Hey Gang!!!
Savannah here, many months ago I got an urgent email from a reader, who desperately needed to talk to someone. It was late at night and she was severely distraught. She had been used and abused by someone she loved deeply and was having a really hard time dealing with it. He went through all of her resources. He isolated her from her loved ones, he would disappear for days and weeks on end. But worse, he always made her feel like she was worthless. She was trapped in a cycle of abuse. She didn’t know what to do, or where to turn.
She lived quite a distance away from me, on-a-different-continent, kind of far away, so I suggested we Skype. Skype-ing with readers was something I had never done, but I was so moved by her plea, I felt compelled to do something to try and help her.
After our initial dialogue, we began to talk once a week and little by little I watched her transform from a frightened codependent, into an amazing and confident, self-love warrior. A few weeks after I began this journey with her, I got an email from another reader requesting the same thing. A week after that I got another email…you see where this is going???
By the type of feedback I was getting, I began to realize that there was a real need for this kind of service and it was an opportunity to do some real good. From working with people over the last year I have created a one-on-one program that helps individuals get over their emotional hurdles and lead the lives they were meant to lead without all the
emotional baggage they’ve been carrying. I deal with issues such as:
> How to cope with and overcome the pain and trauma of a break up with
a Narcissist
> How to deal with a Narcissist-disengaging, getting over and moving on
> Healing childhood issues and trauma that has lead you to have
relationships with dysfunctional people
> Codependency
> Learning boundaries, how to protect yourself and communicate properly
> Building you back up – building self-esteem and self-confidence
> Gaining control over your thoughts and emotions
> Becoming a self-love warrior
> Mastering the Success Principles
> Any issue that you would like to address
I’ve been doing this for awhile now. I’ve met some pretty amazing people and I’ve developed, through my own personal experiences, from research and from the thousands of personal interactions with people, what I think is the best way to overcome an addiction to a Narcissist, conquer codependency and becoming the best you, you can possibly be.
Please keep in mind that while I do have a degree in Psychology, I am not a doctor. What I do have is decades of experience dealing with these types. I’ve researched hundreds of books and research material on the subject of Narcissism and Codependency,I’ve written for several magazines, I’ve been interviewed on radio and I founded [http://www.esteemology.com,which]www.esteemology.com,which is visited by over 200,000 people every month. I’ve written over 150 articles on the subject and I’ve found a path to healing and self-love that I know works.
If you’re fed up with the abuse, tired of being mistreated and always feeling not good enough, then Skype with Savannah and learn how to become a Self-Love Warrior.
Click here for more details:
In one word “Empowering.” Savannah has helped me to come into my own. She guided me back on my journey to my authentic self. I knew what changes I needed to make, but wasn’t sure how to move forward, to get to where I wanted to be. I found my sessions with Savannah invaluable, as it helped me understand how I was reacting to situations and dealing with them and what I needed to change and work on to be more effective. More importantly I gained insight as to the cause. Savannah is helping me
understand the driving forces of my behaviour. Why do we do what we do? Believe what we believe? Make the choices we make? Why are we attracted to this particular person and not another? What are the influences? Savannah has been instrumental in helping me with strategies and new ways of thinking to overcome such beliefs and move forward. Savannah
you are an amazing woman. I am truly grateful for all you have taught me and your support. I am delighted I found you.
Mara, Sydney, Australia
* * *
Savannah has saved me. I felt like I was drowning. I couldn’t get out of my living situation with my Narcissistic husband and my children and I were suffering. Savannah taught me how to think properly, how to control my thoughts and my emotions and how to take control of my life. Step
by step she helped wean me off of this emotional vampire. I stopped looking to him to validate me and started to look to myself. As I got stronger my children got stronger. We now have our own place and we couldn’t be happier. I feel so free and so at peace. Now my focus is on me and my children. I owe it all to you Savannah. God has a special place for you in heaven. Thank you just doesn’t seem enough to express my gratitude. I am now part of the Self-Love Warrior Nation.
Megan, Virginia,USA
If you need to talk, make an appointment today by clicking on the link below and Skype with Savannah.
