I often wondered about it, especially in the early going, how I would feel when I got the news that my ex-Narcissist ended his relationship, with the woman he left me for. There was never any question of it happening, only of how and when. I knew him. I knew his patterns, how he thought and operated. Hell, I even started a blog on it.
I’d asked my friends, long ago, not to tell me anything about him and his life. I know, at this stage of the game, that there is nothing, that he is doing, that has any baring on me and my life. I honestly don’t want to know, better still, I don’t care. But the call came from a well-meaning friend, who couldn’t contain herself, until she spilled the beans.
“You’re not going to believe this. He left her. He not only moved out, he took a new job 2 hours away,” she said.
I felt an emotion I still can’t name. I think I was supposed to feel happy, relieved, vindicated, but as it sunk in, the two primary feelings that battled for control were – sadness and indifference.
I should have felt smug. After all, this woman, the one who whispered things into my fiancé’s ear, encouraged him to leave me and take up with her, was now the one in my shoes. She was already married, had two kids, was 5 years older and was…well, rather plain looking. I never thought for a minute that he would be interested in her.
Every day they talked at work. They lunched together and confided their secrets. Every day there was another derogatory story about me, another example of how I just didn’t measure up. She listened, she sympathized, she encouraged, complimented, stroked his ego and played the role as his savior.
His Narcissism thrived on the attention. His ego absorbed her reassurances, as she told him he deserved better, deserved to be happy. She gave him the courage he needed to toss me aside.
Before I knew what was going on, she, as head of his HR Department, sent a copy of his updated life insurance policy to our house, with her replacing me as the beneficiary, with the relationship section filled out as, “true love.” Two months after I left our house, she was pregnant.
It’s funny how we put much of the blame on the other woman, as if the male was some, poor, unsuspecting, victim to her siren call. Sure she played a big roll, but she wasn’t the one who betrayed me. She wasn’t the one who I trusted, who I was building a life with, who threw me away, like yesterday’s news. He was responsible for everything and now he was doing it again, but this time the stories were about her, about how she didn’t measure up.
This was her Karma. She finally got what was coming to her for the role she played in my pain and it should have made me happy, except it didn’t.
I felt….sad. Sad that she was now where I had once been, in a tremendous amount of pain, confused, shocked and blind-sided. Sad that an innocent little boy has the worst, most selfish, uncaring father in all of humanity. Sad that he gets to destroy the lives of others with very little in the way of consequences.
I was amazed at how indifferent I felt about him. It was a testament to the amount of work I have done and how much his kind repulse me now.
The truth is, these two people gave me the greatest gift. Their actions forced me on the road to healing. I wouldn’t trade a hundred lifetimes with him, for where and who I am now.
I’m a girl’s girl. I like women. I support women. I empower women. I love to see women succeed, women in power, women warriors. So I hope, that this other woman, who now has another woman of her own, is able to see his betrayal as I do.
Looking at his pattern, I would say that he used me to get him into the company I worked for. I wrote his resume, told him what would be asked in the interview, talked him up to the interviewers and prepared his answers and his clothes. He thrived in the interview, as most Narcissists do, using his charm and fake confidence to win them over. Once in, he transferred to a sister company, where he met her. She was a well-respected and well-liked department head. At this point, he had used me up for all he could get, so my time was up. With her help, he rose through the ranks there. His job required him to travel quite a bit and deal with other companies. His charm and good looks, impressed the other company and with the help of another young lady at the new company, he was offered a position there as the Chief Financial Administrator. A six-figure a year job for someone who, barley had a high-school diploma, and who built his entire career on the backs of the women he pretended to love.
I came across a study by Campbell and Campbell, 2009, that really solidified the pattern I observed in his behavior. It was a study on the Narcissist’s need for self-enhancement. The study talks about the system of Narcissistic Relationships as emerging (brand new relationships) and enduring (anytime past the honeymoon phase).
As no surprise, the authors found that Narcissists do extremely well in the emerging phase, but poorly in the enduring phase. Campbell says, “The overall dynamic is for the Narcissist to run the system until he or she hits a wall, where self-enhancement is not possible.”
A study by Campbell and Green, 2007, describes the relationship system as a hurricane, which feeds off of warm coastal waters. They will grow and grow until there is no more warm water, or they run onto land and the hurricane dissolves.
