Empowerment is a difficult concept to define. For me, empowerment means strength, courage, will, determination, confidence, autonomy and freedom, but mostly, empowerment is about control.
So many women enter into relationships and freely give away their power. For a Narcissist, power over another is what they covet most. Through well-honed techniques, a Narcissist has an uncanny ability, to slowly and methodically, siphon an individual’s personal power.
When one is powerless they become dependent, weak, fearful, self-loathing, lacking in confidence and self-respect. Powerless people are more likely to be victimized, feel trapped and catatonic.
Having and maintaining our personal power is therefore, a necessary component in healthy relationships, not just with others, but also with ourselves.
Despite its significance, it’s still something many are so quick to part with when we enter into a relationship.
Why We Give Away our Power
A hundred years ago women had no power. Women were basically property. A marriage meant that a woman was being passed from her father to her husband. They couldn’t vote, or own property. The customary belief was that a man was the head of his household. His word was law.
Today that concept just doesn’t fit in society, but many of us still cling to those traditional gender roles and due to the inequality of size and strength, believe that a man should run the show, make the decisions and be in control.
Another reason is that some people are just overly agreeable. They want to be liked, so they become people pleasers. In the hands of an abuser, a people pleaser is groomed to accept that their voice, their opinions and their wants and needs cause problems in the relationship, so their desire in giving away their power, is meant to ease tensions and make the relationship bearable.
Trauma bonding and Stockholm syndrome are other concepts I get a lot of emails about. In trauma bonding the belief is that the relationship with an abuser is so intense that any separation is devastating to the victim, because they have become biologically and emotionally addicted to those intense feelings. After such an experience a normal relationship just pales in comparison, because it doesn’t present those highs and lows. Like any addict they become a slave to their addiction. Those inflicted develop a dependency on their abusers for their emotional fix.
When people think of Stockholm syndrome they think of the infamous story of Patty Hearst. She was a newspaper heiress and was kidnapped by members of the Symbionese Liberation Army. In her autobiography, she describes being blindfolded and kept in a small closet for days on end. She came to realize that if she started to agree with her captors and repeated their propaganda, that she got to spend time out of the closet. At first, she says, she was just humoring them, for a bit of freedom, but eventually she came to understand that when you keep repeating something over and over again, a subtle form of brainwashing occurs and she started to internalize and sympathize with their views.
The same type of argument can be made for those in abusive emotional relationships. In an effort to appease their abuser and ease the torment, women will often say what their partner wants to hear. They become accustomed to threats, insults and numerous attempts to erode their self-esteem and when one is berated with this type of abuse on a consistent basis, the psyche may come to see the abuser’s demeaning behavior as truth.
“Suffering is the result of feeling powerless.”
Taking Back Your Power
I have been hesitant to talk about trauma bonding and Stockholm syndrome because for me, it creates and enforces the victim mentality. Don’t get me wrong, all of the symptoms are all there, but fostering the belief that you are a victim, is not empowering.
The process of taking back your power begins when we stop looking at ourselves as victims. Only when we begin to own our part in the relationship, are we able to begin the process of breaking free from it.
In my own relationship I realized that I allowed this to happen to me – yes I was a victim and there were all sorts of extenuating circumstances that made me stay, but I was a willing accomplice. I could have left, but I didn’t – so I had to own my part.
Putting the onus on me, gave me a sense of freedom and control. No, I didn’t cause this, but by allowing it I was a coconspirator. If I could allow this, then I could also not allow this. This revelation was the beginning of my healing.
What I soon realized was that the idea of gaining empowerment means that the holder of power isn’t fixed or permanent – power changes hands all the time. And everyone has the God given right to hold the reigns of their own power.
Someone that holds your power isn’t going to give it back to you willingly. A lot of my anguish resided in the belief that I was powerless and needed/begged him to give it back to me, but power isn’t something that is given to you by another, it already belongs to you – you just have to reach out and take it.
