie because there is no way a person can be this cruel. But they can be. Don’t be like me, looking back at your early 20s, all your 30s and now, in your 40s wondering where the time went, why I have no kids and why I am alone. Get your wits about you and move on. Don’t spend anymore of your time wasting and waiting. It gets greater later.
Great article. I believe I was involved with one, it destroyed me for years, key years of my life.
I got swapped for another target after about 3 yrs, i.e. early, and it left me feeling so bad that my future hopes and wishes of marriage, kids, etc were wrecked. And I am treated like I don’t exist, it messed my head, wasted years of my life. Horri
Dear All,
First of all, I am glad to find this page. Since I am not a native speaker, I would like to point out that my longish text will not be error-free, but hope it will be clear enough for you to understand my situation.
Currently I am experiencing the hurtful consequences of being totally discarded by my latest boyfriend, who seems to bear the characteristics of a covert/celebral narcissist (combined with extreme perfectionism). I am well-aware that the things mentioned below could not be entirely regarded as being negative or/ and pathological. But my main aim is to present them with real examples. These are the follwing:
_ constant judging e.g. he believes that it is totally rational to judge people on the basis of their educational backgound. He is somehow fascinated by the Ivy League universities and thinks that only these institutions matter (and match his grandiosity, of course). My problem with this was that he never missed to pick on and belittle me because I only learned fine art in a non-famous institution. At he same time, he always emphasized how hard and important for him to perform well at his university and bragged about his achievements and efforts, which of course, could not be even compared to the significance of what I did. I’d like to factually add here that I finished my studies,while he ( who is over 27) is still studying for his MA-degree, and seems to have stucked in, somehow. Since I was honestly support his efforst to do his best in his studies, no wonder that I begann to feel pretty bad about his rival nature of him, which later overshadowed the way he communicated with me; more and more up-staging. The nicer and supportive I was (and I was, always), the more likely he turned his cold shoulder to me. Now I clearly see at as an unconscius manifastion of self-loath, since he did not go on with his academic life in the way he had previously planned.
-meticulous attention to details , e.g clothing, obsessively being up-to-date (he only follows the latest news, happenings, music, films, activities, etc.). Yes, I would like to emphasize here that he basically divides the world into cool and uncool things, therefore also judges people according to this distinction. Never missed to criticise me either, (the way I dressed, the music I listened to , the movies I watched, the earrings I wore). When I was the first to get to know/see something, and happily shared my observations with him, he became silent and indifferent. It was the same whenever I tried to raise a topic. He always tried to find the way to control the conversation, in order to ensure his own feel at home in-attitude.
-being a control-freak: the way we started out gives the perfect picture of a narcissistic-emphata relationship: I was love-bombed, in the center of his attention, felt the deep soul-mate connection, etc. Then too late I realized that basically all he wanted to do is to isolate and control me in order to ensure his egoistic supply smoothly. He went as far as to try to control my finances (since he is the one who know what is the best for me), though I was able to succesfully say no and politely being reserved whenever I felt he went to far in this respect. We were in a long distance relationship most of the time, which did not ease his attempts to take his desired l control of my life, anyway.
– sensitivity to counter-arguments by presenting (seemingly) logically and racionally unbreakable viewpoints. Whenever I challenged him, he was eager to find his ways to take the lead and control the conversation again. Regardless of the vald poinst I made. He just kept belittling me and changed the topic immediately or brought up the smallest errors I made e.g.a typoo or a real spelling mistake .
He has been discarding me since i asked him about why he leaves the conversation without seeing a goodbye or a word (now I know, he gave me the silent treament). In my last message I asked him not to contact me. So we’ve benn in NC since a month.
And here is my final conclusion: when he started discarded me and left me without answers, it hurt like hell. I could scream in pain, I felt like being emotianally and (almost physically) paralyzed. But now I evaluate it as the only possible outcome which could happen for my betterment. I quiestioned him, he was unable to sweep me off my feet, so he gave up on me. This is what actually happened. Propaby went on finding a new source or living on his own, who knows. I don’t want to even pretend that I did not have feelings for him (I am still thinking about him sometimes) but I do not think he will ever be capable of accepting and reciprocating honest feelings. I have to deal with that and concentrate on myself from now on. I think I am gaining more and more energy. I wish you all the best.
Thank you thank you thank you . This describes a relationship that just ended ..
I have been in a relationship with a man for a year and a half. Your description of a narcissus person fits him to a tee at least 95%. All 3 steps have been experienced with him. I am feeling the way you stated a target feels. I broke down in wailing and tears reading your article. You were describing what my life has been like over this period of time. My person is someone who had served a life sentence for murder, but was let out on parole. He has been on parole for life instead over 20 yrs.. When I met him he stated how unhappy he has been living with his girlfriend of 19 of the years he has been on parole. He took me so by surprise and swept me away. Our relationship thankfully has not included anything physical. I’m thankful for not having to deal with that emotional piece. I was going through a bad time in my life as well when I met him. I was totally blinded and threw caution to the wind from my friends to stop the association. They could see what I could not. But I kept pressing in because I had never known such attention, warmth, intense caring in such a long time if ever the way he presented himself. I started seeing things that concerned me after we started hanging around each other, but I would think oh no I’m helping him learn about what it is like to really have someone who loves him unconditionally. Yah,right. I was that totally stupid. He wore me down emotionally, my self image suffered. He wanted complete control. Telling me he had no one like me in his life so when he said he didn’t know if we had a future he wanted me in his life. Someday when he was free of the girlfriend he had a son with who is 20 now things would be different. He started saying he really couldn’t love the right way because he was abused by an older brother, his mother was an alcoholic and his father overlooked a lot and ignored him. He would say he never wanted to hurt me but I felt hurt so frequently. He never wanted to listen to any of my thoughts or feelings about us. He wanted to rule and reign in our association and actually told me he didn’t want to hear what I had to say and would SSHHH me if I tried to engage in the topic of my thoughts. I have learned the hard way how much he is outrageously cunning, manipulating, and such an actor. What else can I say. I could write a book. I’m slowly working my way out of being the target.
I have a question though. I loaned him $2400.00. He signed a note. Any creative things I can do to get this money returned to me or do I count my loss or declare it as a donation to a charity. I want to thank you so much for writing your article. It certainly has helped me. Is there any way I keep in touch with you?
Day 1, he tells me everything about himself. Day 2, he calling up all the women he was casually messing with before we met and tells them he’s found something serious. Day 3, he telling me he wants to begin a relationship and takes me shopping. Day 5, he tells me he loves me. Week 2, he sits me down with his parents and tells them he loves me. Week 4, we’re making plans to move in. Month 2, we’ve moved in. I’ve met his family, both his kids. Everything was perfect.
Month 3, he starts the berating comments claiming I’m an idiot which he still does today. It begins when I’m cooking rice and I don’t cook it on the burner he told me to cook it on many times before. Something so trivial. Albeit, I have horrible memory. Doesn’t make me less intelligent. I have a BBA, currently in my last semester of my MBA. But something so small will set him off into the most extreme rant. I once dropped a glass blender he had just bought. Mistake, not intentionally. He embarrassed me in front of his family by degrading me in front of his parents. It was an accident!!
Our relationship progresses much like a rollercoaster. Intense highs and discussions of marriage contrasted by even more intense lows and physical fights. Through it all we both remained faithful. He’s always supportive and pushing me to be a better me. But its on his terms and his way. Any other way is stupid. When I state my opinion, he feels the need to attack which makes me feel judged and defensive. And let me just tell ya’ll, the way he speaks to me is so demeaning and berating and utterly and completely disrespectful. “Bitch” , “dumbass bitch”, “stupid ass bitch” are adjectives he uses frequently. He doesn’t see anything wrong with this AT ALL. Actually, he believes I’m the “fucked up” one. I’ve tried to explain to him that making me feel inferior is not something I want out of a relationship. His reaction? “Well, if you’re a dumb ass bitch, I’m going to talk to you like a dumb ass bitch.”
A year and a half later, not much has changed. And his made it clear it will always be this way. “its who he is” It’s crazy how much he thinks his perception of things is how everybody should perceive things. But he doesn’t understand that everyone is different. We don’t see the world thru his eyes, but our own. He can’t take his head out his own ass and realize he’s hurting people.
I agree with him on one point. I am a dumbass. Because I am still with him. No obligations, kids, marriage, nothing. Just by sheer will. Love is one of those fucked up things…..
I’ve been in a mostly on relationship with a narcissist for almost 10 months. He was perfect. Attentive, loving, funny, smart, accomplished, had done all these amazing things, was good to me and good to my son and seemed like a great father to his. Fast forward two months… he started detaching. I was being crazy. Everything was fine. Then I find out two days later he had invited an ex gf over to hook up. I confronted him about it – he said he was sure we were breaking up but then we didn’t and nothing happened. I forgave him. Two more awesome months… Then again. Distancing himself, he’s too busy with work and stressed. This is after his son was here for visitation and we went on family outings and all cuddled and slept in the same bed, etc. Fast forward two months, and we’re back together. Solid. He’s taking me to meet his ex wife and hang out with his son over Thanksgiving. Snow storm comes and three days later he’s pulling back again. I find out I’m pregnant. He freaks out. Then accepts it and moves in and things are fantastic. He’s invested and committed. But had been getting messages from ex girlfriends constantly. Like every other day. He mostly deleted them. But I was pissed. I checked his phone one night to find out he had responded to one. Confronted him and he told me he had told her that we were back together and about the pregnancy. He broke up with me and moved out within a week of that incident. He loves me. I make him happy. The situation doesn’t. His ex wife (who he said was crazy psycho) and I actually become friends through talking about the kids. Turns out most of his life was a lie. He’d been flirting with her basically my entire relationship with him. She had screenshots. He still denied them. He lied about his military career. He lied about his relationship with his dad. He lied about incidents with her. He lied about his parenting of his son. He owes me thousands of dollars. And even though we aren’t together- at his request – he’s being really good to me. And is now proposing business ideas for us to partner on. I told him if he slept around, I was done. Completely. I’m just devastated and confused and so disappointed that I’m now having a baby with this man I thought was someone completely different. He didn’t even go to a single OB appointment with his ex wife. He’s supposed to go with me tomorrow. If he doesn’t…. It’s over. I don’t know how people come out of this. Especially when having kids with a narcissist. Thank God his ex wife is there for me. She even sent me flowers this week. Of course, he says everything she does is an effort to manipulate me/him. I’m. goddamn. tired.
OMG !! I have just recently separated from a narcissist after being with him for 10 years. I can’t pinpoint the day I got caught up in this game but now he is so distant and uncaring and it is like I never existed at all. He’s out doing what he likes and seeing who he pleases but god help me if I try get on with my life. I can’t live this way for a second more and I am now just trying to take the baby steps to recover and find myself again and discover the person I was before meeting him. I have no self esteem left after the years of being told I was nothing or I was a poor excuse of a woman and a dog and all the other names he could muster up to call me. All my efforts of trying to fix our relationship were ignored and he always has an excuse as to why they won’t work, ie no time, not at that stage yet, don’t know how I feel etc etc. But at the drop of a hat he has all the time in the world for other people now. I have been kicked to the ground and devastated by this break up as I was in the mindset that I cannot function without him. I can and I will. I don’t need this anymore and if he taught me one thing it’s that I certainly know now what I don’t want in a relationship 🙂 Good luck people. We’ll get there eventually. Just don’t ever let the person that didn’t love you stop you from being with someone who will.
Hi,what a fool i feel i have been living with this for 40 years , please i would love to talk to some one who feels they would like to chat as well OMG
My story is not unlike all of the above. I dated the captain of the football team all year my senior year in high school He was the first man I slept with and that was a big deal for me. Come spring he ended up taking a girl from out of town to senior prom. It was humiliating but telling. I took him back and after visiting me in college in the fall I never heard from him. Fast forward 40 years and this asshole contacts me again via FB to tell me his wife and son had died, independently but within a year. His 22 year old son jumped off a bridge and his wife took a handful of pills and drank a bottle of something and drowned in the bathtub 7 months after the son died. I initially talked to him because I felt so sorry for him. Within the hour conversation he started talking about very personal, sexual things of our past. Keep in mind I am married-32 years and have not seen this guy in 30! The communication continued for 3 months with mostly me fueling his ego and supporting him through the first holiday without his wife. He continued to send pictures of himeself to me until January when I pressed him for what this relationship was and what he was expecting I repeatedly told him I was happily married but I was desperate for him to tell me that I was special and that he had loved me. He asked very little about me but told me all about himself. Eventually I said I could not be friends with me anymore. He kept saying he wanted to continue to communicate with me and wanted to be friends. That’s the last I heard from him. Discarded like trash like back in high school You’d think I would have learned. It hurts all over again.