Narcissists don’t like to stay in the same place forever. Their show gets old and becomes tiresome and doesn’t generate the same level of attention they require from their admirers. They like a fresh audience, because they wear people out. As Campbell says, “You can’t stay in the honeymoon phase forever.” On top of that, Narcissists are very black and white thinkers. In Campbell and Campbell’s 2009 study, they illustrate that there is a greater benefit for a Narcissist to leave the enduring relationship and seek out a new emerging relationship. They prefer to throw the proverbial relationship baby out with the bathwater rather than to stay and work on it. Working on it, does not provide the same amount of supply juice, so for them it’s out with the old and in with the new.
I know that while explaining his behavior, this study will not take away her pain. It’s difficult to spend years of your life with someone and to give them a child, only to find out that you were a pawn in their chess game. If I were to give her advice right now I would say – to start with, just breathe, take some time and take care of you. Get your head on board first by educating yourself on what you were dealing with. Understand that this was only going to end one way and it was not your fault. Once you have a cognitive understanding, the emotional and psychological aspects of the trauma take a bit longer to sort through and heal. The journey isn’t for the faint of heart. Follow the lead of those who have gone before you. There’s a way through. Go at your own pace and at the other end, you too, will find the greatest gift he could have ever given you – yourself.
Your Comments!!!!!!
Image courtesy of Sura Nualpradid at freedigitalphotos.net
Great article! I know the “other woman”, she has been texting me to tell me how she was lured into this. I don’t feel sorry for her, she deserves what she got. She knew me, she knew my family and she chose to be there. So, well deserved.
I don’t blame my ex narc’s other woman entirely but she gets nomoass from me. She was smug and gleeful and knew exactly what she was doing. We were living together. I’m sure he was smearing my name and telling her horrible stories about me. Nonetheless, she participated in our break up. She is a sales rep that works for him. He proposed to her one week after he discarded me for the final time. – the week he and I were to go to Mexico for a romantic “start over” trip. Hotel and flight booked. I hear she is quitting her position in his business to stay home and be a wife. She’s already moved into the home we shared. This all happened a month ago. Am I bitter? You bet. Angry? Absolutely. Logically I know I will heal and move forward. I have a great support system of friends and family. I am financially independent and solid in my self esteem – which made me a terrible victim for him. It doesn’t make the sting of his actions or her actions hurt any less. I know eventually she will feel the full impact of his cruelty and I can’t say I will feel sorry for her. How you get ‘em is how you lose ‘em. Karma is, indeed, a bitch. While he was pretending to see a therapist, I actually was seeing a therapist – and that is exactly how I came to understand who and what I was dealing with.
Savannah your posts are always a great read. It’s frightening how common this is. Which means these men are out there in force. Wolves in sheeps clothing.
When my then- husband announced he was leaving our nearly 30-year marriage a few days before Christmas I was devastated. When he moved right down the road from me and started having overnight guests- I thought I would lose my mind. When she bought the house right next door to him– I figured HE’D lost HIS mind– how could he do this to me??? There’s only ONE way to drive on the road– I had no choice but to watch this all play out right before my eyes!!!
Well, after all the pain that comes with finding out you’ve been married to a Narc and all the soul-searching (and healing!) that’s taken place, I have found that my worse nightmare has NOT come true. You see, I figured that he would finally be happy– and be doing all kinds of fun things with the new wife — and I would be miserable for my whole life. But the exact opposite has happened. I sought counseling and healing and am very happy. He is repeating his old patterns of coming home late from work and leaving his GF at home on the weekends. It’s a pattern that will only escalate with more and more time spent away. I guess it’s true that NARC’s can never change– and I do feel sorry for her.
Electra, Im sure my narc is now with one of his own kind.
