For a codependent in a relationship, there comes that inevitable moment where you realize that you have done too much, cared too much and sacrificed too much time, energy, money and emotion. All of it, just to be loved and appreciated, but instead what you’re left feeling is disrespected, foolish, taken advantage of and used.
If enough time goes by you’ll minimize, make excuses and forget about these feelings, but for a brief moment, you’re sitting there wondering, “What the hell is wrong with me? Why am I giving so much and getting so little in return?” And those thoughts will make you damn angry.
Because you’re so used to being a pleaser those angry feelings will dissipate rather quickly, you’ll explain it away by saying, “I don’t hang on to anger for very long,” and you’ll be back to the same old pattern and the cycle will continue.
Those angry feelings come because we have an innate sense of right and wrong and injustice bothers all of us to our core and it is something that we cannot ignore even when it’s happening to lil’, ole, unworthy us. A big key to breaking this pattern is to hang on to that angry feeling when it comes. When most codependents talk about making the break from their narcissistic partners it’s during one of these angry episodes.
I always say that anger is the catalyst for change. It motivates action because it’s uncomfortable and when we’re uncomfortable that’s the time we will actually do something about it. The problem for most codependents is that we’ve been programmed to disconnect from our feelings, tuck them away and carry on as if nothing untoward has happened and that’s just what we do.
Those angry feelings need to become our gage that directs us to our self-care meter. We need to get real about when we are being disrespected and what it really means. We need to ask ourselves, “Am I being disrespected? Am I engaging in something that is harmful to my wellbeing?” And if the answers are yes then that’s where we need to stake our boundary, take a stand and take massive action.
The Emergence of Self-Respect
When those alarm bells go off pay attention. When an emotionally healthy person is feeling those feelings in relation to how they are being treated by their partner, it’s like a switch goes off and they start to look at their relationship through a different lens. It doesn’t necessarily mean they end it, but their behaviors following those feelings differ from those of codependents. They lack the fear of being alone, so they are fully capable of taking massive action – like sticking up for themselves, making plans to break and eventually walking away. When you are the recipient of disrespectful behavior be mindful of the following:
When the emotional alarm goes off – don’t hit the snooze button and go back to sleep: Get up and be prepared to do battle. Acknowledge that these feelings serve a purpose, that they are real and they are important. They are trying to tell you that change is necessary here. Pay attention.
Don’t disregard your feelings – feel your feelings: The coping mechanism learned by most codependents in childhood was to disconnect from their feelings, tuck them away and render them unimportant. This time don’t do that. Create a new coping mechanism that screams, “My feelings are important. This time I’m paying attention to them. This time I’m going to act on them,” and allow yourself to experience them. Sit with your feelings and let them flow through you. Allow them to be whatever they are. Examine them. Be mindful of how your mind tries to minimize bad behavior and also how it tries to diminish your right to react appropriately. Challenge these notions and don’t allow yourself to replay your old tapes of minimizing and accepting responsibility.
Repetition is key: Keep reminding yourself that you are going to think and behave differently. The subconscious mind learns through repetition so use post-it notes, ask friends to keep reminding you, leave yourself little reminders all over the place that the behavior has happened and how you initially felt about it, to keep you on track.
Be direct and don’t avoid conflict: Codependents love to keep the peace and smooth things over. Stop doing that. When you’re in a relationship with someone and they are ignoring you, cheating on you, or any other number of disrespectful behaviors – speak up. What they are doing is not ok and you have every right to express yourself. Remember if you have been conditioned to expect very little from someone – that’s a problem. If you’ve been trained not to react or rock the boat, then you need to react and rock that damn boat. You don’t have to get into a screaming match, but you need to learn how to say, “This is not ok. I’m done.” You teach people how to treat you and when you say nothing to disrespectful behavior, it’s the same as giving it a thumbs up.
Learn where to insert and enforce your boundaries: When it doesn’t feel good it’s very likely a boundary has been busted. Remember that negative behavior A always gets Consequence B. Consistency is key. It really is that simple.
Detach from the outcome: This is the most important action on this list. If you having boundaries makes them walk away – then let them walk away. If you speaking up for yourself makes them leave – hold the door for them. If you demanding to be treated with respect makes them flip out, blame you and threaten to leave the relationship – beat them to the punch and end it yourself. Don’t ever let a fear of being alone, fear of abandonment, or a need to please and be loved, make you abandon yourself. You are responsible for your self-care. Only you. Let your self-respect emerge by following these behaviors and never back down from doing right by you. Remember if someone is ok, or acts like they are just fine without you, then they are not for you.
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Image courtesy of imagerymajestics at freedigitalphotos.net
Go Packers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you. I needed to read this.
I discover your page since 2 hours and I’m reading your articles since then and my Saturday schedule is becaming different the planed ….. 😉
You write so clear and so to the point!
With all my almost daily work on myself to get rid of my childhood patterns which includes all the topics you mention here in your blog, I saw and read a lot and I can say you really have a ruge quality within the simplicity to say the things and you do know a lot through your mind and heart 😉
May the universe keep giving you the strengh to go on helping people to make the believed weakness in their strength.
Love ❤️
I just came across this site and I just want to comment that the words in this article have been what I have needed to hear for a very very long time. Thank you
I am ready this site everyday…start counselling today…loving a narc IS LIKE A DRUG ADDICTION…on and off the rollercoaster! I moved countries twive for mine…gave up my career and lost the love of my adult sons…now I am in recovery…and it hurst…everyday it hurts…
‘When the emotional alarm goes off – don’t hit the snooze button and go back to sleep’
This rings so true for me. I feel I have done this all my life when I could sense things were wrong but pushed aside those feelings. I am struggling because I can’t find the right balance between giving people the benefit of the doubt versus rationalizing/ignoring problematic behavior (as you said hitting the snooze button). Any help there?
