No one does self-preservation better than a Narcissist and perhaps it’s for this reason, that Covid has really disrupted their “supply” chain.
Fear, masks and lockdowns have really put a damper on dating and social interaction. With millions of people world wide having been infected with the virus, a large majority of potential daters, aren’t jumping into the dating pool to hook up and meet new people. As well, restaurants, bars and coffee shops are closed in many areas, so there often is no where to go.
It’s simple enough to swipe right and message, but dating as we know it, has changed. For those brave and creative enough, meet-ups are happening in parks and other outdoor venues, but they do seem to be at arm’s length and that makes it very difficult for a Narcissist to love bomb a new target.
This is perhaps why Narcissist Exes are popping up like spring daisies.
Over the last couple of months, my Instagram account has blown up with messages from followers, clients and friends shocked that their Narcissist Ex has made contact. Most of them excitedly exclaiming, “You’re never going to guess who text me last night?”
Some of these relationships have been in no contact for months, some for years and one even for a decade. The emotional distance that No Contact gave them allowed them a new perspective on what was really going on and in what areas they needed to work on, so the last thing they needed was to have their ass from the past make another attempt at connection.
What Do They Want?
You wouldn’t be human if you didn’t want to know. The answer though, hasn’t changed. What they want is supply (love, attention, ego strokes, money, sex, resources). They are still the same people they were when you decided to go no contact. What’s happened is there’s a shortage of supply or they don’t feel safe enough because of the virus, to go out and round up a new target, so they looked through their phones and you were next in the batting rotation. They hadn’t heard from you in a while and wouldn’t it be fun to mess with you again.
They are not thinking:
- Boy I really messed up with Jackie. I really miss her and I’ll do anything to get her back.
- I feel so guilty for what I did to Michelle. It’s time we had a heart to heart and I told her how sorry I was.
- Alex really was my soul mate. I only just realized it after breaking it off with Jonathan. I need him in my life.
They may verbalize statements like these to their exes, but there is nothing behind the sentiment. For a Narcissist people are interchangeable. They do not form normal, healthy attachment bonds to anyone. They are not thinking of you and all of your special characteristics. They are thinking of themselves and what they want at this very moment.
The contact lines my friends, followers and clients received were variations on:
“I just heard this song and it made me think of you.” (After a decade of no contact – it mustn’t have been a very popular song).
“Just checking in to see how you’re holding up during Covid”
“I just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday. I truly hope you’re happy. Miss you.”
“Hey beautiful. You were on my mind. Just wanted to say hello, see how you were doing.”
The purpose of these messages were to find a way in and they were all generic enough not to mean anything and be easily explained away if they didn’t fall on receptive ears.
What these messages are trying to accomplish is to measure your level of interest and/or how much effort they will have to put in to start things up again.
When you really hurt someone and the relationship ended badly, most people wouldn’t want to stir up painful memories for someone, trigger them or interfere with their healing. If you’re healthy and have an ounce of compassion you probably wouldn’t say anything. You’d realize that you don’t know what situation your ex is in and you wouldn’t want to interfere in their lives anymore. You might be remorseful and want to say you’re sorry, irrespective of whether or not you should and it probably wouldn’t be a one or two sentence message.
Sorry, Not Sorry
Narcissists don’t do “sorry.” They may actually say the word, but it’s an empty sentiment. You were always a pawn in their game. The only reason a Narcissist reaches out is because they want something. When you boil it all down what they really want to know is that they can still have you. Are you still an option for them? Yes, great – supply obtained. Now off I go again and you’re left feeling the fool for letting them con you again.
To be really sorry and want to make amends takes a lot of insight and a lot of emotional growth on the part of the transgressor, the type of which most toxically unhealthy people can’t/won’t even attempt. You have to be able to see the part you played and own your bad behavior and poor choices and even when you reach that level of clarity, if you have any humanity, you have to ask yourself – Why am I reaching out? Will it help or hinder my ex? Am I doing this for me? Is it to rid me of my guilty conscience?
If you’re curious how it ended for a few of those that reached out to me here’s what happened:
One held out 2 weeks before responding, though the contact sent him in a downward spiral of emotions. It was as if he was gut punched and he ended up having dreams about his ex, that he would awake crying from. While he had done some work on himself, his typical coping mechanism is to not deal with things, tuck them away and soldier on. This style led him to pile on the trauma and when his trigger button was pushed, he exploded in an eruption of devastatingly painful emotions from his previous relationships. He eventually settled on angry – angry that she had interrupted his relative peace. He looked at her social media accounts and saw that she was in a steady relationship with another man, so he text her back asking her not to contact him again and that he didn’t want to watch her life from the sidelines. A month later he is still depressed and struggling.
Another one also held out two weeks, but when he didn’t try again or try harder, she feared she had lost her chance to reconnect, so she dove in trying hard to be casual, while hopping he would come rushing back. She tends to be obsessive and struggles with impulse control. She found a way to justify making contact and when she did, she told him she would always love him. There was a huge part of her that still wanted him back and by giving away her power so easily, just like she had done in the past, showed that she was still utilizing old patterns and old coping mechanisms. He likely was taken aback that she didn’t answer him for two weeks and tried to explain that all he wanted was to see how she was handling Covid and then later told her that he was in a serious relationship. She is still dealing with the fallout.
Six others had moved on and were rather annoyed by the attempt. None of them replied, nor mentioned it again.