Wow. This literally just happened to me. Step by painful step, it followed the three phases to a T. I’ve never fallen so hard for someone and he was amazing….for about three months. Then he just, became someone else. I’ve never seen anything like it. I used to call him Mr. Wonderful, because he was. Doing favors, always complimenting, always wanting to be with me, cuddling, being sweet. I was the only woman in the world. Then the compliments stopped and the criticism started. It’s safe to say he completely devastated my self esteem in about two months. Treated me so badly I could barely function trying to figure out how to make him happy again, while he spared nary a thought about my happiness. He left the day after I asked him for more affection. Told him I felt like I was starving for it. He flipped out, and the next day he was done. We were together ten months, and he had another girlfriend less than a week later. It’s like I never existed. Like we never loved at all. And he was so cruel to me I still cannot even believe the things hes done and said since leaving. I’ve never been so broken hearted. It’s been nearly two months now and I am still trying to get over what happened. It still hurts. I will be avoiding any man who acts like him for the rest of my life.
On point. This was the exact person I was seeing that was described! The exact person with all 3 phases described.
I’ve re read this again and want to tell everyone who is NC to stay that way! My Narc contacted me after 6 months “just to check in” but I made the mistake of responding and before it was all over he had blamed me again for ‘having to break up with me’……really….it never ends. They will not take any responsibility and that hurts. Just don’t respond!
I’m escaping a female narcissist. Obviously, I know that women can be narcissists too and I don’t blame you for not pointing that out. Anyone who has been a victim (I’ve been a victim more than once, but decades apart) ought to know that. Anyway my question is: Can narcissists turn their victims into narcissists?
Hello Oasisneko – in answer yes narcissism can breed narcissism to some degree, but I doubt you are NPD and if you continue to educate yourself you will be fine. The love bombing placed on you is what they want. They can not find a single thing wrong with you. This is what they want you to do for them, but at the same time pay the bills, take care of “life” at the same time. The devalue and discard occurs when the smallest slight is perceived. So stay single. Educate yourself. When she left she created the void in you that she is always trying to fill in herself. To help you from stop worrying about it – let’s say your girlfriend that you are really into says something about your car being dirty or mentions you need a haircut – if you would devalue her for it then yes you are a narcissist. Also keep in mind this illusion is built entirely on lies. So if you go around lying to women to get laid or get attention then yes you are high on the narcissist scale. It is naturally to question what you have questioned after what has happened.
My story with a NARC began 2 years ago. He was 36, I was 24.5. We met, went on a few dates and he told me he wants to be with me but there’s another relationship he’s not fully out of. Red Flag 1. Less than a month later he comes back professing his love, that he’s on a clean slate and I was swept off my feet. We had the best time together and truly enjoyed one another’s company but something was wrong….after a month he started acting busy and faking that he’s tired. But I knew he was home; he just was hiding. (This was verified by a PI) So again , it was shaky. I was in pharmacy school and didn’t really care for it. Again, he comes back…tells me his ex kept contacting him and that’s why he was hiding. He proceeded to tell me that there’s one thing holding him back in the relationship and it’s my breast size. As a 25 year old girl I went, enlarged my breasts, and he had disappeared out of my life and was back with his ex. I wanted to die. It was the worst 2 months of my life. I was sad, felt betrayed, felt like I had 0 self confidence left, and owe my sanity now to my best friends. He was public with her, I was still in love with him and the fake relationship I had….and I avoided a lot of people and things.
Within time, I got better. I started dating and met a very stable fellow pharmacist and gratefully experienced a healthy relationship but was stupid enough to call him and wish him a happy birthday because he had done the same for me. (That relationship ended after 3 months)
He called me back a month later, and 7 months after the breast implant breakup he called and asked to meet. I was sure he was with the girl but needed closure and said okay. As it would be, they had broken up, he vowed he had changed…he had thought of me daily and I’m the one he wanted to be with.
The first 2 months were amazing. He was everything I wanted in a man. Attentive, caring, kind, giving, my best friend, we would laugh together and constantly talk and spent our nights together. We grew together, took classes together, did activities together, talked about life, marriage kids…and he told me he’s never loved anyone as much as me.
After 2 months of him professing his love, he contacted me less, spent more time with his friends, and began attacking my best friend for ruining our relationship and telling me I weigh too little and am not fully living up to the “look” he wants. He’s 50 pounds overweight or at least was and kept telling me if I don’t gain weight the relationship will end.
He asked for a break to think things through for marriage and after 3 weeks of constantly judging me, my weight, telling his family we’re on a break and not seeing eachother, he ended it over the phone at 2am saying his psychologist suggested it and that he isn’t happy with me, feels that I’m suffocating him and don’t trust him, that I don’t live up to the look he wants, and JUST LIKE THAT HE ENDED IT. He said he would call 6 weeks later because we’re just taking a break but he never did…
NOW: since October when he ended it he’s been VERY PUBLIC with the girl.. Throwing her parties, lavish trips, professing love…and I’m sitting here moping. I’m sad, I feel betrayed, and I keep trying to make sense of why he hurt me SO BADLY on purpose.
Please help! I’m seeing he’s a NARC and not the one for me….but how can I stay strong? A piece of me still wants him to call…as much as I hate him.
Wow! What’s hard for me is that I know she just keeps moving on ruining more men’s lives. I feel some kind of obligation to stop it. How do you warn people? How can you just stand by and do nothing knowing others will be hurt just like you. While I was with her for only 3 months I realized that there were many others waiting unknowingly just to satisfy her N supply.
Agape what makes you think that the other men will believe you? This is the web they weave. They spin tales about how crazy you are and whom do you think they will believe. On top of that it is not your place to get in the way of someone else’s lesson. It’s the storms in our lives that teach us the most.
Just today I became aware I am a narcissist. I have been trying to understand myself for long time. I am kinda envious, competitive and intolerant to criticism. I am always complaining about my “lack of luck”. I have been accumulating relationships, looking for my best half during a lot of years. I am not mean, I really love and suffer from deception, I always have hope. However a lot of of things are true, I am very picky,I criticized for everything and get bored easily, however I keep up with the relationship. At the beginning when I fall in love I am truly gentle and detail-oriented, I really feel happy, but suddenly things change and I feel misunderstood, I have no explanation. Consequently I pull back and it’s hard to fall in love again. Most of the time I am immune to my significant’s pain. I don’t enjoy this, maybe I just ignore it. At the end, when we brake up, I suffer but probably because my ego is very affected, and my girlfriends most of the times finish destroyed. I hate this cycle and I hate to hurt people, it just happens and I want it to stop. Isn’t nice to be a narcissist, too much vanity, flirting, lies. I know I need help, and I swear I’m not malevolent, I have good feelings, maybe some narcissists feel proud but is not my situation.
HU look up Borderline Personality Disorder. See if you identify more with that than NPD.
I just got myself dropped by my N boyfriend a couple of days ago.. This article has helped me alot in understanding what really happened between us. I’ve experienced the cycle over and over again, that’s how extreme his effect was on me, more than sweeping me off my feet. We have this on and off relationship for more than 3yrs and it only had me kept questioning as to how could this man be so loving in one second and apathetic in a moment. I never knew then what kind of a monster he is.. Atleast now I have a better understanding about everything and hopefully this would help my healing.. Thanks for this!
This happened to me. He was a complete nut job. Showered me with complements, wanted to spend lots of time with me, listened to me, and somehow (because I’m a tough cookie to crack) got me to fall for him. My experience was awful and people like him don’t deserve air. He called the cops on me after he callously dumped me after he made a number of promises to me. I left a message of how broken hearted I was and this nut job called the police saying I wanted to kill myself!!! Really!! Note to self and everyone else: I’m still here! I was never suicidal and he called me after receiving my text telling me not to do it. I asked him what he was talking about and I said I was not suicidal and that sick bastard called the police. Luckily they realized I was fine and knew I was a well adjusted person so they dismissed that sociopath’s claims. I got to meet someone who was/is purely evil. When he broke up with me prior to the “call,” he even laughed at me. That came from a person who just a week before was mister sweetheart. The guy who said I was the most beautiful person he had ever seen and the one he was falling for, is now someone he claims is fit for a prescribed white jacket. Wow!!! (I never changed; just him). Word of advise: watch out he’s still out there.
This is pretty spot on. I was completely swept up in phase one – she actually proposed to me in the 1st few weeks in phase 1, and I ended up getting married to my narcissist about a year later. Marriage did not fix anything. Fortunately, I could feel that something was very off when phase 2 started (about 2 -4 months after we met). It was very confusing, but luckily for me, I eventually had a moment (after more than a year and a half in) where I just listed the symptoms I saw, and was eventually able to realize my partner fit the description of a woman with narcissistic personality disorder. It wasn’t very difficult for me to figure out what was going to happen to me as an empath. Once I let it be known that I was going to end the marriage if things didn’t change, the volatility increased to the point of physical abuse. About 2 months ago, I had had enough, left her, and filed for divorce. Unfortunately, I have to wait 6 months for it to be final. The divorce started phase 3, but at this point, I know what is going on, so it is easier (most of the time) to not take it personally. I did not damage her, and there is nothing I can do to make her better. Most of the time, I feel very sorry for her: she will never experience the joy of the kind of bonding I do with close friends and partners. It’s so sad to know a human being will live out their life locked away from that.
I find it is easier for me to get through this if I realize the person I fell in love with in phase 1 was not a real person – but it is like mourning a death with no body.
If you are with a narcissist, the only right move is to get out as fast as you can, avoid all contact, and cut your losses. These people don’t ever get better, the false self armor protecting the damaged person inside will never be penetrated, and you will be drained of all that you hold dear. I feel fortunate that I figured it out relatively quickly. Some of these comment are from people a decade or more in with children and communal property. I’ve got it easy by comparison.
I’m a good person, and I want to pair-bond with another good person who will return my empathy and compassion. Now that I know what to look for, I will never fall prey to another narcissist. I’m still healing, and am not ready to put myself out there again, but I will get there, because I will heal with the help of my family and friends.
I found this page in the quest of answering for myself what the heck I got myself into. I have been in this 5 months and a month and a half ago, I got out for a short time. He said all the right things, kept me on a string. Yet, I suspected a lot of things not quite “right”. This man escalated to the beginning stages of physical abuse and it triggered me. I even reached out to his family for help. It was repeated to my boyfriend and he got pissed about it. I feel relieved that it has been taken out my hands for the most part. I began to lose myself and only focus on him and what I did was never enough. I took it for longer than I should have. I can relate to the stages and appreciate them posted here and the responses of others helps me to see that I am not alone. I will continue to use the tools I have access to, to change my daily focus back to ME and my life and moving myself forward. I feel depleted though, like emotionally used up. I just don’t get the whole mess and what it has done to my self esteem. But, in time I will be on a whole new chapter and look back on this and feel thankful for the short lived time span this has lasted.
I had broken up with guys before, but I was dumped by an narcissist more than 25 years ago, and I can’t believe how hard it is to get over someone like that. I feel like he stole everything that was me. Then just recently, he tries to reconnect with me on Facebook! Would you believe he blames me and I believe, is angry with me for marrying someone else while he is on his third wife? From some things he’s said I feel he blames me for his latest marriage being on the rocks. He deserves all the karma God Almighty can dish out to him. We victims are “hooked on a feeling” of false bliss, that’s what being involved with a narcissist is like. Pure bliss, then comes the axe!