She is able for him. She waited 20 years for him to marry her just so she can feel as good as the other 2 he married.. He wont want to upset this one. He is now 70 she obviously has a wage to help him pay the rent etc. He wont want to jeprdise that. The trouble is he was my first love and I loved the good times with him and was sometimes wishing I could have it back. But we have both changed. Im a maternal grandmother loving my cat and my grandchildren. He is living the life of freedom just like when I was dating him at 16. He wasnt cut out to be a father.. When she met my son after 4 years of dating his father she told my son that she had known his dad from when my was a wee boy. Imagine hitting out with that. She is a dirty psycho evil tart just like my ex. Yes Im still angry.She also told my son that he didnt look like his father. And strangely enough he used to say he wasnt his. He is his but that was to further torture me as he dished out mental cruelty. I hate her and yes she is as bad as him if not worse. I dont think I could take up with a man who discarded his firstr family. But kept in touch with his second lot of kids. Maybe to make the onlookers think he is a good man. This has all tortured me doubly because he has also tortured his son and daughter and rejected them x Thank you everyone who writes on this page and Theres no thanks big enough for Savannah and thank you Margaret for explaining the rejection. I was told by a counsellor that Im suffering double rejection ie my childrens rejection.xxx
My narc got his trophy wife after i divorced him He even told his and my 10 yr old son that he would never divorce her. He didnt bargain for her to divorce him/She left while he was at work, stripped the house bare and left him in debt saving the debt money for a year to help with her ‘house move’.
Haha he deserved that after beating me and destroying my confidence and she new about me and that i divorced him although he may not have told her it was me who got rid of him. He was a bus driver and the adoration of his female passengers as he would come home and pick a fight with me or break my nose, try to strangle me split my lip and head. I bet he didnt tel his new women that.
Anyway someone he must have been flirting with on the bus said ‘I hear she has left you, how about it’. She must have had great confidence in herself. He moved her in after so many years. They lived together for the rest of the years then I received a phonecall from his brother to tell me they had got married after 20 years together. I did not want to hear this. I flew into a rage. What has she got that I didnt have. For a start money. A wage which is most important to him. Us 2 former wives stopped work and had 2 babies. This one was already divorced or single anyway with 2 children and back at work and of course had enough confidence to deal with him. Police didnt do anything in the 60s/70s for a man assaulting you. I just got advised to get an interim interdict to get him out of the house which I did. He ridiculed me insulted my body saying it wasnt the same after giving birth twice. So I have suffered terrible hangups and nightmares since he said that to me 42 years ago. She is a dirty tart and my mother once said me are afraid of that type of woman. She dressed up as a sexy nurse in an outfit from one of those sex shops this must have been what he needed and no one told me.! I was 15 then 16 when I went out with him Married at 19/20 had two kids bt 24 and that was the marriage over. He took nothing to do with his kids when he married the second one 30 yrs ag. They were abandoned as I think she was jealos of his ex family so he dumped his kids. The tart he is with knows he hasnt seen them for at least 25 to 30 years. he has 4 beautiful grankids and he only met one after my son invited him He only went cos he was putting on a show for the tart. He saw the baby once and ,ade it difficult for my son to see him always making excuses and cancelling so my son gave up.
I love this article and have read it several times. I haven’t commented because I didn’t want to sound uncaring.
But I can’t wait until my EX Narc leaves the new girl. That girl always knew that Xxxxxxx & I were a couple but she clearly had no morals or cared about what it would do to me.
I want the new girl to suffer and be sad and heart broken. I want this girl to disappear and neve return, she has been horrible to me and my family calling me names over the phone if Xxxxxxx called me she would be in the background sometimes abusing me as well.
Fuck her I say.
Sorry Savannah but I wont feel sorry for her. I don’t know if I will ever get over Xxxxx, to this day I still think of her as the love of my life. xx
Karen, you know what? Say what you want to…that’s what this site should be about. Vent your feelings…No judgment. Perhaps tomorrow you will feel different or not. It’s just good to be able to shout it out loud.
I feel the same way. A friend of mine threw herself at him then behaved as if she’d won the prize. A yeare later they’re still together. They walk round holding a hands and post lovey dovey crap on FB. I know he’s a narcissist so I’m just waiting you hear about the break up. He’s isolating her from her support network and got her to give up her job . She deserves all the crap he will deliver her. She’s compliant and doesn’t like confrontation so will be putting up with his treatment. He relies on her to drive him about all over the place so is getting good supply atm. In the past he has battered women and stamped on them so she has it coming. And I’m sorry to say this but… .good.
The other women only did what you did. She fell for his lies and charm. Granted I have no respect for women who have affairs or allow an affair to be forgiven. Nice to see that you understand people are human and have feelings. The worst is the children they leave (literally) leave in their path. Hopefully they actually end up better then if they were around. I have seen this, the children they left are much better off, not just to my eyes but blatantly obvious to all.