Hello, I loved your article, especially the codependency portion. How much are your Skype sessions, please? I’m going to post your article on Fairytale Shadows Narc Abuse Recovery Facebook page.
Yours sincerely,
Hi Savannah firstly many thanks for posting these insights as they are useful. My issue at the moment if being stuck in an area of employment which is exhausting and to be honest 8/10 days I hate and dread going in. I’m in my late 40s but have to be wholly independent financially and I feel utterly trapped. I cannot think, despite years of research where else I can work so I can’t formulate a plan. What would you suggest as I feel I have wasted years being miserable and resenting my loss of freedom. Thank you
Button I too was at a job I absolutely hated. I had panic attacks every morning and dreaded going to sleep at night knowing what was to come. I too needed the money and felt like I couldn’t leave. I have learned that those feelings I was having were a very clear sign that I wasn’t where I was supposed to be and the universe does what it always does it gives you the carrot method or the stick method. I didn’t follow the carrots and I got the stick. I would advise you to devote your time and energy into thinking and finding a way out. Learn to trust your feelings and more importantly learn how to act on them.
Button! You are not alone. I feel the same way too. I always tell myself that I just need to save and I will be fully in business.. that I keep telling to myself for years! There’s something holding me back and that’s fear – fear that I can’t make it. Oprah, Marie Forleo and other women reminds me everyday that I have to start living with my purpose and the things that I supposed to be doing.
So, once again, your message is spot on and couldn’t come at a better time.
I am suffering deeply from the pains of codependency. My efforts to heal never stick. I inevitably fall back into old patterns. Recently, I really got how deep the roots of codependency are in my family, literally going back generations. So, being a gardener, I can’t help applying the concept of roots to the issue. It seems that all of the approaches to codependency involve treating the behaviors. Let’s call them the leaves. So, one of the huge realizations I have made about improving my physical health during times of illness and crisis is that the mainstream western approach deals with the symptoms or behaviors, too. Whereas, the naturopathic approach is to get at the root cause of a problem. My success in resolving health problems using the naturopathic approach has been vastly better.
I need to really understand why I am the way I am. I need to understand how I learned to be this way. I need to understand why I don’t change when I know I should. What is he neurology? How was I hard wired to be this way? What is th payoff? What is he cost? What is the potential payoff for changing? I want behavioral examples of the before and after. I need to understand the mechanical trips to changing my behavior. I need to see that my failure to change easily is not my fault. I need to understand the hand in glove rut I am stuck in with my narcissistic/Aspergian husband. I think if my mother had left my dad it could have helped me to heal, too. I hate them both. I want to be free of the self hate and hatred of others that goes along its this “syndrome.” I want to be free to live mylife to my highest potential without this ridiculously heavy load of baggage I can’t seem to ditch no matter how hard I try and no matter how hard I beat myself up for failing.
B we talk a lot on this site about the root causes of Codependency. This particular article deals with the behaviors because I’ve already beaten the death out of the root causes in previous posts.
This website so good. So many things I needed to hear. So much healing needs to be done. I am codependent. Not just emotions and physical contact. But cannabis too. But got to the stage where nothing takes the pain away. So stopped that as well as leaving NARC. If I’m going to ferl pain have it all
I am a HSP and my mom and brother are narcisists. I married a narcissist and after 16 years we divorced. I was desperate for love and went on a 10 yr literal hell alone as my family wouldnt speak to me due to the lies my husband told them…very long story and yes i need so badly to share it but my thumb is already tired. ive ran out of room to contine so ill close with this; i am never going to survive unless i find someone who can help me cope. im living a caregivers life now and just lost my dad and cant go on this way with my mom. shes chipped away my spirit and im a shell now. cant talk to her. want to make it stop no matter what it takes. im losing my mind and overwhelmed with pent-up frustration and emotions. i struggle to make it thru each day. please tell me how i may reach you other than skype and what is your fee. sincerely, Sue icidal
Hi Sue: At present all I do is Skype it’s easy, it’s free. It’s just like a phone call through your computer or phone. All you have to do is download it. Click on the link Skype with Savannah it will give you all the details.