I felt stuck and uncomfortable for much of my life and as much as I tried, I couldn’t figure out a way to get unstuck. In many ways the tragic events that happened on the day my mother was killed seem to have been prophetic. It was a culmination of all of my angst that had built up inside of me. The events surrounding her death and the end of my long-term relationship, was analogous to a purging – an explosion of everything that ailed me.
The experience left me feeling alone, terrified and naked in the darkness, but as I look back now, I’ve come to view these events as something quite profound – a turning point in my life. I knew that my life wasn’t working. I knew I was miserably unhappy. My beliefs, my thoughts and the people in my life were suffocating me. I was not me, just a zombie-like version of who I really was.
Living the way I had been became so unbearable that I had no choice, but to change, because staying where I was was too painful, yet I lacked the courage to do anything about it. So the Universe did what it does to those who are living unauthentic lives – it pushed me from the nest and watched as I hurdled towards the ground and my imminent demise.
As I was flailing and trying to get my wings, I came across a number of truths that I hadn’t yet learned. I stumbled upon lessons that I never would have gotten had I stayed where I was.
The first Lesson I received was:
I Am In Control of my Life: No one else just me. I am responsible for every choice I’ve made, every decision, every thought, every action, every behavior, every move – all of it, whether good or bad, it’s all on me, no one else. It doesn’t matter what happened in my childhood, who did what to whom. I’m an adult and all the problems and baggage that I’ve been carrying are mine now and I can choose to continue carrying them, or I can choose to get rid of them. I can do the work, I can fix and change what wasn’t working and I can learn newer, healthier behaviors. I can be the person I’ve always wanted to be. It’s all up to me.
I couldn’t go backwards that was no longer an option. That chapter was closed and coming to the realization that the rest of my life was up to me was very scary, yet very empowering. I wanted my new life to be done right. The direction of my ship was all up to me. I was going to take the staring roll in my own life. That realization that I controlled my destiny, which seems so obvious now, was a startling revelation to me.
Everything Changes When You Love Yourself: I battled and battled the ‘I’m Not Good Enough Monster’ my entire life. I finally found a way to defeat him and I watched as it took it’s last breath. I came to understand that my value doesn’t change based on someone else’s ability to see it. I determine my worth – no one else but me. The people who should have loved me and concerned themselves with my emotional development didn’t and instead sent me the wrong message – that doesn’t mean that I have to continue giving myself their message. I am good enough because I exist. Being good enough is my birthright. I was born good enough and anyone who thinks to treat me like I’m not a person of value isn’t going to like what happens.
When I started to see myself as a person of value, my entire perspective changed. I no longer wanted to be self-destructive or unkind to myself. I wanted to treat myself with all the love and compassion that I so eagerly relished on other people. I didn’t want to eat bad foods, I wanted to exercise. I wanted to be happy and have fun. I stopped doing and seeking out things and people that would hurt me, instead I looked for things that made me feel good and were good for me. I learned how to protect myself and I took great precautions into who I would let into my life and the kinds of things I would permit myself to do. The attitude of self-love is contagious – when other people pick up on the vibe that, you know you are a person of value – they will treat you as a person of value.
I Don’t Need Anyone’s Permission: I don’t need anyone’s permission, I don’t need anyone’s approval, I don’t need anyone to validate me, or my endeavors, I don’t need anyone to agree with me, or cheer me on.
This was a tough one for me. I always believed that success was this unknown commodity that was given to you from other people. When I was a teenager I played guitar in a Rock Band. I was terrible. A year later, I tried to be a model, a year after that, I tried to be an actress. I hit a road block at every turn, because no one saw anything in me that was special. I wasn’t ‘discovered,’ which must mean that I didn’t have ‘it.’ As a young, immature person, with no self-esteem, I accepted it and I didn’t challenge that assumption.