After my divorce in 2011, I had 2 relationships, both with Narcissists, unfortunately. One lasted 3 years, although there were several long periods of separation, so the damage was less. The last one lasted 2,5 years and the merging completely occurred. I started living his life, catering only to his needs, and for a long time I simply didn’t think of mine anymore. However, I could never kill the feelings I had inside and a volcano erupted in me. I started fighting back, demanding, and of course what came next was devaluation, humiliation (it was already happening before), lies, lies, and lies. Flirting with women right before my eyes happened way too often, until I stopped caring. Detaching came next for me. I started not wanting to be with him, see him, touch him, and I felt repelled by him. This was 5 months ago. I lost both my parents this year, and while I was grieving in our bedroom (I lived with this A…..), he was doing online porn. Yes, he was also addicted to porn and has a fixation on adolescents. It doesn’t matter if they are daughters of his friends. He flirts with the wives of his racing buddies, while the husbands are racing (he does Chump car races). I am a very good-looking woman (hear that from women, and men, all the time). He tried to make me believe that I was too old. I am only 4 years older than him, and he is the one who looks way older than me. He is a monster, disguised under this clean cut persona, very good-looking, charming, intelligent, articulate. The thought of him makes me sick. However, although I left him 2,5 months ago, I am still haunted by the projection of his false self onto me, the prince that never was, the illusion. So cruel.
Wow, so many victims -we are all suffering. Eight years in, always feeling off balance and trying to understand, him, me, us. The betrial finally got real. I had been staying with my Daughter who was battling cancer. I was gone a lot and not hearing from him unless “I” contacted him. My beautiful daughter passed away. I was devastated. Then the next week, on Facebook I see a photo of him with someone else and the caption said, “in a relationship.” My world came crashing down. It’s been 2 weeks ago and I’m still dealing with my daughter’s passing and taking care of my granddaughter. Everyone tells me it’s good he’s gone. I am so empty. I packaged up all the mementos I had around the house and sent them to him. I couldn’t stand looking at them. He texted me when he got them and said, ” you can get rid of the mementos but you can’t get rid of the memory of me.” Why can’t I stop thinking about him? How do you replace those thought patterns that he so deliberately created in my brain and heart?
Thank you the awsome details.
In my 22 month marriage to a narcissist, it’s cost me everything, emotionally, finacialy, and even looking forward, my dreams. Like walking my daughter down the isle.
Two homes, over 350,000 in cash and life pocession s. And an experience I wish on anyone .
All I can say is “wow.” This is exactly what I have been living with for the past year. I am in the Phase 3 now and I’m finding it very difficult, much harder than any normal break up I’ve been through. I feel like I have been in love and trusted a complete stranger. I feel violated that I let someone live in my home and it was all an act. I dodn’t think I will ever trust anyone anyone again after this. Recovering from this has been more difficult that anything I’ve ever experianced in my life – including death of a family member! The more I read about N-ism, the clearer the replay of the past year has been and how things have played out. I am learning to cope one day at the time and pray that everyday will be a little better until this nightmare can be forgotten.
10 years in and it just keeps getting worse, evil does exist and its a NPD/BPD female. Stay for the kids stay for the kids, big mistake. THis pos is master sociopath…every bad behavior she has is projected onto me, its delusional, backwards, it doesnt matter… if others believe than its true… as NPD has no empathy for her spouse, its all about the spin, the abuser creating victim reality as they go, with zero care of its effect on their loved ones. And the kicker is, while they are doing all these horrible things, they test you with lines in the sand, not meeting/ignoring constant demands they increase te pressure. …like a fly paralyzed, widow continues spinning the web fly interacts or not, does not matter one little bit to the NPD.
I just recently escaped this horrible relationship with a Narcissist… We dated for a year and 3days…He was exactly every type of person described here…I’m still so lost..confused.. hurt…angry…but Idk why…I feel like it was me…something is wrong with me…Its a “MIND FUCK” that I wish had never happened…Idk if I’ll ever be myself again…
I loved this woman like no one else befor…she never let me be close to her yet claimed to have lots of romantic feelings for me.
I thought it would work out with time.
One year later i am extremly worn out and am ill. NOW she told me, that she doesnt have feelings for me and left me.
I realized now that all the time i didnt get anything from her in exchange…and all what happend was because I made it possible.
I realize now that she was brainfucking me…gaslighting…and always said things that were selfcentered only.
This article brought some insight to me….but I still dont know whether this is the case here….
Maybe she is narcisstic….but I didnt experienced the first phase with her…I felt neglected from the very beginning…could it still ve narcissism?
Or am I the narcissist? For I was trying to convince her of that relationship?
Or did two narcissists link together?
Someone any clues for me?
I feel like I should be in a room with all of you. I’m gay. I moved back to my hometown after living in New York for 25 years. I met a guy about a year after I moved back. Admittedly, he was quite good-looking. I flirted with him. The relationship became intense but went nowhere. It took me almost a year to realize that he was a pathological narcissist, and what he loved about me was the attention and fawning. If I got mad at him and stopped the adulation, he went nuts. I mean crazy stuff. He thinks every girl he meets wants him, yet he couldn’t be more disrespectful. This is very insightful information. I am deep into this relationship, completely “in love” with him, and the realization of what this is all about is just now hitting me. It’s almost stunning and shocking. He’s a psychopath, and I’m not crazy.
OMG! I think you have just saved my life. If not my life, definately a lot of pain. I just got out of an on again off again 6 year relationship and I thought I was gonna lose my mind. I could not understand his behavior. What is sad is that a few years ago, I was scouring the internet trying to figure out what was going on with this man, ran across some articles about narcissim, thought i kinda fit but continued on with him. Today, I am convinced this is his problem and I am deciding right now not to be the victim anymore. Thank you, I feel like I can face tomorrow!
I can’t believe how comforting this article is. I met my ex-husband 20 years ago on the East Coast, when he had left an ex-girlfriend (the 1st victim) and their daughter on the West Coast. I thought he was troubled but my soulmate, the sex was fantastic, and when he conformed to what society said he should do (get married, buy a house and have kids), we had an incredibly happy marriage. At least that was what I thought. Then he started disappearing for work trips, traveling 12-20 days / month, claiming a need to be “alone” when they were over, and being short with me. I was raising our family alone, begging for him to come home, but he withdrew and focused all energy on work. He found a new target and had an affair, but kept charming me, flirting with me, acting confused about who to stay with (I was the new victim). I begged him to stay, but that just fueled his anger. He blamed me for the affair, because I stopped complimenting him. Then he not only moved out but moved out of the country, far away from family #2. Surprise! His new victim crossed the ocean and moved to the same city. What a coincidence. I have lost all sense of self and confidence. It feels like everything I thought was true was a lie, and I continually ask the world, “What did I do wrong? Why did he leave me?” I saw a recent email from his new, younger more powerful victim, saying she has found her soulmate. Huh. The dysfunctional pattern continues.
So many of you mention wanting proof of the narcissists infidelity and bad behavior. Seriously, a Private Investigator is usually not that expensive. And whatever few thousand dollars you might have to put on your credit card is nothing compared to the hell you’re in now and the freedom you’ll feel once you’re out.
This is probably the best and most direct explanation of narcissistic relationship abuse I’ve ever read. Thank you
Kb1122, I have been in a relationship with someone like this for a very long time. I know that he cheats and lies to these girls but continues to deny it. I only wished one of them would tell me because then I would have the proof I need. I don’t think she would think you are crazy, I feel she would be grateful that you actually told her.
I was married for four years to a narcissist. Almost everything in this article was true about her except the cutting off contact and silent treatment. She never did that. However the constant lies, manipulative behavior, refusing to accept responsibility all of that definitely happened. And about 5 months after the divorce was final, even though she married the guy she was cheating on me with right away, she started trying to contact me intently on Facebook. I’ve since deleted that account. It’s been hard to move on from all that, but I take things one day at a time and remind myself it’s not me its her. Thank you for this article
I am completely speechless right about now…I’ve been doing research for months now about how my relationship could be so dysfunctional and toxic. I’ve tried to rationalize in my head what I could be doing that is so wrong to be making my relationship be so destructive. I’ve often explored the possibility that my boyfriend is a N, but quickly dismissed the thought as me just trying to “put the blame on him”. After reading the stories, it seems as if some of the women have taken chapters out of my own life’s book. I too had met my boyfriend of two years on the internet.Our first meeting I later found out that quite literally everything he tried to tell me was a complete lie. He said he had two jobs, he had a car, had a house, didn’t do drugs, had custody of his kids, WAS DIVORCED!, and literally nothing he told me was the truth. He was homeless and jobless and lost custody of his children, and was severely addicted to drugs. I felt bad for him because here I had money and a job and a house and stability, and I tried to be the “night in shinning armor”. Shorty after we started dating I had my suspicions that he was being unfaithful, but he convinced me I was just being irrational and listening to the wrong people. Months go on with me taking care of his every whim, including his drug addiction. I started using drugs with him because he would convince me that it was the only way for us to have a good time and not fight. I quickly became broke and dependent on drugs. He would threaten to leave me at least once a week for about 2 years, and even though I knew he wouldn’t actually leave, he enjoyed watching me beg for him and promise impossible things such as money or cars or for me not to talk to my friends or family. He cut me off from the world. People I’ve known and cared for my entire life now gone because he didn’t want me talking to them, or even the father to my children (a different man), was no longer allowed around because he didnt “trust” me. The fights increased, then would subside for a while and back to that sweet charming man he was. Then they would increase and be worse then before. It had lead to be physical abuse only one time. He had accused me of cheating on him, it escalated, he tried to choke me, and i broke his fingers. I never meant to hurt him only defend myself, but when he filed criminal charges against me he made sure to play that victim roll so well. We had separated for a few months, and I felt free for a while, then right before time for trial he told me if I would take him back he would drop the charges..So I bit the bait, hook line and sinker. The mental abuse only worsened. it started to affect my job on a regular basis. i wasn’t allowed to speak to someone of the opposite sex. I wasn’t allowed to have friends. I paid for his cell phone for a while until I caught him cheating on me with his “ex ” wife again, and quit paying. He convinced me the only way he would stay with me was if I got a house with his name on it. Even though he didn’t work and wasn’t helping with bills, I really believed it was the only way I could keep the love of my life by my side. Over the course of about a year, the police had been called to our house so many times I just quit counting, and just when I would think it couldn’t get worse, it would. I lost time with my children, my family. I was constantly in a state of anxiety because I was wondering what was next. Still addicted and roughly 30.000$ later decided to get clean. He knew as long as I was addicted to drugs he had leverage on me and boy would he use it. Threatened me with CPS, called my family and my friends, anything he could do to hurt me. When I decided to get sober I thought for sure I had enough. We had fought so bad I thought about killing him, no really, I was going to kill him in cold blood. I knew if I didn’t change something I would have.I felt like it was my only way out. I found God in my sobriety and it felt so amazing to me. For the first time I was clean and sober and with my new found faith I thought I could take on the world, until he made sure to snuff out that light. It seems the harder I tried the harder he tried to corrupt it. Before you know it he was cheating on me again. Actually left this time, but after a week came right back. The day he returned I found out he had slept with another woman that morning then came to me. And just like the other girls in this blog, he too had a sex fetish and was obsessed with obscene porn, he too would video us even if I didn’t want him to, so it really didn’t surprise me he would sleep with two girls in one day. However I did decide to get tested right after that and low and behold he gave me herpes. I still stayed like a good little faithful girl, I was fully convinced now that no one would ever want me and I had to be with him to survive. The cheating didn’t stop, the lies wouldn’t stop, and through it all he would tell me how horrible I was and how amazing he was. My family and friends begged me to leave, I would just shut them out.I told me dad one day if I didn’t get away from him something bad would happen, and it wasn’t a week later I was in jail. Charged with domestic batter. I pushed him as he threw my belongings out of our house and when I did I didn’t realize he was recording me on video..Never mind he had been pushing me around all night. I get out of jail and move out, hell even move out of state, thinking that would help me get away from him, but it didn’t. A week later I was right back listening to the same old “baby im sorry it wont happen again, ill change”. I’ve been back and forth with myself for about a month now as to if I should move back because hes really trying or if I’m just wasting my time…After reading these blogs I’m fully convinced that the man you speak of is my boyfriend… Thank you so much for opening my eyes just a little more for me today. Its things like this that I draw strength from and it gives me hope that yes, I can leave him for good.Thank for for sharing and allowing me to share, and I know this is a few years old but it does help… God Bless.
There seem to be lots of women married to narcissists here. I wonder if all these men really are narcissists, or whether it’s just sexism.
For reasons of pride, self-esteem and ambition, men can treat their wives like dirt. If things get tense, men can cut off emotionally. They can also dehumanize women as a group, just as people dehumanized blacks in the south. If someone regards you as non-human then you’ll get no empathy from them. This makes them a close-minded asshole rather than a narcissist.