If you are out of the relationship be glad you are. Your life is much better alone then with an abuser. Who care what they do you get to the point you just don’t want to hear of their behavior anymore. It is embarrassing because it reminds you of how foolish you were. What matter is the here and now and how you value yourself and that you are not getting disrespected and wasting your time on someone using and undeserving. They don’t care what damage they leave in their path. Wish them well and that some day they might find peace within themselves.
I was the other woman. He lied and said he was separated. Even then I should have left as he’s technically married and even if he planned to divorce, he wouldn’t be emotionally ready for a new relationship. But I was under his spell because I was unwell and he was a master manipulator
He had no intention of divorcing her.
His wife found out about me and called me multiple times cussing me out. Final call was to tell me he was all mine. Then she filed for a divorce. I would have never rubbed her face in anything. How cruel. But I was guilty of wrong doing and I felt horrible but I was an addict by now and needed my drug.
The next 8 years were utter hell. I finally left him after discovering the harem article on this site. That article made me see I wasn’t crazy. I moved out while he was at work. I lost a great deal of my belongings and mementos.
A few things.
There is no reason to feel sad for her. She is now away from him, which means she can begin rebuilding her life. Granted, now she has to go through all the hurt and hell we have gone through, but maybe she will have learned a lesson about those types she should look out for.
There was no need for her to behave like such a smug ass. ‘True love’. What a twit.
It would be ironic if she came to realize just what he was and stumbled upon your blog.
And lastly, if he is alone again, he could very well hoover you, so beware of that.
I didn’t blame the other woman. From her Match.com ad, it was clear she was a lonely, if financially well off woman desperate for love. My ex narc saw what plum pickings she was and went for it. 7 years later, they’re still together as far as I know anyway. It’s kind of sad I think, it’s clear her appeal is that she’s got money so good luck to her. I wish her no harm.
Excellent article… in fact It’s touching a nerve somewhere within me to the extent I’ve been replying to others but not you Savannah.
I’m gong to print it out so I can read and reread it until I discover what it is. I think too, that although I’ve known about this kind of behaviour for years, I’ve somehow put it in a corner of my mind with a ‘not to be disturbed’ label on it. I think I don’t want to know how sick and cruel people can be…Oh, in writing this I realise It’s a very deep rooted ‘trust’ thing and as such I’m attracted towards those I can’t actually trust.
Thank you for your posts, they always have an effect.
I’ve watched this unfold so many times. So many close women friends and family have had Narc husbands that did exactly this. And, in every case “the other woman” was nearly gleeful at the “steal” — just like his HR Head. (I’d have taken that form to the head of Audit — talk about a breach of confidentiality never mind nepotism.) To me, these other women are culpable, too, even though they have no clue, then, the prize is rotten to the core. Sending that form was exceedingly cruel. And, I’ve seen that all too often — the GLEE of the “other woman” at snagging the prize. One friend, kids in tow, inadvertently surprised her doctor husband in the middle of an afternoon liaison with a female doctor coworker. And, the two women got in to a physical altercation, right in front of the kids! And, that other woman filed ASSAULT charges! (Leveraged by the divorce attorney, of course, to cheat the first wife out of alimony.) Long story short, the docs got married and vasectomy reversed, had babies. Fast forward 10 years — the now adult daughter of the first marriage inadvertently discovers “Dear Old Dad” is doing a new co-worker behind the back of wife#2. Of course she told her mother, who called me, feeling just as you do Savannah. I was less magnanimous — I didn’t feel sorry for her. She knew full well when she married him after being discovered by his wife EXACTLY what she was getting. A Cad. The EGO it takes to believe that some man will behave differently with you than he has with other women. It just defies logic.
Once I realised what I was dealing with I felt absolute pity for the other woman, or to be more precise, girl. At the ripe old age of 24 and almost 20 years younger than him I knew she was going to know pain like she has never known before. At least I had some life experience to move on and commence recovery from codependency. 4 years on I have found a beautiful man and we are expecting our first child.
My ex narc left his scar though, that is for sure. His ex wife tried to warn me and I didn’t want to hear what she had to say. Unfortunately I know I have to let this young girl tread her own path.
I just question when the narc will finally get / meet/ be with one of their own kind.