I think when you have the first two life lessons down, you really stop caring what other people think of you. You stop being afraid of the opinions of others. Putting yourself out there isn’t easy, ask any actress in the world what it feels like to have her appearance constantly judged. But there comes a point where you just decide that, I’m going to do what my heart tells me to do and damn anyone that stands in the way of that.
I had a friend that desperately wanted to go back to school. Her friends told her it wasn’t a good idea, think of her kids and how busy her life was. Her mother questioned how she could afford such a move and her husband wasn’t all that keen on the idea. She had all of this negativity coming at her and yet she still felt this pull to do what her heart demanded. I told her, “Where there’s a will there’s a way. You don’t need anyone’s permission. You don’t need everyone thinking this is the greatest idea since sliced bread. You don’t. All you have to do is figure out what needs to get done in your life to make this happen, money, time, attention….and figure out how to compensate.” And she did and she is on her way towards getting her Master’s degree. Granted when you have dependents they have to be a consideration, but my friend was looking outwards for approval and very nearly didn’t pursue a dream she had always wanted to, because other people were telling her no. A good General will always listen to the voices of his Lieutenants, but in the end, the decision belongs to him.
It’s Not What Happens To You It’s How You Deal With It: Everyone, bar none, has setbacks and failures. The difference between those that fail and those that succeed, are those that succeed, try and they keep on trying.
I work for a big company that just seems to keep expanding and expanding. There is a lot of opportunity for growth and promotion and it’s interesting to watch how the factions go about securing their advancement.
I have watched people get looked over for promotion and they all behave in one of 3 ways. They will either, quit, get bitter and jaded, start complaining a lot and stop working so hard, or they will continue to work hard and look forward to the next chance for advancement.
Bad stuff is always going to happen, the key is to always keep battling. Always stay focused on the big picture and don’t let your emotions, or your ego, get in the way of your own success.
The Power of Intention, Positivity and Gratitude Is Real and Always at Work in our Lives: To demonstrate this I’d like to use an example of Intention that’s negative: I had been driving for a long time prior to my accident that killed my mother and I hadn’t had so much as a scraped bumper. I considered myself a very confident driver and never gave it much thought.
After the accident I was diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. I would relive the events of the accident constantly. I couldn’t drive and when other’s would drive past a transport truck I would start to panic, my heart rate would soar, I’d have trouble breathing and I would feel so much anxiety – it was awful. When I went to sleep at night it was worse. All I kept thinking about was crashing into cars. These visions were with me all day, everyday, keeping me fearful and anxious.
One day my brother said, “Sav, you’ve got to get back in the saddle again. You have to start driving. You can’t depend on everyone driving you all the time.” I knew he was right so I started driving again. The visions of me crashing were still with me, this time I would have them while I was driving. I would try to shut them out, but I hadn’t yet learned how to control that inner voice. And within 3 months, you guessed it, I hydroplaned on some ice and smacked right into someone. After never being in an accident in my whole life, I now had been in two within a couple of months. The first one wasn’t my fault, the second?? Some might argue it was an accident I would say, with all my focus, attention, visualizations and all of the fear and anxiety I was pouring into it, that I had manifested it.
So I know from personal experience that manifesting can and does happen. It’s all about what we put our focus and attention on and how much emotion we give it. It doesn’t matter if it’s positive or negative, all that matters is where we allow our mind to go and how we feel about it.
When we desire something positive we have to keep the same level of intensity and we have to keep feeding it positive emotions. The key is consistency. Fear doesn’t come and go like some other emotions. It’s intense and it’s always with you until you conquer it – so you have to create that same level of feeling, except with positive emotions. Love is stronger than fear. It’s spooky how true this stuff is.
I believe that the Universe tossed me out of the nest, because it knew I had to learn these life lessons and that I would never have done so, had I stayed where I was. It also knew that I was capable of handling the journey and that I would find a way to pass on what I have learned.
Throwing me out of the nest taught me how to fly. My destination is entirely up to me.
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So true! Believe, in yourself and in positive thoughts.