Men also have a strong need to feel in control, to feel above the situation. This need can take priority over any desire to solve the problem or show empathy.
But outside the marriage, the man might have a perfectly normal relationship with a friend, including maybe either other women.
It’s the weirdest thing!
I know NPD is real. I’ve seen it up close for many years. But sometimes I wonder if what seems like a mental disorder is just men being sexist and selfish.
ManX Probably not all of the husbands in these stories are Narcissists, but there is a huge difference between a selfish/sexist man and a Narcissist.
This is SO spot on. I met this guy whom I thought was hot; he pursued me non stop and I felt I was the most important person in his life.
Then Phase 2 started which royally messed me up. He’s a work colleague which makes it really tricky.But I feel I’ve been through the wringer so many times and kept wondering if I had come across as too keen and scared him off, and that somehow I was at fault for his silences.
I reached rock bottom yesterday when he brought one of the girls he’s shagging to work drinks. Holding hands and kissing, after we had arranged that morning to meet for a date. I never felt so hurt before. I’ve deleted all his messages and all his photos. I saw him this morning the coffee shop by accident. He said good morning as if nothing had happened – I ignored him and walked away. I hope I can keep up the NO CONTACT and will remain civil during work interactions.
This article has been a real eye opener, the only complaint I have is that it’s assumed that, at least by my reading, only men are narcissistic. I read through this and thought wow, this is totally my wife, so much of what is written here makes sense. I have to come back later to read through the comments.
Wow, what an eye opener. That 100% describes my marriage! We are together 8 1/2 years and i am devastated the way my life has turned. Every single day i get told how crap and useless i am and walked out on. He comes back days later and acts like nothing has happened! I want to talk about it but he doesn’t. I can’t even describe how much this hurts. I have a good job, 2 children from a previous marriage and never felt so much of a loser. He leaves and i text like a lunatic and try everything to get him back just to get more insults. I have turned into a weak idiot. I always knew something was not right but failed to see what it really was.I guess it is time to take the consequences.
For one year I’ve tried to figure out what I did wrong, what happened. I found my answer. This article saved me. I am a work in progress as he was my world, or so I thought.
Thank you for this article. I just got out of a six year relationship with someone I have realised has narcissistic personality disorder. I had been advised by a few learned friends in the past and recently to look it up and it was a shock to realise it, but I wouldn’t have accepted it until I went through it. A couple of months ago we were due to move back in together after a few tumultuous years, his Father died which I thought was the reason for his awful behaviour the last few years, making excuse after excuse for him. He broke up with me a few times and said the nastiest things anyone has ever said to me. He may have cheated, I’ll probably never know for sure. But he came back when I didn’t run after him. Pulled me back in with false promises and lies. We were soul mates. And he would swing from being an uncaring, selfish asshole to the lovely guy I loved, like a switch went in his head. Enough to keep me hanging on, making me feel sorry for him, lying, lying, lying. I thought it was grief and begged him to get help. The last year was better probably because we were living in different towns and it was like the honeymoon period at times again, in between his moods. I just thought he was depressed. I have suffered from depression for years (which he made me feel guilty about, I was bringing him down) and so wanted to be there for him. I have such low self esteem that I didn’t even notice that he made everything about him, that he made me feel crazy (and called me it), made me feel like I couldn’t have an emotion unless it was approved by him. Despite everything I loved him, or more who he was pretending to be. So 3 weeks before we’re due to move in together he just cuts me out. Won’t speak to me, texts me to say he’s depressed and offers no other information. His family won’t even tell me what’s going on because he’s probably told them a load of shit about how crazy I am. At times I really did think I was going crazy. I found out a few weeks ago he cheated on me one night and she’s his a new girlfriend and they’re serious. After giving me a load of shit literally days before about how I was his world, love of his life etc. I was distraught and blaming myself. But reading this article, and other information has made me see. He’s textbook. So much makes sense now. I was bullied badly in school, my other long term boyfriend was cold and abusive, and my Knight in shining armour, the first guy I thought was truly wonderful, turned out to be a narc. I could let all this beat me. But I won’t. Every shitty thing I go through just makes me feel stronger that I’ve got through it, and that I’ve learned so much about myself and my relationships. I will be so much more careful with myself in the future. I learn from every thing that happens and try to take that as a positive. He will never be able to do that. He tried to break me, but he didn’t. He’s the one who is broken. There were times when he admitted how much he hated himself, only to swing back into his ridiculous facade of the happiest guy in the world, criticising what I saw as healthy realism as negative and ‘disgusting’. He couldn’t deal with anything real, You could almost see a switch go in his head and he would seem like he was wearing a mask. He lost all his friends. I was the only one left who still cared for him and wanted him to get help. Now he’s just surrounded himself with new people who don’t know what he’s like yet, charming the pants off them, literally. If I didn’t hate him so much I would pity him. I feel more sorry for the girl he’s with now. And for myself for wasting another six years of my life on a person who knew my deepest, darkest insecurities and in the end fed off them. But as I said, I won’t let it beat me. Despite all this shit, I feel that I love myself more than I ever have, and that now I have a chance at a new and better life. I wish the same for every one of you. Let’s not let it happen again!
I met a guy online I think was a narcissist. I saw red flags but ignored them because he was so charming, fun, we liked a lot of the same things. He texts me all throughout the day and night. he made me feel beautiful. He was successful. I was on cloud nine. After about a month and 1/2 I started to really see what a selfish jerk he was. He would plan things with me only to cancel them and give me an excuse. He NEVER said sorry for anything. He was very hot and cold with me. I finally called him out and he just disapeared. Now, I know he is with a girl who has kids. I feel really bad for her. I thought about contacting her but I don’t want to come off as crazy. She probably wouldn’t believe me anyway. it’s scary there are people in the world like this.
Sounds exactly like someone I knew, right down to the discard for some young girl with kids. Do these dopes have a playbook they all go by? Was it issued at birth?
Found out the narc I knew though, lost his job where he claimed paid him 100K/yr. Now he’s a truck driver. So much for his bragging/supply. Sometimes there is a little justice…maybe? Now he’ll just have to pound the gym a bit more to make up for that loss.
Even though I’m 7 weeks No Contact and the fog is starting to lift, the experience with my ex boomerang narc still effects me. Reading this this evening had me in tears.
What Savannah describes is so true. When I first met him he took me to lovely restaurants, said all the right things, made me feel special then all of a sudden he turned cold, less texts, less meet ups. I would ask him what was wrong and if he liked me and he would go into rages. I couldn’t understand what I had done wrong.
The whole ordeal has affected me in so many ways and I wonder if I will ever recover fully from it.
The most confusing thing of all is when you decide to walk away from them and they refuse to let go. I thought it was because he had feelings for me but after doing a lot of research I realised they hate to loose supply and also hate to loose control.
I am 23 and fell for a Narcissist when I was 20, he was good looking, charming, said I was beautiful at all the right times and he said all the right things and the sex was passionate. I fell for him big time.
After a while I started to realise its all about him – This guy has no remorse no conscience, he doesn’t work an honest job he’s a con man/crook. He constantly let me down and broke promises.
This man borrowed a substantial amount of money off of my family with the promise of paying it back in month – (at this point we had no clue he was a narc) he has yet to paid the money back which we really need 2 years later.
He would be the charming, complimentary, funny guy at times but other times he would call me fat/podgy or comment on my work or habits to put me down. Always put my friends down too, he laughs at other peoples expense and always is admiring his own reflection.
In July 2015 I got the courage to break from the Narc and cut all contact for 3 months. It was hard at first but I got strong again and everyone said I was back to my old self and had my wings back’ I was really happy.
He has recently come back into my life being the man I fell for but I can see the cracks and true personality why do I feel I love him still? And need him? I feel trapped again and want to get him out my life again!!! here I am crying and losing my mind under his cruel words and manipulative controlling ways.
I never write online or call for help! I just want someone to understand me and give me advice how they got away from one.
It is so very scary that men like this exist in the world.
I wasn’t able to put 2 and 2 together until it was too late. He confided in me that his own father was a Narc, but didn’t admit that he was one himself. The sad thing is that he might not realize it. He gave me the silent for three months before reaching out again and I fell for the lame apology he gave me. I am currently experiencing round two of the silent treatment but it will be the last round. I have told him he is a narc and hopefully he will do something to help himself. I am currently in the healing process and have sought out professional help.
Life Beyond Your Narc
My narc is trying to reenter my life – again. I have read his recent e-mail with attached heartfelt letter, I have read all of his texts (switching every other day from professing undying love to telling me how evil I am) and I have listened to multiple voicemails in a similar vein – I have not responded and I never will. Why ? I was beyond fortunate that I didn’t lose my son during the four and a half years of verbal abuse from this man, also physical abuse toward me and my narc’s multiple suicide attempts. When we met, I had been a widow for almost a year and thought my life was over. I fell into the most amazing relationship with this charming man, who later lived off me and made life a comprehensive misery for me and my son. My son (now 15) and I are embracing our life together and his support of me is tremendous. I see beauty and feel joy in every single day that I don’t hear insults or have to live according to my narc’s rules. Put simply, I am overwhelmingly happy to be free. I had wondered so often how I could help him get better, but now I know he cannot get better. I had been thrilled to hear from him how he truly loved me, only to have my feelings smashed into a billion pieces over and over again. I had thought he was the only person who could ever make me feel good again, only to feel myself slipping down further than before. Well, no more ! The time I will talk to him or see him again is never. The only thing I want from him is nothing. I feel wonderful and I intend that to continue. To anyone out there who is experiencing a narc, there is a narc-free life ahead of you that is so much better and you deserve to have it – just open your eyes, take a deep breath and embrace it !
This article had me saying “yes” and nodding my head, because it so clearly spelled out my experience with a former friend. I use to wonder if she was a Narc (my Dad was), but now I know my hunch was right. When our friendship started out she was funny, sweet, and thoughtful. We shared the same interests, and would spend hours talking into late hours. After about two years of friendship, she got engaged. I was extremely happy for her, and she asked me to be a bridesmaid. She told me I was one of her dearest friends and that she couldn’t imagine me not being a part of it. At this point I couldn’t have imagined us not ever being friends. Everything seemed great until we started talking about the wedding planning. She told me that her other bridesmaids were wanting to start planning the bachelorette party. These girls are a little younger than me, and pretty wild. They wanted to go out clubbing, and wanted to hire a stripper, or find a strip club. My Narc could see that I was a little hesitant about that part of the celebration. I told her that I would be happy to help with anything (paying for food, party favors, set up) or meet them for dinner. However, both my husband and I had agreed awhile ago that if either of us were invited to a raunchy bachelorette or bachelor party, even if a part of the wedding party, we would politely decline. No judgment on anyone who would choose to take part, it just wasn’t for us. I tried to kindly explain to her why I felt uncomfortable, but she came back with how in friendship you just have to suck it up, and do what friends ask sometimes. She also told me that I was a “grown ass woman” and it would be cool. I wrestled with it for a week after having this discussion. I started feeling guilty that I didn’t feel right about it. Was I being a bad friend for not wanting to be a participate? But, in the end I couldn’t make peace with it. So, I sat down with her and explained again that I just couldn’t do it. I also told her, again, that I did still want to be a part of her night out. I would help set up a home party and pay for food, or meet them out for dinner, then go home. She seemed ok with my decision at the time, and told me she understood. I felt relieved and thought we were moving on. But, I guess what followed was the devaluation stage. Suddenly, she wasn’t coming around as much. Texts and phone calls lessened. She would claim to be too busy. And any time she was with me, she started bragging about this new friend she met at work. She would tell me constantly about the fun they had, and how she was at her house “all the time”. Keep in mind this was while telling me how she was too busy to hang out with me. It got to where I would only see her once a month, if at all. When we did get together I would ask her how she was doing. She would never tell me how she was, but immediately started talking about this new friend, and her life. It was like listening to a woman gush about a new boyfriend! It was both strange and hurtful. I started feeling like she was rubbing this in my face, while starving our friendship of time and attention. We just weren’t connecting. Just when I would decide to pull away, she would text or call with an “I miss you!”; as if the distancing was completely my choice. This continued for another year. She wouldn’t call for almost two months, and the suddenly pop up, claiming to miss me. After her wedding, I decided I was done. The constant pushing me away, pulling me close, and other hurtful things had just gotten to be too much. I felt I had given her enough time to forgive me for the bachelorette disagreement and move on. Nothing ever changed. I just felt used and discarded. Unfortunately, she had a death in her family two months later. She reached out, and I genuinely wanted to be a shoulder, despite my mixed emotions. I didn’t mind talking with her, but I knew if I got too involved I would end up used. She called me one night while I was sick, and missed her call. So, I texted her immediately the next morning telling her I wanted to talk, and to call me when she had time. She never did. I thought about calling, but my gut told me that it was better to let go. The ball was in her court. That was eight months ago. No call or anything from her until last week. She contacted me on Facebook with a note: “Hey I know it’s been awhile. What did you think of the Pretty Little Liars finale? I hated it”. That was all. I was hurt and galled at the same time. Even after eight months she thought she could walk back into my life without apologies or honesty. I didn’t answer. I knew she wasn’t sorry about anything, and I started feeling hurt all over again. I’m so grateful to have found this article. It helps me know that I’m not alone, and that I did the right thing. Thanks!