By taking back your power, you start to regain control of your own life. Like your self-esteem, your personal power is precious and must be respected, cherished and protected.
Once I started to feel in control again, I got angry. I kept repeating the mantra from the 1976 film, Network, “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore.”
Taking back your power is simply a shifting of your mind set. When your attitude changes, your actions will reflect that, and you will begin to realize that the threats, taunts and insults of your abuser only have meaning – if you give them meaning.
“ Stop allowing anyone or anything to control, limit, repress, or discourage you from being your true self! Today is YOURS to shape – own it – break free from people and things that poison or dilute your spirit.” – Steve Maraboli, Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience
No one has the right to control or abuse another person. We were put on this earth to be free and in control of our own lives. When we see an injustice being done to someone else, we get incensed at the unfairness and will speak up in an attempt to right that wrong, but in our own relationships we are all too willing to allow injustices to go unpunished. Taking back your power is how you right the wrongs that were done to you.
Only you can liberate yourself. Only you are in control of you – no one else. You don’t need anyone else’s approval or permission, because no one can ever give you – what is already yours.
Your Comments!!!!!
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It has been six months since my ex tried to kill me. It took all this time to finally get angry. I was in the hospital and terrified for months. Then I was home and disassociating for a couple more months. I finally was able to move and block him and I finally feel angry instead of scared. It’s the first step in getting my power back.
Narcs try just about everything to try to get some power out of their victims, from intimidation, to bullying, to yelling and screaming and even to threatening or attempting suicide. Do not buy their acts, they are just empty shells of people who are too damaged to realize what they are actually doing and the impact of it. We can choose if we give power to anybody , when and how much. We can also take back our power, willingly and no longer accept to be intimidated by their bullying or threatening. Also, make sure that you are not trying to save the narc, because they are not savable by people. They are devils in disguise. No matter how much power and energy you give them, they don t change nor do they heal. its a waste of precious energy.
They like to play victim and wimper and complain and moan and groan about how life is so tough for them. But think about yourself and what you are putting yourself through.
It is truly a waste of time to help them because they will not change.
Only God can help them.
So my opinion is to take back all of your power, until that narc
appears as shrivelled as a potato skin and until you no longer fear them when you think about them. Until you feel in control of your own self.
until the the thought of the narc no longer scares you . Until imagining him beside you no longer makes you scared nor creeped out.
Please help!
I am trying to leave narcissistic husband of 20 years but have 13 and 11 year old children who want everything to stay same as Iv protected them from a lot so I don’t think they get how bad it really is- also sad to say they don’t know any different! How do I believe in myself enough to get out of this hell with my children I lack so much self belief at the moment.
Iv asked him to seperate but won’t (says it’s to damaging to children!) but I know it’s. because Iv worked hard to make a nice life and he doesn’t want to loose that. Hope someone can help. Thanks.
God took my power back. In a marriage ten yrs. Didn’t realize it was abusive or controlling. But when I gave my life to Christ. The Holy Spirit started shining light in the dark places. And with the help of the Holy Spirit I regained my power. I’m still married to my husband who has given his life to Christ. But when control comes into place I stand up to him say NO. Tell him to ask God for help with that problem. But I will not entertain that devilish spirit.
Good for you. Thank you for writing, very encouraging.
Just take back control.. have some self respect everyone, you deserve it.. you are important…. leave.. break away from the control freak whose insecurity controls your life… they dont deserve you,.. but You deserve respect. So respect yourself… right now.