Hi, I find all your articles very accurate and your advice if life changing 🙂
Love it
It is amazing how fear can hold all of us back from being the ultimate version of ourselves and how easy it is to make excuses for not doing/trying/starting something. I just hung out with two longtime friends that I haven’t seen in a while, and here’s some of the things we said in our conversation:
*One friend recommended that I upgrade my current gym to a fancier one that he visited in town and hire a personal trainer for a few sessions in order for me to achieve my fitness goals (because we talked about that). I can afford it, but once he told me the name of the gym, I said: “But I have to lose more weight first before I go exercise there. That’s where all the ‘beautiful people’ work out.”
*The other friend has long had a dream to open a restaurant. He lamented not opening the restaurant 10 years ago, when he had the money and time to do so, before the cuisine he’d like to serve became trendy. I asked him why he didn’t do it, and he said because he didn’t know enough people/wasn’t connected enough in the city he was living in at the time.
*The other friend mentioned how his older sister is in her 30s and is still living at home with their parents, and that he is worried that she’ll never be on her own. His sister sadly truly does not believe that she can live on her own and has made no attempt to move out (and obviously the parents condone this behavior, too.
See how easy it is to be self-defeating? This can even happen to highly confident people (my friend who dreams of owning the restaurant has another successful endeavor and is a very confident man). But fear stopped him from taking the steps to achieve his dreams.
Same goes for me. I gotta stop the self-sabotaging self talk!
Thanks NarcRepellant for the additional comments about the negative self-talk. I just realized how much I am doing it in the farming aspect of my life. I have been telling myself that I can’t pull off the high quality sheep farming while working away from home (which I am doing for additional income now that I am divorced.) Hence, it has become a self-fulfilled prophesy in getting into complications with the sheep. Yes, the rainy weather was a factor, but the biggest factor was my not being positive and doing the husbandry ON TIME–because “I had to do it all by myself and my back was sore and I was tired from work.” Positive talk now. I CAN and I WILL do it. I can plan and follow my plan and put it as a priority and I will do it. My daughter has told me that I am being pessimistic. Me, a pessimist? Isn’t that what I accused my mother of being? But she was right. Positive talk. Reach for the stars; if I don’t make it at least I’ll be farther than I am now.
I was also thrown out of the nest at a very young age. I found my self esteem and told myself that no matter whether I was loved at home or not, I was a great person. It worked until I met my husband who despite being a lovely kind man, his lack of affection and engagement made me question myself again. I decided after 15 years that I would go back to the girl who had self worth and I did. I lost weight, ate healthy and started to treat myself because I WAS WORTHY.
I’ve since started focusing on that self worth and manifested amazing changes into my life. I’m attracting so much love from so many sources. Most of us want to be loved and want someone to love. It’s all kinds of love not just romantic love.
We do indeed manifest our lives. This stuff is real. I’ve witnessed it. It’s those wonderful people on your blog that could do most with this information. Everyone reading this, focus on love, focus on everything that makes your heart sing even during your toughest battles and then sit back and watch the magic unfold. Again this stuff is real and I want you all to experience it.
You write magnetically. I love reading every word.
LOVE LOVE LOVE this post. Thank you. <3
I enjoyed re-reading your blog now that I am rested. Two things have been key to me recently; First, it is the accepting that the past happened and there is no damn thing to do to change it, and the second is that I can love myself all the love and comforting and understanding that I missed in my childhood. I don’t depend upon anyone for that. It was that paradigm shift that allowed me to stop stuffing my face when I felt lonely or sad. I mean, it takes no willpower when I am in this space; I love and comfort myself and I have no urge to stuff my face in search of love and understanding.
A couple of months ago I had such a vivid dream of being driven away and in the end I stopped and walked back and comforted the children. Comforted the children. That was what I needed, and now as an adult I went back and comforted my child within and comfort myself in my waking life. I nurture myself and take care of myself and no longer am driven for my “need for love.” I love myself, which ultimately I am certain is what every healthy person must come to.