I ended a relationship with a narcisist last month. We dated for 8 months. I am only so happy to realize this now and not later. The first part of our relationship was happy, funny, romantic, I was swept off my feet, it was a fast moving romance but thought we both were in our 30’s – this is what happens!
After 5 months ,A sketchy past did not add up, he had only few close family members, friends in many places, refused to answer basic questions on who he wAs communicating with. After I questioned him texting with an ex, he immediately got defensive and retreated. Twisted the situation. He was being made the bad guy. I was “ruining” and hurting him. Refused to take ownership for hurtful words or cheating. All forms of communication are cut , because they will again twist it and say they need you, you need each other. they love you, they need you, they will take you away and buy you materialistic things. Better off alone and from the psychological/emotional grips from these people. Stay strong and surround yourself with honest and caring people.
This article helped me so much. My self esteem is gone. I have been wounded but am determined to heal! Does anyone know of any support groups online or maybe we can start a chat to encourage each other. I know first hand that people don’t understand unless they experience something like this themselves. Please let me know.
I am a divorcee doctor and was holidaying in India when I met this widower from a royal family at the local club. After a few meetings I felt that he was taking me out just to show me off to people. I missed the last date. He promised marriage. I came back to the UK. He did not call me for the next couple of weeks. Then I would see missed calls at the end of the shift and whenever I called back, the phone would be switched off. Atlast I had almost given up on him for the next couple of months. I was in Lisbon for a conference, when he spoke to me and talked again about marriage. He would then call on a weekly basis. On the 5th of july he calls me and says that he met his old classmate from college who had come down from the US at the club and that she was there with her children.Then he said something funny-I think one of the waiters at the club is spying for me which was not true. But my sis would do a lot for that particular waiter. The next day I took that waiter’s no from my sis and called him. He said that there were no children and he was sitting alone with a woman. I came to your site read about NPD. I blocked his number. He is desperately trying to get back in touch with me. He does not call me, but speaks to that waiter. The waiter did not tell him that he speaks to me. Now Mr Narcissist is keen to meet my brother in law as my parents are dead and my only bro lives in the US, I hope he doesnt, if he does I will lodge a police complaint against him.I am upset and disappointed because my chances of ever getting married are nil as I am a hindu divorcee, but atleast I can live in peace. I have a dependent sister, and I will never let any third person mess around with my blood relatives.
He was also a Narcissist. The worst thing that has ever happened to me. I regret the day I met him. I waisted 2 years of my life on him. I loved him with all my heart and all he did was lie, cheat, and screw around with my feelings. After the first phase was over I held on because I thought I was doing something wrong. Maybe if I try a little harder, give him more love, fit into his life he will love me but it was impossible to get through to him. Everyone thinks he’s this great, caring, loving guy but he’s a monster, a devil who doesn’t care about anyone. he stays with women for a few months then moves on. I feel very lonely now but when I was with him I felt worse more alone than ever. I hate it when I see him happy with new women but at the same time my heart goes out to them. No one deserves to go thru this hell. I always believed that if you love someone love them unconditionally, honestly, selflessly and accept the light and dark in that person. But all he had was darkness.
I don’t think I ever even loved him because how can you love someone who has deadened themselves on the inside. I always believed that you should never wish anything bad for someone you love no matter what but I hope from the bottom of my heart that he gets punished for all that he has done. I hope one day he loses everything. His fake image, his hope, his selfish desires and dreams. And all he would have left is emptiness! The same emptiness that’s in his heart I hope it surrounds his life.
I had to read this article few times. I am devastated, my ex of 6 years sounds so much like this. He cheated on me and with time apart we decided to work it out. then over the past few years he would break up and be with someone few days later, i figured that there was something wrong with me and he wasnt happy with me. I supported him with his life goals and bodybuilding, did everything i could to be a great girlfriend and still got treated poorly in the end. everything was blamed on me. he said he cheated because i didnt sell my house to move to his city. also told me that i didnt put him first and always went to visit my parents instead of driving to see him on a friday night. (mind you my parents live an hour away from me, i would go visit them and then drive 1.5 hrs to see my boyfriend to spend time together), it was never good enough. i am hurt, heartbroken, low self esteem and everything else. I feel like i will never be good enough for anyone because of this and are trying to become the person i once was. He even tried to contact me few months ago and does not want to get back together but talks sexually and wants to exchange photos. how horrible is that to be looked at as thats all he wanted from me. Its going to be a long journey with healing and i never thought i would have such a hard time getting over someone who i really saw my future with but he didnt feel the same way. If you meet someone and see these signs in them that are mentioned in the article i suggest you distance yourself from that person, its not worth the heartache and pain down the road with trying to get your life back on track. it only gets harderto move on the longer you have been with the person
The best thing about this article, is that it is basically a template for ALL NPD’s. That is one thing about NPD’s, they all stick by the same pattern.
Unfortunately, most people are like me, and you have to go through an experience with an NDP, before you figure this out. Which can be very chaotic to our mental state, especially if you have invested so much into the relationship.
I have had a close friendship with a NPD for almost 3 years. Up into a few months ago, I was in the “over evaluation phase”. I believe I was in the 1st stage so long, because I was always there to support my NPD friend. Always there to help. Always there to provide the admiration, adulation, and “supply” that he needed.
I recently discovered that I am an empath/HSP, which has helped me understand why I attracted this emotional vampire.Always giving, which is perfect for the NPD, because they are always taking.
About 4 months ago, I commented to him about him showing interesting in my needs. This is when he started to “distance” himself, and show his true colours. I would get the silent treatment for a few weeks, and then he would be back like nothing happened. I recently caught him in a lie, and approached in about it. He of course twisted his response around to try to confuse me, but I was not falling for it this time.
Now he is cancelling nights out together, which he promised to attend. I bought tickets to sporting events, after stating he would go. Then at the last minute he would say that he had a “special appointment” come up at the last minute. Only saying that is was personal, and confidential. This was of course a “mind $#$#” response.. Very disheartening, especially since I truly care for him.
I know the best thing for me is just to end the friendship now, because I know I will eventually be put in the “discard” phase.
Still, it is VERY tough, because I do have a heavy heart, and try to see the best in anyone, and help those in need. There is good in everyone. However in the case of a NPD they good side, their true soul has been buried deep into a bottomless hole.
This was exactly the pattern w my narc ‘friend’. Our friendship lasted 7 yrs until I ended it after learning of his double life, all of it he shut me out from.
The 1st 2 were the ‘idealization’ phase and he was nice to me b/c I reassured him of his talents, his intelligence, etc. which he fed off of. I think he was initially in a cerebral mode where he got his supply that way.
He used a fake name and then when I learned of his real name he began changing.
By the 3rd year he grew colder and cruel. He became somatic, obsessing about the gym, celeb gossip, wouldn’t read books or watch films or engage in topics of depth anymore.
He was covert in that he would be distant, unempathetic, condescending, etc. but he would also feed me flattery in very small bits, telling me he cared, etc. which made it so hard. I kept wondering, ‘Is he manipulating me?’
I knew something wasn’t right. Always my fault and he turned when I too seemed to make ‘demands’ of him emotionally. Once when a relative of mine was dying, and I wanted to talk, he said he couldn’t ‘because it was too nice weather’. What? Not even an offer to talk later. Nothing.
Ending that ‘friendship’ was trauma for me, which of course he blamed me for, claiming I was ‘too sensitive’ and I was the one who allowed myself to get hurt. Even if true, he took no responsibility that his coldness, lies and manipulation could be the problem.
He was fantastic at twisting words and gaslighting and in the beginning phase, he would ask all sorts of questions about me till I realized he never asked me anything about myself anymore. He would just assume my thoughts and feelings. ‘What can I do to make it better’? I’d ask over again. No real answer he’d give.
The one time he did ask me a question was when I told him he never asked me any questions about myself and so the question was of course about something I’d done to him. Him, him, him. Always him. Could never remember my birthday either. Would promise things and then fall through at the last minute but would give lots of nice words which kept me clinging. That’s why it was so hard to end it.
Finally I realized the words were not enough to counteract the pain he was putting me through and I went NC.
Never in my life have I had someone I was so kind to treat me w such contempt. It’s hard b/c you want to believe this person is good but he really isn’t. Just hollow and empty inside.
I was due to marry my ex fiancée this September and was discarded by her in May after having been in a relationship with her for 4 and a half years.When I met her she had a 6 month old son who I helped raise like he was my own.I started to question her behaviour towards me in March after she had been on a night out with a female friend I felt she had changed towards me and in April we fell out a couple of times over three trivialist of things and she reacted by storming off to her Mum’s. I knew there wasn’t something right and asked her if we had a future together on a couple of occasions to which she replied no I don’t think so.I was devastated and kept asking her why she felt this way and I kept apologising but the more I reached out looking for answers the more I got projected blame put back on me,I didn’t understand and felt so heartbroken that I girl I loved and was so looking forward to marrying couldn’t care less about me and my feelings,not only did she end the relationship I had with her but also the relationship I had with her son who turned 5 years old in April. It felt horrible to be treated so cruelly and not know why this had happened,I found out two weeks after we split in May she was out in the town with another man,I was then told this was the man who’s marriage my ex fiancee had help break up years ago and who had returned to the area last year after divorcing his wife. I was told my ex fiancee and this man had been secretly meeting at her work place on Sundays.If that wasn’t bad enough I was diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection in June having contracted it from my ex fiancee,since we split in May she left her job in a Pharmacy as she knew the lies would start to unfold and I previously worked in the same store where her Pharmacy job was based,I only found out the truth from her ex colleagues who were kind enough to tell me about what was going on.After everything that happened I pieced together all her behaviours and looked at it from a psychological angle and realised my ex fiancee is a narcissist who never loved me and just used and abused me like an object.I found out after 4 and half years who my ex fiancee really was and that is an habitual liar,cheat,coward and someone who covets and is a jealous and envious person who can never take responsibility for her own indescretions and chooses to blame others.It has been 3 months since I last seen or spoke to her and I still cry to myself most days as I can’t remove her from my head,it is the most painful thing to give your love and trust to someone who you feels the same towards you then find out it was one big lie,i feel I have been psychologically raped and I don’t know where to go from here,please help me if you can,love to you allx
My mom has put up with my Ndad’s NPD for 22 years now and has reached her edge so many times…while this article is spot on I wish there were a way to change them and if not that just make my mom the happy woman she deserves to be. Thanks for the on point article.
I met a guy online, and now know he was a narcisist. Only lasted a few weeks but left me in tatters, bewildered and tearful.
I wasn’t the selfless type, and didn’t admire and worship him and didn’t say how impressed I was. I was confused that each time he did something and I didn’t voice my admirationa and approval he seemed to go quiet, get overly hurt then lash out cruelly. Even the smallest things set him off.
At first he was overly attentive and the life of the party – talking about our future together. But I noticed it was all his future and how I could fit in to make it better for him. Nothing about me or ever asking what I wanted.
When I talked about me he got bored.
He was the vulnerable narcisist. He hide his insecurities by bragging, dressing well and painting a picture of himself as superior.
Then after an intense 4 days together, the early honeymoon, it was all over. He suddenly disappeared, give me no warning and cancelled his flight two hours before.
The lack of empathy was shocking. He didn’t apologize for the lack of warning, he just talked about how he realised he hadn’t fallen in love – like there was something wrong with me.
How does someone fall in love after 4 days together – he said that is what usually happens with him.
He was off looking for someone else immediately.