Amazing information from Margaret re the roots of feeling of rejection. I have felt rejection most of my life with a little helping hand from my mother and ex husband. Both brought down my confidence with their rejection. And I also suffered at my children’s rejection from their fathers,
I’m at the stage of the funny looks from people and if I try to explain something they are in shock horror. People don’t realise how insidious narcs are. So I now realise its better to say nothing or use the ‘grey brick’ even at that they will possibly be annoyed they are not getting any more information. Il just have to pull my sleeve up a bit and say ‘oh look at the time’ even though I dont wear a watch. lol That will give them something else to talk about. You see I know they have skeletons in their own closets that they don’t want to talk about and they would soon run off if you tried to mention them. Ha! Thank you for your contributions, each time it helps me on the road out of the narcicism that I suffered but no longer do.x
It never gets easy to see them get away with it repeatedly. I have one who does this about every four years, the latest a marriage he is walking away from. Each time he contacts me. I feel like I will never be completely free on the outside of him resurfacing. This has been going on for fourteen years. I pray for an expansive inner freedom I can never really hang onto as I lose it every few years when I hear news from him or others indirectly like what you’ve heard here. You’re right – it feels good at first to know but then the old dread returns.
“Narcissists don’t like to stay in the same place forever. Their show gets old and becomes tiresome and doesn’t generate the same level of attention they require from their admirers.”
That says it all.
I think the saddest thing is that there will most likely be another co-dependent woman out there who will see him as life’s great opportunity, ignore the red flags and snap him up. Like I did. And like the next woman did, I assume.
Narcissists do exhibit some of the symptoms of coercive control which has, finally, been recognised as a crime. Here’s hoping that, over the years, their behaviour may become more widely understood through education in emotional intelligence.
At present, it’s thanks to blogs like yours that more of us are waking up to the fact of what we have been dealing with and, very importantly, WHY.
I am an independent and intelligent woman but I still fell for it.
“Sad that he gets to destroy the lives of others with very little in the way of consequences.”
There are always consequences. The less they experience in the immediate, the longer it takes to catch up with them, they more dire they will be.
Sadly, one of the calling-cards of a Narc is that what would crush a normal person, things that would feel like punishment to the rest of us, are not even on their radar. Instead, they carry their hell around with them daily. It’s an emptiness they are constantly trying to fill with their use-and-abuse tactics. Think of them as cups that, no matter how much you pour into them, will never be full. And then go out and learn how to fill your own cup.
You got this right Millie! There’s no shortage of codependent women just like there’s no shortage of narcs in this world. As sad as it is it also makes me feel wonderful that I know, finally and at last, know better and can. Cheers to us!!!!
What a great article. But I do take issue with one thing- a big issue. You have told me yourself that you don’t have to forgive. You just have to move on. This woman- wasn’t a women who looked out for other women. She knowingly cheated with and embarked on a relationship with a married man. She doesn’t get a pass. The child, of course, gets heaps of love because it wasn’t his choice to be born to two cheating fuckwits. I don’t believe that this woman who willingly participated, in fact, probably got off on stepping over you to get to this prize of a man, should be given empathy and support. She willingly created her mess. Now let her deal with it. I don’t believe in vengeance. But I do believe in having to deal with the consequences of your own making. She was able to cheat without conscience. Let her deal with that.
Ellen – I’m sure she is.
Yep Ellen, I can go with that…
Great article! Totally resonate with what you’ve writtten!
I found out the other day the one he cheated with while he was with me had been discarded and I am happy to see she got what she deserved! I feel no sympathy for her whatsoever! Knowingly cheating! Haha!
I want to thank her for taking him off my hands! Best thing that could have ever happened! I hope she’s sitting there fully understanding now what it’s like to be on the receiving end! No. Sympathy. From. Me!
Great post, Savannah. I went through the exact same situation, she was his coworker and his “best friend” and i feel NO sympathy for her. When he told me they were divorcing (he and i share a son, so i have to talk to him sometimes), my first response was “she deserves every bit of misery you visited upon her.” She left her husband for him too. I have no hate for her now, but there was something satisfying about seeing the karma in action.