I agree Libby. I’m in the same predicament. I always doubt my judgement especially when dealing with aggressive, bossy people at work. Well really anybody that reminds me of my mother!! Help would be great
Create a new mechanism that screams “My feelings are important!” For me that new mechanism is the loneliness itself. I use it to feel my REAL feelings, not the ones that I have when I think its ok. But now I stay with my feelings and listen. I have tried picturing these feelings as a little girl who is just tired and lonely and scared and needs something from me. So often that really works. I spent a whole weekend alone recently in a really down place but I didn’t go out, buy alcohol, call one of my questionable male friends, or do other self-sabotage. It has been 3 years since I ended things with my narcissist live-in lover and I can’t believe how much I’ve changed. At first I was seeing narcs everywhere (I called it my vampire glasses) because they ARE everywhere. Then I got better at not being their victim and avoiding them. Now I actually have tools for dealing with them and all that’s left in my life is good people! I am in my fifties and it is so nice to finally be drama and trauma-free.
I stood up to my sNARKy mother yesterday. She made a comment that was totally inappropriate and trying to put me in my place in front of my kids, and I made her repeat what she said, then looked at her and said “I learned it from you.” My adult kid stood there nodding yes in agreement with me
Thankyou for an article that hits home. not only does it apply to my “love” life it also applies to my sibling who, as I am beginning to realize and see clearly, is also a narcissistic bully, who I chose to walk away from for my own self-care. I don’t deserve to be treated badly by either of these individuals and I am not giving any of myself anymore. this article just solidified my thoughts and I thank you for it.
Thanks Savannah,
Really needed to read this one today.
My ex still turns up every 2 weeks. The problem with me is I can’t stop thinking her 24/7. And she blocks me, isn’t it supposed to be me blocking her??
There is an issue with her mental health at the moment and I could feel it in my gut something was wrong and hospital was involved…Been through it so many times when we were together.
Anyway, I was right the mental health team called me today because all the paperwork for her has me as her next of kin. They have been trying to contact her and I explained who I was, but I would try to get her to call them.
But she blocks me for 2 weeks while she is with this new thing she has, so I’ve tried emailing her, she is not at work because one of her colleagues called me last night to see if I new anything, and she also ran into her at the shops.
I don’t know what to do, I just don’t know how to walk away.
However, I will read and re-read this article. I did like the line about don’t abandon yourself.
I have been dealing with for awhile now. He’s been in and out for the last two years. I have noticed that every time I have talked to him he has said something to me that hurt me. And I took it. The fear of being alone is exactly right. But he is going to be gone now for about 2 to 3 yrs. I was with him about a month ago and I had a chat with him a couple weeks ago. He said something that really got me and ever since then I have been thinking. I have not been in contact with him. I have thought about it but I haven’t. But I think about it and I’m alone anyway. I hurts like hell and I’m scared. But I have got to get on with me. My health has deteriorated and it time to work on me. I figure I won’t be able to see him for a long time, it’s my time. I need to work on things and this site is great. I have learned so much from here I need to put it to use. God Bless
“Don’t ever let a fear of being alone, fear of abandonment, or a need to please and be loved, make you abandon yourself.” — This is THE key insight for me. In the past, what made me accept behavior that was not acceptable, what made me ok with getting “crumbs” instead of the whole slice of cake I deserved, was the fear that if I spoke up I would be left alone. For many years I did even realize this was the mechanism that drove me — I rationalized and thought I was just “nice” and “non confrontational.” But no, really I was afraid. Until I came to grips with that (helped along by the narcissist in my life, who made me ask myself why I was accepting such bad treatment), and until I did some in-depth work on it (yup, all those long sessions with a therapist talking about the neglect and hurt from my youngest days), I made zero headway. But once I got a handle on that terror of being alone, I could start to take good advice like yours Savannah. The behaviors you describe now work for me. But I could not practice self respect until I understood why I was so afraid of the consequences of speaking out. Other people may be different; they probably are! But for me this was there big step forward.
Hurtin’ Cowboy
This is so spot on.. As a matter of fact, I told my partner last night that “I am now angry”.. It doesn’t hurt anymore it just pisses me off.. Apparently this exactly where I should be.. Great article.. Thanks
The last sentence of your article speaks such truth put simply, without overthinking anything. I wish I heard that before all these times when I have been told that “he does not need me because remember: he has options”. Thank you Savannah.
This May will be 3 years since i left. Last November was 2 years no contact. I tried the friends route and had disasterous results. This list is a keeper. I’m in my fifties so life is getting Shorter and it’s hard maintaining a house on your own. But I’m no where near ready to date. Fortunately I’m a little lonely but i have no desire for a man right now. I’m working on my health, physical and mental. I’m not in the habit of taking care of me, so I’m working on that. Trying to get back to my art too and trying to learn to relax and not worry so much.
And passing on to my 2 daughters what i have learned so they don’t find themselves in same place
I hope all goes well for you and you heal from this!
Thank you! That was perfect and right on time this morning.
Wow! I absolutely needed to read this. I am working on this. Thank you Savannah!
Thank you for putting all of this together for everyone. Wish I had found this site ages ago before I left my N. I thought we could be friends(no hate)but he’s back playing all the games you have written about. I just want to say thank you for opening my eyes.
Fabulous…. Wise words and a very timely reminder for me this morning. Thank you.