I was left with seriously low self esteem. Thinking about all the critisms of me, especially the physical ones.
Until I read online about this type of behaviour. The honeymoon period, the bragging, the falling in love instantly, the great beginning with so much passion, then the disappearing act with the total lack of empathy.
I’m trying to heal.
This is my ex down to the ground. We were together for 3.5 months before I had to leave and it was the most hardest thing I have ever had to do emotionally as by then I had fallen for her.
I joined a dance school where she was and she pursued me relentlessly. I loved it, she was perfect for me on paper, same interests, same background and both being performers – it was fantastic. Then I had the ‘nerve’ to say no to her and as I was obviously out of control, she abused me for it and then the lies started. I knew something was wrong, that there was something she wasn’t telling me as she was starting to withdraw from me and I couldn’t understand why; what could I have done wrong for her to abuse, invalidate and belittle me in such a way. I racked my brain, replaying our conversations over and over to find out why – I never could, because I now know it wasn’t me; it was her. She told me nothing was wrong and I wanted reassurance that she wanted me still. She gave that reassurance for about a week and then stopped. She also promised to stop playing mind games, she stopped for a few days and then started again. She always told me I was in her life until she said otherwise, completely invalidating my own feelings about us.
By this time I was an emotional wreck, lost so much weight, I couldn’t understand why someone who I thought liked me would treat me such a way. I am still re-building my life and I hate that I still want her from time to time, but reading articles like this one helps my resolve that I made the right decision for my mental health to walk away.
She has never apologised for her behaviour (in her mind, I did the wrong thing), still checks me out, talks to me nicely, flirts with me and then airs our past in public bringing it all crashing down again. This girl has a serious problem and I am a survivor. But I still love her, but never enough to be with her ever again. I value myself too much to put myself through all the rubbish again.
I was in a relationship, and just now getting out of it, was in it for 2.5years, of pure hell, thought he was the one, he was charming sweet, sex was off the chain, he adored me for the first 3months, then after that, he starting changing, becoming more an more belittle me, then he would say oh, you are beautiful, then say, you need workout more, we are both bodybuilders, he would insult my sense of taste, belittle me all the time, starting calling me constantly wondering where I was, if I didn’t answer the phone immediately, even if I told him I was at store, I would cringe when he would call, starting having anxiety attacks, he went through several jobs, I got a nose pierced one time, he said get that shit out of your nose, looks horrible, if we go eat somewhere, we will go thru drivethru, he held me down on the floor, wanting to take it out, I told him no. Then he apologizes, but not meaning it. He created a fake fbook account to see if I would respond to a guy asking me out, he constantly wanted praise, it was all about him, I never got valadiation for anything. I once had a uti, we were working out, told him I was hurting, needed to go, said just like you not to finish a workout, are you gonna go home and cook. Lie after , lie, and he would twist my thoughts around, whatever he said, would make me confused, everytime all my fault, no matter what it is, I beg you if you are in a relationship that is toxic get out, I am having to do therapy, and it is ruff, I want him back, but really don’t, its like an addiction, it hard to explain if never been in a relationship of this nature, you just get caught up in it, and its like the norm. and this relationship is not norm. its taken me 2years to finally say no contact, each every relationship he has had last about 3months, and he leaves, I just happen to be the one suffered from it.
I was married to such a creep for over 10 years. I can relate to every sentence in this article. What a major waste of valuable time, but a great lesson was learned by yours truly. It’s difficult to believe such callous people exist, but they do. I see the ex as no more than a card player, a true con artist from the pits of hell. It’s definitely all about them. And then, as if I didn’t do him a favor by honoring his request for a divorce after I moved out and he found a new supply (which he probably had all along), he wants to call and have small talk. I’ve blocked every doorway of communication that was opened except my cell phone. I am going to go ahead and surrender that number today as I want nothing to do with this guy. He needs prayer and it would take God to change him. All of you who have suffered and gone through a relationship with a bona fide narcissistic fool, you have my best wishes for a full and speedy recovery.
This post is an accurate description of the hell one endures in relationship with someone with narcissistic personality disorder. They will never change. They see no reason to. They are perfect in their eyes. According to their deranged psyche – it’s everyone else with the problems. Even God. No amount of prayer, hope, and love from you will change them. The best advice is to get away and cut your losses. And the losses are deep. Truly, inconceivable to an outsider.
The only suggestion I have for the author, is to please proof read this article again. Grammar mistakes take away from validity of your truth.
Thank you.
It is best to break the cycle and let go of the narcissist. Afterwards your life will change with awareness and self determination to have healthier relationships moving forward.
I am right now experiencing the cut-wrenching pain of the silent treatment by my narc. Thankfully I found your article and it truly resonated with me. I have a long road ahead of healing, but for now will simply focus on getting through one day at a time. Thank you.
This seems really familiar particularly the abrupt silences.
In my case there was an intense relationship of a month before the subject went abroad to work, promising to keep in touch and send me his new phone number, etc, etc. Then nothing for three months. When I finally managed to speak to him he told me that he’d been thinking things over and decided he didn’t want a long distance relationship, then blamed me as he “didn’t know what I wanted”. Why he couldn’t have asked or told me this I don’t know but avoiding conflict was also a major motivator for his behaviour.
I did try to stay friends with him which lapsed into a quasi-relationship but all the same behaviour kept cycling round. Between jobs he’d spend all his free time with me and I’d think we were close then he’d disappear for months and tell me I was insecure when challenged.
Lucky escape though I guess as he had cheated on his ex with a much younger woman over several months until caught out by FB messages, seemed to show no remorse and indeed referenced his “lack of moral fibre” in a “look at me aren’t I cute?” sort of way.
The surface charm is still appealing but two years of this completely damaged my self-esteem and left me questioning my sanity. I wish I’d walked away completely after that first month, if not before.
I found myself doing a lot of research on sociopaths and narcissists. I am not sure w5hich one am dealing with. There are days when I wonder if I am the one who has a problem. I met this guy and we have been dating for a few months. He was a real charmer who showers me with gifts and took me to all the right places. Later on in the relationship I realise that nothing I say is ever good enough and if I share a different opinion he complains how I always go opposite of him and when two people go opposite it can’t work. I told him its Ok to have different opinions without conflict but he disagrees and says I am the reason we have fights. I try not to talk and he complains that he has to carry all conversation because I never have one for him. He says things that would make any normal person feel bad thenhe says he ddon’t see a reason for me to get upset and how I am showing hate when he is showing love. He finds faults of everything then says nothing bothers him and I am the one making a big deal out of everything. He believes that after a fight and he comes and tells me he loves me I must get right back in the mood n smile because he feels its high time I do. He says I don’t need to give anybody else my attention because it is all for him. The topics that I can normally reason with other people I can’t with him. He says he’s trying to edify me and make me into a better person and he feels that God has that work cut out for him and he can identify flaws in people so whatever I say or do; for him there is always a better way. I find myself calling a couple exes and checking with my friends if there is anything wrong with me that they might have seen but never pointed out. I asked them to tell me my problems and they all say the same thing: none! I even started wondering if my friends and I are the ones with the problem and he is the sane one with the good eye and sees everything. When he says he’s going I tell him please do and I show no sign of hurt he never does. Instead he says if I really loved him I wouldn’t seem so joyful. Truth is I don’t hate him but I want to maintain my sanity. I might even miss him. This is not even half the story but I hope it is enough to help me identify what I am dealing with. Thanks
Omg thank you! This article helped me see my past three relationships in a completely new way. The best news: I DO NOT need to beat myself up anymore about the other person’s behavior. I have a long way to go, because I really need to embody the truth that the relationship’s ending was NOT my fault (and also that the ending was A TOTAL blessing). Thank you thank you thank you. Also, I feel like Taylor Swift should read this article. Anyone else?
While not married to someone with NPD, I have recently been discarded by a niece. After talking about this incident and what led up to it, my sister (who has a masters in psychology) told me she thought this niece, I’ll call her Pat, had this particular problem. So I began reading up on this disorder, and your article describes her to a tee.
She has always been vain, egotistical, victimized, hyper-sensitive to perceived criticism, and so on. She changes her life direction nearly every year, has possibly gotten into her first long-term relationship but is always snappy and rude to that person.
She began to become this way with me (insensitive, rude, etc.) about three years ago. She would cycle between over-evaluation and undervaluing. She began to cause great drama at perceived insults, to the point that she would become very rude and harsh toward me. As a reaction, I would follow up with some perhaps blunt words that hurt her and were the cause of her perceived victimization, never once the thought occurring to Pat that she had instigated this cycle.
The final blow was after a week of welcoming Pat and her family into our house this summer. They are traveling around North America and we provided food, shelter, entertainment, tools to fix their vehicle, etc. The final night here she got snappy after I told her I thought she had always been pretty. Yes, you are reading this right: she took my compliment as an underhanded criticism.
They left the next day, and I found I was blocked from her social media and without a thank you for hosting them or an apology from the night before. I found out through my daughter, who was also visiting, that Pat had decided not to come to a long-planned family Christmas this year. I wrote one email to Pat, and I told her my perspective and asked that she talk to me if thee was a problem with me. I have never heard back, and from what I’m feeling and learning have been basically discarded.
If you are scratching your head from the fact that someone would write me out of their life stemming from a compliment, join the club. The rest of my family who was there was kind of paralyzed by her snobbiness toward me that night. My family not there is really upset…but this kind of activity is not new. For instance, my daughter’s husband banned her from staying at their house due to extreme rudeness while staying there before.
It’s all really hurtful, but I have been reading articles like yours, which really help in realizing Pat does have a problem, and it’s not me. I am not the type people can walk over (I have been in the past, but learned how to stay away from such people). While sad that she has this problem, I can only realize that having detached compassion is probably best for now. I’ve seen her rudeness toward others I care about (including her own partner–I feel sorry for that person).
I cannot believe I escaped from this 18 year marriage with a narcissist. Its been 7 months and am still going through a divorce and am in mediation. The lies and terrible things he has said and done to me through all of this. I should not have expected anything better from him. Years of abuse, psychological, sexual and he almost killed my spirit. At the end I found out that he was on a sugar daddy website offering young women money for sex, that was the last straw. It was like living with Dr. Jeckyl and Mr. Hyde.
I am currently in counseling and do not feel like I will ever be able to get over this and lead any kind of a normal life. I don’t want to go out of my apartment and do anything. I am forcing myself to get up in the morning, eat, take care of my cats. Thats about it. My biggest fear is that this has damaged me to the point that I can never lead a normal life again. Thanks for letting me vent here. Great article. And the truth. No Contact for the rest of your life with a narcissist.
This is so revealing, so informative. This is exactly what happened to me and I am just reeling and stunned, so hurt. I am trying to put myself back together after being broken time after time. How does one recover from this? Is there anything to help someone with narcisisstic personality disorder? He will deny, deny and be combatant and defensive even just trying to patch it up.
I’m shocked right now. I just got out of a relationship with a Narc and I never knew it. The last year of my life has been a waste. The stages fit our relationship perfectly. When we met she told me and made me believe I was the best thing that ever happened to her. She was unseperable to me. She then gave me sob story after sob story about things including her finances. I loaned her money and once I did that she’d start separating at times from me. Then she’d make excuses about how busy she was. We’d make plans and she would cancel and make me feel bad for questioning why she cancelled. She told me all all my friends were not real friends and told me family members didn’t care about me. She made it seem she was only one that cared about me. She was so slick. Then she’d suck me back in with nice gestures and the cycles continued. She even made sure I sexually gratified her more then she did to me and she even had a story for that. She’d push me away then constantly try get me respond a few days later telling me it’s an emergency. Now she finally has another victim because started calling her game. I just never realized until now how serious this was. I thought she was just a manipulator but she’s a true narc that manipulates. I just started seeing a therapist. I feel so alone and so depressed that she never truly loved me and it was all a game. I still care though and wish she’d get help. I feel like she was asking for help because she’d tell me how she doesn’t know how to love and that she gets bored easily but I shrugged it off because when she’d suck me back in I felt like a princess. A lot more happened. It it would take me hours to describe. I’m just numb and know I have a rough road to recovery. Thanks for this blog. I now know she truly needs help and it was never me as the problem.