I was in an emotionally abusive relationship for over a year and a half. Many people don’t understand why some of us put up with a narcissist in a relationship unless they have been through it themselves. They don’t always get that narcissists are charming, sweet, loving, etc. in the beginning and slowly turn manipulative and emotionally abusive. I think I stayed with my abuser for so long because I expected him to return to who he was in the beginning and he always told me it was my fault that he wasn’t like that anymore. He blamed me repeatedly for the way he treated me telling me that everything was “my fault” and that I deserved him ignoring me, not loving me, etc. This article was truly empowering since he has been recently trying to manipulate me and trying to come back into my positive life a year after the break up. It is truly difficult to leave a narcissist, I left the relationship feeling devastated, lonely, depressed, and ultimately not knowing who I was anymore after trying to please someone else for so long instead of myself. The breakup was tough, but a reliable support system is key! It’s nearly a year later and I feel more myself than I have ever been, loved this article and my love and support goes out to anyone suffering through this, you have the power to do what is best for YOU.
these articles describe my life with my husband it is scary. 33 years married to someone who blind sided me. He tells me he never loved me, I am unattractive, and that all men are polyamorous. He is in Cuba living out his fantasies with 22 year old girls (he is 59 years old) his brother who is 72 years old is there as well(married and has a son dying of cancer). Meanwhile he expects me to carry on that is take care of business at home. He has all the traits described for narcissim. These articles are quite helpful thank you.
My husband of 28 years did the same thing. Walked in and told me he wanted a divorce, totally out of the blue. He is seeing someone else, wants polyamorous relationships too. Going through divorce, he treats me like it is ALL my fault.
I enjoyed this article. How do you take your personal power back if you were harmed by your own therapist? Not a sexual or love affair, but a friendship that suddenly was dropped because you were an ex-client?
Savannah,you’ve got this unique talent to speak right to the heart of your readers. Which is so crucial cause we all know that knowing something doesn’t necessarily change the emotions we still feel in the aftermath. Your blog is helping me to get through the pain. Thank you!
excellent and so empowering! thanks Savannah-i also keep reminding myself that you really cant miss what you never had-your relationship with a narcissist was never real it was you just trying to mold it into what you wanted it to be. They put on a good act though and they make people fall for them but they dont ever change
Savannah, you are truly a god send. Keep writing these amazing articles to give us wings to fly. I am so thankful to my friend who shared your website with me. I want to give a testimony to all the readers out there… I read all your new articles last night and today I was able to say NO to a boomerang narcissist. They NEVER will change ladies. We have to change and be strong and resist their charm, charisma, and LIES! Yes, no matter how hard you want to believe their LIES, DON’T. They only want one thing. You all deserve better. Please continue to read Savannah’s articles and share them with all the women you know. God bless you!
I have read everything on your site and it’s reassuring yet sad knowing that others are and have experienced the immense pain I am feeling. It has been 2 weeks of no contact and when I am not in tears crying I am replaying the last nearly 3 years of the relationship. I look back and can’t believe how much of myself and power I relinquished. My moods, feelings, and happiness depended on his and doing my best to please him. I let myself be verbally abused, spit on, pushed, smacked and degraded and I took it. I had left others for much less but somehow kept taking, made excuses, and always blamed myself somehow because he did a great job convincing me of it. I keep checking his profiles and am hurting myself when I see a picture of a place that I went to with him and though there isn’t another person in it, I let my mind wander because he disabled the feature for comments to be made. It hurts me to my core. I spend my time trying to piece things together because he knows just what buttons to push and what will hurt me the most. I’m driving myself crazy because it’s like I’m going through withdrawal and I miss him and I feel alone. He wanted to spend all his time with me all the time and I needed some space. Now I feel alone and hurt because in my mind he has found someone better to spend all his time with and how wrong I was to pass it up. I don’t think I’ll ever feel for someone else what I feel for him. It’s literally making me sick-migraines, I’m getting pimples, and my hair is starting to fall out because I’m so very sad and stressed. I just want to pack up and move because everywhere I go I’m reminded of him. I feel like I’m lost in the shuffle and cannot get my mind off him.
I really like your posts and have done a lot to take back control after finding out my N was having simultaneous relationships with other girls from our work (for at least 4 months). I find it difficult to concentrate when he is at work because I’m so angry so I just ignore him. I am however required to work with him and was wondering if you have any tips on how to carry on professionally without ‘inviting’ your N back into your life. I’m petrified that he’ll take any conversation as an opening and I don’t want to do that.