I agree, Ellen. I can blame her-it takes two to tango, as the cliché goes. Plus, when he was still living in the same house, while spending two weeks at a time traveling around the US (in my asset) and Europe with her, he left some Valentine’s day gifts from her around the house. She “challenged him” to something regarding our marriage. She knew exactly what she was doing. Any respectable woman who learns a man was married would walk away. She did not. She kept going with him. He was very sloppy in hiding things that he didn’t want me to know, while being blatant in telling me he wouldn’t answer my texts or call me when he was with her. He wanted a divorce, but did not want to begin the paperwork. I told him he was not going to do this and I filed. I am only 8 months divorced, but would not trade anything I did to return to him. Not now, not ever. I am still struggling with the anger phase, and would love to be passive-aggressive in sending her a message, thanking her for taking out the trash, but I believe in Karma. Something’s got to give at some point, and to them. I need to keep my focus on me and not spend negative energy on something that does not help me heal. I am almost 100% free of him, which also means no contact; I’ve gotten really good at blocking mean and negative people. Funny, he tells me he still “wants to be friends, but understands if it’s not in the cards.” He doesn’t understand. He still doesn’t get it. And he doesn’t get another minute of my time. I’m beginning to really take the I don’t care stance (Savannah recently posted).
Can’t imagine what kind of company has for HR head someone who states a relationship as “true love,” not to mention the illegality of her changing a beneficiary. She’s a ticking bomb in every direction.
In my case I was also sad because each narcissistic choice he makes is further evidence of what a poor choice I’d made, missed the signals, etc., = just how deep a loser he was. it’s shocking, appalling. Thankfully now seeing at a distance!!
Yes, I put too much blame on the other woman. It wasn’t her that betrayed me and no, my ex did not fell prey to her hunt with no intention to do so. He is a grown up man and tonnes of other grown up men would not do what he did. Period!
I just wonder why? Why our focus, envy, jealousy, betrayal feelings go to the other woman? Maybe because we so desperately wanted our Narcs to love us, to choose us, to change for us, to understand that we gave them everything the best we could. Maybe because we had excused our Narcs for so long and although now, we are free of them, we still excuse them? By habit??? Maybe because it’s so darn hard to admit that we were blind to their sick ways and pretended that everything was alright and we still want to believe that it would’ve been all right if only she didn’t mingle?
But, yes, I do agree that in a way I should be grateful to her because she helped me to free myself up from all this sick enmeshment. Without her, I would not be dumped the way I was dumped. Maybe I would still live in a fog falling for his sick ways.
I also often think that because I wasn’t the first wife, first love of my ex, and although he was a free single man when I met him (so I thought, now I am not quite sure about what was disclosed and what was hidden from me, not only by him but also by his family members and friends) there were women hating me for becoming his new prey and waiting almost 20 years to see their “justice” coming into life.
Thank you Savannah, for drilling into our heads that it is what it is and life gets better when we understand things and when we know that we are not the only ones going through what we went or are going through.
Jolanta, I think we want to blame the other because if we blame our loved ones…it’s too painful. They duped us, they chose to do so, we didn’t mean so much to them as we thought…but we thought we did and put our trust in them. What a rejection! I just recently read the reason we all have a horror of rejection dates back to cave man time. If we are rejected from the ‘tribe’ out into the wilderness our chances of survival are limited/zero. Thus rejection hurts so much(the old part of the brain). Hence the need to put it onto the other. I found that information fascinating and it took away a little bit of the sting from bein rejected.
I didn’t blame the other woman,,,because she fell for his lies as I did. I actually felt sorry for her because I knew what was going to happen to her.
I really love your insight about “rejection”. That makes sense to me and explains why I felt sooooo
bad when he rejected me. I did feel like I was going to die! Thank you for sharing.
Beanne, I don’t blame the other women. I don’t like or respect them for what they do. Having said that, some of them really deserved what was coming to them but, and I think we’re all agreed, the men don’t have to take up the offer. It’s a huge pointer of a man with confidence /moral/value/ego problems. I kind of feel sorry for the women as not only have they been ditched and are now going through what we are, they must feel so stupid and conned and possibly worst of all humiliated not only by the narc but to know we knew!
I’m glad to hear the ‘caveman ‘ explanation helped. I’m not saying It’s 100% correct but the theory does seem to make sense.
Great article, as usual!
What I realized, trying to speak about narcissism with other women, after my own experience, is that many people will never believe that narcissism exists. It can depend on mental closure towards new notions, lack of intelligence or even to the fact that that woman has some narcissistic or borderline traits herself.
What I mean is that may be the new woman, even if she has experimented narcissism on herself, will never understand what actually happened.
Who cares, anyway: we have grown and empowered ourselves from that experience, and it’s really all that matters.
Very well stated. You are not just a girls girl, you are a humans human.
A mirror of my own experience – very enlightening! Kudos to you for putting it in writing for all of us!