I always thought my ex might have been bi-polar or that he struggled from a dysfunctional childhood, but he is everything outlined in this article. We met, fell in love, got engaged, got married, had a baby, and started a successful business together. Then as soon as our son was born and I was at home and couldn’t go out, the tide really turned. He played in a band and wouldn’t come home until 4 am. He wouldn’t answer his phone and all the signs were there. He embezzled all of the money from our business, found another girl, basically led a double life for a month and once I discovered what was going on, he begged to come back. We stayed apart of 8 months, he repeated his courtship cycle, mirrored himself to be the husband and father I imagined and we ultimately had another baby because I believed in him so much. That lasted about 3 more years until he did the same things all over again. Our children were 6 and 3 and he needed to see if he could make it on his own. He didn’t want a divorce he told me. But that was surely because he was waiting to see how things were going to work out with the new one. I wasn’t falling for it this time and quickly divorced him. But I had the hardest time understanding how he couldn’t want to be with his children. He didn’t give me full custody; just asked if he could see them when it was basically convenient for him. He never showed up when he said he would, put our kids in jeopardy more than once, was a drunk, got in trouble with the law, alienated every person he ever came into contact with and I struggled and struggled to try and make sense of how he could make me feel so loved and then not seem to care at all about his own children. They were a showpiece for him. He is now with a woman, same one since we divorced, and she enables him day in and day out to continue his behavior. When she would through him out, he would try to come back to me, his previous “supply” line. He has no shame, does feel horrible, guilty and sad at times. I went to a therapist when we were divorcing and I remember asking how he can look at himself in the mirror each day, as a man who neglects his children (never pays child support either) and the therapist said, “he’s a narcissist, he looks in the mirror and says “wow, I’m wonderful”.
My children haven’t spoken to him in 4 1/2 years. As far as I’m concerned, he has no redeeming qualities and would steal from them and continue to emotionally hurt them. His temper was and is awful, constant cursing and insults, but never physical.
I use to try to rationalize what he would do and thought I was the crazy one, over analyzing, reading too much into things, but I learned that all of the lying and deceit just makes you crazy and doubt yourself and its the narcissist making you become this type of person. My advice, go with your gut. People like this do show red flags and we gloss over them. Don’t. Run, don’t walk from people with these characteristics. I can honestly say I don’t hate my ex, I have no feeling for him at all.
This is the best article I’ve read and sums up my marriage incredibly well.
omg. thank you!!!
It is such a relief to read this article and finally understand what happened the last two and a half years of my life. My fortune teller warned me 6 months ago “he’s not well mentally, he’ll never be happy with anyone.” Now I fully get what she meant by that. The discard stage is so very painful and I feel the pain from every single story I read here. The one thing I want to say to everyone who has suffered under the hands of these twisted selfish animals. Don’t let them ruin your lives, they would just love to think that they had that power over you. Best revenge: find peace in the fact it wasn’t your fault, you still are special and wonderful and amazing even though they might not say it anymore doesn’t mean you are not. Get happy anyway you can, and ignore the egotistical fool who will never be happy with anyone. Smile inside and out because you know who they REALLY are now. Don’t waste a moment of your precious life doubting yourself over the fool who was loved by you but wasted it. Love yourself more than anyone ever could. Pray, meditate, do yoga, dance, sing, blare music, walk in the park, look up at the sky and remember they are only a dot on the earth and are nothing in comparision to the big picture of life. They don’t deserve to have your attension for a moment longer. You are strong and have survived a very painful experience for a reason. Go find your reason. Love and light to all who have suffered or are suffering. Stay strong and know you are not alone.
Hi, I just had this very thing happen to me with a guy I met online. Absolutely to a tee! I moved an hour away from my family to be wi this guy and within 6-mo to 1 year he wanted me out. The insults, the negative comments, the devaluing, sudden distant behavior. All in a matter of 3.5 years.
He continues to try to give me morsels of attention, although he is more than likely looking for his next victim while trying to keep me on the “friends” list.
Ha! What a waste……
I posted before but am feeling the desperate need to try and get some answers from others who have suffered this. My Narcissist partner followed the 3 phase cycle to the letter. I was stunned when I read about it. But on doing lots more reading as I think we all do, I have now read about hovering and yet again I am shocked beyond belief. I read a list of the tactics they use for this and the type of text messages they send, and I could have wrote it myself. So my question is this, how can different people all be behaving in such an identical way even down to the things they say. Its almost as if my ex read up about how to become a Narcissist because it was so spookily done by the book! If they go through phase 1 and are quite capable of being nice, surely they realise that being nice is the right way to be in life and leads to happy times, so why would they want to then go on to the next 2 phases and destroy everything. I’m really struggling to come to terms with this. What I am really beating myself up about as well is that despite being a well educated, sensible, mature woman, I fell into the trap completely and cant believe I let it happen for 6 months. I ended up seeing him more or less knowing that he was meeting other ladies even though he kept denying it. And I even got what I thought were mistake text messages that I thought were meant for someone else, and now I find they use this as a hovering tactic, they purposely send messages to look as if they were meant for someone else to try and keep you hooked. What the hell was I thinking. I wake up every day and cant even get out of bed for a while as my stomach feels so bad and I cant bear the pain that it was all fake and I was so stupid. Please, please someone try and help me to understand. I’m starting counselling tomorrow as this is the worse thing I have ever gone through in my life!
Destroyed Narcissists have an agenda and they operate by trial and error and they learn as they go. It seems that they all use the same tricks because they use the tactics that work and disregard the ones that don’t. They get very good at reading people and figuring out which tactics to use on whom and when.
Hi. I am a “narc”, and I would like to point out that while this article is quite accurate and concise, people with the disorder aren’t nearly as heartless as you make them out to be. Yes, narcissism is an actual personality disorder. We cannot just discard someone easily, and when we hurt them we feel like complete shit afterward; we just don’t do anything to stop it. This article is completely biased and makes us with the disorder seem like monsters in society, when in reality we feel just as bad as the victims. Most of us wish that we were better people, but we can’t become better because we don’t know how. I hope you will look more into the narcissist’s point of view before making irrational assumptions based on only your experiences.
My dear Narc if you are on a desk top look to your right. There you’ll see over 100 blog posts many of which do look at the disorder from Narcissist’s perspective, titles such as Interview With a Narcissist 1 & 2, or Anxiety Kings…to name a few. I hope you will look further into the blog before making irrational assumptions based on only your experiences.
Oh my goodness. I have just been through 6 months of complete hell and what was torturing me the most wasn’t that I had to end the relationship for my sanity and health, but desperately trying to understand why and constantly questioning him to try and get these answers. I could have wrote this 3 phase cycle myself. It is completely spot on. I didn’t even know what a Narcissit is until I googled heartache and stumbled across it. I have been 9 weeks not seeing him but haven’t managed no contact via text yet. The relief I have felt immediately from finding that I haven’t lost my mind, and he was doing the things he denied, and that its actually got a name has been great. My question is though, do they actually consciously plan this, or is the disorder working in their subconscious to behave like this? Reading the forums with great relief and interest. Again, I could have wrote some of others experiences myself, and sometime when I read others I wonder if they were with the same man as me because the traits are identical, sometimes down to the things they say. To normal human beings like me I find it shocking and disturbing. I know my ex wasn’t leading a happy life so why do it?!!!!
I have been going thru this with a man for over 2 years now. I have so much clarity. Everything and I mean EVERYTHING described in this article is a spit and image of him. I was warned a few months back he could be a Narcissist but I kind of blew it off. But for the past 48 hours I have been reading so much info and everything describes him. Its heard to let go of someone I am in love with. But then I question myself, what part are you in love with? He does nothing for me and brings nothing to the table that I bring Thanksgiving and blessings to. As a Christian women I really didn’t think I would ever be able to be fooled by a human because I would never let myself take abuse the way I did with him. Never physical just all mental. Like my screen name is on here “I am In Shock”.
Time to pray people away!!!
I have been going through this for 8 years I met him when I was 14 i always knew something was wrong with him . the way he always walked out on me blamed me for everything . it wasn’t until I turned 17 that it got bad he was controlling he started abusing me made me feel like I was the problem I always thought I was the one that needed to change that I was the problem. I left many times but always came back he claimed he changed that he got on medicine we had children together when I turned 18 so it became harder to leave but I did anyways I couldn’t take it but one again I would go back thinking he was different . I just can’t believe I never knew I was with a narcissist I’m not with him anymore I’m in a domestic violence shelter and I’m starting over
I’m married to a NPD. 4.5 yrs of hell. Currently separated. I finally saw the emotional and verbal abuse for what it actually was. I finally realized I am not the problem and I’m not crazy, it is his crazy making behavior and the gaslighting and put downs that have caused me anxiety, depression, fear etc. I feel like my life has been burned to the ground. I’m trying to re establish connections and friendships but it’s difficult. I feel so alone. I don’t like being alone, or doing things alone. But I know that I have to learn how because I can’t let him back in. It’s disgusting and sick and horrible that one person can cause so much damage and chaos and horror and then walk away with no sadness, singing while he packed his stuff. I have so much anger and hate and sadness. I have a very long road to go. Thankfully I have family, a good faith in God, and a good therapist. But some days are so hard anyway despite all that it’s all I can do to sit in one spot and do nothing.
I am in a relationship with a man such as this. This describes him incredibly closely. Having put me through my paces and heartache, picking up and dropping back down numerous times, he begged me to take him back. We moved in together and started the process of buying a house. A the same time he embarked upon another relationship with a girl at his work. I found out about it only this weekend. the texts were devastating to read. What is bizzare is that whilst this relationship was clearly in full pelt, he was telling me how I was his world and how I had turned his life around. Then the next day texting her to tell her how we wished he had been able to spend the weekend with her. He is now full of woe and apology and promising me this is the lesson he needed. I love him and I know I am deluded and I am playing the victim BUT my question is, can they ever change with help? He has suggested he might go and seek help as I have told him this is a condition. Can Narcissists be cured ever? Am I simply prolonging the inevitable heartbreak of my world falling apart. Please help me to understand x
I’ve read and re-read this article a dozen times. A great reminder that I wasn’t crazy and not to beat myself up or blame myself for the demise of our relationship. I have a question though: Are all narcissists as calculating and intentional in their cruelty, or are some (perhaps not full-blown NPD) more or less victims of their wounds and self-protection instincts? I see in my ex an inability to show or feel empathy but I don’t necessarily see the degree of intentional cruelty you indicate here.
Lynne, you have been able to put into words exactly the question I desperately want to know the answer to. Do they consciously go about planning this behaviour or does it come naturally from their sub conscious? I ask because I find it so hard to believe that an intelligent man, self employed, polite, friendly, can actually plot all this intentionally! I guess I am still in shock!
Are Narcissists aware of their behavior considering it’s a personality disorder:
Thanks. I’ve read the page about whether they are aware that what they are doing is wrong. Do you think that this can be caused by bad past relationships? My ex had been married twice before and said that he was lonely the whole time as neither wife had any interest in him or was a good wife. I have to bear in mind that you cant believe a word he says though.
destroyed: NPD doesn’t just appear when they’ve gone through a bad relationship. Read my blog The Making of a Monster for more information.