And a very interesting effect I have noticed is in my work. In the past my entire life I remained aloof, with the belief that I was a bit better than everyone else. Something has changed in me that I now feel community with others, especially notable in my co-workers, and I feel the response in the openness on their part–their being able to laugh with me, to joke with me, to accept me–because I accept myself and laugh at myself; I accept that I am not perfect, and this is so ironic. I had believed to my core on one hand that I was not good enough, and yet on the other hand also believed at a different level that I was better than everyone else. Now I can say, “This is me.” It is so different. I don’t have to pretend or to put on an act or worry whether I am “good enough.” I am me. I and everyone else are good enough. We are just different people taking different paths and the diversity is wonderful. This view also helps me tremendously in my relationship with my teenage daughter.
And notice that I wrote the whole response without reference to the narcissist that was in my life. My self-love has freed me from the power he once held over me. It is gone. (And if I think, as someone suggested, that the dead monster shudders again, it is not the narcissist that is shuddering, it is the “I’m not good enough monster” and I can realize that and give it another kick for good measure and move on and focus on my self-love.
The world is wide open to me. Thank you for your blog, Savannah.
I am on my journey too. Having hit bottom was the BEST thing that happened to me. Now I am living the life I want to. Worry less about what people think… this after all my life saying “I didn’t care what people thought”. But I lived as though they did matter. I too went back to school years ago when I was married to a very sick person and had a young daughter. I perservered though. I have encouraged others to go back to school, to do what they want to.. When I was in my Master’s program we had to write our own mission statement. Mine is “to educate, inspire and motivate others in achieving their dreams”. All my life I wanted to be a teacher. In high school, my counselor said there were no full-time jobs. So I went into the medical field-first in Respiratory Therapy and then went back for nursing. Next month, I will begin teaching in a nursing program for LPN’s. If you keep your sights on your vision, you will get there. Maybe not today but eventually! At this point in time, having been separated from a Narc for almost 10 years and having been dumped by the latest one at the end of December, I am living the life I want. I would someday like to find a man to share my life, but I am not sure that will happen and Im ok with that.Thank you so much for your practical and uplifting blogs Savannah!
Thanks!!! Reading The Dance of the Wounded Souls has definitely pushed me so much closer to where you are. Love your post. I am going to re-read it after I get a bit of sleep, as I just got home from work, and I am looking forward to going over it and responding to it when I am rested. Just had to say Thanks already.
I am so pleased you are getting a lot out of Dance of the Wounded Soul – it was a game changer for me.
I look forward to every Monday reading your inspirational messages..I really liked this one..The Universe “kicked me out of my nest” last year and I went through every emotion possible..I’m now realizing everything you have said…and it’s getting me through..last year I wanted to go to school and I told a few people..and they were very negative about it..I didn’t even want to go after that..but my heart kept telling me to go..I went in December of last year and registered regardless.. And started classes in January.. I passed all my classes with A’s..despite all the negative talk..I go back in the fall and I’m going to continue to do good and get my degree..Thank you Savannah for being uplifting for people like us in our time of need..your words of encouragement really helps:)
Beautiful! Authentic! Love it~ Thank you for sharing as you journey. I love the entire article- as we face what we fear most, we conquer it. I most love the visual of the “I’m not good enough enough monster” taking its last breath. Sometimes, when we are triggered, we have to kick it again! 🙂 thanks for your work!
Dead on! Realizing you are in charge? KEY! As simple as that concept is, it’s hard to grasp depending upon your upbringing. Thank God for blocking features. I have an iPhone. The blocked messages appear under deleted messages. I seen I had a bunch of messages; all from the narc. When you hear the cursing out messages……then to the pleading messages? He sounds bat shit crazy…which reminds me of what I’ve been dealing with; which also reminded me, I don’t have to deal with it, never did, if I stay on this self loving path, never will. This blog has done so much for me and I’m forever grateful.
Thank you