Covid, curiosity or loneliness isn’t a good enough reason to break No Contact. You took that stand for a very good reason. Before you respond to any attempt at reconnecting make sure you ask yourself – Do I really want to open this door again? Will this be good for me? What does he/she really want? When you can act in your own self-interest you will know the answers to these questions instinctively and you’ll leave the door firmly closed, as you continue on your path forward.
Your Comments!!!!!!!
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‘The Mother’ didn’t use the covid lockdowns to try to rekindle our relationship. She did though, use a family member’s funeral. (According to what I’ve read, this is text book.) After 11 years of no contact, she started sending me letters, sometimes with money in it. Then she used a second funeral a year later, to step things up, and ask for my phone number.
Savannah’s right. There’s been no self-reflection in all those years. The last letter she wrote me stated that she was so sad that she could have died without ever seeing me again. She was so upset that I never went to see her on her death bed. I replied with a reminder of the facts – that she sent me a letter disowning me. ‘You are no longer my daughter. You are out of the will’. I was simply respecting her boundaries! That was months ago. I’ve not head anything since. She may be punishing me with silence for telling the truth – she does that a lot.
Well you are always right. After 6 years of no contact blocked on FB closed my LinkedIn account. I recently opened an Instagram account. Poof! He magically found me in day. Thought of you and all your wise words and immediately blocked him. Thanks !
I had this happen during june of 2020. My ex (whom i had left literally 11 years ago) reached out “to see how i was handling everything blah blah”… I DID respond and it felt good, as childish as my response was. Just a simple “Hi! Im doing great! Now, please, f*** off.”
Im not on social media so my only guess is he bought public records and contact information for me. Super creepy to say the least. I have not heard anything at all from him since, so i dont feel threatened. However, the level of shite these NPDs will stoop to is just sickening.
After a seven year relationship with my narcissistic neighbor, I broke ranks and MOVED. I needed a larger home for my remote working environment and business. And, even though he was definitely not the impetus for my move, as sister-cousin stated moving away from him was a “bonus”. Since he was already blocked, he remained blocked. He has no way of contacting me unless he goes out of his way. I am happy in my new home. I will say this tho’ …. I noticed with the pandemic that he had a whole new supply. I am fairly certain he was trolling for supply using on-line dating. So, we all have to be careful with the online dating. They’re out there and they are trolling. I’m enjoying myself and leaving the dating along for awhile. It’s a shame they will do whatever they can to to achieve the supply they need!
Thank you for writing again!
Spot on; just what a narc would need to do..
I’ve been no contact for six years; was so helped by this blog to see what I was doing to myself! Savannah said “make a plan” and I did. It took five years to achieve.
I’m not expecting a message and that’s partly because I went to some trouble and inconvenience to myself to make sure non contact would be exactly that. It was real cold turkey to do it; very painful at the time but now I don’t know or care what has happened to him and for him to find a way to contact me would certainly be too much trouble!
I have seen inspiring stories of people who, having reached rock bottom in the pandemic, have clawed their way to a new beginning but do realise how hard it can be.
Hi Savannah,
I am so lucky….. No contact for five years plus, and no attempt by my ex to make contact!!!!
i think I’d be OK to ignore it (but deep down I know I’d be tempted) but since i’m a lot happier than I was five years ago I KNOW it would be silly to respond.
I hadn’t seen any Esteemology posts from you for quite a long time but it was great to read this one and remember.
I think I’m OK now (Narc wise) But I try and remember that going back would be crazy. I still think about her sometimes, but at least it’s manageable now! And that’s all thanks to you Savannah!
Stay safe, be well and keep looking after people!
You do it so well…. 🙂
My narcopath made contact with me recently after nothing for a close to a year. Fortunately, it did not phase me. I just found out she is getting married for the 4th time to a guy who has already been married 5 times.
I had 3 exes connect. One I actually befriended for awhile but was hurt once again. The other I had dinner with but was not hurt by and gracefully side-stepped his “Offer” (to have me on the side and on the down-low) and the third was a hang out buddy for a few lonely months but ended up betraying me when I went to the trouble to make dinner for him one night (so no sex but they can even use friendship to hurt you). A fourth is in the picture but is not really an ex. Someone I tried dating for the last six months but has shown he is emotionally unavailable. In one weekend I cleaned emotional house and am doing weekend art outings instead! I feel so powerful and good. Thank you for a great article. I like how you said exes are popping up like spring flowers. My two most toxic exes are definitely feeling mortal and afraid. They wanted the comfort of the familiar…and someone who has had the vaccine!
This happened to me. The simple text exchange during the pandemic, which I thought would be harmless bc I felt I no longer cared – became a trigger for the mountain of trauma and emotions I thought I had dealt with. The subconscious doesn’t like it at all, and I started having my betrayal and abandonment dreams of him again, fell into a depression. It didn’t help they these exchanges allowed him to share tidbits of his life which only compounded my inner feelings of rage and not good enough, because he deprived me of those things he was now giving to someone else. I shut that door hard, threw away the keys now, and doing the healing journey/ no contact AGAIN bc I am very aware now how triggering any contact from him could be. Especially when he was the cause of my trauma. Ladies and gentlemen, when you quit crack… don’t pick the crack back up… don’t even look at it or smell it. It’s not worth it.
Your email arrived as I hung up the phone – my Narcissistic ex had contacted me to apologize for the 10 years of abuse and misery he had caused. He’s changed, reformed, revitalised!
A leopard does not change it’s spots, a bad apple doesn’t fall far from the tree…
Thank you Savannah for all your great advice these last 3 years and for tonight’s well timed edition.