Agreed using this to try to explain to people what happened and why it’s so hard to get over. No one’s ever made me feel so loved then so worthless. The things she did vs who I thought she was and what we always promised eachother broke me in ways I don’t know how to fix. I’ve never felt so used, betrayed, humiliated. I’ve gotten better at pretending I’m over it.. I’m tired of people worrying, tired of being so depressed everyday. I never imagined I could cry this much, depression used to rule my life and I swore I’d never let it again but I don’t know how to be who I was anymore, and I hate this new person who can barely function. My family has been dealing with serious health issues my mother is back in the hospital, others have lost children or wives, I can’t talk to anyone anymore, I feel like such a burden and so pathetic for not being able to move on from a breakup.. but it’s been so overwhelming. Do they always wait until you’re weak and spring their trap on you? Could any of it have been real for her? I know it doesn’t matter, no one treats another people the way she did of they care.. but it hurts even worse thinking of all the things I trusted her and supported her on that were probably just more lies.. did I ever know a real person or did she just do what she does with eveyone and only show me what she wanted me to see? I loved her so fing much, I keep having dreams right before i wake up where I’m holding her and I swear I can feel her.. she felt real.. why do they have to make it so traumatic? I never had panic attacks before and now I shake and stutter, I fell over and had to goto the er when she made me leave my home she abandoned at her will.. I wish I wouldn’t have but I was trying to be understanding.. I should have stayed not that she would have faced me or talked to me anyway but just so she could see and her freidns and family could.. she accused me of being the abuser is what makes it so much harder.. after torturing me for months, we lives together for years I knew her for years before that. She wrote and did the most heartfelt meaningful things anyone has ever done for me, then took them all back, took eveything back.. blamed me and my reaction to her ghosting and brradcrumbing me to say I was crazy and bot stable.. how can I be stable when you’re destroying my life and wouldn’t talk outside weekly emails? Did you think casually telling me like it didn’t matter u were getting your own place maybe temporarily if I was a good boy was right? None of it was, you were not in danger, you were having me take pics of you in bed and tuck you in with stuffed animals the night before you “fled” it’s insane.. people who I’ve shared with think you wanted this victim story, either to get your order of protection or have me commit suicide, I would never have believed that before.. hell I didn’t believe it after, my mind had been fighting a battle against all your lies, cognitive dissonance almost cost me my life honestly. I’ll never tell anyone but my therapist how close it got, I kept the note it breaks my heart to think about some of the lines i used.. I can’t even look at it. Maybe I shouldn’t post this now, I’m embarrassed to talk about it. I stopped therapy I can’t take depression meds.. the people I count on are all either sick or dying. I feel trapped. Thanks for listening
I was shocked at what I learned was going on, just two week after buying engagement ring i learned of so many lies and so many cheating it was discussing, this girl same hours came home after sex with others and then me,
You have nailed it. Is so sad that God put these people on the earth for us to dance with. I stepped off the dance floor. Doing so has made me whole again.
3 months into the 3rd stage i believe.
15 years and 2 children.
ID LIKE TO ASK….should i even try to approach the fact that she may have some kind of problem that needs to be addressed with professional help on the chance of saving our relationship as i know she would more than likely class it as ridiculous?
How much of a problem is facebook and social networking to narcissism and the denial of a problem?
Can an adult become a Narcissist due to not recognizing a cause ie too much use of social networking and changing their focus on whats really important?
Im so sad at coming across this post as it is the only clarity that i have had within 3 months of absolute emotional torment.
it scares me to think that our relationship may of always been doomed from word go or is it possible somebody can turn into a narcissist within adult life?…she is not a person that enjoys others misery and does not think she is gods gift.
But at the same time i relate to pretty much the whole post and it absolutely spot on.
I am currently the emotional wreck…i have struggled to understand how, when we had such a good relationship she has just let it go without any emotion what so ever and no chance of any reconciliation. i have suffered from depression on and off here n there as ive had employment issues over a period of time in and out of temporary jobs but never directed it towards her and this never made any difference to the love we had for each other and wasnt an issue…i feel her love/need for me ended not too long after our 1st child in a lot of respects and even more so 5 years later with our second as she always wanted to be a mum and valued that highly…but during the time in between she stopped accepting my love didnt really show any back in return and slowly that seperation took place regardless of my concern that i voiced lovingly and talked about why she was becoming distant to get the side step of i dont know just how i feel cant change it..and that was the start… i still constantly offered her affection and tenderness and always considered her with everything i did for it to be shrugged off like it meant nothing. she increased her facebook and other social network activity and stepped away from me further and further..even though we continued to have great times together could sit and chat for hours about stuff she just didnt consider anything that i was unhappy about and just saw it all as hastle that she had to deal with and didnt have the effort. Now since dropping the bombshell of my feelings have changed and im done she has just cut me out completely and barely gives me the time of day and repeatedly tells me how shes not interested and its all pointless that she has absolutely no feeling at all for me and she’s done and that i should just move on and deal with it when ive been there trying so hard to make her happy giving so much love its like she just has decided overnight that she wants to and can be single…her words were if i can do it on my own then why not do it on my own…i was just absolutely destroyed when she just dismissed all the love i have gave her and still do and completely devalued everything from holidays we’ve had to christmas times and apparently in all this our children are absolutely fine and if i mention that they really are not then she comes out with i shouldnt emotionally black mail her by saying that they are not fine and with the fact that we have had so much love between us ive never wronged her in anyway and have been a good supportive partner and she has decided to cause all this at the drop of a hat for what seems like reasons of im fine on my own thanks…has buried me in heart ache that i never thought possible….its destroyed our family without any thought what so ever but the fact that she has changed and thats that…i do not recognize this woman ive just devoted 15 years of my life to, who has just disposed of me and devalued everything about me and cut me completely out of her life for what feels like no apparent reason other than in not in love with you anymore which i could of took with a bit of warning or some kind of compassion….but with complete disregard for any of my feeling i just couldnt understand.
She expects me to just move on like our relationship meant nothing and just throws out well i wont stop you seeing the kids you can take them when you want but she doesn’t have any understanding of the fact that i feel absolutely lost and heartbroken without her too…im a deep lover and gave myself to her completely. i wish i could walk away but im tied to this woman for the childrens sakes and her lack of thought and consideration for me is uncomprehendable and that is also where the kids are concerned when it suits her.
i dont know who i am or what my life holds in the future now….so lost!
The Broken One: NPD doesn’t just appear out of nowhere. It is a life long pervasive disorder. We have to be careful not to paint people with the Narcissistic brush because they’ve decided to end a relationship with us. Please see my post What Walks Among Us – this lists the DSM 4’s NPD criteria and symptoms. To be considered a Narcissist the individual must possess 5 of the 9 behaviors listed.
Social media generally is a big source of Narcissistic Supply and you will find many Narcs see it as an endless pit for gleaning attention and admiration from others. From what I’ve read here you say that since the birth of your children her affections seem to have changed. Having children is a huge adjustment for women. You’re dealing with massive hormonal changes, changes to your body and the fact that your life no longer belongs to you. She could have been dealing with post postpartum depression that never got treated.
From my experience (and I’m not saying this is the case with you, although it might be) anytime a long-time partner just up and decides that they are done and there is no discussion about it, no interest in counseling, they minimize the relationship and can’t understand why you haven’t moved on yet, it’s often because there is someone else. They always say the leaving partner is a year ahead of the leavee – so she has very likely been planning this and now has a reason to move on.
I know this is an extremely difficult time for you. I’ve definitely been there myself and it did take me a full year and a half to feel normal again, but I promise things will get better. You are at the place I call absolute zero where nothing moves. You feel catatonic, you’re in shock, full of fear and you don’t know what to do. So I will tell you – do the little things – get up, take a shower, brush your teeth, go to work, slowly start reconnecting with your friends and family. You need to develop a support system. Start going out with them, interacting socially. Try to take your mind off of what she is doing and put it on what you are doing. Start thinking about your future, your goals, your wants and your needs. Read the book When Things Fall Apart by Pema Chodron. Take baby steps and get your life in order. Each day will get a little easier. As odd as this will sound the good news is this is your new chapter and you get to create your life exactly how you want it.
Unfortunately: this is me. This describes me to the letter. I am currently going through a divorce: my marriage counselor (which my wife refused to see) diagnosed me as a narcissist. There were other issues too but since our marriage was not built on love…. Yeah. My question is this: is there any hope for me?
I’m married to a narcissist and I chuckle now, yes he chose me for my weakness despite my strengths.
Most therapist won’t tell that person what it is they have taken on as it will be used against them. And most patients don’t really want to hear it anyhow.
However, IF you are one..that wants to take up your bed and walk again. GOD WILL FOR HE IS ADVOCATE WHERE NO MAN CAN HEAL.
Start with Proverbs…why are you being told those words? What sense does it make? Approach it as a teen to the words/instructions/guidance of a wise parent. Just be sure to ask God to help you with this.
On and off for 10 years with THIS exact man. Word for word it’s exactly what he has done over and over to me and to at least 3 other women that I know of. Then he gets the women to go against each other. Thank you so much for this!!!!!
This is an extremely accurate account of the three phases of a relationship with a narc and I went through them exactly as described, over and over, for 15 years. That was my fault because I thought we possessed the deep poetic love that inspires so much beautiful art, literature and film.I believed we could work out these terrible flaws that caused her to go through cycles # two and three. I worked so hard to try to be the man who she would not tire of and discard. I even was aware of two before me and how effortlessly she left them. I would do anything to keep it, IT. It took me vastly too long to accept something sinister was at work with her and upon learning of NPD and its abuse I crumbled. It took a few years to eventually shake her out of my heart and out of my life. But I will never be the same, I will never love again. I have never been so certain of anything. She stole my ability to love. I desire no companionship, no intimacy, no romance. Its not like I am even sad about it nor do I miss it save for the fleeting moment every now and then. But when these brief moments occur they fade with a quaking shudder as I recall where love led me. Trust, I can never trust again. Its like these desires have been surgically removed from my brain. I do however often fantasize
(that’s the extent of it, don’t worry) that I could choke her to death with my bare hands for she has smugly gone forward with a series of men,told countless people that I am emotionally disturbed, and once even set me up to come across her sexually crawling all over a guy in plain view.I felt no jealousy,anger or any emotion at all, only complete relief knowing then and there that I was finally and truly free of her. It is a shame they do not go to prison for their crimes.
I cried when I read this. Five years on, and it still hurts as if it happened yesterday. Time does not heal wounds. Time however, brings clarity. I can see through him now. And his lies. But I have completely lost the ability to trust. All I see is lies. Liars and lies. I hope to find the one who is right for me… but how can you love again, if you cannot trust a word they say?
I think I am with a female narcissistic sociopath but idk. It’s been 2.5 years together and it’s an affair for both of us (married with children). It was awesome and sexual and passionate as I was there for her in a time of grievance on her sisters death. It grew from there. The sex and passion has wavered as her hubby has become paranoid etc always wondering where she is. Idk if she is just nervous and overly cautious or we are at stage 2. Mind u 2.5 years is a long time and we talk 3-4 times a day so I am confused and could use some help here.
My ex was certainly narcissistic (very boastful about how great he was, even though he was unemployed and living with his mother) but the main diagnosis was clinical paranoia. However he played all these games. He left me 7 times over two years. I used to gently coax him back. The last time, I didn’t bother. Maybe I could have got him back – and now I’d be saying, “He left me 8 times in 2 and a half years.”
All of this, anyway – the big honeymoon, then the sniping at me, my clothes, my opinions, my size, telling me unpleasant things people had said about me – then off back to his mother because we “didn’t gel” (though we “gelled” enough for him to live with me, rent and bill free, apparently). Playing me off against her, and vice versa.
Trouble is, I don’t believe in anyone any more. I am forever wondering when they’re going to turn, like he did. If I think of another relationship, all I can envisage is someone being all lovey-dovey till they get their feet under the table – then they show their fangs.
Also I am still in wretched grief over the death of the dream. That doesn’t seem to get any better.
One thing – my low self-esteem tells me he would never bother with me now because I’m not good enough. It’s been over six months since the final discard. But from what you say, I should still be on my guard.
How horrible all this is.
OMG! Describes the narc/bi polar in my life to a T.Fortunately he is gone. All sources say the same thing. What a wasted life. It seems they can’t be human just a robot with no chance for salvation. Thank you for this support.
wow. I started seeing this guy in january. deep down i could feel it. I even told him you are either autistic or narcissistic. he knows. Im so glad i read this. its like it was written about him personally. perfectly. i am so glad i read this as i think my mental state not being that strong would have taken him back even though my gut has told me all along not to trust. Its like i was trying to get him motivated in life as i could feel the emptiness and it got worse as time went on. only 4 months and i thought i was in love. thank you so much for writing this. now i will just block his number. he’s made me feel shit about myself but now i know it wasn’t/isnt me. thanks
I was in a 12 year relationship and this was a textbook description from beginning to end. I thought I was crazy. He told me there were things wrong with me, psychologically and that they were okay. There was never anything wrong with me. He crushed my heart soul and mind. I guess I allowed him deep in my psyche. He is no longer around. It’s as if I’ve been erased from his life. I never existed. I feel like mentally I’m living at the bottom of a garbage can. I am devastated after reading this article. I realize all along what I was living was not lunacy, but my truth. I have attempted suicide. I live with a deep depression and very low self-esteem. I fake a smile every day. I don’t see the me that other people see. I still see that he left me and doesn’t want me. I know I was abused and left a wreck. After 12 years I am nothing, as if I never existed.
This article was so helpful. Described exactly all the phrases I have been through. But after 15 years I am finding it hard to get over even though I ended it 2 years ago.